



Design Thinking Workshop FMIPA-Taiwan Center

Young people today, both high school students and university students, are growing up in a digital era filled with technological advancements. Speed, connectivity, and easy access to information are integral parts of their daily lives. With such characteristics, traditional approaches to education often fall short in capturing their attention and maximizing their learning potential.

Design Thinking, a human-centered design approach, offers innovative solutions in designing digital learning experiences for young people. The Design Thinking approach to designing digital learning is not just about creating engaging content but also about building deep, meaningful, and relevant learning experiences for the younger generation. Given the distinct characteristics and needs of this generation, innovative approaches like Design Thinking are crucial to ensuring successful learning in the current digital era.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM, in collaboration with the Taiwan Center and I-Shou University, conducted a workshop titled “Design Thinking for Digital Courses.” This activity took place over 2 days, from August 10-11, 2023. On the first day, it was attended by 64 teachers and school principals from 34 high schools (SMA), while the second day was attended by 40 lecturers and senior students from various study programs.

The seminar began with remarks from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, followed by remarks from Prof. Huang Wen Shen, representing I-Shou University, and Arif Misbahul MBM, representing the Taiwan Center.

The workshop was divided into two parts, led by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei, Ph.D., from the Department of Parasitology at the College of Medicine and the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at National Cheng Kung University, and a presentation by Prof. Wang Yu Chi, Ph.D., from the Department of Medical Science and Biotechnology at I-Shou University. Prof. Shin Jyh Wei is the Director of the Center for Continuing Education at National Cheng Kung University and has conducted extensive research in relevant areas, including the Design Thinking Cross-Domain Talent Cultivation Program, the University Alliance for Deepening Digital Learning and Innovative Applications Program, and the Topic-Oriented Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Competence Cultivation Program.

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Initiating Collaboration with the Tanoto Foundation on Stunting Prevention in Partnership with the Ministry of Health’s DTO and Kamipagama

The Tanoto Foundation is one of the major foundations in Indonesia that places special emphasis on health issues, particularly stunting. This aligns with the research activities at FMIPA UGM, many of which are related to the field of health.

On July 20, 2023, a delegation from FMIPA UGM led by the Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, along with a delegation from the Ministry of Health’s DTO led by COO DTO Kemenkes Mr. Daniel Oscar Baskoro and representatives of the FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama) led by Mr. Stephanus Nuswan Wibowo, visited the Tanoto Foundation in Jakarta. They were received by Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo, the CEO of the Tanoto Foundation, and his team. During the visit, several potential collaborations and partnerships were discussed, especially between UGM through FMIPA, DTO Kemenkes, and the Tanoto Foundation, particularly regarding digitalization in addressing stunting in Indonesia.

After the meeting with the Tanoto Foundation, discussions continued among the leadership of FMIPA UGM, COO DTO Kemenkes and the team, along with representatives of FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama), regarding the technical details of cooperation that are ready to be implemented in the near future and other potential collaborations that can be pursued in the future. (FA’23)

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Initiation and Preparation for Collaboration Implementation with Several Institutions in Taiwan

The working visit of FMIPA UGM to several institutions in Taiwan is a follow-up to several collaborations that were initiated during FMIPA UGM’s visit in December 2022. This visit resulted in three new MoAs: an MoA with I-Shou University for research collaboration and student exchange activities, an MoA with National Tsing Hua University for a Double Doctoral Program, and an MoA with Cheng Shiu University for research collaboration, staff, and student exchange.

The current visit will focus on strengthening the implementation plans of collaborations with the mentioned institutions and initiating new collaborations with other institutions in Taiwan. The delegation includes representatives from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), along with teams from the Department of Computer and Electronics Science and the Department of Chemistry.

The agenda for the visit includes:

2. In Taipei, Taoyuan, and Hsincu in Northern Taiwan:

– Visit to the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (preparation for extending the Double Degree program)

– Visit to Lunghwa University (preparation for MoA)

– Visit to National Tsing Hua University (Informatics Engineering Department and International Office – preparation for implementing Double Degree)

– Visit to National Central University (Informatics Engineering Department – preparation for extending the Double Degree program)

– Visit to National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (initiating new collaboration)

– Visit to Tamkang University (initiating new collaboration)


  1. In Kaohsiung, Southern Taiwan:

    – Visit to Cheng Shiu University (preparation for staff and student exchange)

    – Visit to I-Shou University (preparation for student exchange)


During the visit, meetings were also held with FMIPA faculty members who are pursuing their Ph.D. studies in Taiwan. (FA’23)

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The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province.

Bangka Belitung Province is one of the new provinces formed as a result of the division of South Sumatra Province, and it is rich in natural resources and abundant biodiversity. One of the valuable biodiversity resources in this region is the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows wild in this area and can be processed into essential oil.

On July 10, 2023, an Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province. This Agreement of Cooperation represents an expansion of the collaboration that has been ongoing between FMIPA UGM and the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of Bangka Belitung Province since 2022.

This collaboration is of utmost importance as it aims to provide optimal support to harness the potential of the available resources in the Bangka Belitung region, which can be enhanced in terms of economic value and developed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those related to essential oils and their derivatives.

During this event, a collaboration agreement was also signed between FMIPA UGM and FT UBB for the soft launch of essential oil products sourced from the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows abundantly on the islands of Bangka and Belitung. The event was attended by the Governor of Bangka Belitung Province’s Special Staff, the Vice Rector of UBB, the Dean, several representatives from various departments in the Bangka Belitung region, and representatives from the Kagama Bangka Belitung Executive Board. (FA’23)

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Clean Technology Collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM and Industry

FMIPA UGM had the opportunity to host the Pre-Operation Workshop for the Shallow Water Passive Seismic Study, USV Bathymetry, and Drone Magnetometer on July 5-6, 2023. This event was attended by representatives from Pertamina Upstream Innovation, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Elnusa, and FMIPA UGM.

According to Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, “The innovation cycle after confirmed research is downstream processing. I believe Elnusa is the right downstream partner for us. We hope our relationship will become even more intensive so that downstream processing can be utilized not only domestically but also internationally.”

In the initiation phase, this study began as a collaborative research effort with UGM in 2020, applied in Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan. Subsequently, in 2022, field implementation was carried out in partnership with Elnusa. Now, in 2023, this study has entered the pilot project phase.

The primary objective of this collaboration is to develop tools for detecting passive seismic waves, and students have the opportunity to undertake internships. The benefit of implementing this method is as one of the fundamental aspects of mapping hydrocarbon prospects in the oil and gas field. Additionally, students gain internship experience, making them better prepared for future employment in the industry.

“So, then (through this passive seismic method), the added value is that we will obtain additional data. It’s not meant to replace the seismic methods that have been used before,” as explained by Mr. Boko Suwardi, Senior Specialist Innovation Geophysics.

Another benefit is reducing the errors in wellbore location. With additional data from passive seismic, confidence in the presence of hydrocarbons beneath the surface will increase. Additionally, passive seismic methods are referred to as clean technology. This method has minimal environmental and social impacts because its energy source comes directly from nature, without the need for energy generated by processes such as dynamite explosions.

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Initiation and Cooperation Agreement between FMIPA UGM and the Military Faculty of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (UNHAN RI).

On Monday (24/10), FMIPA UGM held a meeting with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Indonesian National Defense University (Unhan RI) at the 7th-floor Auditorium of FMIPA UGM. Both parties were represented by their respective deans and department heads with the main agenda of initiating and signing a cooperation agreement in the fields of research and academics.

In his remarks, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., expressed hope that with this cooperation agreement, FMIPA UGM and FMIPA Militer Unhan RI could collaborate further and in the long term so that Indonesia can become self-reliant in various aspects. In line with this, the Dean of FMIPA Militer Unhan RI, Dr. Ir. Ence Darmo Jaya Supena, M.Si., hoped that this collaboration could bridge research in the field of technology to be applied in the field of defense.

Apart from the signing of the cooperation agreement, another agenda included a discussion session on potential cooperation opportunities between FMIPA UGM and FMIPA Militer Unhan RI. In this session, FMIPA UGM presented several achievements of each department, particularly in the fields of research and downstreaming, as a general overview for future collaboration.


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The Department of Chemistry at UGM Conducts Community Service Program in the Adopted Village of Girirejo, Imogiri, Bantul.

The Covid-19 pandemic that has affected Indonesia and other countries over the past two years has had an impact on the health, social, and economic aspects of society. As of now, we have experienced three waves of the pandemic, and the increase in positive cases has started to decline. Restrictions on community activities are gradually being eased, but the economy is still experiencing a slowdown. The community service program in the adopted village by the Department of Chemistry this year is a continuation of the 2021 program.

This year, the program involved the production of handmade solid soap, which took place on Saturday, June 4, 2022, in the Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Region). The program invited guest speakers, practitioners, and small-scale natural soap business owners, Prof. Dr. Sri Handayani and Fatma Rizky Azzizah, S.Si. The program, which was attended by more than 40 residents, was conducted to address economic issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic through entrepreneurship training for small business groups.

Soap is a crucial material in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The handwashing movement is one of the essential measures in preventing the spread of Covid-19. “Soap making is a simple application of chemical science that can be carried out by the general public,” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, the head of the Community Service Team of the Department of Chemistry at UGM. The Village Head of Girirejo, Mrs. Dwi Yuli Purwanti, S.H., also mentioned that the training on making handwashing soap, liquid detergent, and solid soap conducted in the past two years is expected to create opportunities for the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) producing handmade soap by small community-based business groups in Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul.

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Design Thinking Workshop FMIPA-Taiwan Center

Young people today, both high school students and university students, are growing up in a digital era filled with technological advancements. Speed, connectivity, and easy access to information are integral parts of their daily lives. With such characteristics, traditional approaches to education often fall short in capturing their attention and maximizing their learning potential.

Design Thinking, a human-centered design approach, offers innovative solutions in designing digital learning experiences for young people. The Design Thinking approach to designing digital learning is not just about creating engaging content but also about building deep, meaningful, and relevant learning experiences for the younger generation. Given the distinct characteristics and needs of this generation, innovative approaches like Design Thinking are crucial to ensuring successful learning in the current digital era.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM, in collaboration with the Taiwan Center and I-Shou University, conducted a workshop titled “Design Thinking for Digital Courses.” This activity took place over 2 days, from August 10-11, 2023. On the first day, it was attended by 64 teachers and school principals from 34 high schools (SMA), while the second day was attended by 40 lecturers and senior students from various study programs.

The seminar began with remarks from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, followed by remarks from Prof. Huang Wen Shen, representing I-Shou University, and Arif Misbahul MBM, representing the Taiwan Center.

The workshop was divided into two parts, led by Prof. Shin Jyh Wei, Ph.D., from the Department of Parasitology at the College of Medicine and the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at National Cheng Kung University, and a presentation by Prof. Wang Yu Chi, Ph.D., from the Department of Medical Science and Biotechnology at I-Shou University. Prof. Shin Jyh Wei is the Director of the Center for Continuing Education at National Cheng Kung University and has conducted extensive research in relevant areas, including the Design Thinking Cross-Domain Talent Cultivation Program, the University Alliance for Deepening Digital Learning and Innovative Applications Program, and the Topic-Oriented Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Competence Cultivation Program.

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Initiating Collaboration with the Tanoto Foundation on Stunting Prevention in Partnership with the Ministry of Health’s DTO and Kamipagama

The Tanoto Foundation is one of the major foundations in Indonesia that places special emphasis on health issues, particularly stunting. This aligns with the research activities at FMIPA UGM, many of which are related to the field of health.

On July 20, 2023, a delegation from FMIPA UGM led by the Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, along with a delegation from the Ministry of Health’s DTO led by COO DTO Kemenkes Mr. Daniel Oscar Baskoro and representatives of the FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama) led by Mr. Stephanus Nuswan Wibowo, visited the Tanoto Foundation in Jakarta. They were received by Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo, the CEO of the Tanoto Foundation, and his team. During the visit, several potential collaborations and partnerships were discussed, especially between UGM through FMIPA, DTO Kemenkes, and the Tanoto Foundation, particularly regarding digitalization in addressing stunting in Indonesia.

After the meeting with the Tanoto Foundation, discussions continued among the leadership of FMIPA UGM, COO DTO Kemenkes and the team, along with representatives of FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama), regarding the technical details of cooperation that are ready to be implemented in the near future and other potential collaborations that can be pursued in the future. (FA’23)

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Initiation and Preparation for Collaboration Implementation with Several Institutions in Taiwan

The working visit of FMIPA UGM to several institutions in Taiwan is a follow-up to several collaborations that were initiated during FMIPA UGM’s visit in December 2022. This visit resulted in three new MoAs: an MoA with I-Shou University for research collaboration and student exchange activities, an MoA with National Tsing Hua University for a Double Doctoral Program, and an MoA with Cheng Shiu University for research collaboration, staff, and student exchange.

The current visit will focus on strengthening the implementation plans of collaborations with the mentioned institutions and initiating new collaborations with other institutions in Taiwan. The delegation includes representatives from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), along with teams from the Department of Computer and Electronics Science and the Department of Chemistry.

The agenda for the visit includes:

2. In Taipei, Taoyuan, and Hsincu in Northern Taiwan:

– Visit to the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (preparation for extending the Double Degree program)

– Visit to Lunghwa University (preparation for MoA)

– Visit to National Tsing Hua University (Informatics Engineering Department and International Office – preparation for implementing Double Degree)

– Visit to National Central University (Informatics Engineering Department – preparation for extending the Double Degree program)

– Visit to National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (initiating new collaboration)

– Visit to Tamkang University (initiating new collaboration)


  1. In Kaohsiung, Southern Taiwan:

    – Visit to Cheng Shiu University (preparation for staff and student exchange)

    – Visit to I-Shou University (preparation for student exchange)


During the visit, meetings were also held with FMIPA faculty members who are pursuing their Ph.D. studies in Taiwan. (FA’23)

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The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province.

Bangka Belitung Province is one of the new provinces formed as a result of the division of South Sumatra Province, and it is rich in natural resources and abundant biodiversity. One of the valuable biodiversity resources in this region is the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows wild in this area and can be processed into essential oil.

On July 10, 2023, an Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bangka Belitung Province. This Agreement of Cooperation represents an expansion of the collaboration that has been ongoing between FMIPA UGM and the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of Bangka Belitung Province since 2022.

This collaboration is of utmost importance as it aims to provide optimal support to harness the potential of the available resources in the Bangka Belitung region, which can be enhanced in terms of economic value and developed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those related to essential oils and their derivatives.

During this event, a collaboration agreement was also signed between FMIPA UGM and FT UBB for the soft launch of essential oil products sourced from the “Sapu-sapu” tree, which grows abundantly on the islands of Bangka and Belitung. The event was attended by the Governor of Bangka Belitung Province’s Special Staff, the Vice Rector of UBB, the Dean, several representatives from various departments in the Bangka Belitung region, and representatives from the Kagama Bangka Belitung Executive Board. (FA’23)

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Clean Technology Collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM and Industry

FMIPA UGM had the opportunity to host the Pre-Operation Workshop for the Shallow Water Passive Seismic Study, USV Bathymetry, and Drone Magnetometer on July 5-6, 2023. This event was attended by representatives from Pertamina Upstream Innovation, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Elnusa, and FMIPA UGM.

According to Dr. Wiwit Suryanto, “The innovation cycle after confirmed research is downstream processing. I believe Elnusa is the right downstream partner for us. We hope our relationship will become even more intensive so that downstream processing can be utilized not only domestically but also internationally.”

In the initiation phase, this study began as a collaborative research effort with UGM in 2020, applied in Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan. Subsequently, in 2022, field implementation was carried out in partnership with Elnusa. Now, in 2023, this study has entered the pilot project phase.

The primary objective of this collaboration is to develop tools for detecting passive seismic waves, and students have the opportunity to undertake internships. The benefit of implementing this method is as one of the fundamental aspects of mapping hydrocarbon prospects in the oil and gas field. Additionally, students gain internship experience, making them better prepared for future employment in the industry.

“So, then (through this passive seismic method), the added value is that we will obtain additional data. It’s not meant to replace the seismic methods that have been used before,” as explained by Mr. Boko Suwardi, Senior Specialist Innovation Geophysics.

Another benefit is reducing the errors in wellbore location. With additional data from passive seismic, confidence in the presence of hydrocarbons beneath the surface will increase. Additionally, passive seismic methods are referred to as clean technology. This method has minimal environmental and social impacts because its energy source comes directly from nature, without the need for energy generated by processes such as dynamite explosions.

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Initiation and Cooperation Agreement between FMIPA UGM and the Military Faculty of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (UNHAN RI).

On Monday (24/10), FMIPA UGM held a meeting with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Indonesian National Defense University (Unhan RI) at the 7th-floor Auditorium of FMIPA UGM. Both parties were represented by their respective deans and department heads with the main agenda of initiating and signing a cooperation agreement in the fields of research and academics.

In his remarks, the Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., expressed hope that with this cooperation agreement, FMIPA UGM and FMIPA Militer Unhan RI could collaborate further and in the long term so that Indonesia can become self-reliant in various aspects. In line with this, the Dean of FMIPA Militer Unhan RI, Dr. Ir. Ence Darmo Jaya Supena, M.Si., hoped that this collaboration could bridge research in the field of technology to be applied in the field of defense.

Apart from the signing of the cooperation agreement, another agenda included a discussion session on potential cooperation opportunities between FMIPA UGM and FMIPA Militer Unhan RI. In this session, FMIPA UGM presented several achievements of each department, particularly in the fields of research and downstreaming, as a general overview for future collaboration.


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The Department of Chemistry at UGM Conducts Community Service Program in the Adopted Village of Girirejo, Imogiri, Bantul.

The Covid-19 pandemic that has affected Indonesia and other countries over the past two years has had an impact on the health, social, and economic aspects of society. As of now, we have experienced three waves of the pandemic, and the increase in positive cases has started to decline. Restrictions on community activities are gradually being eased, but the economy is still experiencing a slowdown. The community service program in the adopted village by the Department of Chemistry this year is a continuation of the 2021 program.

This year, the program involved the production of handmade solid soap, which took place on Saturday, June 4, 2022, in the Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Region). The program invited guest speakers, practitioners, and small-scale natural soap business owners, Prof. Dr. Sri Handayani and Fatma Rizky Azzizah, S.Si. The program, which was attended by more than 40 residents, was conducted to address economic issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic through entrepreneurship training for small business groups.

Soap is a crucial material in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The handwashing movement is one of the essential measures in preventing the spread of Covid-19. “Soap making is a simple application of chemical science that can be carried out by the general public,” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, the head of the Community Service Team of the Department of Chemistry at UGM. The Village Head of Girirejo, Mrs. Dwi Yuli Purwanti, S.H., also mentioned that the training on making handwashing soap, liquid detergent, and solid soap conducted in the past two years is expected to create opportunities for the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) producing handmade soap by small community-based business groups in Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul.

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