






In Response to The Challenge of Extreme Terrain in Geothermal Exploration in Indonesia, FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Create a Geophysical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Optimize Geothermal Potential

In the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, the collaboration between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI takes a groundbreaking turn. On Tuesday (12/12) in Yogyakarta, an inaugural meeting was held to formulate an innovative hardware solution to enhance geothermal exploration process. Recognizing the volcanic terrain dominating Indonesia’s geothermal fields, the need arose for an efficient mapping and identification tools. Hence, the innovation of Geophysical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone technology.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, warmly welcomed the developed innovation, expressing optimism. “May this innovation progress well, and FMIPA UGM will continue to support the ongoing collaboration,” he remarked. He emphasized how such innovations could enrich the academic discipline within FMIPA UGM, benefiting both faculty and students. Sumadi Paryoto, representing Pertamina URTI, echoed the hope for smooth synergy throughout the collaboration. Additionally, UAV innovation aligns with 4 SDGs, optimizing geothermal energy, developing technology, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and fostering collaboration between industry and UGM.

Dr. Wahyudi, M.S., the Head of the Research Team, highlighted crucial stimuli for the Geophysical UAV innovation. “Ground-based survey methods are cumbersome. Airborne surveys are faster and more cost-effective. Geophysical UAV can reach areas with challenging terrains, reducing noise during data collection,” he explained. Fadhilaz Digdaya Haq, a researcher from Pertamina URTI, expressed admiration for the ongoing innovation. “Geophysical UAV introduces variations in geophysical methods, emphasizing safety in inaccessible geothermal locations,” he emphasized. The Geophysical UAV, coupled with the previously developed software named PertaGAMANT, aims to be a comprehensive solution for tackling the challenges of geothermal exploration in extreme terrains.

In conclusion, the collaboration between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI promises to revolutionize geothermal exploration in Indonesia. The Geophysical UAV, an innovative addition to the technological arsenal, coupled with the PertaGAMANT software, represents a holistic approach to overcoming the challenges of extreme geothermal terrains. (FNF/RNC)

Keyword: geothermal, exploration, UAV, geophysics, SDGs, TPB, sustainability

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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PertaGAMANT: Innovation in FMIPA UGM and Pertamina’s Geothermal Collaboration

Indonesia, rich in geothermal potential, plays a vital role in sustainable energy development. Effectively managing and optimizing this resource poses significant challenges. In response, the Geophysics Department of FMIPA UGM collaborates with Pertamina Upstream Research Technology Innovation (URTI), conducting research since 2018. The result is PertaGAMANT, innovative software developed through collaboration, showcasing remarkable performance in geothermal survey data processing and contributing substantial value to Pertamina. This section explores the challenges in managing Indonesia’s abundant geothermal resources, delving into the collaborative efforts between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI. It emphasizes the significance of their partnership in addressing geothermal challenges. The focus then shifts to PertaGAMANT, highlighting its breakthrough features and successful implementation in geothermal survey data processing. Explore how PertaGAMANT contributes substantial value, reaching up to 217 billion rupiah, to Pertamina and the geothermal industry.

Detail the outcomes of the evaluation meeting between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI, emphasizing collaborative efforts to refine and improve PertaGAMANT. Discuss specific areas identified for PertaGAMANT’s development, including bug fixes and the creation of data processing modules. Offer insights from Dr. rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto on ongoing research and development, including the upcoming Geophysical UAV technology. Present the optimistic viewpoint of R. Mochamad Taufiq S., a geothermal researcher, on how PertaGAMANT can contribute to energy optimization and technological expansion in geothermal fields. Explore the industry’s openness to involving academia and students in collaborative innovations, enhancing the collaborative spirit between various stakeholders. Gain insights from Dr. Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, an Expert Geophysicist, on the openness of innovation development, stimulating students for industry challenges, and future career planning.

Highlight the importance of ongoing collaboration between industry, academia, and students in creating innovations that contribute significantly to the future of geothermal energy in Indonesia. Discuss the potential for accelerated research contributions that will contribute to Indonesia’s geothermal future, fostering independence in geothermal energy development. Summarize the key points and emphasize the collaborative efforts shaping Indonesia’s geothermal future.(FNF/RNC)

Keywords: geothermal, geothermal, renewable energy, SDGs, TPB, sustainability, innovation, research, industry, UAV

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Strengthening National Resilience and Security: FMIPA UGM and TNI AD Ready to Synergize through State-of-the-Art Military Detection Tool Innovations

Indonesia, as the cherished homeland, calls for the active engagement of all citizens in upholding security and resilience. A significant stride in this endeavor stems from the collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (FMIPA UGM) and the Indonesian Army (TNI AD). Their recent meeting on Wednesday (13/12) at the FMIPA UGM campus in Yogyakarta solidified their commitment to tackling the challenges of national resilience and security.

This collaboration extends beyond technological development, aligning closely with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the realms of innovation and peace. Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, warmly welcomed the partnership, expressing readiness to oversee forthcoming innovations.

Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, M.Si., a researcher at Geophysics UGM, presented innovations grounded in cutting-edge research. Anticipated to enhance the country’s defense equipment, these innovations aim to bolster the effectiveness of main weapon systems. Myr. Chb. Dr. Indra Kristian, S.I.P., S.Kom., M.A.P., CIQaR, CFAS, a young researcher from the Research and Development Agency of TNI AD, highlighted the collaboration’s broader impact on research opportunities for students.

The meeting transcends formality, serving as a vital stimulus to foster cooperation between academics and the military. It not only navigates the challenges and opportunities in the journey towards national resilience but also emphasizes the necessity of a shared vision and mission in the face of evolving threats.

Indra Kristian articulates the hope for a unified vision and mission, essential for succeeding in technological innovation. This collaboration is not solely about surmounting current challenges; it lays the foundation for a safer and more robust future. Through the synergy between FMIPA UGM and TNI AD, the aspiration for national security and resilience through technological development becomes palpable. It not only generates superior innovations but also opens avenues for the younger generation to actively shape the future. (FNF/RNC)

Keyword: resilience, security, national, military, SDGs, defense equipment

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Sustainable Innovation: Solar Power Lights Up Chicken Coops in Grembyangan Village, Sleman

In a corner of Grembyangan Village, Madurejo, Prambanan, Sleman, a sustainable breakthrough is bringing new light and knowledge. The Jago Rejeki Livestock Group, known for their “Jowo Super” chicken breed, has taken a significant step towards sustainability by implementing a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). With a capacity of 320 Wp, this PLTS has been installed in the livestock coop, serving as a symbol of progress and environmental concern.

The installation of the PLTS is not just about illumination. It’s about transformation. By using a 65 Ah dry battery and 5 DC 12V/12W lamps, this PLTS successfully provides lighting for the coop at night, improving the quality of life for the chickens and facilitating the farmers in managing the coop.

Beyond that, this initiative also serves as an educational tool for the residents, especially the members of the livestock group. They are introduced to environmentally friendly advanced technology, learn about the components of the PLTS, as well as its installation and operation. The initiator of this activity, Physics Department Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, Ihsan Setiawan, M.Sc., has brought significant change to the community.

The implementation of PLTS is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of clean and affordable energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), and climate action (SDG 13). This initiative not only reduces dependence on fossil energy but also helps to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, taking small yet crucial steps towards a more sustainable future.

This activity serves as evidence that small steps can make a big impact. Grembyangan Village, through this innovation, showcases how communities can collaborate to achieve sustainability and how technology can be the key to a brighter and greener future. (FNF/RNC)

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Pemberitahuan Yudisium Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor untuk Bulan November 2023

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa program sarjana, magister dan doktor Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa yudisium November 2023 dijadwalkan pada Kamis, 30 November 2023 pukul 13.00 WIB dan penyerahan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat Senin, 27 November 2023.

Selain menyerahkan berkas yudisium, mahasiswa juga diwajibkan untuk mendaftar secara online melalui laman dengan menggunakan SSO masing-masing.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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Kuwat Triyana, Penemu GeNose Pendeteksi Covid-19 Dikukuhkan Sebagai Guru Besar UGM

Penemu GeNose Pendeteksi Covid-19, Prof. Dr. Eng Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., dikukuhkan dalam jabatan Guru Besar dalam Bidang Ilmu Fisika FMIPA UGM.

Dalam pengukuhan yang berlangsung pada Kamis (12/10) di Balai Senat UGM, ia memaparkan pidato berjudul Inovasi Sistem Sensor Berbasis Kecerdasan Artifisial dan Tantangan Hilirisasinya.
Dekan FMIPA UGM ini dalam pidatonya memaparkan tentang inovasi dan pengembangan sensor gas berbasis kecerdasan buatan yang telah dilakukannya yakni hidung elektronik (GeNose) dan lidah elektronik (Elto). Ia menyebutkan ada beberapa tantangan dalam pengembangan sensor gas, termasuk meningkatkan selektivitas, sensitivitas, respons dan waktu pemulihan, stabilitas jangka panjang, dan pergeseran penuaan. Tantangan-tantangan ini sedang diatasi melalui berbagai pendekatan, seperti penggunaan material baru, teknologi nano, dan teknik machine learning.
Dalam kesempatan itu Kuwat turut membagikan pengalaman dalam menghilirkan inovasi yang dihasilkannya yaitu hidung elektronik (merek terdaftar sebagai GeNose C19) melalui beberapa tahapan panjang dalam rangka pemenuhan sesuai regulasi di Indonesia. Mulai dari uji profiling, uji standar di Balai Pengamanan Fasilitas Kesehatan (BPFK) Surabaya, uji diagnostik hingga produksi massal.

“Terkait hilirisasi GeNose C19, kami mendapatkan pembelajaran yang luar biasa banyak untuk ke depannya. Sebagai produk yang aplikasinya baru, penjaminan mutu GeNose C19 harus dilakukan, meliputi uji diagnostik pre-market dan post-market serta literasi dan dan peningkatan skill operator agar patuh kepada SOP yang telah ditetapkan,”paparnya.

Lebih lanjut Kuwat mengatakan persoalan utama hilirisasi dan komersialisasi produk inovasi khususnya alat kesehatan (alkes) di Indonesia meliputi beberapa aspek. Salah satunya, keterbatasan modal atau pembiayaan menjadi kendala dalam pengembangan produk alkes inovatif di Indonesia. Hal ini menghambat penelitian dan pengembangan produk alkes yang lebih maju dan berteknologi tinggi.

Kedua, lemahnya ekosistem produksi alkes nasional menjadi salah satu kendala yang dihadapi industri alat kesehatan di Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, menurutnya perlu ada sinergi antara universitas, pemerintah, dan industri perlu ditingkatkan, termasuk penambahan fasilitas pengujian, pembuatan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) untuk pengujian alkes, dan penguatan industri bahan baku pendukung.

Ketiga, kurangnya koordinasi antara peneliti, pemerintah, dan industri juga menjadi masalah dalam hilirisasi dan komersialisasi produk alkes inovatif. Untuk mempercepat proses hilirisasi, peran industri perlu dilibatkan sejak tahap ide atau pembuatan proposal penelitian inovasi. Perusahaan swasta juga diharapkan dapat berkolaborasi dalam pengembangan produk alkes inovatif.

“Selain itu, 90% produk alat kesehatan di Indonesia merupakan produk impor yang menunjukkan bahwa industri alat kesehatan dalam negeri belum mampu memproduksi sebagian besar produk alat kesehatan berteknologi tinggi. Untuk mencapai kemandirian dalam industri alkes, Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kapasitas produksi produk dalam negeri dan mendorong peningkatan jumlah produk hasil riset dan inovasi dalam negeri,”pungkasnya.

Penulis: Ika

Foto: Donnie


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In Response to The Challenge of Extreme Terrain in Geothermal Exploration in Indonesia, FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Create a Geophysical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Optimize Geothermal Potential

In the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, the collaboration between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI takes a groundbreaking turn. On Tuesday (12/12) in Yogyakarta, an inaugural meeting was held to formulate an innovative hardware solution to enhance geothermal exploration process. Recognizing the volcanic terrain dominating Indonesia’s geothermal fields, the need arose for an efficient mapping and identification tools. Hence, the innovation of Geophysical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone technology.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, warmly welcomed the developed innovation, expressing optimism. “May this innovation progress well, and FMIPA UGM will continue to support the ongoing collaboration,” he remarked. He emphasized how such innovations could enrich the academic discipline within FMIPA UGM, benefiting both faculty and students. Sumadi Paryoto, representing Pertamina URTI, echoed the hope for smooth synergy throughout the collaboration. Additionally, UAV innovation aligns with 4 SDGs, optimizing geothermal energy, developing technology, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and fostering collaboration between industry and UGM.

Dr. Wahyudi, M.S., the Head of the Research Team, highlighted crucial stimuli for the Geophysical UAV innovation. “Ground-based survey methods are cumbersome. Airborne surveys are faster and more cost-effective. Geophysical UAV can reach areas with challenging terrains, reducing noise during data collection,” he explained. Fadhilaz Digdaya Haq, a researcher from Pertamina URTI, expressed admiration for the ongoing innovation. “Geophysical UAV introduces variations in geophysical methods, emphasizing safety in inaccessible geothermal locations,” he emphasized. The Geophysical UAV, coupled with the previously developed software named PertaGAMANT, aims to be a comprehensive solution for tackling the challenges of geothermal exploration in extreme terrains.

In conclusion, the collaboration between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI promises to revolutionize geothermal exploration in Indonesia. The Geophysical UAV, an innovative addition to the technological arsenal, coupled with the PertaGAMANT software, represents a holistic approach to overcoming the challenges of extreme geothermal terrains. (FNF/RNC)

Keyword: geothermal, exploration, UAV, geophysics, SDGs, TPB, sustainability

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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PertaGAMANT: Innovation in FMIPA UGM and Pertamina’s Geothermal Collaboration

Indonesia, rich in geothermal potential, plays a vital role in sustainable energy development. Effectively managing and optimizing this resource poses significant challenges. In response, the Geophysics Department of FMIPA UGM collaborates with Pertamina Upstream Research Technology Innovation (URTI), conducting research since 2018. The result is PertaGAMANT, innovative software developed through collaboration, showcasing remarkable performance in geothermal survey data processing and contributing substantial value to Pertamina. This section explores the challenges in managing Indonesia’s abundant geothermal resources, delving into the collaborative efforts between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI. It emphasizes the significance of their partnership in addressing geothermal challenges. The focus then shifts to PertaGAMANT, highlighting its breakthrough features and successful implementation in geothermal survey data processing. Explore how PertaGAMANT contributes substantial value, reaching up to 217 billion rupiah, to Pertamina and the geothermal industry.

Detail the outcomes of the evaluation meeting between FMIPA UGM and Pertamina URTI, emphasizing collaborative efforts to refine and improve PertaGAMANT. Discuss specific areas identified for PertaGAMANT’s development, including bug fixes and the creation of data processing modules. Offer insights from Dr. rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto on ongoing research and development, including the upcoming Geophysical UAV technology. Present the optimistic viewpoint of R. Mochamad Taufiq S., a geothermal researcher, on how PertaGAMANT can contribute to energy optimization and technological expansion in geothermal fields. Explore the industry’s openness to involving academia and students in collaborative innovations, enhancing the collaborative spirit between various stakeholders. Gain insights from Dr. Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, an Expert Geophysicist, on the openness of innovation development, stimulating students for industry challenges, and future career planning.

Highlight the importance of ongoing collaboration between industry, academia, and students in creating innovations that contribute significantly to the future of geothermal energy in Indonesia. Discuss the potential for accelerated research contributions that will contribute to Indonesia’s geothermal future, fostering independence in geothermal energy development. Summarize the key points and emphasize the collaborative efforts shaping Indonesia’s geothermal future.(FNF/RNC)

Keywords: geothermal, geothermal, renewable energy, SDGs, TPB, sustainability, innovation, research, industry, UAV

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Strengthening National Resilience and Security: FMIPA UGM and TNI AD Ready to Synergize through State-of-the-Art Military Detection Tool Innovations

Indonesia, as the cherished homeland, calls for the active engagement of all citizens in upholding security and resilience. A significant stride in this endeavor stems from the collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (FMIPA UGM) and the Indonesian Army (TNI AD). Their recent meeting on Wednesday (13/12) at the FMIPA UGM campus in Yogyakarta solidified their commitment to tackling the challenges of national resilience and security.

This collaboration extends beyond technological development, aligning closely with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the realms of innovation and peace. Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, warmly welcomed the partnership, expressing readiness to oversee forthcoming innovations.

Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, M.Si., a researcher at Geophysics UGM, presented innovations grounded in cutting-edge research. Anticipated to enhance the country’s defense equipment, these innovations aim to bolster the effectiveness of main weapon systems. Myr. Chb. Dr. Indra Kristian, S.I.P., S.Kom., M.A.P., CIQaR, CFAS, a young researcher from the Research and Development Agency of TNI AD, highlighted the collaboration’s broader impact on research opportunities for students.

The meeting transcends formality, serving as a vital stimulus to foster cooperation between academics and the military. It not only navigates the challenges and opportunities in the journey towards national resilience but also emphasizes the necessity of a shared vision and mission in the face of evolving threats.

Indra Kristian articulates the hope for a unified vision and mission, essential for succeeding in technological innovation. This collaboration is not solely about surmounting current challenges; it lays the foundation for a safer and more robust future. Through the synergy between FMIPA UGM and TNI AD, the aspiration for national security and resilience through technological development becomes palpable. It not only generates superior innovations but also opens avenues for the younger generation to actively shape the future. (FNF/RNC)

Keyword: resilience, security, national, military, SDGs, defense equipment

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Sustainable Innovation: Solar Power Lights Up Chicken Coops in Grembyangan Village, Sleman

In a corner of Grembyangan Village, Madurejo, Prambanan, Sleman, a sustainable breakthrough is bringing new light and knowledge. The Jago Rejeki Livestock Group, known for their “Jowo Super” chicken breed, has taken a significant step towards sustainability by implementing a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). With a capacity of 320 Wp, this PLTS has been installed in the livestock coop, serving as a symbol of progress and environmental concern.

The installation of the PLTS is not just about illumination. It’s about transformation. By using a 65 Ah dry battery and 5 DC 12V/12W lamps, this PLTS successfully provides lighting for the coop at night, improving the quality of life for the chickens and facilitating the farmers in managing the coop.

Beyond that, this initiative also serves as an educational tool for the residents, especially the members of the livestock group. They are introduced to environmentally friendly advanced technology, learn about the components of the PLTS, as well as its installation and operation. The initiator of this activity, Physics Department Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, Ihsan Setiawan, M.Sc., has brought significant change to the community.

The implementation of PLTS is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of clean and affordable energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), and climate action (SDG 13). This initiative not only reduces dependence on fossil energy but also helps to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, taking small yet crucial steps towards a more sustainable future.

This activity serves as evidence that small steps can make a big impact. Grembyangan Village, through this innovation, showcases how communities can collaborate to achieve sustainability and how technology can be the key to a brighter and greener future. (FNF/RNC)

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Pemberitahuan Yudisium Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor untuk Bulan November 2023

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa program sarjana, magister dan doktor Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa yudisium November 2023 dijadwalkan pada Kamis, 30 November 2023 pukul 13.00 WIB dan penyerahan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat Senin, 27 November 2023.

Selain menyerahkan berkas yudisium, mahasiswa juga diwajibkan untuk mendaftar secara online melalui laman dengan menggunakan SSO masing-masing.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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Kuwat Triyana, Penemu GeNose Pendeteksi Covid-19 Dikukuhkan Sebagai Guru Besar UGM

Penemu GeNose Pendeteksi Covid-19, Prof. Dr. Eng Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., dikukuhkan dalam jabatan Guru Besar dalam Bidang Ilmu Fisika FMIPA UGM.

Dalam pengukuhan yang berlangsung pada Kamis (12/10) di Balai Senat UGM, ia memaparkan pidato berjudul Inovasi Sistem Sensor Berbasis Kecerdasan Artifisial dan Tantangan Hilirisasinya.
Dekan FMIPA UGM ini dalam pidatonya memaparkan tentang inovasi dan pengembangan sensor gas berbasis kecerdasan buatan yang telah dilakukannya yakni hidung elektronik (GeNose) dan lidah elektronik (Elto). Ia menyebutkan ada beberapa tantangan dalam pengembangan sensor gas, termasuk meningkatkan selektivitas, sensitivitas, respons dan waktu pemulihan, stabilitas jangka panjang, dan pergeseran penuaan. Tantangan-tantangan ini sedang diatasi melalui berbagai pendekatan, seperti penggunaan material baru, teknologi nano, dan teknik machine learning.
Dalam kesempatan itu Kuwat turut membagikan pengalaman dalam menghilirkan inovasi yang dihasilkannya yaitu hidung elektronik (merek terdaftar sebagai GeNose C19) melalui beberapa tahapan panjang dalam rangka pemenuhan sesuai regulasi di Indonesia. Mulai dari uji profiling, uji standar di Balai Pengamanan Fasilitas Kesehatan (BPFK) Surabaya, uji diagnostik hingga produksi massal.

“Terkait hilirisasi GeNose C19, kami mendapatkan pembelajaran yang luar biasa banyak untuk ke depannya. Sebagai produk yang aplikasinya baru, penjaminan mutu GeNose C19 harus dilakukan, meliputi uji diagnostik pre-market dan post-market serta literasi dan dan peningkatan skill operator agar patuh kepada SOP yang telah ditetapkan,”paparnya.

Lebih lanjut Kuwat mengatakan persoalan utama hilirisasi dan komersialisasi produk inovasi khususnya alat kesehatan (alkes) di Indonesia meliputi beberapa aspek. Salah satunya, keterbatasan modal atau pembiayaan menjadi kendala dalam pengembangan produk alkes inovatif di Indonesia. Hal ini menghambat penelitian dan pengembangan produk alkes yang lebih maju dan berteknologi tinggi.

Kedua, lemahnya ekosistem produksi alkes nasional menjadi salah satu kendala yang dihadapi industri alat kesehatan di Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, menurutnya perlu ada sinergi antara universitas, pemerintah, dan industri perlu ditingkatkan, termasuk penambahan fasilitas pengujian, pembuatan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) untuk pengujian alkes, dan penguatan industri bahan baku pendukung.

Ketiga, kurangnya koordinasi antara peneliti, pemerintah, dan industri juga menjadi masalah dalam hilirisasi dan komersialisasi produk alkes inovatif. Untuk mempercepat proses hilirisasi, peran industri perlu dilibatkan sejak tahap ide atau pembuatan proposal penelitian inovasi. Perusahaan swasta juga diharapkan dapat berkolaborasi dalam pengembangan produk alkes inovatif.

“Selain itu, 90% produk alat kesehatan di Indonesia merupakan produk impor yang menunjukkan bahwa industri alat kesehatan dalam negeri belum mampu memproduksi sebagian besar produk alat kesehatan berteknologi tinggi. Untuk mencapai kemandirian dalam industri alkes, Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kapasitas produksi produk dalam negeri dan mendorong peningkatan jumlah produk hasil riset dan inovasi dalam negeri,”pungkasnya.

Penulis: Ika

Foto: Donnie


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