






Empowering Indonesia’s Energy Future: FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Lead with Geophysics Innovation Study

The commitment to maintaining a balance between energy availability and demand is consistently pursued by FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation Pertamina Hulu Energi through collaborative research efforts. This aligns with the three SDGs points: (1) clean and affordable energy, (2) infrastructure, industry, and innovation, and (3) partnerships to achieve goals. In connection with this, a user meeting was organized as a discussion forum on geophysics innovation studies. The event took place on December 19-20, 2023, in Yogyakarta. Besides presenting research reports, the agenda served as a platform for disseminating knowledge related to the management and exploration of energy potential, especially petroleum.

One of the research topics under discussion is the Clean Technology SP-RT for Water Injection Monitoring. This research refers to clean energy-based innovations that are effective and cost-efficient. The effectiveness of existing innovations in the oil exploration process addresses the challenge of balancing energy availability and demand. On the other hand, the presence of innovation in this research undermines environmentally damaging methods, such as explosive detonation techniques.

Dr. T. Marwan Irnaka, M.Sc., a member of the research team, emphasized that the developed research must consider the conditions of the surrounding community. This is done to alleviate conflicts that often arise in society due to social sentiments formed towards energy exploration activities. “In the field, we (the research team) strive to build good interactions with the community using a positive approach. Even when leaving, we are sometimes detained,” recalled Irnaka during field exploration. In this regard, it is conveyed that the research conducted also provides an opportunity for students to be involved, allowing them to experience firsthand the implementation of knowledge acquired in the professional world. The hope is that geophysics studies will continue to evolve through ongoing research efforts to guide future energy exploration and management.

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Shofi Rahmadini

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Sustainable Innovation: Solar Power Lights Up Chicken Coops in Grembyangan Village, Sleman

In a corner of Grembyangan Village, Madurejo, Prambanan, Sleman, a sustainable breakthrough is bringing new light and knowledge. The Jago Rejeki Livestock Group, known for their “Jowo Super” chicken breed, has taken a significant step towards sustainability by implementing a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). With a capacity of 320 Wp, this PLTS has been installed in the livestock coop, serving as a symbol of progress and environmental concern.

The installation of the PLTS is not just about illumination. It’s about transformation. By using a 65 Ah dry battery and 5 DC 12V/12W lamps, this PLTS successfully provides lighting for the coop at night, improving the quality of life for the chickens and facilitating the farmers in managing the coop.

Beyond that, this initiative also serves as an educational tool for the residents, especially the members of the livestock group. They are introduced to environmentally friendly advanced technology, learn about the components of the PLTS, as well as its installation and operation. The initiator of this activity, Physics Department Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, Ihsan Setiawan, M.Sc., has brought significant change to the community.

The implementation of PLTS is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of clean and affordable energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), and climate action (SDG 13). This initiative not only reduces dependence on fossil energy but also helps to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, taking small yet crucial steps towards a more sustainable future.

This activity serves as evidence that small steps can make a big impact. Grembyangan Village, through this innovation, showcases how communities can collaborate to achieve sustainability and how technology can be the key to a brighter and greener future. (FNF/RNC)

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Mahasiswa UGM Kembangkan AI dan AR untuk Perawatan dan Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi Anak

Dalam upaya meningkatkan perawatan dan edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak-anak, Tim PKM Pi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) telah merintis inovasi luar biasa yang diberi nama “Aplikasi Gigi Kecil”. Aplikasi ini menggabungkan dan mengimplementasikan teknologi Artificial Intelligence  (AI) dan Augmented Reality (AR) untuk memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang relevan dengan perkembangan zaman.

Aplikasi Gigi Kecil diinisiasi oleh tiga mahasiswa Pendidikan Dokter Gigi FKG, yaitu Dwina Aulia Ristyoningrum, Ariefa Nugrahany Nursalim, dan Ribka Wijayanti Kusnardi serta berkolaborasi dengan dua mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer FMIPA, yaitu Fitriansyah Eka Putra dan Khoirul Anam   . Di bawah bimbingan drg. Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar, MPH., Ph.D., kelimanya mengembangkan aplikasi Gigi Kecil dengan pendanaan dari Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Penerapan IPTEK (PKM-PI) Kemendikbud Ristek 2023.

Inovasi ini bermula dari permasalahan yang dihadapi RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo dalam  perawatan gigi anak. “Promosi kesehatan gigi anak yang dilakukan oleh RSGM UGM masih sangat terbatas, hanya melalui akun instagram dan website. Itu pun kami hanya memiliki sedikit konten edukasi kesehatan gigi anak,” tutur Humas RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo saat berdiskusi dengan tim PKM PI. Selain itu, pihak RSGM juga menyatakan bahwa pasien anak sering mengalami ketidakberlanjutan perawatan. “Banyak pasien anak yang perawatannya putus di tengah jalan. Selama ini, tidak ada yang dapat memonitor perawatan pasien anak, terutama dalam perawatan jarak jauh”. Padahal, kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak sangat perlu diperhatikan. Gigi susu sangat mempengaruhi gigi permanen yang tumbuh. Apabila tidak terjadi ketidaksempurnaan dalam perawatan, maka akan mempengaruhi gigi permanen yang tumbuh.

Dari persoalan dan kekhawatiran tersebut dikembangkanlah aplikasi Gigi kecil yang merupakan aplikasi Android dengan fitur utama berupa Screening yang dapat mengidentifikasi karies pada gigi anak secara real-time dengan menerapkan artificial intelligence sebagai pendeteksinya. Ada pula fitur Ayo Belajar! Yang merupakan fitur edukasi berbasis augmented reality untuk membantu anak kecil memahami mengenai proses gigi berlubang. Aplikasi Gigi Kecil juga menyediakan fitur Kalender, Pengingat, dan Fitur Chat yang akan terintegrasi dengan RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo.

Aplikasi ini telah diuji cobakan pada pembukaan Bulan Kesehatan Gigi Nasional yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 12 September 2023 di FKG UGM dan RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo. Aplikasi ini mendapat antusiasme tinggi dari masyarakat, khususnya pasien anak rsgm UGM prof Soedomo. Melalui uji coba ini, terbukti banyak pengunjung Ibu yang memiliki anak terkesan dengan fitur yang dimiliki aplikasi ini, terutama konsultasi gratis dengan dokter gigi profesional. Sedangkan, pasien anak langsung menyukai permainan edukasi berbasis augmented reality yang menjadi andalan aplikasi ini. Tidak hanya itu, banyak Staff RSGM Prof. Soedomo yang merasa terbantu dengan adanya aplikasi ini. Mereka sangat berharap, dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, aplikasi ini mampu terintegrasi seutuhnya dengan manajemen rumah sakit sehingga digitalisasi pelayanan kesehatan dapat membawa keefektifan dan keefisienan sistem rumah sakit.

Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, diharapkan masyarakat akan lebih teredukasi akan pentingnya kesehatan gigi anak, terputusnya perawatan kesehatan di RSGM Prof. Soedomo akan berkurang, serta pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dapat optimal. Adanya aplikasi ini menjadikan RSGM. Prof. Soedomo sebagai satu-satunya Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut yang memiliki aplikasi digital. Ditambah lagi, aplikasi ini bukan hanya untuk pendaftaran online, tetapi mampu mengedukasi serta memantau selama periode perawatan gigi dan mulut anak. Melalui aplikasi ini, kualitas kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak Indonesia akan meningkat!

Tim PKM-PI saat ini dalam tahapan mengunggah Aplikasi Gigi Kecil ke Google PlayStore, namun masyarakat dapat mencoba menggunakan Aplikasi Gigi Kecil melalui laman alternatif yang disediakan yaitu Melalui Aplikasi Gigi Kecil mereka berharap dapat membantu RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo dalam mempromosikan serta mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai kesehatan gigi anak.

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Sustainable Innovation: Goat Manure-Based Charcoal Briquettes as an Environmentally Friendly Solution

Yogyakarta – In the effort to maintain environmental sustainability and reduce the negative impacts of climate change, innovation continues to be a crucial key. One innovation that has garnered attention is the development of charcoal briquettes based on goat manure. By utilizing organic waste and reducing the use of wood as a charcoal source, this solution has significant potential to become a more environmentally friendly alternative for charcoal production.

As part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the Physical Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM plays a role in environmental preservation through innovative development. In this regard, the laboratory has conducted community service activities with the title “Goat Manure-Based Charcoal Briquettes at CV. Berkat Ilahi Farm, Yogyakarta.” Organic waste, such as goat manure, holds untapped potential. Through the proper processing, goat manure can be transformed into raw material for producing charcoal briquettes. This approach not only addresses environmental pollution issues related to waste management but also helps reduce the pressure on ecosystems caused by deforestation for firewood.

The team led by Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Eng, has successfully carried out the activity. Together with members of the Physical Chemistry Laboratory team, they conducted a visit on August 27, 2023. Full support from CV. Berkat Ilahi Farm was a key factor in the success of the goat manure-based charcoal briquette production program. This development of a sustainable solution has significant positive impacts, not only on the environment but also on waste management and the livelihoods of farmers.

In a statement, Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta expressed, “The development of goat manure-based charcoal briquettes is not just an innovation but also a tangible step in supporting the environment and contributing to organic waste reduction. We hope that this solution can serve as an inspirational model for other communities to adopt sustainable practices.”

Advancements in the development of goat manure-based charcoal briquettes have the potential not only to reduce negative environmental impacts but also to provide economic and social benefits. Solutions like this are a real reflection of sustainable efforts that can lead communities towards a greener and more sustainable environment.

With the support and cooperation between educational institutions, the business sector, and the community, innovations like the development of goat manure-based charcoal briquettes offer increasing hope for a brighter future where environmental sustainability is no longer just a dream but a reality that can be achieved through collective efforts.


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Agricultural Innovation: Goat Manure-Based Organic Fertilizer Supporting Sustainable Agriculture

Yogyakarta, August 28, 2023 – The increasing interest in organic farming has driven organic fertilizers to become a sought-after solution in the modern agricultural world. Apart from being environmentally friendly, organic fertilizers have significant potential in improving soil quality and agricultural yields. Conventional farming methods often rely on chemical fertilizers that can deplete soil fertility over time. This is one of the reasons why organic fertilizers are gaining popularity.

As a demonstration of concern for societal issues, especially in providing organic fertilizers, and to fulfill one of the pillars of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma, which is Community Service, the Community Service Team Based on the Utilization of Research Results and the Application of Appropriate Technology (TTG) from Gadjah Mada University has organized training on the conversion of goat manure into organic fertilizer through fermentation processes at CV. Berkat Ilahi Farm, Yogyakarta.

Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Eng, who is the responsible person for the TTG community service program, explained to Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM, during a meeting on August 25, 2023, that the fermentation process of goat manure typically takes about 2 months using EM4 starter. However, with the technology introduced by the TTG Community Service Team, this time has been successfully shortened to just 5 days. Organic fertilizer not only improves soil structure but also helps maintain moisture and provides essential nutrients without causing long-term negative effects.

In this context, goat manure-based fertilizer is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and it contains beneficial microbes, making it a promising choice. The development of organic fertilizer based on goat manure through the fermentation process provides a sustainable solution for modern agriculture. This fertilizer not only addresses the issue of using chemical fertilizers that have negative impacts on the environment and soil quality but also naturally enhances agricultural productivity. With proper implementation, fermentation-based organic fertilizer can be a crucial step towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

Support and innovation in the development of goat manure-based organic fertilizer bring hope for a better future in agriculture, where abundant yields can be achieved without sacrificing the environment and long-term soil fertility.

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FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Hulu Energi Collaborate to Create Tools to Increase Oil and Natural Gas Production Reserves.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM conducted the handover of a cooperation contract between PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM in the FMIPA auditorium on the 7th floor, Tuesday (24/5). This cooperation contract includes the creation of a prototype underwater seismometer module for passive seismic data recording in shallow water environments, a clean technology study for water injection monitoring (sp-ert), cloud computing tools for seismic geophysics, and a study on electric-assisted oil recovery to increase oil and gas production.

The Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., stated that this research cooperation has been ongoing since the beginning of the year and is still in progress. Typically, the research and studies involve the development of tools and software to enhance oil and gas production in well exploration areas managed by Pertamina. “Out of these four studies, some have a duration of three months, while others last for a year. We create software and build devices in the FMIPA laboratory,” he said.

In this research cooperation contract, Kuwat mentioned that four principal researchers and 20 students and alumni are involved. According to Kuwat, this collaboration will be ongoing as per the needs of Pertamina Hulu Energi. “There are plans to further develop this collaboration in the areas of blue energy, corrosion, chemistry, and computation,” he added.

Kuwat stated that collaboration with the industry is a way to bring the results of FMIPA’s research and innovation closer to be used by industries in supporting development in the country. “FMIPA is currently developing schemes for fundamental and applied research. For applied research, if there are issues in the industrial world and they ask for our assistance, we should be ready,” he explained.

Furthermore, Kuwat explained that in the development of applied research, FMIPA is currently trying to develop non-lithium battery technology using raw materials from Bangka Island. “We are challenged to create non-lithium battery sources from the metals available on Bangka Island. The challenge is how to explore these materials to make batteries. It stands alone, unlike coal, it requires extraction. We know that Erick Thohir (Minister of State-Owned Enterprises) has allocated two trillion for battery development,” he stated.

Representative from Upstream Innovation at PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi, Arif Rahman, mentioned that the establishment of Upstream Innovation is to support the increase in oil and gas reserve exploration. “This collaboration is aimed at developing ideas, concepts, and innovations from the campus to support oil and gas production,” he said.

It is hoped that through this research collaboration, it will support the operational activities of Pertamina Hulu Energi in increasing oil and gas reserves. “Hopefully, this collaboration can continue and strengthen the good relationship that has been established so far,” he concluded.

Source: [UGM News](

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Pakar UGM Ingatkan Bahaya Banjir Bandang Pasca Erupsi Gunung Semeru

UGM experts have warned of secondary or indirect dangers resulting from the eruption of Mount Semeru. In addition to the eruption and pyroclastic flow that occurred on December 4th, there is a potential for secondary hazards such as flash floods carrying volcanic material in upstream areas.

“Even though the eruption has ended, the potential for disaster threats still exists. In December, January, and February, we need to be aware of the potential for lava flows and possible subsequent eruptions,” said Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko S.Si., M.Sc., a Faculty Member of the UGM Geography Department, during a press conference at the FMIPA UGM Auditorium on Monday (6/12).

He explained that the La Niña phenomenon is bringing the potential for heavy rainfall, so people in areas with rivers originating from Mount Semeru need to be cautious. Residents should also avoid activities within the designated danger radius established by local authorities.

“Some rivers originating from Semeru need to be monitored so that when lava flows occur in the middle and lower parts, where many settlements are located, lives can be saved,” he said.

He also pointed out that there is a potential for hot materials, so evacuation processes need to be carried out carefully and involve parties with an understanding of the volcano’s conditions.

Residents in the eruption-affected areas are advised to wear masks and protective eyewear to avoid health hazards from volcanic ash, which contains silica and is of micro size.

Dr. Wahyudi, M.S., a UGM Geophysics expert, explained that since 2012, Mount Semeru had been classified as Level 2 or “Waspada” (Watch). Then, in September 2020, signs of activity were observed in the form of white and gray smoke plumes reaching heights of 200-700 meters above the peak of Semeru.

Similar activity continued in October 2020, reaching heights of 200-1000 meters, and on December 1, 2020, a pyroclastic flow occurred, extending 2 to 11 kilometers southeast toward Kobokan. In the last 90 days, there has been an increase in seismic activity, especially volcanic earthquakes.

“Some reached 100 times a day, which can serve as a precursor to a larger eruption,” said Wahyudi.

According to Wahyudi, the collapse of the lava dome triggered by heavy rainfall led to the occurrence of the pyroclastic flow, which traveled quite a distance, reaching 11 kilometers. Scientifically, heavy rainfall can cause instability in lava deposits.

“In some cases, external factors like heavy rainfall can indeed cause thermal stress and trigger instability within the lava dome. The lava dome becomes unstable, and the presence of heavy rainfall triggers landslides,” he explained.

To determine the dominant factors causing the eruption on December 4th, he suggested conducting an integrated data analysis covering volcanic earthquake data, deformation, gas emissions, and rainfall data over the past few months. These data should be correlated with events, including small and large-scale collapses.

Writer : Gloria

Source :

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Empowering Indonesia’s Energy Future: FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Lead with Geophysics Innovation Study

The commitment to maintaining a balance between energy availability and demand is consistently pursued by FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation Pertamina Hulu Energi through collaborative research efforts. This aligns with the three SDGs points: (1) clean and affordable energy, (2) infrastructure, industry, and innovation, and (3) partnerships to achieve goals. In connection with this, a user meeting was organized as a discussion forum on geophysics innovation studies. The event took place on December 19-20, 2023, in Yogyakarta. Besides presenting research reports, the agenda served as a platform for disseminating knowledge related to the management and exploration of energy potential, especially petroleum.

One of the research topics under discussion is the Clean Technology SP-RT for Water Injection Monitoring. This research refers to clean energy-based innovations that are effective and cost-efficient. The effectiveness of existing innovations in the oil exploration process addresses the challenge of balancing energy availability and demand. On the other hand, the presence of innovation in this research undermines environmentally damaging methods, such as explosive detonation techniques.

Dr. T. Marwan Irnaka, M.Sc., a member of the research team, emphasized that the developed research must consider the conditions of the surrounding community. This is done to alleviate conflicts that often arise in society due to social sentiments formed towards energy exploration activities. “In the field, we (the research team) strive to build good interactions with the community using a positive approach. Even when leaving, we are sometimes detained,” recalled Irnaka during field exploration. In this regard, it is conveyed that the research conducted also provides an opportunity for students to be involved, allowing them to experience firsthand the implementation of knowledge acquired in the professional world. The hope is that geophysics studies will continue to evolve through ongoing research efforts to guide future energy exploration and management.

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Shofi Rahmadini

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Sustainable Innovation: Solar Power Lights Up Chicken Coops in Grembyangan Village, Sleman

In a corner of Grembyangan Village, Madurejo, Prambanan, Sleman, a sustainable breakthrough is bringing new light and knowledge. The Jago Rejeki Livestock Group, known for their “Jowo Super” chicken breed, has taken a significant step towards sustainability by implementing a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). With a capacity of 320 Wp, this PLTS has been installed in the livestock coop, serving as a symbol of progress and environmental concern.

The installation of the PLTS is not just about illumination. It’s about transformation. By using a 65 Ah dry battery and 5 DC 12V/12W lamps, this PLTS successfully provides lighting for the coop at night, improving the quality of life for the chickens and facilitating the farmers in managing the coop.

Beyond that, this initiative also serves as an educational tool for the residents, especially the members of the livestock group. They are introduced to environmentally friendly advanced technology, learn about the components of the PLTS, as well as its installation and operation. The initiator of this activity, Physics Department Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, Ihsan Setiawan, M.Sc., has brought significant change to the community.

The implementation of PLTS is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of clean and affordable energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), and climate action (SDG 13). This initiative not only reduces dependence on fossil energy but also helps to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, taking small yet crucial steps towards a more sustainable future.

This activity serves as evidence that small steps can make a big impact. Grembyangan Village, through this innovation, showcases how communities can collaborate to achieve sustainability and how technology can be the key to a brighter and greener future. (FNF/RNC)

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Mahasiswa UGM Kembangkan AI dan AR untuk Perawatan dan Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi Anak

Dalam upaya meningkatkan perawatan dan edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak-anak, Tim PKM Pi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) telah merintis inovasi luar biasa yang diberi nama “Aplikasi Gigi Kecil”. Aplikasi ini menggabungkan dan mengimplementasikan teknologi Artificial Intelligence  (AI) dan Augmented Reality (AR) untuk memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang relevan dengan perkembangan zaman.

Aplikasi Gigi Kecil diinisiasi oleh tiga mahasiswa Pendidikan Dokter Gigi FKG, yaitu Dwina Aulia Ristyoningrum, Ariefa Nugrahany Nursalim, dan Ribka Wijayanti Kusnardi serta berkolaborasi dengan dua mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer FMIPA, yaitu Fitriansyah Eka Putra dan Khoirul Anam   . Di bawah bimbingan drg. Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar, MPH., Ph.D., kelimanya mengembangkan aplikasi Gigi Kecil dengan pendanaan dari Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Penerapan IPTEK (PKM-PI) Kemendikbud Ristek 2023.

Inovasi ini bermula dari permasalahan yang dihadapi RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo dalam  perawatan gigi anak. “Promosi kesehatan gigi anak yang dilakukan oleh RSGM UGM masih sangat terbatas, hanya melalui akun instagram dan website. Itu pun kami hanya memiliki sedikit konten edukasi kesehatan gigi anak,” tutur Humas RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo saat berdiskusi dengan tim PKM PI. Selain itu, pihak RSGM juga menyatakan bahwa pasien anak sering mengalami ketidakberlanjutan perawatan. “Banyak pasien anak yang perawatannya putus di tengah jalan. Selama ini, tidak ada yang dapat memonitor perawatan pasien anak, terutama dalam perawatan jarak jauh”. Padahal, kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak sangat perlu diperhatikan. Gigi susu sangat mempengaruhi gigi permanen yang tumbuh. Apabila tidak terjadi ketidaksempurnaan dalam perawatan, maka akan mempengaruhi gigi permanen yang tumbuh.

Dari persoalan dan kekhawatiran tersebut dikembangkanlah aplikasi Gigi kecil yang merupakan aplikasi Android dengan fitur utama berupa Screening yang dapat mengidentifikasi karies pada gigi anak secara real-time dengan menerapkan artificial intelligence sebagai pendeteksinya. Ada pula fitur Ayo Belajar! Yang merupakan fitur edukasi berbasis augmented reality untuk membantu anak kecil memahami mengenai proses gigi berlubang. Aplikasi Gigi Kecil juga menyediakan fitur Kalender, Pengingat, dan Fitur Chat yang akan terintegrasi dengan RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo.

Aplikasi ini telah diuji cobakan pada pembukaan Bulan Kesehatan Gigi Nasional yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 12 September 2023 di FKG UGM dan RSGM UGM Prof Soedomo. Aplikasi ini mendapat antusiasme tinggi dari masyarakat, khususnya pasien anak rsgm UGM prof Soedomo. Melalui uji coba ini, terbukti banyak pengunjung Ibu yang memiliki anak terkesan dengan fitur yang dimiliki aplikasi ini, terutama konsultasi gratis dengan dokter gigi profesional. Sedangkan, pasien anak langsung menyukai permainan edukasi berbasis augmented reality yang menjadi andalan aplikasi ini. Tidak hanya itu, banyak Staff RSGM Prof. Soedomo yang merasa terbantu dengan adanya aplikasi ini. Mereka sangat berharap, dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, aplikasi ini mampu terintegrasi seutuhnya dengan manajemen rumah sakit sehingga digitalisasi pelayanan kesehatan dapat membawa keefektifan dan keefisienan sistem rumah sakit.

Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, diharapkan masyarakat akan lebih teredukasi akan pentingnya kesehatan gigi anak, terputusnya perawatan kesehatan di RSGM Prof. Soedomo akan berkurang, serta pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dapat optimal. Adanya aplikasi ini menjadikan RSGM. Prof. Soedomo sebagai satu-satunya Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut yang memiliki aplikasi digital. Ditambah lagi, aplikasi ini bukan hanya untuk pendaftaran online, tetapi mampu mengedukasi serta memantau selama periode perawatan gigi dan mulut anak. Melalui aplikasi ini, kualitas kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak Indonesia akan meningkat!

Tim PKM-PI saat ini dalam tahapan mengunggah Aplikasi Gigi Kecil ke Google PlayStore, namun masyarakat dapat mencoba menggunakan Aplikasi Gigi Kecil melalui laman alternatif yang disediakan yaitu Melalui Aplikasi Gigi Kecil mereka berharap dapat membantu RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo dalam mempromosikan serta mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai kesehatan gigi anak.

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Sustainable Innovation: Goat Manure-Based Charcoal Briquettes as an Environmentally Friendly Solution

Yogyakarta – In the effort to maintain environmental sustainability and reduce the negative impacts of climate change, innovation continues to be a crucial key. One innovation that has garnered attention is the development of charcoal briquettes based on goat manure. By utilizing organic waste and reducing the use of wood as a charcoal source, this solution has significant potential to become a more environmentally friendly alternative for charcoal production.

As part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the Physical Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM plays a role in environmental preservation through innovative development. In this regard, the laboratory has conducted community service activities with the title “Goat Manure-Based Charcoal Briquettes at CV. Berkat Ilahi Farm, Yogyakarta.” Organic waste, such as goat manure, holds untapped potential. Through the proper processing, goat manure can be transformed into raw material for producing charcoal briquettes. This approach not only addresses environmental pollution issues related to waste management but also helps reduce the pressure on ecosystems caused by deforestation for firewood.

The team led by Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Eng, has successfully carried out the activity. Together with members of the Physical Chemistry Laboratory team, they conducted a visit on August 27, 2023. Full support from CV. Berkat Ilahi Farm was a key factor in the success of the goat manure-based charcoal briquette production program. This development of a sustainable solution has significant positive impacts, not only on the environment but also on waste management and the livelihoods of farmers.

In a statement, Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta expressed, “The development of goat manure-based charcoal briquettes is not just an innovation but also a tangible step in supporting the environment and contributing to organic waste reduction. We hope that this solution can serve as an inspirational model for other communities to adopt sustainable practices.”

Advancements in the development of goat manure-based charcoal briquettes have the potential not only to reduce negative environmental impacts but also to provide economic and social benefits. Solutions like this are a real reflection of sustainable efforts that can lead communities towards a greener and more sustainable environment.

With the support and cooperation between educational institutions, the business sector, and the community, innovations like the development of goat manure-based charcoal briquettes offer increasing hope for a brighter future where environmental sustainability is no longer just a dream but a reality that can be achieved through collective efforts.


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Agricultural Innovation: Goat Manure-Based Organic Fertilizer Supporting Sustainable Agriculture

Yogyakarta, August 28, 2023 – The increasing interest in organic farming has driven organic fertilizers to become a sought-after solution in the modern agricultural world. Apart from being environmentally friendly, organic fertilizers have significant potential in improving soil quality and agricultural yields. Conventional farming methods often rely on chemical fertilizers that can deplete soil fertility over time. This is one of the reasons why organic fertilizers are gaining popularity.

As a demonstration of concern for societal issues, especially in providing organic fertilizers, and to fulfill one of the pillars of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma, which is Community Service, the Community Service Team Based on the Utilization of Research Results and the Application of Appropriate Technology (TTG) from Gadjah Mada University has organized training on the conversion of goat manure into organic fertilizer through fermentation processes at CV. Berkat Ilahi Farm, Yogyakarta.

Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Eng, who is the responsible person for the TTG community service program, explained to Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM, during a meeting on August 25, 2023, that the fermentation process of goat manure typically takes about 2 months using EM4 starter. However, with the technology introduced by the TTG Community Service Team, this time has been successfully shortened to just 5 days. Organic fertilizer not only improves soil structure but also helps maintain moisture and provides essential nutrients without causing long-term negative effects.

In this context, goat manure-based fertilizer is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and it contains beneficial microbes, making it a promising choice. The development of organic fertilizer based on goat manure through the fermentation process provides a sustainable solution for modern agriculture. This fertilizer not only addresses the issue of using chemical fertilizers that have negative impacts on the environment and soil quality but also naturally enhances agricultural productivity. With proper implementation, fermentation-based organic fertilizer can be a crucial step towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

Support and innovation in the development of goat manure-based organic fertilizer bring hope for a better future in agriculture, where abundant yields can be achieved without sacrificing the environment and long-term soil fertility.

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FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Hulu Energi Collaborate to Create Tools to Increase Oil and Natural Gas Production Reserves.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM conducted the handover of a cooperation contract between PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM in the FMIPA auditorium on the 7th floor, Tuesday (24/5). This cooperation contract includes the creation of a prototype underwater seismometer module for passive seismic data recording in shallow water environments, a clean technology study for water injection monitoring (sp-ert), cloud computing tools for seismic geophysics, and a study on electric-assisted oil recovery to increase oil and gas production.

The Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., stated that this research cooperation has been ongoing since the beginning of the year and is still in progress. Typically, the research and studies involve the development of tools and software to enhance oil and gas production in well exploration areas managed by Pertamina. “Out of these four studies, some have a duration of three months, while others last for a year. We create software and build devices in the FMIPA laboratory,” he said.

In this research cooperation contract, Kuwat mentioned that four principal researchers and 20 students and alumni are involved. According to Kuwat, this collaboration will be ongoing as per the needs of Pertamina Hulu Energi. “There are plans to further develop this collaboration in the areas of blue energy, corrosion, chemistry, and computation,” he added.

Kuwat stated that collaboration with the industry is a way to bring the results of FMIPA’s research and innovation closer to be used by industries in supporting development in the country. “FMIPA is currently developing schemes for fundamental and applied research. For applied research, if there are issues in the industrial world and they ask for our assistance, we should be ready,” he explained.

Furthermore, Kuwat explained that in the development of applied research, FMIPA is currently trying to develop non-lithium battery technology using raw materials from Bangka Island. “We are challenged to create non-lithium battery sources from the metals available on Bangka Island. The challenge is how to explore these materials to make batteries. It stands alone, unlike coal, it requires extraction. We know that Erick Thohir (Minister of State-Owned Enterprises) has allocated two trillion for battery development,” he stated.

Representative from Upstream Innovation at PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi, Arif Rahman, mentioned that the establishment of Upstream Innovation is to support the increase in oil and gas reserve exploration. “This collaboration is aimed at developing ideas, concepts, and innovations from the campus to support oil and gas production,” he said.

It is hoped that through this research collaboration, it will support the operational activities of Pertamina Hulu Energi in increasing oil and gas reserves. “Hopefully, this collaboration can continue and strengthen the good relationship that has been established so far,” he concluded.

Source: [UGM News](

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Pakar UGM Ingatkan Bahaya Banjir Bandang Pasca Erupsi Gunung Semeru

UGM experts have warned of secondary or indirect dangers resulting from the eruption of Mount Semeru. In addition to the eruption and pyroclastic flow that occurred on December 4th, there is a potential for secondary hazards such as flash floods carrying volcanic material in upstream areas.

“Even though the eruption has ended, the potential for disaster threats still exists. In December, January, and February, we need to be aware of the potential for lava flows and possible subsequent eruptions,” said Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko S.Si., M.Sc., a Faculty Member of the UGM Geography Department, during a press conference at the FMIPA UGM Auditorium on Monday (6/12).

He explained that the La Niña phenomenon is bringing the potential for heavy rainfall, so people in areas with rivers originating from Mount Semeru need to be cautious. Residents should also avoid activities within the designated danger radius established by local authorities.

“Some rivers originating from Semeru need to be monitored so that when lava flows occur in the middle and lower parts, where many settlements are located, lives can be saved,” he said.

He also pointed out that there is a potential for hot materials, so evacuation processes need to be carried out carefully and involve parties with an understanding of the volcano’s conditions.

Residents in the eruption-affected areas are advised to wear masks and protective eyewear to avoid health hazards from volcanic ash, which contains silica and is of micro size.

Dr. Wahyudi, M.S., a UGM Geophysics expert, explained that since 2012, Mount Semeru had been classified as Level 2 or “Waspada” (Watch). Then, in September 2020, signs of activity were observed in the form of white and gray smoke plumes reaching heights of 200-700 meters above the peak of Semeru.

Similar activity continued in October 2020, reaching heights of 200-1000 meters, and on December 1, 2020, a pyroclastic flow occurred, extending 2 to 11 kilometers southeast toward Kobokan. In the last 90 days, there has been an increase in seismic activity, especially volcanic earthquakes.

“Some reached 100 times a day, which can serve as a precursor to a larger eruption,” said Wahyudi.

According to Wahyudi, the collapse of the lava dome triggered by heavy rainfall led to the occurrence of the pyroclastic flow, which traveled quite a distance, reaching 11 kilometers. Scientifically, heavy rainfall can cause instability in lava deposits.

“In some cases, external factors like heavy rainfall can indeed cause thermal stress and trigger instability within the lava dome. The lava dome becomes unstable, and the presence of heavy rainfall triggers landslides,” he explained.

To determine the dominant factors causing the eruption on December 4th, he suggested conducting an integrated data analysis covering volcanic earthquake data, deformation, gas emissions, and rainfall data over the past few months. These data should be correlated with events, including small and large-scale collapses.

Writer : Gloria

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