





SDG 3: Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera

Incar Senam Hingga Sarapan Gratis, Mahasiswa Ramaikan Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM

Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM telah digelar pada hari Jumat, 12 Juli 2024. Serangkaian acara yang meliputi pembukaan acara, senam, sarapan, pembagian doorprize, hingga cek kesehatan diikuti dengan antusias oleh seluruh peserta, termasuk mahasiswa yang turut meramaikan momen acara tersebut.

“Saya datang ke Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM karena sangat ingin mengikuti kegiatan senam yang diadakan,” papar Ridha Yatul Jannah, mahasiswa S1 Matematika UGM. Ridha menjelaskan bahwa ia memang menyukai senam. Bahkan, ia pernah mendapatkan juara 3 dalam perlombaan senam tingkat kabupaten. Ridha juga menjelaskan bahwa sudah lama ia tidak senam akhir-akhir ini sehingga ketika ada kesempatan untuk senam, tanpa pikir panjang ia langsung datang.

“Kalau saya datang ke Pembukaan Dies Natalis karena diajak teman dan tergiur dengan senam gratis, makan gratis, serta cek kesehatan gratis,” terang Muliana Setyarini, mahasiswa S1 Matematika UGM. Ia menambahkan bahwa senam yang ia temui biasanya tidak gratis. Salah satu contoh senam tidak gratis yang ia temui, yaitu senam yang diadakan oleh ibu-ibu Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK).

Selain alasan kedua mahasiswa tersebut, terdapat beberapa mahasiswa yang datang untuk menikmati sarapan gratis yang disediakan. Sebagai anak rantau, momen-momen seperti ini menjadi incaran mahasiswa karena mereka dapat memperoleh makanan dengan nutrisi yang cukup tanpa mengeluarkan uang.

Beberapa mahasiswa juga dikejutkan dengan adanya pembagian dooorprize. Berbagai ekspresi terkejut dan bahagia menghiasi wajah para mahasiswa saat nama mereka disebut untuk pengambilan doorprize.

Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM ditutup dengan kegiatan cek kesehatan gratis. Beberapa mahasiswa terlihat antusias saat melakukan pengecekan kesehatan gratis dengan mengularnya antreannya di lokasi pendaftaran pengecekan kesehatan. Alasannya beragam, baik karena merupakan pengalaman pertama maupun karena diselenggarakan secara gratis sehingga tidak perlu merogoh kocek seperti saat melakukan pengecekan kesehatan di puskesmas.

Alasan mahasiswa untuk meramaikan Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM telah menunjukkan implementasi dari SDGs poin 2, yaitu Tanpa Kelaparan. Para mahasiswa yang berbondong-bondong mengantri sarapan gratis mengimplementasikan bahwa secara tidak langsung kampus telah mendukung para mahasiswa untuk bertahan hidup dan mendapatkan nutrisi yang cukup. Selain itu, Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM juga mengimplementasikan SDGs poin 3, yaitu Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera yang didukung dengan kegiatan senam bersama dan pengecekan kesehatan secara gratis. Dengan adanya kedua kegiatan tersebut, para mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan kebugaran tubuhnya sekaligus mengecek kondisi tubuhnya sehingga dapat mencegah kemunculan penyakit pada diri masing-masing serta meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya dalam menempuh studi di FMIPA UGM.

Penulis: Azzah Nurfatin
Foto: Hero Prakosa
Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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FMIPA UGM dan BRIN Resmikan Kolaborasi Riset Terkait Deteksi dan Terapi Kanker

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama dengan Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) dalam upaya kolaborasi riset dan inovasi pengembangan produk peptida dan radiofarmaka sebagai alat diagnosis dan terapi kanker. Penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama ini dilakukan oleh Dekan FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si dan Isti Daruwati selaku Ketua Tim riset dari Pusat Riset Teknologi Radioisotop, Radiofarmaka, dan Biodosimetri  BRIN, di Ruang Sidang FMIPA UGM pada Kamis (11/7).

“Ini merupakan kesempatan yang membahagiakan karena BRIN datang ke tempat yang tepat untuk menjalin kerja sama dengan FMIPA UGM,” ujar Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si dalam sambutan yang diberikan.

Dalam kolaborasi ini, FMIPA UGM akan berfokus pada eksplorasi peptida dari venom ular tanah sebagai kandidat potensial radiofarmaka. Di sisi lain, BRIN sebagai lembaga riset berperan dalam hilirisasi produk menjadi radiofarmaka untuk diaplikasikan di bidang kedokteran. Lebih lanjut, Isti Daruwati memaparkan bahwa penelitian ini nantinya akan menghasilkan produk peptida maupun radiofarmaka yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat diagnosis yang akurat dan terapi yang efektif, khususnya untuk penyakit kanker.

Kolaborasi yang dilakukan FMIPA UGM dengan mitra tersebut menciptakan peluang riset yang menjadi solusi inovatif dalam dunia medis. Hal ini turut menjadi cerminan dari SDGs di poin 3 yaitu Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera melalui pengembangan inovasi biomedis, poin 4 yaitu Pendidikan Berkualitas dalam aspek pendidikan untuk keberlanjutan melalui peluang riset dan studi, poin 9 yaitu Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur melalui peningkatan kualitas peneliti di bidang ilmu pengetahuan alam, dan poin 17 yaitu Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan dalam mendorong inovasi dan kemitraan melalui kolaborasi antara perguruan tinggi dan lembaga riset.

Penulis: Meitha Eka Nurhasanah
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto
Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Dorong Kesadaran Kesehatan, FMIPA UGM Rutin Gelar Senam dan Pengecekan Kesehatan

FMIPA UGM rutin gelar senam dan pelayanan kesehatan dalam rangka mendorong kesadaran kesehatan baik bagi pegawai, dosen, atau mahasiswa di halaman Gedung FMIPA UGM. Agenda dimulai dengan senam pagi dan dilanjutkan dengan pengecekan kesehatan. Pada kegiatan kali ini, Jum’at 31 Mei 2024, terdapat lonjakan cukup banyak pasien baru yang mendaftar di pos pengecekan kesehatan.

“Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran bagi pegawai, dosen, dan mahasiswa di FMIPA UGM. Jangan sampai ketika masuk ke sini mereka sehat tetapi ketika keluar dari sini mereka justru sakit-sakitan,” kata Dr. Chotimah, M.Si., selaku petugas kesehatan di FMIPA UGM. Dr. Chotimah juga menyampaikan bahwa terdapat lonjakan yang cukup banyak dari para mahasiswa yang tertarik mengecek kesehatan mereka.

“90% pasien yang mendaftar dan memeriksakan dirinya adalah mahasiswa. Kalau mahasiswa kebanyakan mengalami tensi tinggi sedangkan kalau dosen dan tendik mengalami asam urat,” papar Dr. Chotimah.

Antusiasme dari peserta kegiatan terlihat dari antrean panjang yang menunggu giliran dalam pengecekan kesehatan. Jenis pengecekan yang dilakukan meliputi indeks massa tubuh, tekanan darah, kadar gula, asam urat, dan kolestrol. Salah satu pasien mengungkapkan rasa kagetnya ketika mengetahui nilai asam urat yang terdapat pada tubuhnya.

Kegiatan senam dan pengecekan kesehatan ini berpeluang dalam meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap penyakit tidak menular seperti tekanan darah tinggi dan obesitas sehingga merupakan wujud nyata dari poin 3 SDGs di bidang Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera. Selain itu, kegiatan tersebut turut berkontribusi dalam jaminan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat kampus untuk dapat melakukan pencegahan atau deteksi dini penyakit yang berisiko. Harapannya, kegiatan ini akan terus mendorong kesadaran kesehatan di lingkungan FMIPA UGM sehingga tercipta kondisi kampus yang sehat.


Keywords: kesehatan, pengecekan kesehatan, senam, kolestrol, darah tinggi, asam urat, kampus sehat

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Held Seminar on Medical Physics: Nanophotosensitizer with Natural Bioreductants to Increase the Efficacy of Antibacterial Effects

Prof. Suryani presented material on Nanophotosensitizer (Photo: Febriska)

The Physics Department of FMIPA UGM held a seminar titled “Nanophotosensitizer with Natural Bioreductants to Increase the Efficacy of Antibacterial Effects” on Wednesday, Mar 27th 2024, virtually. The speaker at this event was Prof. Dr. Suryani Dyah Astuti, M.Sc., a researcher and lecturer from Universitas Airlangga. This seminar was held with the hope of expanding knowledge increasing public interest in medical physics and providing information about downstream products beneficial for the community. Seminar participants came not only from lecturers, researchers, and students but also from the general public.

“One of the serious challenges in the field of health is the increasing antibiotic resistance by pathogenic microorganisms causing infections. Resistant organisms can withstand the effects of antimicrobial drugs such as antibiotics, antivirals, and others. As a result, the use of standard treatments becomes ineffective in combating infections. Photodynamic inactivation therapy (PDI) offers an alternative route utilizing silver nanoparticles synthesized from grape seeds as nano photosensitizers that enhance antibacterial efficacy. PDI method is a non-invasive, non-ionizing photon-based method that is safe and effective in killing infection-causing microbes,” said Prof. Suryani.

Prof. Suryani presented material on photophysics (Photo: Febriska)

The material presented was an introduction to research results beneficial to the community, such as in the medical sector. For example, the utilization of local raw materials from local plant extracts as reductants for green synthesis of nanoparticles that are safe and have antibacterial properties by the activities contained in plants.

“How do we commercialize research products and establish partnerships to support the commercialization process?” asked one of the participants. Then, Prof. Suryani explained the commercialization scheme with partners. “The way is to share with supportive partners. Research nowadays tends to be commercialized. So, we need to optimize production first so that the prototype is mature for large-scale production. Then, conduct test markets such as product introduction. It can be done by providing the product for trial. Next, inquire about the results and then contact the partner. So, start optimizing for industrial scale. It is essential for us to have a team in collaboration, for example, involving doctors or other professions,” said Prof. Suryani.

The presentation of research product results from medical physics reflects SDG number 3, Good Health and Well-being, to the community to be utilized in daily life, especially in the field of health such as affordable drugs and biomedical treatment. In addition, the presentation of the technical flow of research product commercialization encourages lecturers and researchers to collaborate with industries for the commercialization of research results, thus reflecting SDG number 9, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

Keywords: Nanophotosensitizer, biomedical, medical treatment, good health and well-being, industry

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Various Activities at FMIPA UGM Campus Mosque during Ramadan 1445 H

The opening activity of the recitation event by the students of FMIPA UGM (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM Campus Mosque actively organizes various activities during the fasting month that can be followed by the public. The activities consist of recitation, breakfasting, and tadaruz (reciting Al-Qur’an). The activity committee consists of students and staff from FMIPA UGM. FMIPA UGM lecturers are sometimes also involved in activities such as recitation activities to fill lectures with varied material. The students who become the committee are active in compiling the agenda of activities, preparing events, collecting documentation of activities, and preparing takjil (food eaten upon breaking the fast) for breaking the fast together.

From the series of activities in the month of Ramadan that have been running, there is a peak event, namely the Ramadan Festival which will be held on March 29, 2024. Ramadan activities at the UGM FMIPA Campus Mosque are not only limited to internal circles at FMIPA UGM but to the public so that they can be accessed by anyone. Regular activities that can be followed such as recitation begin in the afternoon after the asr prayer service which is then continued with breaking the fast together when the maghrib adhan arrives.

The presence of various activities of the UGM FMIPA Campus Mosque is a representation of SDGs number 2 (No Hunger) and number 3 (Healthy and Prosperous Life) through the provision of healthy food to break the fast for students and employees. The presence of healthy food also improves the welfare of students and employees for access to fulfillment of good nutrition.

Keywords: Ramadan, fasting, mosque, no hunger, healthy and prosperous life

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Boosting Blood Stock Quantity in Yogyakarta, DWP FMIPA UGM Holds Blood Donation Event with RS Sardjito

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

DWP FMIPA UGM organized a blood donation drive to increase the quantity of bloodstock in Yogyakarta. Collaborating with Sardjito Hospital, the blood donation event took place in the courtyard of the FMIPA UGM Building on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024. Blood donors included the general public, thus not limited only to faculty members, staff, and students of FMIPA UGM.

“Many hospitals still need blood donations. The hope is that it can be beneficial for those in need,” said Nurun Djamilatun, Chairperson of DWP FMIPA UGM.

The enthusiasm of the blood donors was evident from the long queues waiting for their turn to undergo eligibility checks for blood collection. The types of checks conducted included blood pressure and hemoglobin levels. Nurun also mentioned that the blood screening was expected to raise awareness about maintaining bodily health.

The long queues waiting for blood donation (Photo: Datu)

“Some individuals didn’t pass the blood condition screening due to low hemoglobin levels, so we also encourage them to maintain their health by paying attention to their blood levels. With this, they can donate blood at another time,” said Nurun.

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

This blood donation activity has the potential to increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, which is a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, the activity contributes to ensuring healthcare services for the campus community to prevent or detect diseases that pose risks to donors and to increase the quantity of bloodstock for the community. This activity will continue to promote health and social awareness within the FMIPA UGM environment.


Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Datu Maulana Ahmad

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Promoting Health Awareness, FMIPA UGM Regularly Holds Exercise and Health Check-ups

Exercise at FMIPA UGM

FMIPA UGM routinely conducts exercise and health services to promote health awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at the FMIPA UGM Building’s courtyard on Friday, Feb 23rd, 2024. The agenda is held every last Friday of each month through Posbindu PTM (Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular/Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Counseling Post). The agenda starts with morning exercise followed by health check-ups.

“This activity aims to increase awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at FMIPA UGM. We don’t want them to be healthy when they enter here but become ill when they leave,” said Dr. Chotimah, M.Si., the health officer at FMIPA UGM.

The participants’ enthusiasm is evident from the long queues waiting for their turn in health check-ups. The checks conducted include body mass index, blood pressure, glucose levels, uric acid, and cholesterol. One employee expressed surprise upon learning about the cholesterol levels in their body.

Health check-up queue

“I was quite surprised to know the cholesterol level in my body. Is it because I’ve recently consumed a lot of seafood?” said Shafa, one of the employees at FMIPA UGM.

Health check-up to determine the ideal body mass index

Exercise and health check-up activities can potentially increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure and obesity, thus representing a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, these activities contribute to ensuring health services for the campus community to engage in the prevention or early detection of risky diseases. The hope is that this activity will continue to promote health awareness in the FMIPA UGM environment, thereby creating a healthy campus condition.

Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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PESEGI FMIPA UGM Promotes Healthy Lifestyle through Cycling: Cross-Route Edition in Kulon Progo

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport

The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University continues to advocate for a healthy lifestyle through cycling, this time traversing the Kulon Progo region on Feb 24th, 2024. The cycling route starts from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM and concludes at Yogyakarta International Airport in Wates, Kulon Progo. The event was attended by faculty members and staff from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM, but it was open to the general public.

During the cycling route, there were designated stopping points for rest and breakfast. This cycling activity, besides promoting a healthy lifestyle, aims to accommodate cyclists who want to engage collectively in supporting environmental sustainability.

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport


“This activity is carried out every Sabtu Legi (a day based on the Javanese calendar) as a manifestation of our support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, M.Si., the Chairman of the PESEGI Community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM.

Cycling activities have the potential to reduce obesity rates in the community, making it a tangible representation of SDGs Goal 3 in the field of Good Health and Well-being. Furthermore, this cycling culture also contributes to improving the air quality index due to the high usage of oil-fueled vehicles, thus reflecting SDGs point 11, which is Sustainable Cities and Communities. The hope is that more individuals will join in advocating for activities that have a positive impact on health and the environment.

Preparations for departure to the finish line


Keywords: cycling, health, air quality index, environment

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Incar Senam Hingga Sarapan Gratis, Mahasiswa Ramaikan Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM

Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM telah digelar pada hari Jumat, 12 Juli 2024. Serangkaian acara yang meliputi pembukaan acara, senam, sarapan, pembagian doorprize, hingga cek kesehatan diikuti dengan antusias oleh seluruh peserta, termasuk mahasiswa yang turut meramaikan momen acara tersebut.

“Saya datang ke Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM karena sangat ingin mengikuti kegiatan senam yang diadakan,” papar Ridha Yatul Jannah, mahasiswa S1 Matematika UGM. Ridha menjelaskan bahwa ia memang menyukai senam. Bahkan, ia pernah mendapatkan juara 3 dalam perlombaan senam tingkat kabupaten. Ridha juga menjelaskan bahwa sudah lama ia tidak senam akhir-akhir ini sehingga ketika ada kesempatan untuk senam, tanpa pikir panjang ia langsung datang.

“Kalau saya datang ke Pembukaan Dies Natalis karena diajak teman dan tergiur dengan senam gratis, makan gratis, serta cek kesehatan gratis,” terang Muliana Setyarini, mahasiswa S1 Matematika UGM. Ia menambahkan bahwa senam yang ia temui biasanya tidak gratis. Salah satu contoh senam tidak gratis yang ia temui, yaitu senam yang diadakan oleh ibu-ibu Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK).

Selain alasan kedua mahasiswa tersebut, terdapat beberapa mahasiswa yang datang untuk menikmati sarapan gratis yang disediakan. Sebagai anak rantau, momen-momen seperti ini menjadi incaran mahasiswa karena mereka dapat memperoleh makanan dengan nutrisi yang cukup tanpa mengeluarkan uang.

Beberapa mahasiswa juga dikejutkan dengan adanya pembagian dooorprize. Berbagai ekspresi terkejut dan bahagia menghiasi wajah para mahasiswa saat nama mereka disebut untuk pengambilan doorprize.

Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM ditutup dengan kegiatan cek kesehatan gratis. Beberapa mahasiswa terlihat antusias saat melakukan pengecekan kesehatan gratis dengan mengularnya antreannya di lokasi pendaftaran pengecekan kesehatan. Alasannya beragam, baik karena merupakan pengalaman pertama maupun karena diselenggarakan secara gratis sehingga tidak perlu merogoh kocek seperti saat melakukan pengecekan kesehatan di puskesmas.

Alasan mahasiswa untuk meramaikan Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM telah menunjukkan implementasi dari SDGs poin 2, yaitu Tanpa Kelaparan. Para mahasiswa yang berbondong-bondong mengantri sarapan gratis mengimplementasikan bahwa secara tidak langsung kampus telah mendukung para mahasiswa untuk bertahan hidup dan mendapatkan nutrisi yang cukup. Selain itu, Pembukaan Dies Natalis ke-69 FMIPA UGM juga mengimplementasikan SDGs poin 3, yaitu Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera yang didukung dengan kegiatan senam bersama dan pengecekan kesehatan secara gratis. Dengan adanya kedua kegiatan tersebut, para mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan kebugaran tubuhnya sekaligus mengecek kondisi tubuhnya sehingga dapat mencegah kemunculan penyakit pada diri masing-masing serta meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya dalam menempuh studi di FMIPA UGM.

Penulis: Azzah Nurfatin
Foto: Hero Prakosa
Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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FMIPA UGM dan BRIN Resmikan Kolaborasi Riset Terkait Deteksi dan Terapi Kanker

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama dengan Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) dalam upaya kolaborasi riset dan inovasi pengembangan produk peptida dan radiofarmaka sebagai alat diagnosis dan terapi kanker. Penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama ini dilakukan oleh Dekan FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si dan Isti Daruwati selaku Ketua Tim riset dari Pusat Riset Teknologi Radioisotop, Radiofarmaka, dan Biodosimetri  BRIN, di Ruang Sidang FMIPA UGM pada Kamis (11/7).

“Ini merupakan kesempatan yang membahagiakan karena BRIN datang ke tempat yang tepat untuk menjalin kerja sama dengan FMIPA UGM,” ujar Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si dalam sambutan yang diberikan.

Dalam kolaborasi ini, FMIPA UGM akan berfokus pada eksplorasi peptida dari venom ular tanah sebagai kandidat potensial radiofarmaka. Di sisi lain, BRIN sebagai lembaga riset berperan dalam hilirisasi produk menjadi radiofarmaka untuk diaplikasikan di bidang kedokteran. Lebih lanjut, Isti Daruwati memaparkan bahwa penelitian ini nantinya akan menghasilkan produk peptida maupun radiofarmaka yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat diagnosis yang akurat dan terapi yang efektif, khususnya untuk penyakit kanker.

Kolaborasi yang dilakukan FMIPA UGM dengan mitra tersebut menciptakan peluang riset yang menjadi solusi inovatif dalam dunia medis. Hal ini turut menjadi cerminan dari SDGs di poin 3 yaitu Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera melalui pengembangan inovasi biomedis, poin 4 yaitu Pendidikan Berkualitas dalam aspek pendidikan untuk keberlanjutan melalui peluang riset dan studi, poin 9 yaitu Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur melalui peningkatan kualitas peneliti di bidang ilmu pengetahuan alam, dan poin 17 yaitu Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan dalam mendorong inovasi dan kemitraan melalui kolaborasi antara perguruan tinggi dan lembaga riset.

Penulis: Meitha Eka Nurhasanah
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto
Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Dorong Kesadaran Kesehatan, FMIPA UGM Rutin Gelar Senam dan Pengecekan Kesehatan

FMIPA UGM rutin gelar senam dan pelayanan kesehatan dalam rangka mendorong kesadaran kesehatan baik bagi pegawai, dosen, atau mahasiswa di halaman Gedung FMIPA UGM. Agenda dimulai dengan senam pagi dan dilanjutkan dengan pengecekan kesehatan. Pada kegiatan kali ini, Jum’at 31 Mei 2024, terdapat lonjakan cukup banyak pasien baru yang mendaftar di pos pengecekan kesehatan.

“Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran bagi pegawai, dosen, dan mahasiswa di FMIPA UGM. Jangan sampai ketika masuk ke sini mereka sehat tetapi ketika keluar dari sini mereka justru sakit-sakitan,” kata Dr. Chotimah, M.Si., selaku petugas kesehatan di FMIPA UGM. Dr. Chotimah juga menyampaikan bahwa terdapat lonjakan yang cukup banyak dari para mahasiswa yang tertarik mengecek kesehatan mereka.

“90% pasien yang mendaftar dan memeriksakan dirinya adalah mahasiswa. Kalau mahasiswa kebanyakan mengalami tensi tinggi sedangkan kalau dosen dan tendik mengalami asam urat,” papar Dr. Chotimah.

Antusiasme dari peserta kegiatan terlihat dari antrean panjang yang menunggu giliran dalam pengecekan kesehatan. Jenis pengecekan yang dilakukan meliputi indeks massa tubuh, tekanan darah, kadar gula, asam urat, dan kolestrol. Salah satu pasien mengungkapkan rasa kagetnya ketika mengetahui nilai asam urat yang terdapat pada tubuhnya.

Kegiatan senam dan pengecekan kesehatan ini berpeluang dalam meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap penyakit tidak menular seperti tekanan darah tinggi dan obesitas sehingga merupakan wujud nyata dari poin 3 SDGs di bidang Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera. Selain itu, kegiatan tersebut turut berkontribusi dalam jaminan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat kampus untuk dapat melakukan pencegahan atau deteksi dini penyakit yang berisiko. Harapannya, kegiatan ini akan terus mendorong kesadaran kesehatan di lingkungan FMIPA UGM sehingga tercipta kondisi kampus yang sehat.


Keywords: kesehatan, pengecekan kesehatan, senam, kolestrol, darah tinggi, asam urat, kampus sehat

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Held Seminar on Medical Physics: Nanophotosensitizer with Natural Bioreductants to Increase the Efficacy of Antibacterial Effects

Prof. Suryani presented material on Nanophotosensitizer (Photo: Febriska)

The Physics Department of FMIPA UGM held a seminar titled “Nanophotosensitizer with Natural Bioreductants to Increase the Efficacy of Antibacterial Effects” on Wednesday, Mar 27th 2024, virtually. The speaker at this event was Prof. Dr. Suryani Dyah Astuti, M.Sc., a researcher and lecturer from Universitas Airlangga. This seminar was held with the hope of expanding knowledge increasing public interest in medical physics and providing information about downstream products beneficial for the community. Seminar participants came not only from lecturers, researchers, and students but also from the general public.

“One of the serious challenges in the field of health is the increasing antibiotic resistance by pathogenic microorganisms causing infections. Resistant organisms can withstand the effects of antimicrobial drugs such as antibiotics, antivirals, and others. As a result, the use of standard treatments becomes ineffective in combating infections. Photodynamic inactivation therapy (PDI) offers an alternative route utilizing silver nanoparticles synthesized from grape seeds as nano photosensitizers that enhance antibacterial efficacy. PDI method is a non-invasive, non-ionizing photon-based method that is safe and effective in killing infection-causing microbes,” said Prof. Suryani.

Prof. Suryani presented material on photophysics (Photo: Febriska)

The material presented was an introduction to research results beneficial to the community, such as in the medical sector. For example, the utilization of local raw materials from local plant extracts as reductants for green synthesis of nanoparticles that are safe and have antibacterial properties by the activities contained in plants.

“How do we commercialize research products and establish partnerships to support the commercialization process?” asked one of the participants. Then, Prof. Suryani explained the commercialization scheme with partners. “The way is to share with supportive partners. Research nowadays tends to be commercialized. So, we need to optimize production first so that the prototype is mature for large-scale production. Then, conduct test markets such as product introduction. It can be done by providing the product for trial. Next, inquire about the results and then contact the partner. So, start optimizing for industrial scale. It is essential for us to have a team in collaboration, for example, involving doctors or other professions,” said Prof. Suryani.

The presentation of research product results from medical physics reflects SDG number 3, Good Health and Well-being, to the community to be utilized in daily life, especially in the field of health such as affordable drugs and biomedical treatment. In addition, the presentation of the technical flow of research product commercialization encourages lecturers and researchers to collaborate with industries for the commercialization of research results, thus reflecting SDG number 9, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

Keywords: Nanophotosensitizer, biomedical, medical treatment, good health and well-being, industry

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Various Activities at FMIPA UGM Campus Mosque during Ramadan 1445 H

The opening activity of the recitation event by the students of FMIPA UGM (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM Campus Mosque actively organizes various activities during the fasting month that can be followed by the public. The activities consist of recitation, breakfasting, and tadaruz (reciting Al-Qur’an). The activity committee consists of students and staff from FMIPA UGM. FMIPA UGM lecturers are sometimes also involved in activities such as recitation activities to fill lectures with varied material. The students who become the committee are active in compiling the agenda of activities, preparing events, collecting documentation of activities, and preparing takjil (food eaten upon breaking the fast) for breaking the fast together.

From the series of activities in the month of Ramadan that have been running, there is a peak event, namely the Ramadan Festival which will be held on March 29, 2024. Ramadan activities at the UGM FMIPA Campus Mosque are not only limited to internal circles at FMIPA UGM but to the public so that they can be accessed by anyone. Regular activities that can be followed such as recitation begin in the afternoon after the asr prayer service which is then continued with breaking the fast together when the maghrib adhan arrives.

The presence of various activities of the UGM FMIPA Campus Mosque is a representation of SDGs number 2 (No Hunger) and number 3 (Healthy and Prosperous Life) through the provision of healthy food to break the fast for students and employees. The presence of healthy food also improves the welfare of students and employees for access to fulfillment of good nutrition.

Keywords: Ramadan, fasting, mosque, no hunger, healthy and prosperous life

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Boosting Blood Stock Quantity in Yogyakarta, DWP FMIPA UGM Holds Blood Donation Event with RS Sardjito

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

DWP FMIPA UGM organized a blood donation drive to increase the quantity of bloodstock in Yogyakarta. Collaborating with Sardjito Hospital, the blood donation event took place in the courtyard of the FMIPA UGM Building on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024. Blood donors included the general public, thus not limited only to faculty members, staff, and students of FMIPA UGM.

“Many hospitals still need blood donations. The hope is that it can be beneficial for those in need,” said Nurun Djamilatun, Chairperson of DWP FMIPA UGM.

The enthusiasm of the blood donors was evident from the long queues waiting for their turn to undergo eligibility checks for blood collection. The types of checks conducted included blood pressure and hemoglobin levels. Nurun also mentioned that the blood screening was expected to raise awareness about maintaining bodily health.

The long queues waiting for blood donation (Photo: Datu)

“Some individuals didn’t pass the blood condition screening due to low hemoglobin levels, so we also encourage them to maintain their health by paying attention to their blood levels. With this, they can donate blood at another time,” said Nurun.

Blood donation by the donors (Photo: Datu)

This blood donation activity has the potential to increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, which is a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, the activity contributes to ensuring healthcare services for the campus community to prevent or detect diseases that pose risks to donors and to increase the quantity of bloodstock for the community. This activity will continue to promote health and social awareness within the FMIPA UGM environment.


Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Datu Maulana Ahmad

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Promoting Health Awareness, FMIPA UGM Regularly Holds Exercise and Health Check-ups

Exercise at FMIPA UGM

FMIPA UGM routinely conducts exercise and health services to promote health awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at the FMIPA UGM Building’s courtyard on Friday, Feb 23rd, 2024. The agenda is held every last Friday of each month through Posbindu PTM (Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular/Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Counseling Post). The agenda starts with morning exercise followed by health check-ups.

“This activity aims to increase awareness among employees, lecturers, and students at FMIPA UGM. We don’t want them to be healthy when they enter here but become ill when they leave,” said Dr. Chotimah, M.Si., the health officer at FMIPA UGM.

The participants’ enthusiasm is evident from the long queues waiting for their turn in health check-ups. The checks conducted include body mass index, blood pressure, glucose levels, uric acid, and cholesterol. One employee expressed surprise upon learning about the cholesterol levels in their body.

Health check-up queue

“I was quite surprised to know the cholesterol level in my body. Is it because I’ve recently consumed a lot of seafood?” said Shafa, one of the employees at FMIPA UGM.

Health check-up to determine the ideal body mass index

Exercise and health check-up activities can potentially increase awareness of non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure and obesity, thus representing a tangible manifestation of SDGs point 3 in the field of Healthy and Prosperous Life. Additionally, these activities contribute to ensuring health services for the campus community to engage in the prevention or early detection of risky diseases. The hope is that this activity will continue to promote health awareness in the FMIPA UGM environment, thereby creating a healthy campus condition.

Keywords: health, health check-up, healthy campus

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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PESEGI FMIPA UGM Promotes Healthy Lifestyle through Cycling: Cross-Route Edition in Kulon Progo

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport

The PESEGI (Pesepeda Setu Legi) community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University continues to advocate for a healthy lifestyle through cycling, this time traversing the Kulon Progo region on Feb 24th, 2024. The cycling route starts from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM and concludes at Yogyakarta International Airport in Wates, Kulon Progo. The event was attended by faculty members and staff from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM, but it was open to the general public.

During the cycling route, there were designated stopping points for rest and breakfast. This cycling activity, besides promoting a healthy lifestyle, aims to accommodate cyclists who want to engage collectively in supporting environmental sustainability.

Cyclists heading towards YIA airport


“This activity is carried out every Sabtu Legi (a day based on the Javanese calendar) as a manifestation of our support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, M.Si., the Chairman of the PESEGI Community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM.

Cycling activities have the potential to reduce obesity rates in the community, making it a tangible representation of SDGs Goal 3 in the field of Good Health and Well-being. Furthermore, this cycling culture also contributes to improving the air quality index due to the high usage of oil-fueled vehicles, thus reflecting SDGs point 11, which is Sustainable Cities and Communities. The hope is that more individuals will join in advocating for activities that have a positive impact on health and the environment.

Preparations for departure to the finish line


Keywords: cycling, health, air quality index, environment

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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