






Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency: Enhancing Human Resources in the Field of Science and Technology

Dr. Wiwit presented research publications to BMKG (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM received a visit from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024 at Merapi Room, Department of Geophysics, FMIPA UGM. This visit aims to strengthen collaboration to boost the number of human resources in the fields of science and technology through Physics postgraduate programs.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, welcomed the presence and reinforcement of the collaboration. “The key to the success of an institution lies in the quality of its human resources. Even though the equipment and technology are complete, inadequate human resources can be risky,” said Prof. Kuwat.

Engagement dialogue between FMIPA UGM and BMKG (Photo: Hero)

In this regard, Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer in Geophysics at FMIPA UGM, presented the types of study programs that BMKG employees can participate in, such as regular and research tracks. Furthermore, an introduction to learning facilities and support programs such as laboratories, field activities, and soft skills training was provided.

“Our graduates will not only be competent technically and scientifically but also in non-technical areas such as communication and work management. We also encourage students to commit to producing publications such as journals,” said Dr. Wiwit.

Nina Amelia Sasmita, M.Si., the Head of the Domestic Education Team at BMKG, expressed the purpose of the visit.

“We have many competent employees who are ready to pursue further education. Therefore, we need a learning program system that can accommodate our employees by dividing their time between studying and working. Additionally, we provide scholarships for our employees to complete their studies,” said Nina.

A photo session as a closing meeting (Photo: Hero)

From the agenda of the visit, FMIPA UGM also supports SDGs points 4 and 7 regarding quality education and innovation by encouraging the number of researchers in the fields of science and technology in postgraduate programs. Furthermore, FMIPA UGM welcomes government agencies in partnerships to achieve the goal of increasing the number of researchers by SDGs point 17.


Keywords: scholarship, BMKG, physics, science, research, innovation

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery Innovation: Geophysics FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation PHE Research Collaboration Is Ready for Field Deployment

Geophysics UGM and Upstream Innovation PHE conducted initial field testing in 2023 (Photo: UGM Geophysics Research Team).

The collaboration between Geophysics FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation PHE in its third year through Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery innovation is poised to enter the field. This effort is aimed at supporting the government’s program to increase oil production targets by 1 million barrels by 2030 in Indonesia. The UGM Geophysics Research Team, along with Upstream Innovation PHE, actively contributes to achieving this goal.

“Through this research collaboration, our (FMIPA UGM) hope is to support the government’s target of 1 million barrels of oil production,” said Prof. Kuwat Triyana, Dean of FMIPA UGM, during the “Kickoff Meeting for the Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery Collaboration Study in 2024” held via online meeting on Monday, Jan 12th, 2024.

In 2023, initial field testing was conducted to assess the performance of the Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery equipment. By continually improving the quality of this equipment, the UGM Geophysics Research Team and Upstream Innovation PHE are confident that they are ready to enter the field for broader oil production in 2024.

“We appreciate the trust placed in us over the past few years. We continue to strive in the development of this Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery equipment to support the 1 million barrel production target in Indonesia,” said Dr. Afif Rakhman, head of the UGM Geophysics Research Team.

Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery is one of the supportive methods in oil exploitation by injecting high-powered direct current (DC) into reservoirs to enhance production. By installing anodes and cathodes at specific distances and configurations, the electric current can alter the physical properties of the rocks it passes through, facilitating the movement of oil beneath the earth’s surface. The equipment developed by this team also features remote control capabilities through the internet network.

“This developed technology is easily implementable due to its relatively simple installation process and online operation, making it more effective and efficient in terms of time and cost,” said Metrik Pradana, initiator of the Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery research from Upstream Innovation PHE.

The technological innovation built through collaboration between institutions and industry partners is an effort to support government programs, particularly in contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research collaboration reflects point 9 – Infrastructure, Industry, and Innovation, through innovation in meeting the country’s energy needs, as well as point 17 – Partnerships to Achieve Goals, through collaborative efforts to meet the goal of national oil requirements production.

Keywords: Geophysics, Pertamina, PHE, oil, Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery

Author: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Photo: UGM Geophysics Research Team.

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Visit of Prof. Xiao Yongshun from National Tsinghua University to the Department of Physics FMIPA UGM: Prospects for Research and Academic Collaboration

Professor Gede Bayu Suparta presented research at the Image Physics Laboratory to Professor Xiao Yongshun


The Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM welcomed a visit from Prof. Xiao Yongshun from the Department of Engineering Physics, National Tsinghua University on Feb 12th, 2024. This visit is part of his series of visits to several institutions in Indonesia such as the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and UGM. During this visit, Prof. Xiao Yongshun was greeted directly by Prof. Gede Bayu Suparta, Prof. Edi Suharyadi (Chair of the Department), and Prof. Kuwat Triyana (Dean of FMIPA UGM). The agenda included discussions on the potential for research and academic collaboration between the two institutions.

The Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM has a unique focus on research addressing local issues, which is part of the Tri Dharma of higher education. Its research focuses on volcanology and the application of radiation technologies such as digital radiography and CT scans. During the visit, Prof. Xiao Yongshun showed great interest in these unique aspects, which became the main points of discussion. The potential use of muons in volcanology research also drew attention, considering the high activity of Mount Merapi which requires constant monitoring. It is hoped that the utilization of muons in monitoring Mount Merapi’s activity can contribute significantly to understanding the characteristics of its activity and disaster risk mitigation.

The research conducted at the Department of Physics UGM has a close correlation with research in the field of radiography applications at Tsinghua University. Prof. Xiao Yongshun, who specializes in X-ray and neutron imaging research, presented on radiography research at Tsinghua University. He is also a member of the Chinese Society of NDT (Non-Destructive Testing). Tsinghua University has had the NUCTECH company since 1997, which operates in the fields of radiation technology applications, image processing, artificial intelligence, and radiation protection.

A group photo was taken after the presentation of research on radiography applications at Tsinghua University


Tsinghua University views UGM as one of the top universities in Indonesia with unique research capabilities. By involving BRIN in research collaboration, the Department of Physics UGM plans to further develop collaboration with Tsinghua University in the field of muon imaging, as well as in CT-Scan and radiography using X-ray radiation generated with LINAC (Linear Accelerator) technology. This collaboration is expected to positively contribute to advancing science and technology, education, student exchange, and expert cooperation between the two countries.

Radiography research by the Department of Physics UGM to address local issues such as health and natural disasters represents SDGs number 3, which is good health and well-being, number 11, which is sustainable cities and communities, and number 17, which is partnerships. This is evident from medical interventions through CT scans as part of essential healthcare services, disaster management, and established cooperation agreements. Thus, the agenda of the visit and the cooperation undertaken have an impact in line with the needs of the SDGs points.



Keywords: Physics, radiography, healthcare, disaster management, Tsinghua

Author: Chalis Setiyadi

Photos: Kristedjo (BRIN)

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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UGM, UNUD, and MFRI Collaborate on Astungkara Giri Agung Aman (AGAA) Project: Supporting Joint Learning and Sharing Experiences in Understanding Disaster Risks

Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, representing the Astungkara Giri Agung Aman Project as a Geophysics lecturer at UGM, succinctly presented the project’s activities up to 2024

The Geophysics FMIPA UGM collaborated with the Faculty of Tourism and the Faculty of Engineering of Udayana University (UNUD), along with the Mount Fuji Research Institute (MFRI) to organize a workshop and focus group discussion (FGD) as the annual flagship activity of the AGAA Project. The AGAA Project aims to enhance disaster preparedness on the slopes of volcanoes in Indonesia. The workshop and FGD activities occurred at the Lereng Agung Restaurant, Besakih Village, Menanga District, Karangasem Regency, Bali on Saturday Feb 3rd 2024.

“This activity is expected to provide a platform for mutual learning from the experiences of speakers in disaster mitigation strategies, particularly volcanic eruptions,” said Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, the head of the AGAA project and a lecturer in Geophysics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. The speakers included representatives from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Java (Mount Kelud and Semeru), North Sumatra (Mount Sinabung), West Sumatra (Mount Marapi), the Coordinator of the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum in Yogyakarta Special Region, and the Fujiyoshida City BPBD in Japan. Each speaker shared experiences from their respective regions in handling volcanic eruption crises and the contingency plans held by each area. This workshop and FGD are part of the AGAA Project funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through a grassroots project scheme. The AGAA Project aims to build disaster-resilient communities by empowering local universities. This workshop and FGD represent the culmination of Year 2 activities in the AGAA project. Attendees this Saturday included the Karangasem Regency BPBD, local disaster mitigation enthusiasts grouped in the Karangasem Regency Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, and the headmasters of public elementary schools in Karangasem Regency. By participating in this event, the local community of Karangasem can directly learn from other volcano slope communities in Indonesia. Furthermore, the lessons learned from this one-day workshop and FGD can serve as a guideline for the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (PRB) in the Karangasem Regency in preparing for future eruptions of Mount Agung.

Dr. Ade Anggraini, a geophysics expert and lecturer at UGM, led a focus group discussion on the Development of Local Platforms in building community preparedness on the slopes of Indonesian volcanoes

The demonstration of volcanic disaster mitigation teaching aids, created by MFRI Japan and the geophysics laboratory at UGM, was conducted by elementary school principals on the slopes of Mount Agung alongside MFRI staff


During this occasion, a simple experiment was demonstrated on the mechanism of volcanic eruption using basic teaching aids. The experiment was facilitated by staff from MFRI Japan and demonstrated by the school headmasters who had previously undergone training sessions from the AGAA Project in 2023 and 2024. The same teaching aids were also distributed to the Karangasem PRB Forum. They will be used as educational tools for the community to understand the mechanisms of volcanic eruptions in a simple yet scientifically accurate manner. Thus, it is hoped that the disaster mitigation learning of the Karangasem community regarding volcanic eruptions will continue and endure after the conclusion of the AGAA Project in 2025 in line with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This activity aligns with SDG point 11 under pillar 5 on Sustainable Cities and Communities, particularly in reducing the adverse impacts of natural disasters. Point 11, pillar 5, relates to reducing the risk index, disaster prevention, preparedness, and post-disaster mitigation.

Keywords: geophysics, disaster mitigation, volcano

Author: Fayza Indhira

Photos:  AGAA Project

Editor: Dr.rer.nat. Ade Anggarini, S.Si., M.Si.

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Enhancing Publication: UGM Geophysics Lab’s SP-ERT Research Study Ready to Extend Collaboration with Industry

Kick-Off Meeting by Pertamina Hulu Energy, the Dean’s Office of FMIPA UGM, and the SP-ERT Research Study innovation team. From left to right: Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, Dr. T. Marwan Irnaka, Fatkhul Mu’in, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, and Dr. Eddy Hartantyo (photo: Shofi R.)


With the spirit of strengthening scientific publication, the SP-ERT (Self Potential – Electrical Resistivity Tomography) research study at UGM Geophysics Laboratory collaborates with PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Upstream Innovation (PHE-UI) continued into 2024, marked by the Kick-Off Meeting on Feb 1st – 2nd Feb 2024, in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM. This study is a development of laboratory and field-scale research that has been ongoing since 2022.

“This is the first kick-off activity in 2024,” said Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, Vice Dean for Research and Cooperation, in his opening remarks. “For us, it is a blessing because Upstream Innovation is still willing to collaborate with us to continue this research.”

The previously conducted SP-ERT study was deemed capable of detecting water injection activities at one of Pertamina’s fields. Its advantage lies in its ability to transmit data wirelessly, allowing users to access field data from anywhere using internet-connected devices.

In addition to the study’s advantages, Fatkhul Mu’in, Specialist Innovation Geophysics Upstream Innovation, is optimistic about the production of not only instruments and software but also scientific papers. “Among the many collaborations we have forged, FMIPA UGM feels beneficial. Unfortunately, it is not visible, only we (Upstream Innovation) know. Whereas in the geoscience community, it is not visible. This year, I ask to take the stage,” said Mr. Mu’in at the kick-off event.

Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, is aware of the lack of publications from studies at FMIPA UGM, particularly in geophysics. “Geophysics is a data repository. Hence, it is regrettable if, as a ‘warehouse’ of data, there is no time to write (for publication),” emphasized Prof. Kuwat, who also opened this activity.

The kick-off at the beginning of this year is expected to ignite a new spirit in scientific publication related to studies in UGM Geophysics, thus supporting Sustainable Development Goals. Point 4 about Quality Education is supported by contributions to the scientific community through scientific publications. Moreover, innovation and collaboration with industry are in line with point 9 by involving researchers, engineers, and lecturers.

Keywords: Geophysics, industry collaboration, Pertamina, water injection

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photo: Shofi Rahmadini

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Breaking Ground with Thermodrillsy Study Elaboration: Integration of Science, Engineering, and Industry Faculties

Discussion involving all parties involved in Thermodrillsy research, FMIPA UGM, FT UGM, Elnusa, and Pertamina Hulu Energy (01/02) at the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM (Photo by: Pamungkas Y)


In the context of elaborating the ongoing study collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, the Faculty of Engineering UGM, Pertamina Hulu Energi, and Elnusa, a progress meeting on the development study of Thermodrillsy was held on 1 – 2 February 2024 in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM.

Dr. Afif Rakhman, Head of the Geophysics Laboratory, FMIPA UGM, stated during the opening of the event, “For us, this collaboration represents something new and a significant challenge. Thus, within the Department of Physics (DF) FMIPA UGM, we involve the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI), Faculty of Engineering UGM, in conducting Pertabocsy research using Thermodrillsy.”

Pertabocsy is a method initially developed by Pertamina to map hydrocarbon potential based on temperature. The integration of industry (Pertamina) with academia (UGM) in this case, the Geophysics and Industrial Mechanical Engineering programs, is expected to address field challenges effectively.

“This research will be applied in swampy environments,” Dr. Afif explained the field challenges affecting the specifications of the equipment to be developed. Dr. Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, representing DTMI, affirmed this statement. “The soil has bearing capacity, so our equipment must be able to handle this.”

Multidisciplinary integration can be the key to success. The collaboration fostered by the Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM, reflects point 17, which is a partnership for goal achievement through collaborative field study activities in fulfilling hydrocarbon resource needs.

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photos: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Fortify Data Security Measures, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi Officially Forge Research Collaboration

Risks and threats inevitably accompany the increasing use of the internet. The emergence of data leaks, virtual fraud, piracy, and other digital crimes poses a collective challenge in the rapidly expanding realm of internet usage. In response to these challenges, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi synergize in research and innovation to develop the Key Management System (KMS), as announced through a collaboration signed on Thursday, 28th December 2023, at FMIPA UGM. The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UGM and his team, the Cryptography Research Team of FMIPA UGM, and representatives from PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi. In this context, The President and Commissioner of UMG Idealab, Kiwi Aliwarga, and The Director of PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi, Desi Hapsari, also virtually attended.

“On behalf of FMIPA UGM, we will support this collaboration,” stated Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si in his address. The developed research product is a system designed to manage and supervise the use of encryption keys in cryptography. “This product can be considered the first of its kind in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. As information, the KMS product has been certified by Common Criteria (ISO 15408), recognized in 31 countries. So, this KMS product can be applied in 31 countries. Because it’s the first, the challenge is how our resources can support it. Honestly, we have to admit that finding experts in the field of cryptography is still very limited,” explained Ali Antonius, the Regional Head of UMG Idealab (Sandhiguna). The existing research collaboration is a manifestation of the SDGs values in the fields of innovation and partnership, aiming to achieve goals in addressing data security issues and digital crimes.

The Head of the Cryptography Research Team, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si., conveyed that the synergy in research will expand and strengthen interdisciplinary research, such as mathematics and computer science. “On the other hand, this research is an implementation of existing knowledge to address issues such as data security and cybercrime. The challenge in this collaboration lies in standardizing a robust security system to withstand hacking,” explained Indah. The hope is that this research will raise awareness of data security and digital literacy across multiple sectors, including government, society, and other institutions. Ali also expressed his hope, saying, “May this collaboration proceed smoothly and well. Together, let’s build products that can benefit Indonesia because currently and in the future data security is an absolute necessity. Also, both parties can mutually benefit from this collaboration.”

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Implement Clean and Affordable Methods for Optimizing Hydrocarbon Potential

The exploration of hydrocarbons in Indonesia has become a crucial agenda in the effort to meet national energy needs. There are at least 5 components that need attention in energy management: utility, rationality, addition, sustainability, community welfare, preservation of environmental functions, national resilience, and integration by prioritizing national capabilities. Ideally, these 5 components should be integrated and implemented comprehensively in the effort to realize sustainable energy management in Indonesia. Referring to the aspect of sustainability, FMIPA UGM and Pertamina collaborated on research using the Processing Passive Seismic method, representing the values of the SDGs in the points of clean and affordable energy, innovation, maintaining terrestrial ecosystems, and partnerships to achieve goals.

On Friday, December 13rd , a meeting was held to discuss the final report of the research collaboration at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. “Appreciation for FMIPA UGM from the beginning to the end of the research collaboration. The hope is to provide a new perspective regarding the presence of hydrocarbons in the location and as an added value related to hydrocarbon analysis in the field,” explained Hafizhan Ihsandani, S.T., GGR Subsurface Development Area 1 Pertamina. In future improvements, Hafizhan also suggested further analysis to obtain optimal data (silent moments).

The head of the research team, Dr. Wahyudi, M.S. outlined the challenges in the conducted research. “The challenge is the emergence of noise from a distance. It seems clear in the field, but when analyzed, noises are found. So, we have to repeat data acquisition.” Despite this, Dr. Wahyudi expressed optimism about the sustainability of the method used because of its cost-effectiveness, low social conflict effects due to the passive nature of the method, and its environmental friendliness.

Keyword: hydrocarbon, research, processing passive seismic, clean and affordable energy

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Shofi Rahmadini

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Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency: Enhancing Human Resources in the Field of Science and Technology

Dr. Wiwit presented research publications to BMKG (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM received a visit from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024 at Merapi Room, Department of Geophysics, FMIPA UGM. This visit aims to strengthen collaboration to boost the number of human resources in the fields of science and technology through Physics postgraduate programs.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, welcomed the presence and reinforcement of the collaboration. “The key to the success of an institution lies in the quality of its human resources. Even though the equipment and technology are complete, inadequate human resources can be risky,” said Prof. Kuwat.

Engagement dialogue between FMIPA UGM and BMKG (Photo: Hero)

In this regard, Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer in Geophysics at FMIPA UGM, presented the types of study programs that BMKG employees can participate in, such as regular and research tracks. Furthermore, an introduction to learning facilities and support programs such as laboratories, field activities, and soft skills training was provided.

“Our graduates will not only be competent technically and scientifically but also in non-technical areas such as communication and work management. We also encourage students to commit to producing publications such as journals,” said Dr. Wiwit.

Nina Amelia Sasmita, M.Si., the Head of the Domestic Education Team at BMKG, expressed the purpose of the visit.

“We have many competent employees who are ready to pursue further education. Therefore, we need a learning program system that can accommodate our employees by dividing their time between studying and working. Additionally, we provide scholarships for our employees to complete their studies,” said Nina.

A photo session as a closing meeting (Photo: Hero)

From the agenda of the visit, FMIPA UGM also supports SDGs points 4 and 7 regarding quality education and innovation by encouraging the number of researchers in the fields of science and technology in postgraduate programs. Furthermore, FMIPA UGM welcomes government agencies in partnerships to achieve the goal of increasing the number of researchers by SDGs point 17.


Keywords: scholarship, BMKG, physics, science, research, innovation

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery Innovation: Geophysics FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation PHE Research Collaboration Is Ready for Field Deployment

Geophysics UGM and Upstream Innovation PHE conducted initial field testing in 2023 (Photo: UGM Geophysics Research Team).

The collaboration between Geophysics FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation PHE in its third year through Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery innovation is poised to enter the field. This effort is aimed at supporting the government’s program to increase oil production targets by 1 million barrels by 2030 in Indonesia. The UGM Geophysics Research Team, along with Upstream Innovation PHE, actively contributes to achieving this goal.

“Through this research collaboration, our (FMIPA UGM) hope is to support the government’s target of 1 million barrels of oil production,” said Prof. Kuwat Triyana, Dean of FMIPA UGM, during the “Kickoff Meeting for the Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery Collaboration Study in 2024” held via online meeting on Monday, Jan 12th, 2024.

In 2023, initial field testing was conducted to assess the performance of the Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery equipment. By continually improving the quality of this equipment, the UGM Geophysics Research Team and Upstream Innovation PHE are confident that they are ready to enter the field for broader oil production in 2024.

“We appreciate the trust placed in us over the past few years. We continue to strive in the development of this Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery equipment to support the 1 million barrel production target in Indonesia,” said Dr. Afif Rakhman, head of the UGM Geophysics Research Team.

Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery is one of the supportive methods in oil exploitation by injecting high-powered direct current (DC) into reservoirs to enhance production. By installing anodes and cathodes at specific distances and configurations, the electric current can alter the physical properties of the rocks it passes through, facilitating the movement of oil beneath the earth’s surface. The equipment developed by this team also features remote control capabilities through the internet network.

“This developed technology is easily implementable due to its relatively simple installation process and online operation, making it more effective and efficient in terms of time and cost,” said Metrik Pradana, initiator of the Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery research from Upstream Innovation PHE.

The technological innovation built through collaboration between institutions and industry partners is an effort to support government programs, particularly in contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research collaboration reflects point 9 – Infrastructure, Industry, and Innovation, through innovation in meeting the country’s energy needs, as well as point 17 – Partnerships to Achieve Goals, through collaborative efforts to meet the goal of national oil requirements production.

Keywords: Geophysics, Pertamina, PHE, oil, Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery

Author: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Photo: UGM Geophysics Research Team.

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Visit of Prof. Xiao Yongshun from National Tsinghua University to the Department of Physics FMIPA UGM: Prospects for Research and Academic Collaboration

Professor Gede Bayu Suparta presented research at the Image Physics Laboratory to Professor Xiao Yongshun


The Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM welcomed a visit from Prof. Xiao Yongshun from the Department of Engineering Physics, National Tsinghua University on Feb 12th, 2024. This visit is part of his series of visits to several institutions in Indonesia such as the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and UGM. During this visit, Prof. Xiao Yongshun was greeted directly by Prof. Gede Bayu Suparta, Prof. Edi Suharyadi (Chair of the Department), and Prof. Kuwat Triyana (Dean of FMIPA UGM). The agenda included discussions on the potential for research and academic collaboration between the two institutions.

The Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM has a unique focus on research addressing local issues, which is part of the Tri Dharma of higher education. Its research focuses on volcanology and the application of radiation technologies such as digital radiography and CT scans. During the visit, Prof. Xiao Yongshun showed great interest in these unique aspects, which became the main points of discussion. The potential use of muons in volcanology research also drew attention, considering the high activity of Mount Merapi which requires constant monitoring. It is hoped that the utilization of muons in monitoring Mount Merapi’s activity can contribute significantly to understanding the characteristics of its activity and disaster risk mitigation.

The research conducted at the Department of Physics UGM has a close correlation with research in the field of radiography applications at Tsinghua University. Prof. Xiao Yongshun, who specializes in X-ray and neutron imaging research, presented on radiography research at Tsinghua University. He is also a member of the Chinese Society of NDT (Non-Destructive Testing). Tsinghua University has had the NUCTECH company since 1997, which operates in the fields of radiation technology applications, image processing, artificial intelligence, and radiation protection.

A group photo was taken after the presentation of research on radiography applications at Tsinghua University


Tsinghua University views UGM as one of the top universities in Indonesia with unique research capabilities. By involving BRIN in research collaboration, the Department of Physics UGM plans to further develop collaboration with Tsinghua University in the field of muon imaging, as well as in CT-Scan and radiography using X-ray radiation generated with LINAC (Linear Accelerator) technology. This collaboration is expected to positively contribute to advancing science and technology, education, student exchange, and expert cooperation between the two countries.

Radiography research by the Department of Physics UGM to address local issues such as health and natural disasters represents SDGs number 3, which is good health and well-being, number 11, which is sustainable cities and communities, and number 17, which is partnerships. This is evident from medical interventions through CT scans as part of essential healthcare services, disaster management, and established cooperation agreements. Thus, the agenda of the visit and the cooperation undertaken have an impact in line with the needs of the SDGs points.



Keywords: Physics, radiography, healthcare, disaster management, Tsinghua

Author: Chalis Setiyadi

Photos: Kristedjo (BRIN)

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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UGM, UNUD, and MFRI Collaborate on Astungkara Giri Agung Aman (AGAA) Project: Supporting Joint Learning and Sharing Experiences in Understanding Disaster Risks

Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, representing the Astungkara Giri Agung Aman Project as a Geophysics lecturer at UGM, succinctly presented the project’s activities up to 2024

The Geophysics FMIPA UGM collaborated with the Faculty of Tourism and the Faculty of Engineering of Udayana University (UNUD), along with the Mount Fuji Research Institute (MFRI) to organize a workshop and focus group discussion (FGD) as the annual flagship activity of the AGAA Project. The AGAA Project aims to enhance disaster preparedness on the slopes of volcanoes in Indonesia. The workshop and FGD activities occurred at the Lereng Agung Restaurant, Besakih Village, Menanga District, Karangasem Regency, Bali on Saturday Feb 3rd 2024.

“This activity is expected to provide a platform for mutual learning from the experiences of speakers in disaster mitigation strategies, particularly volcanic eruptions,” said Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, the head of the AGAA project and a lecturer in Geophysics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. The speakers included representatives from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Java (Mount Kelud and Semeru), North Sumatra (Mount Sinabung), West Sumatra (Mount Marapi), the Coordinator of the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum in Yogyakarta Special Region, and the Fujiyoshida City BPBD in Japan. Each speaker shared experiences from their respective regions in handling volcanic eruption crises and the contingency plans held by each area. This workshop and FGD are part of the AGAA Project funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through a grassroots project scheme. The AGAA Project aims to build disaster-resilient communities by empowering local universities. This workshop and FGD represent the culmination of Year 2 activities in the AGAA project. Attendees this Saturday included the Karangasem Regency BPBD, local disaster mitigation enthusiasts grouped in the Karangasem Regency Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, and the headmasters of public elementary schools in Karangasem Regency. By participating in this event, the local community of Karangasem can directly learn from other volcano slope communities in Indonesia. Furthermore, the lessons learned from this one-day workshop and FGD can serve as a guideline for the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (PRB) in the Karangasem Regency in preparing for future eruptions of Mount Agung.

Dr. Ade Anggraini, a geophysics expert and lecturer at UGM, led a focus group discussion on the Development of Local Platforms in building community preparedness on the slopes of Indonesian volcanoes

The demonstration of volcanic disaster mitigation teaching aids, created by MFRI Japan and the geophysics laboratory at UGM, was conducted by elementary school principals on the slopes of Mount Agung alongside MFRI staff


During this occasion, a simple experiment was demonstrated on the mechanism of volcanic eruption using basic teaching aids. The experiment was facilitated by staff from MFRI Japan and demonstrated by the school headmasters who had previously undergone training sessions from the AGAA Project in 2023 and 2024. The same teaching aids were also distributed to the Karangasem PRB Forum. They will be used as educational tools for the community to understand the mechanisms of volcanic eruptions in a simple yet scientifically accurate manner. Thus, it is hoped that the disaster mitigation learning of the Karangasem community regarding volcanic eruptions will continue and endure after the conclusion of the AGAA Project in 2025 in line with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This activity aligns with SDG point 11 under pillar 5 on Sustainable Cities and Communities, particularly in reducing the adverse impacts of natural disasters. Point 11, pillar 5, relates to reducing the risk index, disaster prevention, preparedness, and post-disaster mitigation.

Keywords: geophysics, disaster mitigation, volcano

Author: Fayza Indhira

Photos:  AGAA Project

Editor: Dr.rer.nat. Ade Anggarini, S.Si., M.Si.

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Enhancing Publication: UGM Geophysics Lab’s SP-ERT Research Study Ready to Extend Collaboration with Industry

Kick-Off Meeting by Pertamina Hulu Energy, the Dean’s Office of FMIPA UGM, and the SP-ERT Research Study innovation team. From left to right: Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, Dr. T. Marwan Irnaka, Fatkhul Mu’in, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, and Dr. Eddy Hartantyo (photo: Shofi R.)


With the spirit of strengthening scientific publication, the SP-ERT (Self Potential – Electrical Resistivity Tomography) research study at UGM Geophysics Laboratory collaborates with PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Upstream Innovation (PHE-UI) continued into 2024, marked by the Kick-Off Meeting on Feb 1st – 2nd Feb 2024, in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM. This study is a development of laboratory and field-scale research that has been ongoing since 2022.

“This is the first kick-off activity in 2024,” said Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, Vice Dean for Research and Cooperation, in his opening remarks. “For us, it is a blessing because Upstream Innovation is still willing to collaborate with us to continue this research.”

The previously conducted SP-ERT study was deemed capable of detecting water injection activities at one of Pertamina’s fields. Its advantage lies in its ability to transmit data wirelessly, allowing users to access field data from anywhere using internet-connected devices.

In addition to the study’s advantages, Fatkhul Mu’in, Specialist Innovation Geophysics Upstream Innovation, is optimistic about the production of not only instruments and software but also scientific papers. “Among the many collaborations we have forged, FMIPA UGM feels beneficial. Unfortunately, it is not visible, only we (Upstream Innovation) know. Whereas in the geoscience community, it is not visible. This year, I ask to take the stage,” said Mr. Mu’in at the kick-off event.

Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, is aware of the lack of publications from studies at FMIPA UGM, particularly in geophysics. “Geophysics is a data repository. Hence, it is regrettable if, as a ‘warehouse’ of data, there is no time to write (for publication),” emphasized Prof. Kuwat, who also opened this activity.

The kick-off at the beginning of this year is expected to ignite a new spirit in scientific publication related to studies in UGM Geophysics, thus supporting Sustainable Development Goals. Point 4 about Quality Education is supported by contributions to the scientific community through scientific publications. Moreover, innovation and collaboration with industry are in line with point 9 by involving researchers, engineers, and lecturers.

Keywords: Geophysics, industry collaboration, Pertamina, water injection

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photo: Shofi Rahmadini

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Breaking Ground with Thermodrillsy Study Elaboration: Integration of Science, Engineering, and Industry Faculties

Discussion involving all parties involved in Thermodrillsy research, FMIPA UGM, FT UGM, Elnusa, and Pertamina Hulu Energy (01/02) at the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM (Photo by: Pamungkas Y)


In the context of elaborating the ongoing study collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, the Faculty of Engineering UGM, Pertamina Hulu Energi, and Elnusa, a progress meeting on the development study of Thermodrillsy was held on 1 – 2 February 2024 in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM.

Dr. Afif Rakhman, Head of the Geophysics Laboratory, FMIPA UGM, stated during the opening of the event, “For us, this collaboration represents something new and a significant challenge. Thus, within the Department of Physics (DF) FMIPA UGM, we involve the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI), Faculty of Engineering UGM, in conducting Pertabocsy research using Thermodrillsy.”

Pertabocsy is a method initially developed by Pertamina to map hydrocarbon potential based on temperature. The integration of industry (Pertamina) with academia (UGM) in this case, the Geophysics and Industrial Mechanical Engineering programs, is expected to address field challenges effectively.

“This research will be applied in swampy environments,” Dr. Afif explained the field challenges affecting the specifications of the equipment to be developed. Dr. Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, representing DTMI, affirmed this statement. “The soil has bearing capacity, so our equipment must be able to handle this.”

Multidisciplinary integration can be the key to success. The collaboration fostered by the Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM, reflects point 17, which is a partnership for goal achievement through collaborative field study activities in fulfilling hydrocarbon resource needs.

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photos: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Fortify Data Security Measures, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi Officially Forge Research Collaboration

Risks and threats inevitably accompany the increasing use of the internet. The emergence of data leaks, virtual fraud, piracy, and other digital crimes poses a collective challenge in the rapidly expanding realm of internet usage. In response to these challenges, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi synergize in research and innovation to develop the Key Management System (KMS), as announced through a collaboration signed on Thursday, 28th December 2023, at FMIPA UGM. The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UGM and his team, the Cryptography Research Team of FMIPA UGM, and representatives from PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi. In this context, The President and Commissioner of UMG Idealab, Kiwi Aliwarga, and The Director of PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi, Desi Hapsari, also virtually attended.

“On behalf of FMIPA UGM, we will support this collaboration,” stated Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si in his address. The developed research product is a system designed to manage and supervise the use of encryption keys in cryptography. “This product can be considered the first of its kind in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. As information, the KMS product has been certified by Common Criteria (ISO 15408), recognized in 31 countries. So, this KMS product can be applied in 31 countries. Because it’s the first, the challenge is how our resources can support it. Honestly, we have to admit that finding experts in the field of cryptography is still very limited,” explained Ali Antonius, the Regional Head of UMG Idealab (Sandhiguna). The existing research collaboration is a manifestation of the SDGs values in the fields of innovation and partnership, aiming to achieve goals in addressing data security issues and digital crimes.

The Head of the Cryptography Research Team, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si., conveyed that the synergy in research will expand and strengthen interdisciplinary research, such as mathematics and computer science. “On the other hand, this research is an implementation of existing knowledge to address issues such as data security and cybercrime. The challenge in this collaboration lies in standardizing a robust security system to withstand hacking,” explained Indah. The hope is that this research will raise awareness of data security and digital literacy across multiple sectors, including government, society, and other institutions. Ali also expressed his hope, saying, “May this collaboration proceed smoothly and well. Together, let’s build products that can benefit Indonesia because currently and in the future data security is an absolute necessity. Also, both parties can mutually benefit from this collaboration.”

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Implement Clean and Affordable Methods for Optimizing Hydrocarbon Potential

The exploration of hydrocarbons in Indonesia has become a crucial agenda in the effort to meet national energy needs. There are at least 5 components that need attention in energy management: utility, rationality, addition, sustainability, community welfare, preservation of environmental functions, national resilience, and integration by prioritizing national capabilities. Ideally, these 5 components should be integrated and implemented comprehensively in the effort to realize sustainable energy management in Indonesia. Referring to the aspect of sustainability, FMIPA UGM and Pertamina collaborated on research using the Processing Passive Seismic method, representing the values of the SDGs in the points of clean and affordable energy, innovation, maintaining terrestrial ecosystems, and partnerships to achieve goals.

On Friday, December 13rd , a meeting was held to discuss the final report of the research collaboration at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. “Appreciation for FMIPA UGM from the beginning to the end of the research collaboration. The hope is to provide a new perspective regarding the presence of hydrocarbons in the location and as an added value related to hydrocarbon analysis in the field,” explained Hafizhan Ihsandani, S.T., GGR Subsurface Development Area 1 Pertamina. In future improvements, Hafizhan also suggested further analysis to obtain optimal data (silent moments).

The head of the research team, Dr. Wahyudi, M.S. outlined the challenges in the conducted research. “The challenge is the emergence of noise from a distance. It seems clear in the field, but when analyzed, noises are found. So, we have to repeat data acquisition.” Despite this, Dr. Wahyudi expressed optimism about the sustainability of the method used because of its cost-effectiveness, low social conflict effects due to the passive nature of the method, and its environmental friendliness.

Keyword: hydrocarbon, research, processing passive seismic, clean and affordable energy

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Shofi Rahmadini

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