Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Holds Nanofiber Application Seminar: Sharing Knowledge about the Benefits of Nanofiber
The speaker delivered a presentation on nanofiber (Photo: Hero)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM held a seminar on “Nanofiber Application as Active Layer of Gas Sensor and Air Filtration Membrane” on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 at the Department of Physics UGM Conference Room in a mixed mode (online and offline). The speaker at this event was Rizky Aflaha, S.Si, a doctoral student of the Department of Physics. This seminar was held in the hope of expanding knowledge and increasing public interest in nanofiber.
Seminar participants not only came from lecturers, researchers, and students at UGM but also from other educational institutions such as students from UIN Makassar.
“Can this sensor distinguish between this gas and another gas? What changes in physical properties occur so that it can detect gas differences?” asked Farid, a seminar participant.
“This is still a mystery. So, what can be reviewed is chemically through the interactions that occur,” explained Rizky.
The material presented was the result of research from Rizky Aflaha, S.Si, who was guided by Prof. Kuwat Triyana (Dean of FMIPA UGM) and Prof. Roto (Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM) with the title “Nanofiber Membrane with Superhydrophobic Characteristics and High-Temperature Resistance for ISO 16890 Standard Air Filter Membrane Applications”. The presentation of the material began with a recap of the research journey since 2020, followed by an explanation of electrospun nanofiber which applies the electrospining method to nanofiber for Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) gas sensors. These nanofibers are also of more structural interest as a coating on air filter membranes due to their hydrophobic properties and small diameter size.
The output of this research project is an insight into nanofiber applications that can be known to the public. The involvement of the wider community such as students outside UGM as participants in the event reflects SDGs point number 4 (Quality Education) and SDGs point number 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) through the publication of research results in the STEM field to the community. Researchers can also find out the insights and questions of the community towards the implementation of the nanofiber studied as data to encourage the development of research and partnerships to be the implementation of SDGs number 17 (Partnerships to Achieve Goals).
Keywords: Nanofiber, filtration, gas, physics
Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto