Enhancing Publication: UGM Geophysics Lab’s SP-ERT Research Study Ready to Extend Collaboration with Industry
Kick-Off Meeting by Pertamina Hulu Energy, the Dean’s Office of FMIPA UGM, and the SP-ERT Research Study innovation team. From left to right: Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, Dr. T. Marwan Irnaka, Fatkhul Mu’in, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, and Dr. Eddy Hartantyo (photo: Shofi R.)
With the spirit of strengthening scientific publication, the SP-ERT (Self Potential – Electrical Resistivity Tomography) research study at UGM Geophysics Laboratory collaborates with PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Upstream Innovation (PHE-UI) continued into 2024, marked by the Kick-Off Meeting on Feb 1st – 2nd Feb 2024, in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM. This study is a development of laboratory and field-scale research that has been ongoing since 2022.
“This is the first kick-off activity in 2024,” said Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, Vice Dean for Research and Cooperation, in his opening remarks. “For us, it is a blessing because Upstream Innovation is still willing to collaborate with us to continue this research.”
The previously conducted SP-ERT study was deemed capable of detecting water injection activities at one of Pertamina’s fields. Its advantage lies in its ability to transmit data wirelessly, allowing users to access field data from anywhere using internet-connected devices.
In addition to the study’s advantages, Fatkhul Mu’in, Specialist Innovation Geophysics Upstream Innovation, is optimistic about the production of not only instruments and software but also scientific papers. “Among the many collaborations we have forged, FMIPA UGM feels beneficial. Unfortunately, it is not visible, only we (Upstream Innovation) know. Whereas in the geoscience community, it is not visible. This year, I ask to take the stage,” said Mr. Mu’in at the kick-off event.
Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, is aware of the lack of publications from studies at FMIPA UGM, particularly in geophysics. “Geophysics is a data repository. Hence, it is regrettable if, as a ‘warehouse’ of data, there is no time to write (for publication),” emphasized Prof. Kuwat, who also opened this activity.
The kick-off at the beginning of this year is expected to ignite a new spirit in scientific publication related to studies in UGM Geophysics, thus supporting Sustainable Development Goals. Point 4 about Quality Education is supported by contributions to the scientific community through scientific publications. Moreover, innovation and collaboration with industry are in line with point 9 by involving researchers, engineers, and lecturers.
Keywords: Geophysics, industry collaboration, Pertamina, water injection
Author: Shofi Rahmadini
Photo: Shofi Rahmadini
Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana