





UGM, UNUD, and MFRI Collaborate on Astungkara Giri Agung Aman (AGAA) Project: Supporting Joint Learning and Sharing Experiences in Understanding Disaster Risks

Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, representing the Astungkara Giri Agung Aman Project as a Geophysics lecturer at UGM, succinctly presented the project’s activities up to 2024

The Geophysics FMIPA UGM collaborated with the Faculty of Tourism and the Faculty of Engineering of Udayana University (UNUD), along with the Mount Fuji Research Institute (MFRI) to organize a workshop and focus group discussion (FGD) as the annual flagship activity of the AGAA Project. The AGAA Project aims to enhance disaster preparedness on the slopes of volcanoes in Indonesia. The workshop and FGD activities occurred at the Lereng Agung Restaurant, Besakih Village, Menanga District, Karangasem Regency, Bali on Saturday Feb 3rd 2024.

“This activity is expected to provide a platform for mutual learning from the experiences of speakers in disaster mitigation strategies, particularly volcanic eruptions,” said Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, the head of the AGAA project and a lecturer in Geophysics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. The speakers included representatives from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Java (Mount Kelud and Semeru), North Sumatra (Mount Sinabung), West Sumatra (Mount Marapi), the Coordinator of the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum in Yogyakarta Special Region, and the Fujiyoshida City BPBD in Japan. Each speaker shared experiences from their respective regions in handling volcanic eruption crises and the contingency plans held by each area. This workshop and FGD are part of the AGAA Project funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through a grassroots project scheme. The AGAA Project aims to build disaster-resilient communities by empowering local universities. This workshop and FGD represent the culmination of Year 2 activities in the AGAA project. Attendees this Saturday included the Karangasem Regency BPBD, local disaster mitigation enthusiasts grouped in the Karangasem Regency Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, and the headmasters of public elementary schools in Karangasem Regency. By participating in this event, the local community of Karangasem can directly learn from other volcano slope communities in Indonesia. Furthermore, the lessons learned from this one-day workshop and FGD can serve as a guideline for the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (PRB) in the Karangasem Regency in preparing for future eruptions of Mount Agung.

Dr. Ade Anggraini, a geophysics expert and lecturer at UGM, led a focus group discussion on the Development of Local Platforms in building community preparedness on the slopes of Indonesian volcanoes

The demonstration of volcanic disaster mitigation teaching aids, created by MFRI Japan and the geophysics laboratory at UGM, was conducted by elementary school principals on the slopes of Mount Agung alongside MFRI staff


During this occasion, a simple experiment was demonstrated on the mechanism of volcanic eruption using basic teaching aids. The experiment was facilitated by staff from MFRI Japan and demonstrated by the school headmasters who had previously undergone training sessions from the AGAA Project in 2023 and 2024. The same teaching aids were also distributed to the Karangasem PRB Forum. They will be used as educational tools for the community to understand the mechanisms of volcanic eruptions in a simple yet scientifically accurate manner. Thus, it is hoped that the disaster mitigation learning of the Karangasem community regarding volcanic eruptions will continue and endure after the conclusion of the AGAA Project in 2025 in line with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This activity aligns with SDG point 11 under pillar 5 on Sustainable Cities and Communities, particularly in reducing the adverse impacts of natural disasters. Point 11, pillar 5, relates to reducing the risk index, disaster prevention, preparedness, and post-disaster mitigation.

Keywords: geophysics, disaster mitigation, volcano

Author: Fayza Indhira

Photos:  AGAA Project

Editor: Dr.rer.nat. Ade Anggarini, S.Si., M.Si.
