


SMAN 1 Jatiluhur Purwakarta’s Visit to FMIPA UGM: Boosting Student Motivation to Pursue Studies in the Field of Science

SMAN 1 Jatiluhur Purwakarta group visited FMIPA UGM on Thursday, January 11th 2023. In this regard, students and teachers were welcomed and guided by Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer of the Department of Chemistry in the Auditorium of FMIPA UGM. During the opening ceremony, the Vice Principal expressed appreciation to FMIPA UGM for accepting the visit. The agenda continued with a presentation about the ins and outs of FMIPA UGM. Students and teachers received information about the list of study programs, alumni networks, university registration procedures, faculty facilities, and more.

The atmosphere of the visit was filled with laughter but they remained focused on the presentation material. In opening the presentation, Sugeng urged students through his humor that science is not difficult and offers excellent job opportunities. “Science is not difficult. I like mathematics. Mathematics is easy; it’s just numbers 0 to 9 lined up. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division also have clear results,” said Sugeng. He then explained important points of the material, such as research and innovation opportunities, career paths, scholarships, and various extraordinary networking opportunities among FMIPA UGM alumni.

“What motivated you to choose Chemistry at UGM?” asked one student. While reminiscing, Sugeng recounted the twists and turns of his life in deciding to pursue a Chemistry program degree. When Sugeng was in school, he found the way Chemistry was taught to be unpleasant. This served as a trigger and motivation for Sugeng to dive into the field of Chemistry and teach it enjoyably. Until now, Sugeng has dedicated himself to becoming a lecturer in the Chemistry study program at UGM. He also added that in pursuing dreams, there will always be challenges such as economic conditions, family situations, and more. However, Sugeng emphasized to the students that no matter how challenging it is, as humans, they must be resilient in striving to achieve their aspirations, including continuing their education.

Keyword: students, researchers, students, high school, SMAN 1 Jatiluhur Purwakarta

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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