






The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province.

Bangka Belitung Province is one of the new provinces formed as a result of the division of South Sumatra Province, and it is rich in natural resources and abundant biodiversity. One of the valuable biodiversity resources in this region is the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows wild in this area and can be processed into essential oil.

On July 10, 2023, an Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province. This Agreement of Cooperation represents an expansion of the collaboration that has been ongoing between FMIPA UGM and the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of Bangka Belitung Province since 2022.

This collaboration is of utmost importance as it aims to provide optimal support to harness the potential of the available resources in the Bangka Belitung region, which can be enhanced in terms of economic value and developed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those related to essential oils and their derivatives.

During this event, a collaboration agreement was also signed between FMIPA UGM and FT UBB for the soft launch of essential oil products sourced from the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows abundantly on the islands of Bangka and Belitung. The event was attended by the Governor of Bangka Belitung Province’s Special Staff, the Vice Rector of UBB, the Dean, several representatives from various departments in the Bangka Belitung region, and representatives from the Kagama Bangka Belitung Executive Board. (FA’23)

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Opening Ceremony of Summer School 2023 on Number Theory and Cryptography

Yogyakarta (10/07) – The Summer School 2023 on Number Theory and Cryptography is a satellite event of the 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications. This event will be held on July 10–24, 2023 (online and offline).

In the opening ceremony, the first speech was delivered by Uha Isnaini, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., as the chairman of the committee. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, M.Si, as the Head of the Center of Cryptography and Cybersecurity Research, said that “hopefully this event can enrich the experience and enhance knowledge for all participants.”

At the opening ceremony, the Secretary of DIKE, Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs., and Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D., as Vice Dean for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs (WDPPK) FMIPA UGM, were also present. The event was officially opened by Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., and Ph.D.

The 280 participants, comprising 58 international participants and 222 local participants, show that this activity was well received. Participants at the 2023 Summer School included undergraduate, graduate, and young research students who were enthusiastic about learning about number theory and cryptography. They will get the chance to learn important ideas in cryptography, partition theory, and algorithmic number theory, which will be delivered by 20 speakers from Indonesia and across the world.

During this Summer school in 2023, participants will attend these classes. In addition, participants are also invited to collaborate with each other in group discussion sessions and excursions on July 15, 2023. Further information on Summer School 2023 on Number Theory and Cryptography can be seen at

Author: Endang Sulastri

Editor: Silvina Rosita Yulianti

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Clean Technology Collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM and Industry

FMIPA UGM had the opportunity to host the Pre-Operation Workshop for the Shallow Water Passive Seismic Study, USV Bathymetry, and Drone Magnetometer on July 5-6, 2023. This event was attended by representatives from Pertamina Upstream Innovation, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Elnusa, and FMIPA UGM.

According to Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, “The innovation cycle after confirmed research is downstream processing. I believe Elnusa is the right downstream partner for us. We hope our relationship will become even more intensive so that downstream processing can be utilized not only domestically but also internationally.”

In the initiation phase, this study began as a collaborative research effort with UGM in 2020, applied in Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan. Subsequently, in 2022, field implementation was carried out in partnership with Elnusa. Now, in 2023, this study has entered the pilot project phase.

The primary objective of this collaboration is to develop tools for detecting passive seismic waves, and students have the opportunity to undertake internships. The benefit of implementing this method is as one of the fundamental aspects of mapping hydrocarbon prospects in the oil and gas field. Additionally, students gain internship experience, making them better prepared for future employment in the industry.

“So, then (through this passive seismic method), the added value is that we will obtain additional data. It’s not meant to replace the seismic methods that have been used before,” as explained by Mr. Boko Suwardi, Senior Specialist Innovation Geophysics.

Another benefit is reducing the errors in wellbore location. With additional data from passive seismic, confidence in the presence of hydrocarbons beneath the surface will increase. Additionally, passive seismic methods are referred to as clean technology. This method has minimal environmental and social impacts because its energy source comes directly from nature, without the need for energy generated by processes such as dynamite explosions.

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Studium Generale “Machine Learning for Detecting Code Smells”

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UGM menyelenggarakan kuliah umum bertajuk “Machine Learning for Detecting Code Smells” pada Rabu, 10 Mei 2023. Acara kuliah umum ini dilaksanakan di Auditorium FMIPA UGM Gedung KPTU serta dihadiri oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dari berbagai program studi di FMIPA UGM. Pada kuliah umum ini, FMIPA UGM berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Leiden, Belanda, menghadirkan Profesor Marcello Bonsangue sebagai pembicara.

Kuliah umum di awali dengan pembukaan oleh pembawa acara, yaitu saudari Aisha Salsabilla, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyampaian sambutan oleh Bapak Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, S.Si., M.Si. selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Alumni, Kerjasama, dan Inovasi. Dalam sambutannya, beliau menyampaikan harapannya semoga acara kuliah umum ini dapat menginspirasi dan bermanfaat bagi kita untuk memperluas pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai topik yang akan dibahas.

Acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi penyampaian materi oleh Profesor Marcello. Pada awal presentasinya, beliau terlebih dahulu memperkenalkan diri sekaligus memperkenalkan Universitas Leiden kepada para hadirin. Profesor Marcello memulai penyampaian materi dengan mengenalkan kita pada software maintenance atau pemeliharaan perangkat lunak. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa saat ini kehidupan kita sudah banyak bergantung pada sistem perangkat lunak. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, diperlukan adanya proses pemeliharaan perangkat lunak yang dapat berupa perbaikan kerusakan, pengadaptasian pada lingkungan baru, atau penambahan fungsi perangkat lunak. Kemudian Code smells itu sendiri merupakan bagian dari code source (komponen dasar dari program computer yang dibuat oleh programmer) yang dapat mengindikasikan adanya kekurangan pada desain kodenya atau adanya kemungkinan pengimplementasian yang buruk. Berbeda dengan bug (kesalahan pemograman), code smells tidak selalu mempengaruhi teknis suatu program, tetapi code smells kemungkinan merupakan gejala dari pola desain kode yang buruk dan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas sebuah sistem perangkat lunak. Dengan dataset (kumpulan data) yang telah diperoleh sedemikian rupa, dapat dilakukan pengujian pada model machine learning dan membuat model machine learning itu dapat mendeteksi code smells.

Setelah sesi penyampain materi, acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab dengan para peserta. Sesi tanya jawab berjalan cukup aktif dan peserta terlihat antusias untuk bertanya. Kuliah umum ditutup dengan sesi penyerahan kenang-kenangan kepada Profesor Marcello oleh Bapak Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, S.Si., M.Si. selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Alumni, Kerjasama, dan Inovasi. Penyerahan kenang-kenangan ini sebagai lambing ucapan terima kasih telah berkenan berbagi ilmu bersama dosen dan mahasiswa FMIPA UGM.

Penulis: Mivo A.

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Keluarga Alumni merupakan salah satu partner strategis perguruan tinggi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan Tri Dharma dan program-program terkait kesiapan lulusan dalam memasuki dunia kerja. Kamipagama sebagai organisasi yang mewadahi para alumni Fakultas MIPA UGM saat ini memiliki beberapa aktivitas yang langsung mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan di FMIPA termasuk kegiatan untuk mendukung employbility bagi lulusan FMIPA UGM. Untuk meningkatkan peran alumni pada kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, sekaligus mempererat silaturahmi antar alumni MIPA, pada tanggal 7 Mei 2023 diadakan kegiatan Halal Bi Halal dan Rapat Koordinasi Pengurus Kamipagama dengan Dekanat FMIPA UGM.

Kegiatan ini diadakan di Jakarta dan dihadiri hampir 100 alumni MIPA dari berbagai departemen dan program studi. Setelah acara Halal Bi Halal diadakan acara launching dua program terbaru dari Kamipagama, yaitu pembuatan Sains Innovation Hub (SIHub) yang merupakan tempat berkumpulnya stakeholder FMIPA untuk mengembangkan inovasi-inovasi secara bersama-sama. Program kedua adalah program untuk membantu mahasiswa yang berprestasi, namun kurang mampu dari sisi ekonomi agar dapat terus mempertahankan prestasinya dengan baik.

Selanjutnya kegiatan ditutup dengan Rapat Koordinasi pengurus Kamipagama dengan Dekanat FMIPA untuk membahas isu-isu terkini dan potensi peran dosen, mahasiswa, dan alumni dalam mengaplikasikan ilmu nya ke masyarakat melalui jejaring-jejaring yang ada. (FAK.23)

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The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province.

Bangka Belitung Province is one of the new provinces formed as a result of the division of South Sumatra Province, and it is rich in natural resources and abundant biodiversity. One of the valuable biodiversity resources in this region is the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows wild in this area and can be processed into essential oil.

On July 10, 2023, an Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province. This Agreement of Cooperation represents an expansion of the collaboration that has been ongoing between FMIPA UGM and the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of Bangka Belitung Province since 2022.

This collaboration is of utmost importance as it aims to provide optimal support to harness the potential of the available resources in the Bangka Belitung region, which can be enhanced in terms of economic value and developed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those related to essential oils and their derivatives.

During this event, a collaboration agreement was also signed between FMIPA UGM and FT UBB for the soft launch of essential oil products sourced from the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows abundantly on the islands of Bangka and Belitung. The event was attended by the Governor of Bangka Belitung Province’s Special Staff, the Vice Rector of UBB, the Dean, several representatives from various departments in the Bangka Belitung region, and representatives from the Kagama Bangka Belitung Executive Board. (FA’23)

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Opening Ceremony of Summer School 2023 on Number Theory and Cryptography

Yogyakarta (10/07) – The Summer School 2023 on Number Theory and Cryptography is a satellite event of the 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications. This event will be held on July 10–24, 2023 (online and offline).

In the opening ceremony, the first speech was delivered by Uha Isnaini, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., as the chairman of the committee. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, M.Si, as the Head of the Center of Cryptography and Cybersecurity Research, said that “hopefully this event can enrich the experience and enhance knowledge for all participants.”

At the opening ceremony, the Secretary of DIKE, Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs., and Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D., as Vice Dean for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs (WDPPK) FMIPA UGM, were also present. The event was officially opened by Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., and Ph.D.

The 280 participants, comprising 58 international participants and 222 local participants, show that this activity was well received. Participants at the 2023 Summer School included undergraduate, graduate, and young research students who were enthusiastic about learning about number theory and cryptography. They will get the chance to learn important ideas in cryptography, partition theory, and algorithmic number theory, which will be delivered by 20 speakers from Indonesia and across the world.

During this Summer school in 2023, participants will attend these classes. In addition, participants are also invited to collaborate with each other in group discussion sessions and excursions on July 15, 2023. Further information on Summer School 2023 on Number Theory and Cryptography can be seen at

Author: Endang Sulastri

Editor: Silvina Rosita Yulianti

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Clean Technology Collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM and Industry

FMIPA UGM had the opportunity to host the Pre-Operation Workshop for the Shallow Water Passive Seismic Study, USV Bathymetry, and Drone Magnetometer on July 5-6, 2023. This event was attended by representatives from Pertamina Upstream Innovation, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Elnusa, and FMIPA UGM.

According to Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, “The innovation cycle after confirmed research is downstream processing. I believe Elnusa is the right downstream partner for us. We hope our relationship will become even more intensive so that downstream processing can be utilized not only domestically but also internationally.”

In the initiation phase, this study began as a collaborative research effort with UGM in 2020, applied in Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan. Subsequently, in 2022, field implementation was carried out in partnership with Elnusa. Now, in 2023, this study has entered the pilot project phase.

The primary objective of this collaboration is to develop tools for detecting passive seismic waves, and students have the opportunity to undertake internships. The benefit of implementing this method is as one of the fundamental aspects of mapping hydrocarbon prospects in the oil and gas field. Additionally, students gain internship experience, making them better prepared for future employment in the industry.

“So, then (through this passive seismic method), the added value is that we will obtain additional data. It’s not meant to replace the seismic methods that have been used before,” as explained by Mr. Boko Suwardi, Senior Specialist Innovation Geophysics.

Another benefit is reducing the errors in wellbore location. With additional data from passive seismic, confidence in the presence of hydrocarbons beneath the surface will increase. Additionally, passive seismic methods are referred to as clean technology. This method has minimal environmental and social impacts because its energy source comes directly from nature, without the need for energy generated by processes such as dynamite explosions.

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Studium Generale “Machine Learning for Detecting Code Smells”

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UGM menyelenggarakan kuliah umum bertajuk “Machine Learning for Detecting Code Smells” pada Rabu, 10 Mei 2023. Acara kuliah umum ini dilaksanakan di Auditorium FMIPA UGM Gedung KPTU serta dihadiri oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dari berbagai program studi di FMIPA UGM. Pada kuliah umum ini, FMIPA UGM berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Leiden, Belanda, menghadirkan Profesor Marcello Bonsangue sebagai pembicara.

Kuliah umum di awali dengan pembukaan oleh pembawa acara, yaitu saudari Aisha Salsabilla, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyampaian sambutan oleh Bapak Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, S.Si., M.Si. selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Alumni, Kerjasama, dan Inovasi. Dalam sambutannya, beliau menyampaikan harapannya semoga acara kuliah umum ini dapat menginspirasi dan bermanfaat bagi kita untuk memperluas pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai topik yang akan dibahas.

Acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi penyampaian materi oleh Profesor Marcello. Pada awal presentasinya, beliau terlebih dahulu memperkenalkan diri sekaligus memperkenalkan Universitas Leiden kepada para hadirin. Profesor Marcello memulai penyampaian materi dengan mengenalkan kita pada software maintenance atau pemeliharaan perangkat lunak. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa saat ini kehidupan kita sudah banyak bergantung pada sistem perangkat lunak. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, diperlukan adanya proses pemeliharaan perangkat lunak yang dapat berupa perbaikan kerusakan, pengadaptasian pada lingkungan baru, atau penambahan fungsi perangkat lunak. Kemudian Code smells itu sendiri merupakan bagian dari code source (komponen dasar dari program computer yang dibuat oleh programmer) yang dapat mengindikasikan adanya kekurangan pada desain kodenya atau adanya kemungkinan pengimplementasian yang buruk. Berbeda dengan bug (kesalahan pemograman), code smells tidak selalu mempengaruhi teknis suatu program, tetapi code smells kemungkinan merupakan gejala dari pola desain kode yang buruk dan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas sebuah sistem perangkat lunak. Dengan dataset (kumpulan data) yang telah diperoleh sedemikian rupa, dapat dilakukan pengujian pada model machine learning dan membuat model machine learning itu dapat mendeteksi code smells.

Setelah sesi penyampain materi, acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab dengan para peserta. Sesi tanya jawab berjalan cukup aktif dan peserta terlihat antusias untuk bertanya. Kuliah umum ditutup dengan sesi penyerahan kenang-kenangan kepada Profesor Marcello oleh Bapak Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, S.Si., M.Si. selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Alumni, Kerjasama, dan Inovasi. Penyerahan kenang-kenangan ini sebagai lambing ucapan terima kasih telah berkenan berbagi ilmu bersama dosen dan mahasiswa FMIPA UGM.

Penulis: Mivo A.

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Keluarga Alumni merupakan salah satu partner strategis perguruan tinggi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan Tri Dharma dan program-program terkait kesiapan lulusan dalam memasuki dunia kerja. Kamipagama sebagai organisasi yang mewadahi para alumni Fakultas MIPA UGM saat ini memiliki beberapa aktivitas yang langsung mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan di FMIPA termasuk kegiatan untuk mendukung employbility bagi lulusan FMIPA UGM. Untuk meningkatkan peran alumni pada kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, sekaligus mempererat silaturahmi antar alumni MIPA, pada tanggal 7 Mei 2023 diadakan kegiatan Halal Bi Halal dan Rapat Koordinasi Pengurus Kamipagama dengan Dekanat FMIPA UGM.

Kegiatan ini diadakan di Jakarta dan dihadiri hampir 100 alumni MIPA dari berbagai departemen dan program studi. Setelah acara Halal Bi Halal diadakan acara launching dua program terbaru dari Kamipagama, yaitu pembuatan Sains Innovation Hub (SIHub) yang merupakan tempat berkumpulnya stakeholder FMIPA untuk mengembangkan inovasi-inovasi secara bersama-sama. Program kedua adalah program untuk membantu mahasiswa yang berprestasi, namun kurang mampu dari sisi ekonomi agar dapat terus mempertahankan prestasinya dengan baik.

Selanjutnya kegiatan ditutup dengan Rapat Koordinasi pengurus Kamipagama dengan Dekanat FMIPA untuk membahas isu-isu terkini dan potensi peran dosen, mahasiswa, dan alumni dalam mengaplikasikan ilmu nya ke masyarakat melalui jejaring-jejaring yang ada. (FAK.23)

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