






Sharing Session “Study in Taiwan: Internship Program and Career Opportunities”

On Monday (21/8), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, in collaboration with the Taiwan Center Indonesia, held a sharing session in the Auditorium on the 7th floor of FMIPA UGM. This event focused on sharing information about internship programs, further studies, and career opportunities in Taiwan. Featuring three alumni of FMIPA UGM who had experience participating in programs in Taiwan, the event was held in a hybrid format and attended by dozens of FMIPA UGM students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The Sharing Session began at 2:00 PM WIB and opened with the national anthem of Indonesia, “Indonesia Raya.” Before diving into the main event, Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D., the Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs, delivered a welcoming speech. He emphasized that graduates must be capable of solving real-life problems in society and industry, and therefore, they need to acquire both hard and soft skills as preparation for the working world.

The event continued with an Info Session on scholarships and internships in Taiwan presented by the Managing Director of Taiwan Center Indonesia, Mr. Arif Misbahul MBM. He began by introducing Taiwan Center Indonesia and the various programs they offer. He also discussed the reasons for pursuing further studies or careers in Taiwan and shared information about the application periods for advanced studies at various universities in Taiwan.

The main event commenced with a sharing session by Kak Hendra, an alumnus of the S1 Chemistry program at FMIPA UGM. Kak Hendra shared his journey of pursuing further studies in Taiwan, including his diligent search for scholarship information and preparation of his CV and cover letter, which are common requirements for applications. The event continued with a sharing session by Kak Christian Antonia Lusiarta Putera, S.Si., an alumnus of the S1 Elins program at FMIPA UGM, who currently works as a Senior R&D Engineer at Logitech Taiwan. Kak Christian shared insights into the working life in Taiwan and mentioned the career days organized at various universities in Taiwan. The last session featured sharing by Kak Christophorus Galang Wijanarko, an alumnus of the S1 Elins program at FMIPA UGM, who recently completed the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) internship. Kak Christo shared his internship experiences in Taiwan and life as an intern there.

Each session included a Q&A opportunity for participants to ask questions to the speakers. The Q&A sessions were interactive, with many participants showing interest and asking questions. The speakers enthusiastically provided answers to the participants’ inquiries. The event was concluded by the MC after the Q&A sessions ended.

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Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (FMIPA UGM) and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the University of Mataram (FKIP UNRAM) Collaboration for Community Service

As a concrete implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of FMIPA UGM collaborates with the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the University of Mataram to conduct community service activities with the theme “Improving Scientific Writing Competence for Chemistry Teachers and Future Mapping Skills Competence for Students in High Schools/Vocational Schools in Mataram City.” The community service activities were carried out on August 17-19, 2023, with approximately 30 Chemistry subject teachers and around 25 students from SMA/MAN in Mataram City, specifically from the 11th and 12th grades.

The program coordinator for community service, Dr. Suherman, mentioned that the activities consisted of parallel workshops. For the class with Chemistry teachers as participants (in collaboration with the Chemistry Teachers’ Association of Mataram City), the focus was on environmental issues for chemistry learning (with Prof. Endang Tri Wahyuni as the speaker) and scientific paper writing techniques for teacher publications (with Prof. Mudasir as the speaker). Meanwhile, for the student class, there were two speakers: Dr. Suherman on the theme “mapping future skills” and “Prospects for graduates of science education” with Dr. Yunita Arian Sani Anwar (lecturer at FKIP Unram) as the speaker.

The response to the community service activities was exceptionally positive. In fact, one teacher expressed that there should be some form of follow-up and mentoring, especially in scientific writing, as it is crucial for the teaching profession. On the other hand, students from the 11th and 12th grades shared their opinions that preparing for the future is essential, and they gained new insights into the wide range of careers available to graduates in pure science and science education.

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The collaboration between FMIPA UGM and PT CBQA Global Indonesia: A Strategic and Inspirational Collaboration

Yogyakarta, August 15, 2023 – Strategic steps have been taken by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM to enhance its quality and achievements. On August 15, 2023, FMIPA UGM entered into a collaboration agreement with PT CBQA Global Indonesia, a leading institution in the field of Certification, Audit, and Training.

PT CBQA Global Indonesia, a well-known name in the world of certification and audit, has provided valuable support to both national and international companies. With a strong determination to enhance the quality, performance, and reputation of companies, PT CBQA Global will be the right partner in this strategic move.

The certification offered by CBQA Global serves as the main pillar in ensuring that a company’s management system is optimally implemented. Through comprehensive “one-stop solution” services, companies receive full support to continually improve their management systems. The audit and training processes conducted by the experienced and professional team at CBQA Global provide assurance that every improvement step is carried out accurately and efficiently.

The Director of PT CBQA Global Indonesia expressed confidence in the potential of this collaboration. “We are committed to providing the best service and unlimited support to our partner companies. Quality, integrity, and professionalism are principles we uphold,” he stated.

In addition to the clear benefits for the corporate world, this collaboration is also expected to have a significant positive impact on the educators and students of FMIPA UGM. This collaboration opens up new opportunities to enhance the quality of education and the experiences of students, in line with the demands of the global industrial and business developments.

The launch event of this collaboration was celebrated with a sense of nationalism, beginning with the proud singing of the national anthem, “Indonesia Raya.” The warm welcome from the Dean of FMIPA UGM emphasized the importance of synergy between education and the industrial world in producing high-quality graduates.

The address from the Director of PT CBQA Global Indonesia reaffirmed the spirit of jointly creating positive change. The signing of the collaboration agreement was a moment that solidified the commitment of both parties to achieve Common Goals.

The event also included an exchange of souvenirs as a symbol of friendship and collaborative spirit. Group photos and in-depth discussions between representatives from FMIPA UGM and PT CBQA Global Indonesia provided valuable opportunities to share insights and perspectives.

With hope and enthusiasm, this event concluded as the beginning of a new chapter in the journey of quality and achievement. The collaboration between FMIPA UGM and PT CBQA Global Indonesia is believed to bring significant long-term benefits to the fields of education, industry, and the wider community.

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Monev Internal PKM FMIPA UGM Team

On Sunday (August 13), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM conducted internal monitoring and evaluation (Monev) for all teams from FMIPA UGM that successfully secured funding for the 2023 Student Creativity Program (PKM). The event aimed to review the progress of each team and also prepare for the university-level PKM team Monev. The internal Monev of FMIPA took place in the Turing Meeting Room of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics on the 4th floor of FMIPA UGM. There were 37 teams from FMIPA that secured funding for PKM, with details as follows: 14 teams for PKM-RE (Exact Research), 11 teams for PKM-KC (Creative Ideas), 1 team for PKM-KI (Innovative Works), 7 teams for PKM-K (Entrepreneurship), and 4 teams for PKM-PM (Community Service).

The event started at 08:00 AM WIB with the MC’s opening, followed by a speech from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM. In his speech, he provided motivation and encouragement to the PKM teams. The event continued with guidance from Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., representing the PKM Center UGM. He mentioned that the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is at the forefront of UGM in the PKM competition, so all teams must be diligent in working on their projects.

After the opening ceremony, all teams were divided into three rooms based on the type of PKM they were working on. PKM-RE teams were monitored by Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., PKM-KC and PKM-KI teams were in one room monitored by Dr. Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, while PKM-K and PKM-PM teams were in one room monitored by Mr. Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Si. Each group was given 7-10 minutes to present the progress of their PKM project, and then the monitors evaluated and provided suggestions for the continuation of each group’s project.

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Household Waste Management Workshop in Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul by the Community Service Team from the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UGM.

Waste is a significant issue that needs to be addressed, especially in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, due to the temporary closure of the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA). In order to address the issues in the community, particularly waste management, and to fulfill one of the Higher Education Tri Dharma, which is Community Service, the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in collaboration with the Girirejo Village Government in Imogiri, Bantul, conducted training on waste management for the community through the Adopted Village program.

The Community Service Team from the Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Girirejo Village Government in Imogiri, Bantul, conducted training on household waste management. This is a concrete effort to address the pressing issue of waste management in the Yogyakarta region, especially due to the closure of the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA).

The waste situation in Yogyakarta has become more complicated following the temporary closure of the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA). Waste has been piling up, and concerted efforts are needed to reduce its negative impact. This is what prompted the Department of Chemistry, in collaboration with the Girirejo Village Government, to take action.

The Adopted Village program is part of the Higher Education Tri Dharma, which involves universities in making a tangible contribution to the community. The Department of Chemistry is committed to implementing this program and sharing knowledge about waste management with the community.

The team led by Dr. Winarto Haryadi M.Si and waste management activist Agus Hartono S.S. conducted this training program. Full support from the Girirejo Village Lurah, Mrs. Dwi Yuli Purwanti, SH, was the key to the success of the program’s implementation.

During the first meeting held on June 4, 2023, Gus Hart (Agus Hartono’s nickname) emphasized the importance of public awareness in reducing waste production. The most effective solution is to reduce waste production, especially plastics that are challenging to manage.

In the second meeting on July 23, 2023, Gus Hart explained waste separation. Waste can be categorized into 4 types, including sellable waste, compost, creative waste, and disposable waste. This helps the community understand the proper way to manage household waste.

The third meeting, held on August 12, 2023, focused on the practice of waste separation. Participants enthusiastically joined this event and began implementing waste separation in their households. The difficulty in finding waste that truly needed disposal indicated that much of the waste still had utility value.

The Community Service Team from the Department of Chemistry hopes that waste management can be carried out sustainably by the community, especially in the Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul. Awareness of the importance of waste management should start within the family environment, and with collective support, the waste issue in Yogyakarta can be addressed (RNC).

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The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM and the Taiwan Center collaborate on the “Design Thinking for Digital Courses” Workshop.

Yogyakarta, August 11, 2023 – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM held an innovative workshop titled “Design Thinking for Digital Courses.” This event is the result of collaboration between FMIPA UGM, the Taiwan Center, and I-Shou University. The two-day event was attended by dozens of teachers, school principals, lecturers, and senior students from various educational institutions.

The first day began with a warm welcome from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, who appreciated this cross-border collaboration in supporting the development of education in Indonesia. Greetings were also delivered by representatives from I-Shou University, Prof. Huang Wen Shen, and Taiwan Center representative, Arif Misbahul MBM. The seminar continued with the main presentation by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei, Ph.D., from the Department of Parasitology at the College of Medicine and the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at National Cheng Kung University.

The second day of the workshop involved more than 40 lecturers and senior students from various study programs. Prof. Wang Yu Chi, Ph.D., from the Department of Medical Science and Biotechnology at I-Shou University, served as the main speaker for this session. Prof. Chi has a rich research background and has contributed to various educational and innovation programs at I-Shou University.

This workshop consisted of two main parts, with the first being a session led by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei. This session provided in-depth insights into the concept of Design Thinking and how it can be applied in the development of digital courses. Prof. Wei shared his extensive experience in the development and implementation of Design Thinking, such as the Design Thinking Cross-Domain Talent Cultivation Program and the University Alliance for Deepening Digital Learning and Innovative Applications Program.

The second part involved a presentation by Prof. Wang Yu Chi, who discussed the practical applications of the Design Thinking concept in the development of digital courses. This presentation provided a more specific view of implementing creative ideas in the digital environment, which is key to creating engaging and interactive learning experiences for learners.

This international collaboration has resulted in a workshop that combines expertise and knowledge from various educational institutions. The “Design Thinking for Digital Courses” workshop successfully provided fresh insights into innovative approaches to developing digital courses that are relevant to the demands of the times. It is hoped that the success of this event will have a positive impact on improving the quality of education in Indonesia and fostering stronger international cooperation in the field of education.

Writer : Rizky

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Design Thinking Workshop FMIPA-Taiwan Center

Young people today, both high school students and university students, are growing up in a digital era filled with technological advancements. Speed, connectivity, and easy access to information are integral parts of their daily lives. With such characteristics, traditional approaches to education often fall short in capturing their attention and maximizing their learning potential.

Design Thinking, a human-centered design approach, offers innovative solutions in designing digital learning experiences for young people. The Design Thinking approach to designing digital learning is not just about creating engaging content but also about building deep, meaningful, and relevant learning experiences for the younger generation. Given the distinct characteristics and needs of this generation, innovative approaches like Design Thinking are crucial to ensuring successful learning in the current digital era.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM, in collaboration with the Taiwan Center and I-Shou University, conducted a workshop titled “Design Thinking for Digital Courses.” This activity took place over 2 days, from August 10-11, 2023. On the first day, it was attended by 64 teachers and school principals from 34 high schools (SMA), while the second day was attended by 40 lecturers and senior students from various study programs.

The seminar began with remarks from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, followed by remarks from Prof. Huang Wen Shen, representing I-Shou University, and Arif Misbahul MBM, representing the Taiwan Center.

The workshop was divided into two parts, led by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei, Ph.D., from the Department of Parasitology at the College of Medicine and the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at National Cheng Kung University, and a presentation by Prof. Wang Yu Chi, Ph.D., from the Department of Medical Science and Biotechnology at I-Shou University. Prof. Shin Jyh Wei is the Director of the Center for Continuing Education at National Cheng Kung University and has conducted extensive research in relevant areas, including the Design Thinking Cross-Domain Talent Cultivation Program, the University Alliance for Deepening Digital Learning and Innovative Applications Program, and the Topic-Oriented Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Competence Cultivation Program.

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FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd “SAKA” Join Hands, Approve Field Study Collaboration in Pangkah, Gresik, East Java.

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UGM menyepakati Kerja Sama Studi bersama dengan PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 1 Agustus 2023, di Ruang Sidang KPTU FMIPA UGM, dah dihadiri oleh Dosen Program Studi Geofisika, Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Penelitian dan Kerjasama.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM has agreed to collaborate on a joint study with PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. This activity took place on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, in the Meeting Room of KPTU FMIPA UGM and was attended by faculty members from the Geophysics Study Program. Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., served as the Vice Dean for Research and Collaboration.

This collaboration will focus on Low-Frequency Passive Seismic Studies in the Pangkah Field, Gresik, East Java. The kick-off meeting lasted for 8 hours, beginning with a presentation of FMIPA UGM’s profile, followed by a presentation of the profile by PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. The event concluded with a demonstration of the approved equipment for the joint project activities.

On this occasion, PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd expressed appreciation for the high focus, seriousness, and innovation demonstrated by FMIPA UGM in this research. “FMIPA is currently undergoing rebranding, not only as a faculty focused on integral learning but also as a faculty that generates many creative ideas and innovations used to address societal and environmental issues, of course with technology and science,” continued Mr. Wiwit.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that there will be synergy between FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd to produce high-quality research and innovative solutions in the field of low-frequency seismic studies.


Writer : Erma Nur Janahwati

Photographer : Erma Nur Janahwati

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Sharing Session “Study in Taiwan: Internship Program and Career Opportunities”

On Monday (21/8), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, in collaboration with the Taiwan Center Indonesia, held a sharing session in the Auditorium on the 7th floor of FMIPA UGM. This event focused on sharing information about internship programs, further studies, and career opportunities in Taiwan. Featuring three alumni of FMIPA UGM who had experience participating in programs in Taiwan, the event was held in a hybrid format and attended by dozens of FMIPA UGM students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The Sharing Session began at 2:00 PM WIB and opened with the national anthem of Indonesia, “Indonesia Raya.” Before diving into the main event, Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D., the Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs, delivered a welcoming speech. He emphasized that graduates must be capable of solving real-life problems in society and industry, and therefore, they need to acquire both hard and soft skills as preparation for the working world.

The event continued with an Info Session on scholarships and internships in Taiwan presented by the Managing Director of Taiwan Center Indonesia, Mr. Arif Misbahul MBM. He began by introducing Taiwan Center Indonesia and the various programs they offer. He also discussed the reasons for pursuing further studies or careers in Taiwan and shared information about the application periods for advanced studies at various universities in Taiwan.

The main event commenced with a sharing session by Kak Hendra, an alumnus of the S1 Chemistry program at FMIPA UGM. Kak Hendra shared his journey of pursuing further studies in Taiwan, including his diligent search for scholarship information and preparation of his CV and cover letter, which are common requirements for applications. The event continued with a sharing session by Kak Christian Antonia Lusiarta Putera, S.Si., an alumnus of the S1 Elins program at FMIPA UGM, who currently works as a Senior R&D Engineer at Logitech Taiwan. Kak Christian shared insights into the working life in Taiwan and mentioned the career days organized at various universities in Taiwan. The last session featured sharing by Kak Christophorus Galang Wijanarko, an alumnus of the S1 Elins program at FMIPA UGM, who recently completed the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) internship. Kak Christo shared his internship experiences in Taiwan and life as an intern there.

Each session included a Q&A opportunity for participants to ask questions to the speakers. The Q&A sessions were interactive, with many participants showing interest and asking questions. The speakers enthusiastically provided answers to the participants’ inquiries. The event was concluded by the MC after the Q&A sessions ended.

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Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (FMIPA UGM) and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the University of Mataram (FKIP UNRAM) Collaboration for Community Service

As a concrete implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of FMIPA UGM collaborates with the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the University of Mataram to conduct community service activities with the theme “Improving Scientific Writing Competence for Chemistry Teachers and Future Mapping Skills Competence for Students in High Schools/Vocational Schools in Mataram City.” The community service activities were carried out on August 17-19, 2023, with approximately 30 Chemistry subject teachers and around 25 students from SMA/MAN in Mataram City, specifically from the 11th and 12th grades.

The program coordinator for community service, Dr. Suherman, mentioned that the activities consisted of parallel workshops. For the class with Chemistry teachers as participants (in collaboration with the Chemistry Teachers’ Association of Mataram City), the focus was on environmental issues for chemistry learning (with Prof. Endang Tri Wahyuni as the speaker) and scientific paper writing techniques for teacher publications (with Prof. Mudasir as the speaker). Meanwhile, for the student class, there were two speakers: Dr. Suherman on the theme “mapping future skills” and “Prospects for graduates of science education” with Dr. Yunita Arian Sani Anwar (lecturer at FKIP Unram) as the speaker.

The response to the community service activities was exceptionally positive. In fact, one teacher expressed that there should be some form of follow-up and mentoring, especially in scientific writing, as it is crucial for the teaching profession. On the other hand, students from the 11th and 12th grades shared their opinions that preparing for the future is essential, and they gained new insights into the wide range of careers available to graduates in pure science and science education.

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The collaboration between FMIPA UGM and PT CBQA Global Indonesia: A Strategic and Inspirational Collaboration

Yogyakarta, August 15, 2023 – Strategic steps have been taken by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM to enhance its quality and achievements. On August 15, 2023, FMIPA UGM entered into a collaboration agreement with PT CBQA Global Indonesia, a leading institution in the field of Certification, Audit, and Training.

PT CBQA Global Indonesia, a well-known name in the world of certification and audit, has provided valuable support to both national and international companies. With a strong determination to enhance the quality, performance, and reputation of companies, PT CBQA Global will be the right partner in this strategic move.

The certification offered by CBQA Global serves as the main pillar in ensuring that a company’s management system is optimally implemented. Through comprehensive “one-stop solution” services, companies receive full support to continually improve their management systems. The audit and training processes conducted by the experienced and professional team at CBQA Global provide assurance that every improvement step is carried out accurately and efficiently.

The Director of PT CBQA Global Indonesia expressed confidence in the potential of this collaboration. “We are committed to providing the best service and unlimited support to our partner companies. Quality, integrity, and professionalism are principles we uphold,” he stated.

In addition to the clear benefits for the corporate world, this collaboration is also expected to have a significant positive impact on the educators and students of FMIPA UGM. This collaboration opens up new opportunities to enhance the quality of education and the experiences of students, in line with the demands of the global industrial and business developments.

The launch event of this collaboration was celebrated with a sense of nationalism, beginning with the proud singing of the national anthem, “Indonesia Raya.” The warm welcome from the Dean of FMIPA UGM emphasized the importance of synergy between education and the industrial world in producing high-quality graduates.

The address from the Director of PT CBQA Global Indonesia reaffirmed the spirit of jointly creating positive change. The signing of the collaboration agreement was a moment that solidified the commitment of both parties to achieve Common Goals.

The event also included an exchange of souvenirs as a symbol of friendship and collaborative spirit. Group photos and in-depth discussions between representatives from FMIPA UGM and PT CBQA Global Indonesia provided valuable opportunities to share insights and perspectives.

With hope and enthusiasm, this event concluded as the beginning of a new chapter in the journey of quality and achievement. The collaboration between FMIPA UGM and PT CBQA Global Indonesia is believed to bring significant long-term benefits to the fields of education, industry, and the wider community.

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Monev Internal PKM FMIPA UGM Team

On Sunday (August 13), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM conducted internal monitoring and evaluation (Monev) for all teams from FMIPA UGM that successfully secured funding for the 2023 Student Creativity Program (PKM). The event aimed to review the progress of each team and also prepare for the university-level PKM team Monev. The internal Monev of FMIPA took place in the Turing Meeting Room of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics on the 4th floor of FMIPA UGM. There were 37 teams from FMIPA that secured funding for PKM, with details as follows: 14 teams for PKM-RE (Exact Research), 11 teams for PKM-KC (Creative Ideas), 1 team for PKM-KI (Innovative Works), 7 teams for PKM-K (Entrepreneurship), and 4 teams for PKM-PM (Community Service).

The event started at 08:00 AM WIB with the MC’s opening, followed by a speech from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM. In his speech, he provided motivation and encouragement to the PKM teams. The event continued with guidance from Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., representing the PKM Center UGM. He mentioned that the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is at the forefront of UGM in the PKM competition, so all teams must be diligent in working on their projects.

After the opening ceremony, all teams were divided into three rooms based on the type of PKM they were working on. PKM-RE teams were monitored by Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., PKM-KC and PKM-KI teams were in one room monitored by Dr. Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, while PKM-K and PKM-PM teams were in one room monitored by Mr. Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Si. Each group was given 7-10 minutes to present the progress of their PKM project, and then the monitors evaluated and provided suggestions for the continuation of each group’s project.

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Household Waste Management Workshop in Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul by the Community Service Team from the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UGM.

Waste is a significant issue that needs to be addressed, especially in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, due to the temporary closure of the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA). In order to address the issues in the community, particularly waste management, and to fulfill one of the Higher Education Tri Dharma, which is Community Service, the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in collaboration with the Girirejo Village Government in Imogiri, Bantul, conducted training on waste management for the community through the Adopted Village program.

The Community Service Team from the Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Girirejo Village Government in Imogiri, Bantul, conducted training on household waste management. This is a concrete effort to address the pressing issue of waste management in the Yogyakarta region, especially due to the closure of the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA).

The waste situation in Yogyakarta has become more complicated following the temporary closure of the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA). Waste has been piling up, and concerted efforts are needed to reduce its negative impact. This is what prompted the Department of Chemistry, in collaboration with the Girirejo Village Government, to take action.

The Adopted Village program is part of the Higher Education Tri Dharma, which involves universities in making a tangible contribution to the community. The Department of Chemistry is committed to implementing this program and sharing knowledge about waste management with the community.

The team led by Dr. Winarto Haryadi M.Si and waste management activist Agus Hartono S.S. conducted this training program. Full support from the Girirejo Village Lurah, Mrs. Dwi Yuli Purwanti, SH, was the key to the success of the program’s implementation.

During the first meeting held on June 4, 2023, Gus Hart (Agus Hartono’s nickname) emphasized the importance of public awareness in reducing waste production. The most effective solution is to reduce waste production, especially plastics that are challenging to manage.

In the second meeting on July 23, 2023, Gus Hart explained waste separation. Waste can be categorized into 4 types, including sellable waste, compost, creative waste, and disposable waste. This helps the community understand the proper way to manage household waste.

The third meeting, held on August 12, 2023, focused on the practice of waste separation. Participants enthusiastically joined this event and began implementing waste separation in their households. The difficulty in finding waste that truly needed disposal indicated that much of the waste still had utility value.

The Community Service Team from the Department of Chemistry hopes that waste management can be carried out sustainably by the community, especially in the Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul. Awareness of the importance of waste management should start within the family environment, and with collective support, the waste issue in Yogyakarta can be addressed (RNC).

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The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM and the Taiwan Center collaborate on the “Design Thinking for Digital Courses” Workshop.

Yogyakarta, August 11, 2023 – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM held an innovative workshop titled “Design Thinking for Digital Courses.” This event is the result of collaboration between FMIPA UGM, the Taiwan Center, and I-Shou University. The two-day event was attended by dozens of teachers, school principals, lecturers, and senior students from various educational institutions.

The first day began with a warm welcome from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, who appreciated this cross-border collaboration in supporting the development of education in Indonesia. Greetings were also delivered by representatives from I-Shou University, Prof. Huang Wen Shen, and Taiwan Center representative, Arif Misbahul MBM. The seminar continued with the main presentation by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei, Ph.D., from the Department of Parasitology at the College of Medicine and the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at National Cheng Kung University.

The second day of the workshop involved more than 40 lecturers and senior students from various study programs. Prof. Wang Yu Chi, Ph.D., from the Department of Medical Science and Biotechnology at I-Shou University, served as the main speaker for this session. Prof. Chi has a rich research background and has contributed to various educational and innovation programs at I-Shou University.

This workshop consisted of two main parts, with the first being a session led by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei. This session provided in-depth insights into the concept of Design Thinking and how it can be applied in the development of digital courses. Prof. Wei shared his extensive experience in the development and implementation of Design Thinking, such as the Design Thinking Cross-Domain Talent Cultivation Program and the University Alliance for Deepening Digital Learning and Innovative Applications Program.

The second part involved a presentation by Prof. Wang Yu Chi, who discussed the practical applications of the Design Thinking concept in the development of digital courses. This presentation provided a more specific view of implementing creative ideas in the digital environment, which is key to creating engaging and interactive learning experiences for learners.

This international collaboration has resulted in a workshop that combines expertise and knowledge from various educational institutions. The “Design Thinking for Digital Courses” workshop successfully provided fresh insights into innovative approaches to developing digital courses that are relevant to the demands of the times. It is hoped that the success of this event will have a positive impact on improving the quality of education in Indonesia and fostering stronger international cooperation in the field of education.

Writer : Rizky

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Design Thinking Workshop FMIPA-Taiwan Center

Young people today, both high school students and university students, are growing up in a digital era filled with technological advancements. Speed, connectivity, and easy access to information are integral parts of their daily lives. With such characteristics, traditional approaches to education often fall short in capturing their attention and maximizing their learning potential.

Design Thinking, a human-centered design approach, offers innovative solutions in designing digital learning experiences for young people. The Design Thinking approach to designing digital learning is not just about creating engaging content but also about building deep, meaningful, and relevant learning experiences for the younger generation. Given the distinct characteristics and needs of this generation, innovative approaches like Design Thinking are crucial to ensuring successful learning in the current digital era.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM, in collaboration with the Taiwan Center and I-Shou University, conducted a workshop titled “Design Thinking for Digital Courses.” This activity took place over 2 days, from August 10-11, 2023. On the first day, it was attended by 64 teachers and school principals from 34 high schools (SMA), while the second day was attended by 40 lecturers and senior students from various study programs.

The seminar began with remarks from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, followed by remarks from Prof. Huang Wen Shen, representing I-Shou University, and Arif Misbahul MBM, representing the Taiwan Center.

The workshop was divided into two parts, led by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei, Ph.D., from the Department of Parasitology at the College of Medicine and the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at National Cheng Kung University, and a presentation by Prof. Wang Yu Chi, Ph.D., from the Department of Medical Science and Biotechnology at I-Shou University. Prof. Shin Jyh Wei is the Director of the Center for Continuing Education at National Cheng Kung University and has conducted extensive research in relevant areas, including the Design Thinking Cross-Domain Talent Cultivation Program, the University Alliance for Deepening Digital Learning and Innovative Applications Program, and the Topic-Oriented Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Competence Cultivation Program.

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FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd “SAKA” Join Hands, Approve Field Study Collaboration in Pangkah, Gresik, East Java.

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UGM menyepakati Kerja Sama Studi bersama dengan PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 1 Agustus 2023, di Ruang Sidang KPTU FMIPA UGM, dah dihadiri oleh Dosen Program Studi Geofisika, Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Penelitian dan Kerjasama.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM has agreed to collaborate on a joint study with PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. This activity took place on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, in the Meeting Room of KPTU FMIPA UGM and was attended by faculty members from the Geophysics Study Program. Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., served as the Vice Dean for Research and Collaboration.

This collaboration will focus on Low-Frequency Passive Seismic Studies in the Pangkah Field, Gresik, East Java. The kick-off meeting lasted for 8 hours, beginning with a presentation of FMIPA UGM’s profile, followed by a presentation of the profile by PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. The event concluded with a demonstration of the approved equipment for the joint project activities.

On this occasion, PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd expressed appreciation for the high focus, seriousness, and innovation demonstrated by FMIPA UGM in this research. “FMIPA is currently undergoing rebranding, not only as a faculty focused on integral learning but also as a faculty that generates many creative ideas and innovations used to address societal and environmental issues, of course with technology and science,” continued Mr. Wiwit.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that there will be synergy between FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd to produce high-quality research and innovative solutions in the field of low-frequency seismic studies.


Writer : Erma Nur Janahwati

Photographer : Erma Nur Janahwati

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