






Buka Bersama FMIPA UGM: Momen Refleksi Diri Menuju Kebaikan

FMIPA UGM menggelar buka bersama pada Rabu, 3 April 2024 di Ruang Auditorium FMIPA UGM. Sejumlah dosen, tenaga pendidik, satuan keamanan kampus, pensiunan dosen dan karyawan, dan mahasiswa turut diundang dalam acara tersebut di momen bulan Ramadan.

Dalam hal ini, acara dibuka oleh Dekan FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., Di sisi lain, Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D. yang merupakan wakil dekan FMIPA UGM sekaligus dosen menjadi penceramah yang memberikan tausyiah. Dalam tausyiah yang diberikan, Prof. Roto yang dalam hal ini disebut Ustaz Roto, menyampaikan poin-poin penting yang dapat diterapkan saat bulan Ramadan.

Melalui tafsiran surat Al-Baqarah yang disampaikan, Prof. Roto menyampaikan poin penting mengenai refleksi dan evaluasi diri di dalam berperilaku khususnya di bulan Ramadan. Hal ini tentu berkaitan erat dengan menjaga hubungan yang bersifat hablum minannas atau hubungan antar sesame manusia. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan berbuka puasa dan ibadah salat maghrib.

Buka bersama yang dilakukan oleh FMIPA UGM merupakan cerminan dari SDGs nomor 2 yaitu Tanpa Kemiskinan melalui penyediaan konsumsi untuk berbuka puasa bagi para sivitas akademik serta nomor 10 yaitu Berkurangnya Kesenjangan melalui kebersamaan antara pimpinan dan karyawan sehingga menghapus ketimpangan yang ada di lingkungan kampus.

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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DWP FMIPA UGM Holds Social Service: Providing Basic Supplies for Security and Cleaning Staff at FMIPA UGM

Distribution of essential supply packages for security and cleaning staff (Photo: Hero)

DWP (Dharma Wanita Persatuan/Women’s Union for Duty) FMIPA UGM held a social service event in anticipation of the fasting month (Ramadan) at the courtyard of FMIPA UGM on Friday, March 8, 2024. The target of this social service activity is the security and cleaning staff at FMIPA UGM. As the fasting month approaches, the prices of basic necessities such as rice, oil, and eggs increase, so this activity is expected to provide assistance.

“The proceeds from the sales at the FMIPA canteen by our DWP were used to purchase basic supplies to be distributed free of charge to the cleaning and security staff. Hopefully, it can help during the upcoming fasting month,” said Nurun Djamilatun, Chairperson of DWP FMIPA UGM.

“Basic groceries are expensive now, especially as Ramadan approaches. I feel greatly helped by the assistance provided by DWP FMIPA UGM,” said one of the aid recipients.

Distribution of essential supply packages for security and cleaning staff (Photo: Hero)

This social service activity is an implementation of SDG number 1, which aims to eradicate poverty by supporting food supplies, and number 2, which aims to end hunger by improving the quality of food consumption. The hope is that this activity will continue to support social conditions and welfare, especially in fulfilling basic needs within the FMIPA UGM community.


Keywords: social service, basic supply, without hunger

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Boosting Blood Stock Quantity in Yogyakarta, DWP FMIPA UGM Holds Blood Donation Event with RS Sardjito

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

DWP FMIPA UGM organized a blood donation drive to increase the quantity of bloodstock in Yogyakarta. Collaborating with Sardjito Hospital, the blood donation event took place in the courtyard of the FMIPA UGM Building on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024. Blood donors included the general public, thus not limited only to faculty members, staff, and students of FMIPA UGM.

“Many hospitals still need blood donations. The hope is that it can be beneficial for those in need,” said Nurun Djamilatun, Chairperson of DWP FMIPA UGM.

The enthusiasm of the blood donors was evident from the long queues waiting for their turn to undergo eligibility checks for blood collection. The types of checks conducted included blood pressure and hemoglobin levels. Nurun also mentioned that the blood screening was expected to raise awareness about maintaining bodily health.

The long queues waiting for blood donation (Photo: Datu)

“Some individuals didn’t pass the blood condition screening due to low hemoglobin levels, so we also encourage them to maintain their health by paying attention to their blood levels. With this, they can donate blood at another time,” said Nurun.

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

This blood donation activity has the potential to increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, which is a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, the activity contributes to ensuring healthcare services for the campus community to prevent or detect diseases that pose risks to donors and to increase the quantity of bloodstock for the community. This activity will continue to promote health and social awareness within the FMIPA UGM environment.


Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Datu Maulana Ahmad

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Promoting Health Awareness, FMIPA UGM Regularly Holds Exercise and Health Check-ups

Exercise at FMIPA UGM

FMIPA UGM routinely conducts exercise and health services to promote health awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at the FMIPA UGM Building’s courtyard on Friday, Feb 23rd, 2024. The agenda is held every last Friday of each month through Posbindu PTM (Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular/Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Counseling Post). The agenda starts with morning exercise followed by health check-ups.

“This activity aims to increase awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at FMIPA UGM. We don’t want them to be healthy when they enter here but become ill when they leave,” said Dr. Chotimah, M.Si., the health officer at FMIPA UGM.

The participants’ enthusiasm is evident from the long queues waiting for their turn in health check-ups. The checks conducted include body mass index, blood pressure, glucose levels, uric acid, and cholesterol. One employee expressed surprise upon learning about the cholesterol levels in their body.

Health check-up queue

“I was quite surprised to know the cholesterol level in my body. Is it because I’ve recently consumed a lot of seafood?” said Shafa, one of the employees at FMIPA UGM.

Health check-up to determine the ideal body mass index

Exercise and health check-up activities can potentially increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure and obesity, thus representing a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, these activities contribute to ensuring health services for the campus community to engage in the prevention or early detection of risky diseases. The hope is that this activity will continue to promote health awareness in the FMIPA UGM environment, thereby creating a healthy campus condition.

Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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PESEGI FMIPA UGM Promotes Healthy Lifestyle through Cycling: Cross-Route Edition in Kulon Progo

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport

The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University continues to advocate for a healthy lifestyle through cycling, this time traversing the Kulon Progo region on Feb 24th, 2024. The cycling route starts from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM and concludes at Yogyakarta International Airport in Wates, Kulon Progo. The event was attended by faculty members and staff from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM, but it was open to the general public.

During the cycling route, there were designated stopping points for rest and breakfast. This cycling activity, besides promoting a healthy lifestyle, aims to accommodate cyclists who want to engage collectively in supporting environmental sustainability.

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport


“This activity is carried out every Sabtu Legi (a day based on the Javanese calendar) as a manifestation of our support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, M.Si., the Chairman of the PESEGI Community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM.

Cycling activities have the potential to reduce obesity rates in the community, making it a tangible representation of SDGs Goal 3 in the field of Good Health and Well-being. Furthermore, this cycling culture also contributes to improving the air quality index due to the high usage of oil-fueled vehicles, thus reflecting SDGs point 11, which is Sustainable Cities and Communities. The hope is that more individuals will join in advocating for activities that have a positive impact on health and the environment.

Preparations for departure to the finish line


Keywords: cycling, health, air quality index, environment

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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PESEGI FMIPA UGM Community Successfully Organizes First Cycling Event in 2024

Yogyakarta, January 21, 2024 – The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) Community from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (FMIPA UGM) has successfully organized its first cycling event in 2024. The event took place on Saturday Legi, January 20, 2024, and was held as part of the efforts to support the Health Promoting University program and contribute to the implementation of SDGs, specifically goal number 3, Good Health and Well-Being, and sustainable cities and communities.

With a sense of unity, participants, including faculty members, staff, and FMIPA UGM alumni, gathered at 06:00 AM on the FMIPA UGM campus. The event commenced with a prayer followed by a group photo session, symbolizing unity and joy. Attended by faculty members, staff, alumni of FMIPA UGM, and open to the public, the event attracted cycling enthusiasts from various backgrounds in Yogyakarta.

The chosen route for this cycling event was not only captivating but also meaningful. Participants rode along the Mataram Canal, passing through Affandi Street, Condong Catur, and Ngemplak. Beyond the city’s main roads, cyclists explored rural areas, enjoying the beauty of nature and the simplicity of village life. The route was selected not only for its scenic beauty but also to instill appreciation for the environment and the lives of the surrounding communities.


The event ended with a communal meal at Angkringan Prapatan, Donolayan, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, a renowned venue known for its warm and pleasant atmosphere. This gathering went beyond sharing a meal; it provided participants with a moment to share experiences and stories, strengthening the bonds between faculty members, staff, and cycling enthusiast alumni.

This cycling event focused not only on sports and recreation but also on promoting a healthy lifestyle and building a strong community. It aligns with UGM’s Health Promoting University program, aiming to create an academic environment that supports physical, mental, and social well-being.

“We are thrilled and proud of the success of this event,” said the PESEGI Community coordinator. “We hope activities like these continue, serving not only as a means of exercise but also as a platform to strengthen our community and support health programs at our university.”

The cycling event is expected to set an example for other communities in promoting a healthy lifestyle and camaraderie. The PESEGI FMIPA UGM community is committed to organizing similar activities in the future as part of its contribution to building a healthier and more environmentally and socially conscious generation.

Contact Information:

Contact Name: Winarto Haryadi


About PESEGI FMIPA UGM Community:

The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) Community is a cycling enthusiast community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, founded with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle and camaraderie through cycling activities.

Author: Uha Isnaini

Editor: Winarto Haryadi

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Buka Bersama FMIPA UGM: Momen Refleksi Diri Menuju Kebaikan

FMIPA UGM menggelar buka bersama pada Rabu, 3 April 2024 di Ruang Auditorium FMIPA UGM. Sejumlah dosen, tenaga pendidik, satuan keamanan kampus, pensiunan dosen dan karyawan, dan mahasiswa turut diundang dalam acara tersebut di momen bulan Ramadan.

Dalam hal ini, acara dibuka oleh Dekan FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., Di sisi lain, Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D. yang merupakan wakil dekan FMIPA UGM sekaligus dosen menjadi penceramah yang memberikan tausyiah. Dalam tausyiah yang diberikan, Prof. Roto yang dalam hal ini disebut Ustaz Roto, menyampaikan poin-poin penting yang dapat diterapkan saat bulan Ramadan.

Melalui tafsiran surat Al-Baqarah yang disampaikan, Prof. Roto menyampaikan poin penting mengenai refleksi dan evaluasi diri di dalam berperilaku khususnya di bulan Ramadan. Hal ini tentu berkaitan erat dengan menjaga hubungan yang bersifat hablum minannas atau hubungan antar sesame manusia. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan berbuka puasa dan ibadah salat maghrib.

Buka bersama yang dilakukan oleh FMIPA UGM merupakan cerminan dari SDGs nomor 2 yaitu Tanpa Kemiskinan melalui penyediaan konsumsi untuk berbuka puasa bagi para sivitas akademik serta nomor 10 yaitu Berkurangnya Kesenjangan melalui kebersamaan antara pimpinan dan karyawan sehingga menghapus ketimpangan yang ada di lingkungan kampus.

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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DWP FMIPA UGM Holds Social Service: Providing Basic Supplies for Security and Cleaning Staff at FMIPA UGM

Distribution of essential supply packages for security and cleaning staff (Photo: Hero)

DWP (Dharma Wanita Persatuan/Women’s Union for Duty) FMIPA UGM held a social service event in anticipation of the fasting month (Ramadan) at the courtyard of FMIPA UGM on Friday, March 8, 2024. The target of this social service activity is the security and cleaning staff at FMIPA UGM. As the fasting month approaches, the prices of basic necessities such as rice, oil, and eggs increase, so this activity is expected to provide assistance.

“The proceeds from the sales at the FMIPA canteen by our DWP were used to purchase basic supplies to be distributed free of charge to the cleaning and security staff. Hopefully, it can help during the upcoming fasting month,” said Nurun Djamilatun, Chairperson of DWP FMIPA UGM.

“Basic groceries are expensive now, especially as Ramadan approaches. I feel greatly helped by the assistance provided by DWP FMIPA UGM,” said one of the aid recipients.

Distribution of essential supply packages for security and cleaning staff (Photo: Hero)

This social service activity is an implementation of SDG number 1, which aims to eradicate poverty by supporting food supplies, and number 2, which aims to end hunger by improving the quality of food consumption. The hope is that this activity will continue to support social conditions and welfare, especially in fulfilling basic needs within the FMIPA UGM community.


Keywords: social service, basic supply, without hunger

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Boosting Blood Stock Quantity in Yogyakarta, DWP FMIPA UGM Holds Blood Donation Event with RS Sardjito

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

DWP FMIPA UGM organized a blood donation drive to increase the quantity of bloodstock in Yogyakarta. Collaborating with Sardjito Hospital, the blood donation event took place in the courtyard of the FMIPA UGM Building on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024. Blood donors included the general public, thus not limited only to faculty members, staff, and students of FMIPA UGM.

“Many hospitals still need blood donations. The hope is that it can be beneficial for those in need,” said Nurun Djamilatun, Chairperson of DWP FMIPA UGM.

The enthusiasm of the blood donors was evident from the long queues waiting for their turn to undergo eligibility checks for blood collection. The types of checks conducted included blood pressure and hemoglobin levels. Nurun also mentioned that the blood screening was expected to raise awareness about maintaining bodily health.

The long queues waiting for blood donation (Photo: Datu)

“Some individuals didn’t pass the blood condition screening due to low hemoglobin levels, so we also encourage them to maintain their health by paying attention to their blood levels. With this, they can donate blood at another time,” said Nurun.

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

This blood donation activity has the potential to increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, which is a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, the activity contributes to ensuring healthcare services for the campus community to prevent or detect diseases that pose risks to donors and to increase the quantity of bloodstock for the community. This activity will continue to promote health and social awareness within the FMIPA UGM environment.


Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Datu Maulana Ahmad

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Promoting Health Awareness, FMIPA UGM Regularly Holds Exercise and Health Check-ups

Exercise at FMIPA UGM

FMIPA UGM routinely conducts exercise and health services to promote health awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at the FMIPA UGM Building’s courtyard on Friday, Feb 23rd, 2024. The agenda is held every last Friday of each month through Posbindu PTM (Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular/Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Counseling Post). The agenda starts with morning exercise followed by health check-ups.

“This activity aims to increase awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at FMIPA UGM. We don’t want them to be healthy when they enter here but become ill when they leave,” said Dr. Chotimah, M.Si., the health officer at FMIPA UGM.

The participants’ enthusiasm is evident from the long queues waiting for their turn in health check-ups. The checks conducted include body mass index, blood pressure, glucose levels, uric acid, and cholesterol. One employee expressed surprise upon learning about the cholesterol levels in their body.

Health check-up queue

“I was quite surprised to know the cholesterol level in my body. Is it because I’ve recently consumed a lot of seafood?” said Shafa, one of the employees at FMIPA UGM.

Health check-up to determine the ideal body mass index

Exercise and health check-up activities can potentially increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure and obesity, thus representing a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, these activities contribute to ensuring health services for the campus community to engage in the prevention or early detection of risky diseases. The hope is that this activity will continue to promote health awareness in the FMIPA UGM environment, thereby creating a healthy campus condition.

Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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PESEGI FMIPA UGM Promotes Healthy Lifestyle through Cycling: Cross-Route Edition in Kulon Progo

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport

The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University continues to advocate for a healthy lifestyle through cycling, this time traversing the Kulon Progo region on Feb 24th, 2024. The cycling route starts from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM and concludes at Yogyakarta International Airport in Wates, Kulon Progo. The event was attended by faculty members and staff from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM, but it was open to the general public.

During the cycling route, there were designated stopping points for rest and breakfast. This cycling activity, besides promoting a healthy lifestyle, aims to accommodate cyclists who want to engage collectively in supporting environmental sustainability.

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport


“This activity is carried out every Sabtu Legi (a day based on the Javanese calendar) as a manifestation of our support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, M.Si., the Chairman of the PESEGI Community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM.

Cycling activities have the potential to reduce obesity rates in the community, making it a tangible representation of SDGs Goal 3 in the field of Good Health and Well-being. Furthermore, this cycling culture also contributes to improving the air quality index due to the high usage of oil-fueled vehicles, thus reflecting SDGs point 11, which is Sustainable Cities and Communities. The hope is that more individuals will join in advocating for activities that have a positive impact on health and the environment.

Preparations for departure to the finish line


Keywords: cycling, health, air quality index, environment

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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PESEGI FMIPA UGM Community Successfully Organizes First Cycling Event in 2024

Yogyakarta, January 21, 2024 – The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) Community from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (FMIPA UGM) has successfully organized its first cycling event in 2024. The event took place on Saturday Legi, January 20, 2024, and was held as part of the efforts to support the Health Promoting University program and contribute to the implementation of SDGs, specifically goal number 3, Good Health and Well-Being, and sustainable cities and communities.

With a sense of unity, participants, including faculty members, staff, and FMIPA UGM alumni, gathered at 06:00 AM on the FMIPA UGM campus. The event commenced with a prayer followed by a group photo session, symbolizing unity and joy. Attended by faculty members, staff, alumni of FMIPA UGM, and open to the public, the event attracted cycling enthusiasts from various backgrounds in Yogyakarta.

The chosen route for this cycling event was not only captivating but also meaningful. Participants rode along the Mataram Canal, passing through Affandi Street, Condong Catur, and Ngemplak. Beyond the city’s main roads, cyclists explored rural areas, enjoying the beauty of nature and the simplicity of village life. The route was selected not only for its scenic beauty but also to instill appreciation for the environment and the lives of the surrounding communities.


The event ended with a communal meal at Angkringan Prapatan, Donolayan, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, a renowned venue known for its warm and pleasant atmosphere. This gathering went beyond sharing a meal; it provided participants with a moment to share experiences and stories, strengthening the bonds between faculty members, staff, and cycling enthusiast alumni.

This cycling event focused not only on sports and recreation but also on promoting a healthy lifestyle and building a strong community. It aligns with UGM’s Health Promoting University program, aiming to create an academic environment that supports physical, mental, and social well-being.

“We are thrilled and proud of the success of this event,” said the PESEGI Community coordinator. “We hope activities like these continue, serving not only as a means of exercise but also as a platform to strengthen our community and support health programs at our university.”

The cycling event is expected to set an example for other communities in promoting a healthy lifestyle and camaraderie. The PESEGI FMIPA UGM community is committed to organizing similar activities in the future as part of its contribution to building a healthier and more environmentally and socially conscious generation.

Contact Information:

Contact Name: Winarto Haryadi


About PESEGI FMIPA UGM Community:

The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) Community is a cycling enthusiast community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, founded with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle and camaraderie through cycling activities.

Author: Uha Isnaini

Editor: Winarto Haryadi

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