



Breaking Ground with Thermodrillsy Study Elaboration: Integration of Science, Engineering, and Industry Faculties

Discussion involving all parties involved in Thermodrillsy research, FMIPA UGM, FT UGM, Elnusa, and Pertamina Hulu Energy (01/02) at the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM (Photo by: Pamungkas Y)


In the context of elaborating the ongoing study collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, the Faculty of Engineering UGM, Pertamina Hulu Energi, and Elnusa, a progress meeting on the development study of Thermodrillsy was held on 1 – 2 February 2024 in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM.

Dr. Afif Rakhman, Head of the Geophysics Laboratory, FMIPA UGM, stated during the opening of the event, “For us, this collaboration represents something new and a significant challenge. Thus, within the Department of Physics (DF) FMIPA UGM, we involve the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI), Faculty of Engineering UGM, in conducting Pertabocsy research using Thermodrillsy.”

Pertabocsy is a method initially developed by Pertamina to map hydrocarbon potential based on temperature. The integration of industry (Pertamina) with academia (UGM) in this case, the Geophysics and Industrial Mechanical Engineering programs, is expected to address field challenges effectively.

“This research will be applied in swampy environments,” Dr. Afif explained the field challenges affecting the specifications of the equipment to be developed. Dr. Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, representing DTMI, affirmed this statement. “The soil has bearing capacity, so our equipment must be able to handle this.”

Multidisciplinary integration can be the key to success. The collaboration fostered by the Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM, reflects point 17, which is a partnership for goal achievement through collaborative field study activities in fulfilling hydrocarbon resource needs.

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photos: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Fortify Data Security Measures, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi Officially Forge Research Collaboration

Risks and threats inevitably accompany the increasing use of the internet. The emergence of data leaks, virtual fraud, piracy, and other digital crimes poses a collective challenge in the rapidly expanding realm of internet usage. In response to these challenges, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi synergize in research and innovation to develop the Key Management System (KMS), as announced through a collaboration signed on Thursday, 28th December 2023, at FMIPA UGM. The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UGM and his team, the Cryptography Research Team of FMIPA UGM, and representatives from PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi. In this context, The President and Commissioner of UMG Idealab, Kiwi Aliwarga, and The Director of PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi, Desi Hapsari, also virtually attended.

“On behalf of FMIPA UGM, we will support this collaboration,” stated Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si in his address. The developed research product is a system designed to manage and supervise the use of encryption keys in cryptography. “This product can be considered the first of its kind in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. As information, the KMS product has been certified by Common Criteria (ISO 15408), recognized in 31 countries. So, this KMS product can be applied in 31 countries. Because it’s the first, the challenge is how our resources can support it. Honestly, we have to admit that finding experts in the field of cryptography is still very limited,” explained Ali Antonius, the Regional Head of UMG Idealab (Sandhiguna). The existing research collaboration is a manifestation of the SDGs values in the fields of innovation and partnership, aiming to achieve goals in addressing data security issues and digital crimes.

The Head of the Cryptography Research Team, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si., conveyed that the synergy in research will expand and strengthen interdisciplinary research, such as mathematics and computer science. “On the other hand, this research is an implementation of existing knowledge to address issues such as data security and cybercrime. The challenge in this collaboration lies in standardizing a robust security system to withstand hacking,” explained Indah. The hope is that this research will raise awareness of data security and digital literacy across multiple sectors, including government, society, and other institutions. Ali also expressed his hope, saying, “May this collaboration proceed smoothly and well. Together, let’s build products that can benefit Indonesia because currently and in the future data security is an absolute necessity. Also, both parties can mutually benefit from this collaboration.”

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Implement Clean and Affordable Methods for Optimizing Hydrocarbon Potential

The exploration of hydrocarbons in Indonesia has become a crucial agenda in the effort to meet national energy needs. There are at least 5 components that need attention in energy management: utility, rationality, addition, sustainability, community welfare, preservation of environmental functions, national resilience, and integration by prioritizing national capabilities. Ideally, these 5 components should be integrated and implemented comprehensively in the effort to realize sustainable energy management in Indonesia. Referring to the aspect of sustainability, FMIPA UGM and Pertamina collaborated on research using the Processing Passive Seismic method, representing the values of the SDGs in the points of clean and affordable energy, innovation, maintaining terrestrial ecosystems, and partnerships to achieve goals.

On Friday, December 13rd , a meeting was held to discuss the final report of the research collaboration at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. “Appreciation for FMIPA UGM from the beginning to the end of the research collaboration. The hope is to provide a new perspective regarding the presence of hydrocarbons in the location and as an added value related to hydrocarbon analysis in the field,” explained Hafizhan Ihsandani, S.T., GGR Subsurface Development Area 1 Pertamina. In future improvements, Hafizhan also suggested further analysis to obtain optimal data (silent moments).

The head of the research team, Dr. Wahyudi, M.S. outlined the challenges in the conducted research. “The challenge is the emergence of noise from a distance. It seems clear in the field, but when analyzed, noises are found. So, we have to repeat data acquisition.” Despite this, Dr. Wahyudi expressed optimism about the sustainability of the method used because of its cost-effectiveness, low social conflict effects due to the passive nature of the method, and its environmental friendliness.

Keyword: hydrocarbon, research, processing passive seismic, clean and affordable energy

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Shofi Rahmadini

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Mahasiswa UGM Manfaatkan Limbah cangkang Telur Jadi Krim Anti-Aging

Cangkang telur adalah limbah pangan yang banyak dihasilkan dari rumah makan dan toko
pembuatan kue khususnya di daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta . Hal ini kemudian menginisiasi empat
mahasiswa UGM, Erma Nurjanahwati (Kimia 2019), Nata Dwi (Biologi 2019), Adinda Fitri
(MIkrobiologi Pertanian 2018), dan Shofia Amalia (Kimia 2018) untuk memanfaatkan limbah
cangkang telur sebagai bahan dasar sumber kolagen pembuatan krim anti-aging yang
dikombinasikan dengan madu.

Penelitian ini dikembangkan melalui kegiatan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Riset dan
Eksakta (PKM-RE). Erma dan tim terus berupaya menggali potensi kolagen yang terkandung di
dalam membran cangkang telur yang kemudian dikombinasikan madu sebagai pencegah penuaan
dengan memanfaatkan kolagen dan senyawa flavonoid pada madu.

Erma menuturkan sampai saat ini limbah cangkang telur masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh

Proses pembuatan krim anti-aging dimulai dengan pengambilan dan pembersihan membran
cangkang telur secara manual kemudian kolagen membran cangkang telur dilakukan ekstraksi .

Krim anti aging ini telah melalui berbagai tahapan pengujian seperti uji proksimat, derajat
keasaman (pH), viskositas,iritasi pada hewan dan organoleptik pada 30 responden dengan rentang
usia 19-40 tahun.

Kolagen yang terkandung pada membran cangkang telur diketahui lebih minim iritasi dan alergi.
Mengingat sejauh ini di pasaran masih banyak terdapat krim anti-aging yang menggunakan
retinoid sebagai bahan aktifnya yang memiliki sifat rentan terhadap cahaya matahari dan tidak
disarankan untuk ibu hamil atau ibu menyusui.


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Hembusan Nafas Sekelas Swab Test Untuk Deteksi Covid-19: GeNose Karya UGM

UGM siap meluncurkan inovasi terbaru “GeNose”, yaitu berupa alat yang mampu mendeteksi dan mendiagnosis apakah seseorang terinfeksi Covid-19 atau tidak hanya dengan hembusan nafas.  “GeNose” bekerja secara cepat dan akurat mendeteksi Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) yang terbentuk karena adanya infeksi Covid-19 yang keluar bersama nafas seseorang. Nafas orang diambil diindera melalui sensor-sensor dan kemudian diolah datanya dengan bantuan kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence) untuk pendeteksian dan pengambilan keputusan. Selain unsur kecepatan dan keakurasian, “GeNose” didesain sangat handy sehingga dapat dioperasikan oleh seseorang secara mandiri dan efisien.

“GeNose” merupakan inovasi pertama di Indonesia untuk pendeteksian Covid-19 melalui hembusan nafas yang aplikasinya terhubung dengan sistem cloud computing untuk mendapatkan hasil diagnosis secara real time.  Hebatnya, “GeNose” juga mampu bekerja secara paralel melalui proses diagnosis yang tersentral di dalam sistem sehingga validitas data dapat terjaga untuk semua alat yang terkoneksi. Data yang terkumpul di dalam sistem selanjutnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan pemetaan, pelacakan dan pemantauan penyebaran pandemi secara aktual.

Uji profiling (kalibrasi) “GeNose” sudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan 600 sampel data valid di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara dan Rumah Sakit Lapangan Khusus Covid Bambanglipuro di Yogyakarta hasilnya menunjukkan tingkat akurasi tinggi, yaitu 97 persen. Selanjutnya, “GeNose” memasuki tahap uji diagnostik (uji klinis) yang akan dilakukan secara bertahap dan tersebar di sejumlah rumah sakit di Indonesia. Keandalan alat, keakurasian data, dan kesahihan metoda yang diterapkan diharapkan bisa meningkatkan keyakinan pengguna akhir untuk segera mengadopsi aplikasi “GeNose” bagi kepentingan masyarakat luas.

Inovasi GeNose dikerjakan bersama dengan spirit gotong-royong yang meliputi tim ahli lintas bidang ilmu di UGM, yaitu: Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si (FMIPA); dr. Dian Kesumapramudya Nurputra, Sp.A, M.Sc., Ph.D. (FKKMK); Dr. Ahmad Kusumaatmaja (FMIPA); dr. Mohamad Saifudin Hakim, M.Sc., Ph.D (FKKMK) dan para mitra industri strategik yang berkomitmen dalam penghiliran hasil riset dan inovasi kampus. Diharapkan inovasi GeNose dapat dihilirkan dan segera bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membantu penanganan Covid-19 sebelum akhir tahun 2020.

Penulis: Satria
Foto: Direktorat PUI


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Google Faculty Research Award

Google Research Awards are one-year awards structured as unrestricted gifts to universities to support the work of world-class full-time faculty members at top universities around the world. Faculty members can apply for Research Awards by submitting a proposal to one of our two 2014 funding rounds. Our 2014 deadlines are April 15 and October 15. Recipients are selected through a comprehensive internal review process and notified of their awards within 4 months of the initial submission. Faculty members can apply for up to 150,000 USD in eligible expenses, but actual award amounts are frequently less than the full amount requested. Most awards are funded at the amount needed to support basic expenses for one graduate student for one year.

Info Lebih Lanjut ke link berikut

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Breaking Ground with Thermodrillsy Study Elaboration: Integration of Science, Engineering, and Industry Faculties

Discussion involving all parties involved in Thermodrillsy research, FMIPA UGM, FT UGM, Elnusa, and Pertamina Hulu Energy (01/02) at the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM (Photo by: Pamungkas Y)


In the context of elaborating the ongoing study collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, the Faculty of Engineering UGM, Pertamina Hulu Energi, and Elnusa, a progress meeting on the development study of Thermodrillsy was held on 1 – 2 February 2024 in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM.

Dr. Afif Rakhman, Head of the Geophysics Laboratory, FMIPA UGM, stated during the opening of the event, “For us, this collaboration represents something new and a significant challenge. Thus, within the Department of Physics (DF) FMIPA UGM, we involve the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI), Faculty of Engineering UGM, in conducting Pertabocsy research using Thermodrillsy.”

Pertabocsy is a method initially developed by Pertamina to map hydrocarbon potential based on temperature. The integration of industry (Pertamina) with academia (UGM) in this case, the Geophysics and Industrial Mechanical Engineering programs, is expected to address field challenges effectively.

“This research will be applied in swampy environments,” Dr. Afif explained the field challenges affecting the specifications of the equipment to be developed. Dr. Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, representing DTMI, affirmed this statement. “The soil has bearing capacity, so our equipment must be able to handle this.”

Multidisciplinary integration can be the key to success. The collaboration fostered by the Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM, reflects point 17, which is a partnership for goal achievement through collaborative field study activities in fulfilling hydrocarbon resource needs.

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photos: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Fortify Data Security Measures, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi Officially Forge Research Collaboration

Risks and threats inevitably accompany the increasing use of the internet. The emergence of data leaks, virtual fraud, piracy, and other digital crimes poses a collective challenge in the rapidly expanding realm of internet usage. In response to these challenges, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi synergize in research and innovation to develop the Key Management System (KMS), as announced through a collaboration signed on Thursday, 28th December 2023, at FMIPA UGM. The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UGM and his team, the Cryptography Research Team of FMIPA UGM, and representatives from PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi. In this context, The President and Commissioner of UMG Idealab, Kiwi Aliwarga, and The Director of PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi, Desi Hapsari, also virtually attended.

“On behalf of FMIPA UGM, we will support this collaboration,” stated Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si in his address. The developed research product is a system designed to manage and supervise the use of encryption keys in cryptography. “This product can be considered the first of its kind in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. As information, the KMS product has been certified by Common Criteria (ISO 15408), recognized in 31 countries. So, this KMS product can be applied in 31 countries. Because it’s the first, the challenge is how our resources can support it. Honestly, we have to admit that finding experts in the field of cryptography is still very limited,” explained Ali Antonius, the Regional Head of UMG Idealab (Sandhiguna). The existing research collaboration is a manifestation of the SDGs values in the fields of innovation and partnership, aiming to achieve goals in addressing data security issues and digital crimes.

The Head of the Cryptography Research Team, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si., conveyed that the synergy in research will expand and strengthen interdisciplinary research, such as mathematics and computer science. “On the other hand, this research is an implementation of existing knowledge to address issues such as data security and cybercrime. The challenge in this collaboration lies in standardizing a robust security system to withstand hacking,” explained Indah. The hope is that this research will raise awareness of data security and digital literacy across multiple sectors, including government, society, and other institutions. Ali also expressed his hope, saying, “May this collaboration proceed smoothly and well. Together, let’s build products that can benefit Indonesia because currently and in the future data security is an absolute necessity. Also, both parties can mutually benefit from this collaboration.”

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Implement Clean and Affordable Methods for Optimizing Hydrocarbon Potential

The exploration of hydrocarbons in Indonesia has become a crucial agenda in the effort to meet national energy needs. There are at least 5 components that need attention in energy management: utility, rationality, addition, sustainability, community welfare, preservation of environmental functions, national resilience, and integration by prioritizing national capabilities. Ideally, these 5 components should be integrated and implemented comprehensively in the effort to realize sustainable energy management in Indonesia. Referring to the aspect of sustainability, FMIPA UGM and Pertamina collaborated on research using the Processing Passive Seismic method, representing the values of the SDGs in the points of clean and affordable energy, innovation, maintaining terrestrial ecosystems, and partnerships to achieve goals.

On Friday, December 13rd , a meeting was held to discuss the final report of the research collaboration at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. “Appreciation for FMIPA UGM from the beginning to the end of the research collaboration. The hope is to provide a new perspective regarding the presence of hydrocarbons in the location and as an added value related to hydrocarbon analysis in the field,” explained Hafizhan Ihsandani, S.T., GGR Subsurface Development Area 1 Pertamina. In future improvements, Hafizhan also suggested further analysis to obtain optimal data (silent moments).

The head of the research team, Dr. Wahyudi, M.S. outlined the challenges in the conducted research. “The challenge is the emergence of noise from a distance. It seems clear in the field, but when analyzed, noises are found. So, we have to repeat data acquisition.” Despite this, Dr. Wahyudi expressed optimism about the sustainability of the method used because of its cost-effectiveness, low social conflict effects due to the passive nature of the method, and its environmental friendliness.

Keyword: hydrocarbon, research, processing passive seismic, clean and affordable energy

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Shofi Rahmadini

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Mahasiswa UGM Manfaatkan Limbah cangkang Telur Jadi Krim Anti-Aging

Cangkang telur adalah limbah pangan yang banyak dihasilkan dari rumah makan dan toko
pembuatan kue khususnya di daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta . Hal ini kemudian menginisiasi empat
mahasiswa UGM, Erma Nurjanahwati (Kimia 2019), Nata Dwi (Biologi 2019), Adinda Fitri
(MIkrobiologi Pertanian 2018), dan Shofia Amalia (Kimia 2018) untuk memanfaatkan limbah
cangkang telur sebagai bahan dasar sumber kolagen pembuatan krim anti-aging yang
dikombinasikan dengan madu.

Penelitian ini dikembangkan melalui kegiatan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Riset dan
Eksakta (PKM-RE). Erma dan tim terus berupaya menggali potensi kolagen yang terkandung di
dalam membran cangkang telur yang kemudian dikombinasikan madu sebagai pencegah penuaan
dengan memanfaatkan kolagen dan senyawa flavonoid pada madu.

Erma menuturkan sampai saat ini limbah cangkang telur masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh

Proses pembuatan krim anti-aging dimulai dengan pengambilan dan pembersihan membran
cangkang telur secara manual kemudian kolagen membran cangkang telur dilakukan ekstraksi .

Krim anti aging ini telah melalui berbagai tahapan pengujian seperti uji proksimat, derajat
keasaman (pH), viskositas,iritasi pada hewan dan organoleptik pada 30 responden dengan rentang
usia 19-40 tahun.

Kolagen yang terkandung pada membran cangkang telur diketahui lebih minim iritasi dan alergi.
Mengingat sejauh ini di pasaran masih banyak terdapat krim anti-aging yang menggunakan
retinoid sebagai bahan aktifnya yang memiliki sifat rentan terhadap cahaya matahari dan tidak
disarankan untuk ibu hamil atau ibu menyusui.


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Hembusan Nafas Sekelas Swab Test Untuk Deteksi Covid-19: GeNose Karya UGM

UGM siap meluncurkan inovasi terbaru “GeNose”, yaitu berupa alat yang mampu mendeteksi dan mendiagnosis apakah seseorang terinfeksi Covid-19 atau tidak hanya dengan hembusan nafas.  “GeNose” bekerja secara cepat dan akurat mendeteksi Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) yang terbentuk karena adanya infeksi Covid-19 yang keluar bersama nafas seseorang. Nafas orang diambil diindera melalui sensor-sensor dan kemudian diolah datanya dengan bantuan kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence) untuk pendeteksian dan pengambilan keputusan. Selain unsur kecepatan dan keakurasian, “GeNose” didesain sangat handy sehingga dapat dioperasikan oleh seseorang secara mandiri dan efisien.

“GeNose” merupakan inovasi pertama di Indonesia untuk pendeteksian Covid-19 melalui hembusan nafas yang aplikasinya terhubung dengan sistem cloud computing untuk mendapatkan hasil diagnosis secara real time.  Hebatnya, “GeNose” juga mampu bekerja secara paralel melalui proses diagnosis yang tersentral di dalam sistem sehingga validitas data dapat terjaga untuk semua alat yang terkoneksi. Data yang terkumpul di dalam sistem selanjutnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan pemetaan, pelacakan dan pemantauan penyebaran pandemi secara aktual.

Uji profiling (kalibrasi) “GeNose” sudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan 600 sampel data valid di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara dan Rumah Sakit Lapangan Khusus Covid Bambanglipuro di Yogyakarta hasilnya menunjukkan tingkat akurasi tinggi, yaitu 97 persen. Selanjutnya, “GeNose” memasuki tahap uji diagnostik (uji klinis) yang akan dilakukan secara bertahap dan tersebar di sejumlah rumah sakit di Indonesia. Keandalan alat, keakurasian data, dan kesahihan metoda yang diterapkan diharapkan bisa meningkatkan keyakinan pengguna akhir untuk segera mengadopsi aplikasi “GeNose” bagi kepentingan masyarakat luas.

Inovasi GeNose dikerjakan bersama dengan spirit gotong-royong yang meliputi tim ahli lintas bidang ilmu di UGM, yaitu: Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si (FMIPA); dr. Dian Kesumapramudya Nurputra, Sp.A, M.Sc., Ph.D. (FKKMK); Dr. Ahmad Kusumaatmaja (FMIPA); dr. Mohamad Saifudin Hakim, M.Sc., Ph.D (FKKMK) dan para mitra industri strategik yang berkomitmen dalam penghiliran hasil riset dan inovasi kampus. Diharapkan inovasi GeNose dapat dihilirkan dan segera bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membantu penanganan Covid-19 sebelum akhir tahun 2020.

Penulis: Satria
Foto: Direktorat PUI


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Google Faculty Research Award

Google Research Awards are one-year awards structured as unrestricted gifts to universities to support the work of world-class full-time faculty members at top universities around the world. Faculty members can apply for Research Awards by submitting a proposal to one of our two 2014 funding rounds. Our 2014 deadlines are April 15 and October 15. Recipients are selected through a comprehensive internal review process and notified of their awards within 4 months of the initial submission. Faculty members can apply for up to 150,000 USD in eligible expenses, but actual award amounts are frequently less than the full amount requested. Most awards are funded at the amount needed to support basic expenses for one graduate student for one year.

Info Lebih Lanjut ke link berikut

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