Sharing Session “Study in Taiwan: Internship Program and Career Opportunities”
On Monday (21/8), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, in collaboration with the Taiwan Center Indonesia, held a sharing session in the Auditorium on the 7th floor of FMIPA UGM. This event focused on sharing information about internship programs, further studies, and career opportunities in Taiwan. Featuring three alumni of FMIPA UGM who had experience participating in programs in Taiwan, the event was held in a hybrid format and attended by dozens of FMIPA UGM students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
The Sharing Session began at 2:00 PM WIB and opened with the national anthem of Indonesia, “Indonesia Raya.” Before diving into the main event, Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D., the Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs, delivered a welcoming speech. He emphasized that graduates must be capable of solving real-life problems in society and industry, and therefore, they need to acquire both hard and soft skills as preparation for the working world.
The event continued with an Info Session on scholarships and internships in Taiwan presented by the Managing Director of Taiwan Center Indonesia, Mr. Arif Misbahul MBM. He began by introducing Taiwan Center Indonesia and the various programs they offer. He also discussed the reasons for pursuing further studies or careers in Taiwan and shared information about the application periods for advanced studies at various universities in Taiwan.
The main event commenced with a sharing session by Kak Hendra, an alumnus of the S1 Chemistry program at FMIPA UGM. Kak Hendra shared his journey of pursuing further studies in Taiwan, including his diligent search for scholarship information and preparation of his CV and cover letter, which are common requirements for applications. The event continued with a sharing session by Kak Christian Antonia Lusiarta Putera, S.Si., an alumnus of the S1 Elins program at FMIPA UGM, who currently works as a Senior R&D Engineer at Logitech Taiwan. Kak Christian shared insights into the working life in Taiwan and mentioned the career days organized at various universities in Taiwan. The last session featured sharing by Kak Christophorus Galang Wijanarko, an alumnus of the S1 Elins program at FMIPA UGM, who recently completed the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) internship. Kak Christo shared his internship experiences in Taiwan and life as an intern there.
Each session included a Q&A opportunity for participants to ask questions to the speakers. The Q&A sessions were interactive, with many participants showing interest and asking questions. The speakers enthusiastically provided answers to the participants’ inquiries. The event was concluded by the MC after the Q&A sessions ended.