





SDG 4: Pendidikan Berkualitas

Jaga Generasi Muda dari Bahaya Gula: FMIPA Beri Edukasi Bahaya Diabetes

Diabetes menjadi salah satu penyakit mematikan di Indonesia. Selain itu, Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-5 di dunia dalam jumlah penderita diabetes. Mayoritas penderita diabetes berada pada angka 20 – 59 tahun. Namun, pada tahun 2024, diabetes semakin banyak ditemukan di usia muda antara 20 – 30 tahun. Di sisi lain, banyak juga mahasiswa yang menjadi pasien dari diabetes yang diakibatkan oleh tren konsumsi makanan dan minuman manis yang tinggi.

FMIPA UGM dalam hal ini melakukan beberapa pencegahan diabetes terhadap mahasiswa. Salah satunya adalah dengan memberikan pelayanan pengecekan kesehatan. Mahasiswa dapat mengukur berat badan dan mengecek kadar gulanya. Setelah itu, mahasiswa dapat mengetahui kondisi tubuhnya dan diberikan saran dari petugas kesehatan.

Bertepatan dengan Hari Kesehatan Nasional Tahun 2024, FMIPA UGM beri edukasi mengenai bahaya diabetes melalui konten Jaga Generasi Muda dari Bahaya Gula yang dapat diakses melalui tautan berikut:

>Dalam konten tersebut disajikan tayangan mengenai ilustrasi mahasiswa yang cenderung memilih minuman manis daripada air putih. Hal tersebut merupakan fenomena yang kerap terjadi di lingkungan kampus terlebih saat ini mahasiswa kerap ditemui mengenggam minuman manis. Pada konten tersebut, terlihat mahasiswa akhirnya mendapatkan penyakit akibat gaya hidup konsumsi gula yang berlebih. Selain itu, di akhir konten diberikan penyajian mengenai makanan apa saja yang harus dikonsumsi dalam batas minimal dan tanda-tanda mengenai penyakit diabetes.

Konten edukasi yang diberikan merupakan langkah pencegahan diabetes yang menjadi cerminan poin SDGs nomor 3 yaitu Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera tentang Diabetes Mellitus. Diharapkan mahasiswa dapat lebih sadar tentang pola konsumsi yang dilakukan sehingga dapat mengurangi risiko terkena penyakit tersebut.

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Ilustrasi: Tim Media FMIPA UGM

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Satu Dekade Lebih Bersinergi Bersama, FMIPA UGM dan Taman Pintar Kawal Potensi Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan

FMIPA UGM bersama dengan Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta yang dalam hal ini instansi yang menaungi Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan melangsungkan pertemuan pada Kamis, 4 April 2024. Pertemuan dilaksakan langsung di lokasi kerja sama yaitu Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan. Dalam hal ini, Yetti Martanti selaku Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta memimpin langsung jalannya rapat.

Dekan FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., memberikan sambutan dan menyatakan dukungan terhadap program kerja sama mengenai potensi lokasi yang akan dilakukan.

“Kami dari FMIPA UGM sangat antusias dalam kegiatan kerja sama yang ada. Dalam hal ini telah hadir juga dosen-dosen yang mumpuni seperti Prof. Jazi yang ahli di bidang robotika,” papar Kuwat.

FMIPA UGM turut mendukung melalui keterlibatan para peneliti baik dosen atau mahasiswa yang memiliki kompetensi dalam kerja sama yang akan dilakukan. Beberapa inovasi yang ditawarkan adalah produk dari robotika dan AI (kecerdasan buatan) untuk menunjang lokasi Taman Budaya seperti tempat sampah pintar serta penyusunan konsep adaptasi smart city yang dapat diaplikasikan di Taman Budaya.

Yetti Martanti selaku Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta memberikan apresiasi terhadap FMIPA UGM dan memberikan pemaparan terkait potensi yang bisa dikembangkan bersama dengan FMIPA UGM.

“Kami telah lebih dari 10 tahun menjalin kerja sama dengan FMIPA UGM melalui keterlibatan berbagai lapisan masyarakat seperti pameran, lomba, dan loka karya yang bersifat edukatif. Harapannya, dengan adanya kerja sama ini akan ada inovasi untuk pengembangan potensi dari Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan,” papar Yetti.

Kolaborasi yang dilakukan FMIPA UGM bersama Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta menjadi cerminan dari SDGs nomor 4 yaitu Pendidikan Berkualitas melalui keterlibatan mahasiswa dan dosen untuk pendidikan keberlanjutan dalam inovasi Taman Budaya. Selain itu, kolaborasi yang dilakukan merupakan implementasi dari SDGs nomor 9 yaitu Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur dan nomor 17 yaitu Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan melalui teknologi dan inovasi yang akan dikembangkan bersama.

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Datu Maulana Ahmad

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Intip 18 Mahasiswa FMIPA UGM Lolos IISMA di Berbagai Kampus Ternama Dunia

Sejumlah 18 mahasiswa FMIPA UGM berhasil lolos sebagai penerima beasiswa kegiatan IISMA di berbagai kampus ternama dunia. IISMA atau disebut Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards merupakan skema beasiswa yang memberikan pendanaan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar selama 1 semester di kampus berepurtasi di skala global.

Dari 18 mahasiswa FMIPA UGM yang berhasil lolos tersebut terdiri atas 13 mahasiswa program Ilmu Komputer, 3 mahasiswa ilmu Elektronika dan Instrumentasi, 1 mahasiswa ilmu Aktuaria, dan 1 mahasiswa ilmu Kimia. Delapan belas mahasiswa tersebut telah melalui berbagai tahapan seleksi dan bersaing dengan ribuan pendaftar lainnya hingga akhirnya berkesempatan untuk lolos program IISMA.

Salah satu manfaat yang bisa diperoleh mahasiswa dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperluas pandangan terhadap keragaman akademik dan budaya global serta jejaring internasionalnya. Seleksi yang dilalui oleh mahasiswa terbilang relatif ketat jika ditinjau dari perbandingan jumlah pendaftar dengan jumlah penerima beasiswa IISMA. Sebanyak 15.211 mahasiswa melakukan pendaftaran dan hanya 3.300 mahasiswa yang lolos termasuk 18 mahasiswa terbaik dari FMIPA UGM.

Keterlibatan mahasiswa FMIPA UGM dalam IISMA tersebut merupakan cerminan dari SDGs di pilar nomor 4 yaitu Pendidikan Berkualitas dengan pendidikan untuk keberlanjutan dan keanekaragaman budaya melalui pertukaran ilmu dan budaya serta kompetensi yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa. Jadi, mari intip ke-18 mahasiswa FMIPA UGM tersebut pada infografis berikut:

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Gambar: Tim Media FMIPA UGM

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Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Holds Nanofiber Application Seminar: Sharing Knowledge about the Benefits of Nanofiber

The speaker delivered a presentation on nanofiber (Photo: Hero)

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM held a seminar on “Nanofiber Application as Active Layer of Gas Sensor and Air Filtration Membrane” on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 at the Department of Physics UGM Conference Room in a mixed mode (online and offline). The speaker at this event was Rizky Aflaha, S.Si, a doctoral student of the Department of Physics. This seminar was held in the hope of expanding knowledge and increasing public interest in nanofiber.

Seminar participants not only came from lecturers, researchers, and students at UGM but also from other educational institutions such as students from UIN Makassar.

“Can this sensor distinguish between this gas and another gas? What changes in physical properties occur so that it can detect gas differences?” asked Farid, a seminar participant.

“This is still a mystery. So, what can be reviewed is chemically through the interactions that occur,” explained Rizky.

The material presented was the result of research from Rizky Aflaha, S.Si, who was guided by Prof. Kuwat Triyana (Dean of FMIPA UGM) and Prof. Roto (Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM) with the title “Nanofiber Membrane with Superhydrophobic Characteristics and High-Temperature Resistance for ISO 16890 Standard Air Filter Membrane Applications”. The presentation of the material began with a recap of the research journey since 2020, followed by an explanation of electrospun nanofiber which applies the electrospining method to nanofiber for Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) gas sensors. These nanofibers are also of more structural interest as a coating on air filter membranes due to their hydrophobic properties and small diameter size.

The output of this research project is an insight into nanofiber applications that can be known to the public. The involvement of the wider community such as students outside UGM as participants in the event reflects SDGs point number 4 (Quality Education) and SDGs point number 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) through the publication of research results in the STEM field to the community. Researchers can also find out the insights and questions of the community towards the implementation of the nanofiber studied as data to encourage the development of research and partnerships to be the implementation of SDGs number 17 (Partnerships to Achieve Goals).


Keywords: Nanofiber, filtration, gas, physics

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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FMIPA UGM Provides Funding Assistance for KKN (Community Service Program)

Elementary students assisted by KKN students from FMIPA UGM (Photo: Duren Village KKN Team)

FMIPA UGM provides funding assistance for the implementation of the Community Service Program (KKN) for FMIPA UGM students. Assistance can be obtained through proposals submitted within 1 month before the activity until the implementation of activities in the first week of KKN. Proposals can be submitted by KKN teams consisting of FMIPA UGM students with a field supervisor. The scope of funds provided by FMIPA UGM is Rp—3,000,000, which is the maximum nominal of the proposed budget.

“FMIPA UGM provides funding assistance for activities for each KKN period. There are 4 periods of KKN each year and each period we provide a quota for 5 teams to be given funds,” said Dr. Ertin, Secretary of the Support Unit for Education, Teaching, and Student Activities of FMIPA UGM.

One of the KKN teams that qualify for grants is the team assigned to Duren Village, Semarang Regency, Central Java Province. The theme of the activity is “Sustainable Village Development by Optimizing Natural Resources and Community Empowerment as an Acceleration of Community Welfare”. The work program included basic computer training for elementary school students, waste management education, and education on the use of the Internet in the community’s economic sector such as micro, small, and medium enterprises.

Funding assistance for FMIPA UGM students

The provision of assistance funds for KKN by FMIPA UGM is the implementation of SDGs number 1 (no poverty) through student financial assistance in carrying out KKN programs, number 4 (the quality of education) through internet education programs in improving technology, information, and communication skills of fostered students, and number 12, (responsible consumption and products) through waste management programs. Hopefully, this activity will continue to support the KKN program, especially for FMIPA UGM students.


Keywords: Community service program (KKN), assistance, students, service

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: KKN Team of Duren Village, Semarang Regency

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I-Shou Scholarship Program: Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University to Prepare Outstanding Industry-Ready Science Graduates

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University held a scholarship program socialization for an undergraduate to doctoral students on Friday, Mar 15th, 2024 at the Auditorium of FMIPA UGM. The participants included undergraduate students, faculty members, and FMIPA alumni interested in continuing their studies. The Dean of FMIPA UGM and other officials also attended the event, welcoming Prof. Huang Wenshen, Ph.D., Vice Dean of the International Office and Cross-Strait Affairs from I-Shou Taiwan University, who would present scholarship information.

Dr. rer. nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, gave a welcome speech and officially opened the event.

“We hope that this activity will be beneficial, and we (FMIPA UGM) encourage attendees to consider participating in the programs offered,” said Dr. Wiwit.

The undergraduate student delivered a question related to the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

The enthusiasm of the socialization participants was evident from the variety of questions asked, such as campus environment conditions, tips for saving expenses, and part-time work opportunities while studying.

“Can we work part-time while attending classes there?” asked one participant.

Fransiska, representing I-Shou Taiwan University and also an assistant to Prof. Huang, explained that the stipend provided by the scholarship is already sufficient to cover daily expenses. If students wish to take on part-time work, it is recommended to manage their time wisely to avoid exhaustion.

“The stipend provided is quite sufficient. The cost of living there is affordable compared to Indonesia,” explained Fransiska.

Fransiska explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship application process, which will open in early April 2024. The scholarship coverage includes stipends and tuition fees. The scholarship program offered is a double degree program at the undergraduate level, with 2 years of study at FMIPA, 2 years at I-Shou Taiwan University, and 2 years of work experience in the Taiwanese industry. For other programs at the master’s and doctoral levels, the scholarship covers tuition fees and stipends.

“During their studies, students will receive training such as Mandarin language proficiency and other competencies. After graduation, students will be directed to work in the industry to gain experience and produce outstanding science graduates ready to enter the workforce,” said Prof. Huang.

This scholarship socialization activity is an implementation of SDG number 4, Quality Education, by encouraging students to pursue globally and sustainably recognized education. Additionally, the established partnership supports SDG number 17, Partnerships for the Goals, by preparing outstanding science graduates ready to enter the industry.

Keywords: Scholarship, I-Shou Taiwan University, industry

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Held “Galaxy Cruise” Seminar: Bringing Society Closer to the Phenomena of the Universe through Educational and Interactive Media

Galaxy Cruise Website (

The Department of Physics FMIPA UGM held a seminar titled “Studying Galaxy with Citizen, Science Project Galaxy Cruise” on Wednesday, Mar 13th, 2024, both online and offline at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. The speaker for this event was Dr. Itsna Khoirul Fitriana, a researcher from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The seminar was aimed at expanding knowledge and enhancing public interest in astronomy. Participants of the seminar included not only faculty members, researchers, and students but also junior and senior high school students. Dr. Eddy, the Chair of the Physics Department, opened the event and expressed appreciation for its organization.

“Galaxy Cruise is an astronomy research project involving the public. As researchers, we can obtain data from the public to develop our research, while the public gains knowledge related to astronomy,” said Dr. Itsna.

Dr. Itsna presenting the material about the “Galaxy Cruise” website (Photo: Fathan)

The material presented included an introduction to various types of celestial objects. Subsequently, seminar participants were invited to engage in training sessions as if they were about to embark on a space journey as astronomers, through various tests conducted via the “Galaxy Cruise” website. If participants completed the tests, they received a boarding pass or ticket for exploration into space through the interactive “Galaxy Cruise” website.

“Why do galaxies have different forms of interaction?” asked one participant, who was a high school student.

Dr. Itsna then explained the types of galaxy interaction forms through the interactive “Galaxy Cruise” website.

The output of this research project is an interactive website that can be utilized by the public. Users can register through the website and participate in activities such as training sessions by answering various questions. The involvement of the public, including students, reflects Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4, Quality Education through the Internet for teaching purposes and enhancing skills in technology, information, and communication (ICT). Researchers of Galaxy Cruise can also gain insights into the public’s understanding of celestial objects being researched as data, thus promoting partnership for the purpose of implementing SDG number 17, Partnerships for the Goals.

Group photo with speakers and participants of “Galaxy Cruise” (Photo: Fathan)


Keywords: Galaxy Cruise, astronomy, NAOJ, galaxies

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Muhammad Fathan

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Jaga Generasi Muda dari Bahaya Gula: FMIPA Beri Edukasi Bahaya Diabetes

Diabetes menjadi salah satu penyakit mematikan di Indonesia. Selain itu, Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-5 di dunia dalam jumlah penderita diabetes. Mayoritas penderita diabetes berada pada angka 20 – 59 tahun. Namun, pada tahun 2024, diabetes semakin banyak ditemukan di usia muda antara 20 – 30 tahun. Di sisi lain, banyak juga mahasiswa yang menjadi pasien dari diabetes yang diakibatkan oleh tren konsumsi makanan dan minuman manis yang tinggi.

FMIPA UGM dalam hal ini melakukan beberapa pencegahan diabetes terhadap mahasiswa. Salah satunya adalah dengan memberikan pelayanan pengecekan kesehatan. Mahasiswa dapat mengukur berat badan dan mengecek kadar gulanya. Setelah itu, mahasiswa dapat mengetahui kondisi tubuhnya dan diberikan saran dari petugas kesehatan.

Bertepatan dengan Hari Kesehatan Nasional Tahun 2024, FMIPA UGM beri edukasi mengenai bahaya diabetes melalui konten Jaga Generasi Muda dari Bahaya Gula yang dapat diakses melalui tautan berikut:

>Dalam konten tersebut disajikan tayangan mengenai ilustrasi mahasiswa yang cenderung memilih minuman manis daripada air putih. Hal tersebut merupakan fenomena yang kerap terjadi di lingkungan kampus terlebih saat ini mahasiswa kerap ditemui mengenggam minuman manis. Pada konten tersebut, terlihat mahasiswa akhirnya mendapatkan penyakit akibat gaya hidup konsumsi gula yang berlebih. Selain itu, di akhir konten diberikan penyajian mengenai makanan apa saja yang harus dikonsumsi dalam batas minimal dan tanda-tanda mengenai penyakit diabetes.

Konten edukasi yang diberikan merupakan langkah pencegahan diabetes yang menjadi cerminan poin SDGs nomor 3 yaitu Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera tentang Diabetes Mellitus. Diharapkan mahasiswa dapat lebih sadar tentang pola konsumsi yang dilakukan sehingga dapat mengurangi risiko terkena penyakit tersebut.

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Ilustrasi: Tim Media FMIPA UGM

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Satu Dekade Lebih Bersinergi Bersama, FMIPA UGM dan Taman Pintar Kawal Potensi Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan

FMIPA UGM bersama dengan Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta yang dalam hal ini instansi yang menaungi Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan melangsungkan pertemuan pada Kamis, 4 April 2024. Pertemuan dilaksakan langsung di lokasi kerja sama yaitu Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan. Dalam hal ini, Yetti Martanti selaku Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta memimpin langsung jalannya rapat.

Dekan FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., memberikan sambutan dan menyatakan dukungan terhadap program kerja sama mengenai potensi lokasi yang akan dilakukan.

“Kami dari FMIPA UGM sangat antusias dalam kegiatan kerja sama yang ada. Dalam hal ini telah hadir juga dosen-dosen yang mumpuni seperti Prof. Jazi yang ahli di bidang robotika,” papar Kuwat.

FMIPA UGM turut mendukung melalui keterlibatan para peneliti baik dosen atau mahasiswa yang memiliki kompetensi dalam kerja sama yang akan dilakukan. Beberapa inovasi yang ditawarkan adalah produk dari robotika dan AI (kecerdasan buatan) untuk menunjang lokasi Taman Budaya seperti tempat sampah pintar serta penyusunan konsep adaptasi smart city yang dapat diaplikasikan di Taman Budaya.

Yetti Martanti selaku Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta memberikan apresiasi terhadap FMIPA UGM dan memberikan pemaparan terkait potensi yang bisa dikembangkan bersama dengan FMIPA UGM.

“Kami telah lebih dari 10 tahun menjalin kerja sama dengan FMIPA UGM melalui keterlibatan berbagai lapisan masyarakat seperti pameran, lomba, dan loka karya yang bersifat edukatif. Harapannya, dengan adanya kerja sama ini akan ada inovasi untuk pengembangan potensi dari Taman Budaya Embung Giwangan,” papar Yetti.

Kolaborasi yang dilakukan FMIPA UGM bersama Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta menjadi cerminan dari SDGs nomor 4 yaitu Pendidikan Berkualitas melalui keterlibatan mahasiswa dan dosen untuk pendidikan keberlanjutan dalam inovasi Taman Budaya. Selain itu, kolaborasi yang dilakukan merupakan implementasi dari SDGs nomor 9 yaitu Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur dan nomor 17 yaitu Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan melalui teknologi dan inovasi yang akan dikembangkan bersama.

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Datu Maulana Ahmad

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Intip 18 Mahasiswa FMIPA UGM Lolos IISMA di Berbagai Kampus Ternama Dunia

Sejumlah 18 mahasiswa FMIPA UGM berhasil lolos sebagai penerima beasiswa kegiatan IISMA di berbagai kampus ternama dunia. IISMA atau disebut Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards merupakan skema beasiswa yang memberikan pendanaan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar selama 1 semester di kampus berepurtasi di skala global.

Dari 18 mahasiswa FMIPA UGM yang berhasil lolos tersebut terdiri atas 13 mahasiswa program Ilmu Komputer, 3 mahasiswa ilmu Elektronika dan Instrumentasi, 1 mahasiswa ilmu Aktuaria, dan 1 mahasiswa ilmu Kimia. Delapan belas mahasiswa tersebut telah melalui berbagai tahapan seleksi dan bersaing dengan ribuan pendaftar lainnya hingga akhirnya berkesempatan untuk lolos program IISMA.

Salah satu manfaat yang bisa diperoleh mahasiswa dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperluas pandangan terhadap keragaman akademik dan budaya global serta jejaring internasionalnya. Seleksi yang dilalui oleh mahasiswa terbilang relatif ketat jika ditinjau dari perbandingan jumlah pendaftar dengan jumlah penerima beasiswa IISMA. Sebanyak 15.211 mahasiswa melakukan pendaftaran dan hanya 3.300 mahasiswa yang lolos termasuk 18 mahasiswa terbaik dari FMIPA UGM.

Keterlibatan mahasiswa FMIPA UGM dalam IISMA tersebut merupakan cerminan dari SDGs di pilar nomor 4 yaitu Pendidikan Berkualitas dengan pendidikan untuk keberlanjutan dan keanekaragaman budaya melalui pertukaran ilmu dan budaya serta kompetensi yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa. Jadi, mari intip ke-18 mahasiswa FMIPA UGM tersebut pada infografis berikut:

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Gambar: Tim Media FMIPA UGM

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Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Holds Nanofiber Application Seminar: Sharing Knowledge about the Benefits of Nanofiber

The speaker delivered a presentation on nanofiber (Photo: Hero)

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM held a seminar on “Nanofiber Application as Active Layer of Gas Sensor and Air Filtration Membrane” on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 at the Department of Physics UGM Conference Room in a mixed mode (online and offline). The speaker at this event was Rizky Aflaha, S.Si, a doctoral student of the Department of Physics. This seminar was held in the hope of expanding knowledge and increasing public interest in nanofiber.

Seminar participants not only came from lecturers, researchers, and students at UGM but also from other educational institutions such as students from UIN Makassar.

“Can this sensor distinguish between this gas and another gas? What changes in physical properties occur so that it can detect gas differences?” asked Farid, a seminar participant.

“This is still a mystery. So, what can be reviewed is chemically through the interactions that occur,” explained Rizky.

The material presented was the result of research from Rizky Aflaha, S.Si, who was guided by Prof. Kuwat Triyana (Dean of FMIPA UGM) and Prof. Roto (Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM) with the title “Nanofiber Membrane with Superhydrophobic Characteristics and High-Temperature Resistance for ISO 16890 Standard Air Filter Membrane Applications”. The presentation of the material began with a recap of the research journey since 2020, followed by an explanation of electrospun nanofiber which applies the electrospining method to nanofiber for Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) gas sensors. These nanofibers are also of more structural interest as a coating on air filter membranes due to their hydrophobic properties and small diameter size.

The output of this research project is an insight into nanofiber applications that can be known to the public. The involvement of the wider community such as students outside UGM as participants in the event reflects SDGs point number 4 (Quality Education) and SDGs point number 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) through the publication of research results in the STEM field to the community. Researchers can also find out the insights and questions of the community towards the implementation of the nanofiber studied as data to encourage the development of research and partnerships to be the implementation of SDGs number 17 (Partnerships to Achieve Goals).


Keywords: Nanofiber, filtration, gas, physics

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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FMIPA UGM Provides Funding Assistance for KKN (Community Service Program)

Elementary students assisted by KKN students from FMIPA UGM (Photo: Duren Village KKN Team)

FMIPA UGM provides funding assistance for the implementation of the Community Service Program (KKN) for FMIPA UGM students. Assistance can be obtained through proposals submitted within 1 month before the activity until the implementation of activities in the first week of KKN. Proposals can be submitted by KKN teams consisting of FMIPA UGM students with a field supervisor. The scope of funds provided by FMIPA UGM is Rp—3,000,000, which is the maximum nominal of the proposed budget.

“FMIPA UGM provides funding assistance for activities for each KKN period. There are 4 periods of KKN each year and each period we provide a quota for 5 teams to be given funds,” said Dr. Ertin, Secretary of the Support Unit for Education, Teaching, and Student Activities of FMIPA UGM.

One of the KKN teams that qualify for grants is the team assigned to Duren Village, Semarang Regency, Central Java Province. The theme of the activity is “Sustainable Village Development by Optimizing Natural Resources and Community Empowerment as an Acceleration of Community Welfare”. The work program included basic computer training for elementary school students, waste management education, and education on the use of the Internet in the community’s economic sector such as micro, small, and medium enterprises.

Funding assistance for FMIPA UGM students

The provision of assistance funds for KKN by FMIPA UGM is the implementation of SDGs number 1 (no poverty) through student financial assistance in carrying out KKN programs, number 4 (the quality of education) through internet education programs in improving technology, information, and communication skills of fostered students, and number 12, (responsible consumption and products) through waste management programs. Hopefully, this activity will continue to support the KKN program, especially for FMIPA UGM students.


Keywords: Community service program (KKN), assistance, students, service

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: KKN Team of Duren Village, Semarang Regency

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I-Shou Scholarship Program: Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University to Prepare Outstanding Industry-Ready Science Graduates

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University held a scholarship program socialization for an undergraduate to doctoral students on Friday, Mar 15th, 2024 at the Auditorium of FMIPA UGM. The participants included undergraduate students, faculty members, and FMIPA alumni interested in continuing their studies. The Dean of FMIPA UGM and other officials also attended the event, welcoming Prof. Huang Wenshen, Ph.D., Vice Dean of the International Office and Cross-Strait Affairs from I-Shou Taiwan University, who would present scholarship information.

Dr. rer. nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, gave a welcome speech and officially opened the event.

“We hope that this activity will be beneficial, and we (FMIPA UGM) encourage attendees to consider participating in the programs offered,” said Dr. Wiwit.

The undergraduate student delivered a question related to the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

The enthusiasm of the socialization participants was evident from the variety of questions asked, such as campus environment conditions, tips for saving expenses, and part-time work opportunities while studying.

“Can we work part-time while attending classes there?” asked one participant.

Fransiska, representing I-Shou Taiwan University and also an assistant to Prof. Huang, explained that the stipend provided by the scholarship is already sufficient to cover daily expenses. If students wish to take on part-time work, it is recommended to manage their time wisely to avoid exhaustion.

“The stipend provided is quite sufficient. The cost of living there is affordable compared to Indonesia,” explained Fransiska.

Fransiska explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship application process, which will open in early April 2024. The scholarship coverage includes stipends and tuition fees. The scholarship program offered is a double degree program at the undergraduate level, with 2 years of study at FMIPA, 2 years at I-Shou Taiwan University, and 2 years of work experience in the Taiwanese industry. For other programs at the master’s and doctoral levels, the scholarship covers tuition fees and stipends.

“During their studies, students will receive training such as Mandarin language proficiency and other competencies. After graduation, students will be directed to work in the industry to gain experience and produce outstanding science graduates ready to enter the workforce,” said Prof. Huang.

This scholarship socialization activity is an implementation of SDG number 4, Quality Education, by encouraging students to pursue globally and sustainably recognized education. Additionally, the established partnership supports SDG number 17, Partnerships for the Goals, by preparing outstanding science graduates ready to enter the industry.

Keywords: Scholarship, I-Shou Taiwan University, industry

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Held “Galaxy Cruise” Seminar: Bringing Society Closer to the Phenomena of the Universe through Educational and Interactive Media

Galaxy Cruise Website (

The Department of Physics FMIPA UGM held a seminar titled “Studying Galaxy with Citizen, Science Project Galaxy Cruise” on Wednesday, Mar 13th, 2024, both online and offline at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. The speaker for this event was Dr. Itsna Khoirul Fitriana, a researcher from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The seminar was aimed at expanding knowledge and enhancing public interest in astronomy. Participants of the seminar included not only faculty members, researchers, and students but also junior and senior high school students. Dr. Eddy, the Chair of the Physics Department, opened the event and expressed appreciation for its organization.

“Galaxy Cruise is an astronomy research project involving the public. As researchers, we can obtain data from the public to develop our research, while the public gains knowledge related to astronomy,” said Dr. Itsna.

Dr. Itsna presenting the material about the “Galaxy Cruise” website (Photo: Fathan)

The material presented included an introduction to various types of celestial objects. Subsequently, seminar participants were invited to engage in training sessions as if they were about to embark on a space journey as astronomers, through various tests conducted via the “Galaxy Cruise” website. If participants completed the tests, they received a boarding pass or ticket for exploration into space through the interactive “Galaxy Cruise” website.

“Why do galaxies have different forms of interaction?” asked one participant, who was a high school student.

Dr. Itsna then explained the types of galaxy interaction forms through the interactive “Galaxy Cruise” website.

The output of this research project is an interactive website that can be utilized by the public. Users can register through the website and participate in activities such as training sessions by answering various questions. The involvement of the public, including students, reflects Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4, Quality Education through the Internet for teaching purposes and enhancing skills in technology, information, and communication (ICT). Researchers of Galaxy Cruise can also gain insights into the public’s understanding of celestial objects being researched as data, thus promoting partnership for the purpose of implementing SDG number 17, Partnerships for the Goals.

Group photo with speakers and participants of “Galaxy Cruise” (Photo: Fathan)


Keywords: Galaxy Cruise, astronomy, NAOJ, galaxies

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Muhammad Fathan

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