FMIPA UGM Welcomes Khon Kaen University Visit: Discusses Partnership Agenda
Khon Kaen University from Thailand conducted a visit to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), represented by Dr. Sukhum Ruangchai, Assistant to the Dean for International Affairs and Public Communications, on Wednesday, Feb 21st, 2024, at the FMIPA UGM Meeting Room. The purpose of this visit was to establish formal relations and introduce the profiles of each faculty in the field of science.
“We have various international programs. One of them is the KKU ASEAN-GMS (Khon Kaen University Scholarship for ASEAN and GMS Countries’ Personnel), which is open to prospective master’s and doctoral students at our university,” said Dr. Sukhum.
Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean for Alumni Affairs, Cooperation, and Innovation at FMIPA UGM, welcomed the presence and the initiation of cooperation. Dr. Fajar also presented an overview of the profile of FMIPA UGM along with its international-scale activities.
“Students need to gain international experiences. They also need to be involved in research activities,” said Dr. Fajar.
The introduction of each faculty focused on profiles, facilities, research, and innovation outcomes, as well as programs supporting student and faculty activities. With this, each party can get to know more closely the information needed regarding studies in the field of science.
From the existing agenda of the visit, FMIPA UGM also supported SDGs point 4 on quality education through scholarship partnerships from each university. Additionally, FMIPA UGM welcomed educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the advancement of education by SDGs point 17.
Keywords: student exchange, scholarships, international programs, sciences
Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Datu Maulana Ahmad