


SDG 15: Ekosistem Daratan

Darurat Mikroplastik di Lingkungan, Kimia FMIPA UGM Gelar Kuliah Tamu Internasional dengan Pakar dari Universitas Tokushima

Mahasiswa bertanya saat sesi diskusi berlangsung (Foto: Damar)

Departemen Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu internasional pada hari Selasa, 25 Juni 2024 di Ruang Seminar Departemen Kimia UGM. Acara ini menghadirkan 2 pakar terkemuka dari Universitas Tokushima, Jepang, yaitu Assoc. Prof. Kei-Ichiro Murai dan Assoc. Prof. Hitoshi Mizuguchi, yang memaparkan topik terkini dan relevan dalam bidang ilmu material dan analisis lingkungan.

Assoc. Prof. Kei-Ichiro Murai membuka sesi dengan presentasi bertajuk “X-ray Analyses for Material Science”. Prof. Murai mengupas berbagai teknik analisis material menggunakan sinar-X, menjelaskan bagaimana sinar-X mampu mengungkap struktur dan komposisi material pada tingkat atomik. Pengetahuan ini sangat penting dalam pengembangan teknologi baru dan material yang lebih efisien.

Assoc. Prof. Kei-Ichiro Murai menyampaikan materi “X-ray Analyses for Material Science”

Selanjutnya, Assoc. Prof. Hitoshi Mizuguchi membawa para peserta menyelami dunia mikroplastik di udara melalui materi “Analysis of Airborne Microplastics by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy”. Prof. Mizuguchi memaparkan metode analisis mikroplastik di udara menggunakan teknik pirolisis-gas kromatografi-mass spektroskopi. Teknik ini membantu dalam mendeteksi dan menganalisis partikel mikroplastik yang semakin banyak mencemari lingkungan, terutama di udara perkotaan.

Assoc. Prof. Hitoshi Mizuguchi memaparkan materi “Analysis of Airborne Microplastics by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy” (Foto: Damar)

Kuliah tamu ini dimoderatori oleh Dr. Suherman, pakar kimia lingkungan dari UGM. Dalam moderasinya, Dr. Suherman menekankan pentingnya kolaborasi internasional dalam penelitian ilmiah dan bagaimana pengetahuan yang dibagikan oleh para pakar dari Universitas Tokushima dapat membantu UGM dalam mencapai tujuan penelitian yang lebih tinggi.

Lebih dari itu, acara ini memiliki relevansi yang kuat dengan beberapa Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs). Materi tentang analisis material oleh Prof. Murai berkontribusi pada SDGs 9 (Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur) dengan mendorong penelitian dan inovasi di bidang teknologi material yang ramah lingkungan dan efisien.

Presentasi Prof. Mizuguchi tentang mikroplastik berhubungan langsung dengan SDGs 14 (Kehidupan di Bawah Air) dan SDGs 15 (Kehidupan di Darat). Analisis dan deteksi mikroplastik sangat penting untuk mengatasi polusi plastik yang mengancam ekosistem laut dan darat.

Kegiatan ini juga mendukung SDGs 17 (Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan) melalui kolaborasi internasional antara UGM dan Universitas Tokushima. Pertukaran pengetahuan dan pengalaman ini memperkuat jaringan akademik global dan mendukung pencapaian SDGs secara kolektif.

Penulis: Damar Novi Pradityaka
Fotografi: Roory Zaky Hasya
Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Age is Merely a Number: The Oldest Competency Certification Participant from FMIPA UGM Continues Inspiring Work Through Chemical Waste

Entering the third decade as the Laboratory Education Manager (PLP) for the Elins UGM Study Program, Mardi Wasono had the opportunity to obtain certification as a Young Competent Chemical Safety Expert in Jakarta at the end of 2023. The activity was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia through PT. UNILAB PERDANA with an Assessor from the Industrial Chemical Profession Certification Institute (LSPKI). Participants had to pass administrative selection stages with a portfolio attachment. Subsequently, successful participants underwent 15 days of online mentoring and industrial supervision. Following that, participants traveled to Jakarta for a 5-day training and competency test. In this case, only 20 participants were selected from applicants across Indonesia to go to Jakarta for certification.

Mardi expressed his pride and gratitude for the opportunity, considering his educational background as a graduate of STM in electrical engineering and his not-so-young age. Even with only 3 years and 3 months left dedicating himself to FMIPA UGM, Mardi still felt the desire to innovate in the field of chemical waste management. “I graduated from STM in electrical engineering but luckily could participate in research and training. Everything funded, free of charge. I am not the oldest participant, but I’m considered senior because the others are younger,” he said, displaying the obtained Young Competent Chemical Safety Expert certificate. The enthusiasm and spirit in conducting research for the benefit translate into concrete steps for SDGs impacting innovation (9), marine ecosystems (14), and terrestrial ecosystems (15).

Mardi has been involved in chemical waste research for the past 4-5 years, but his laboratory experience spans over 30 years. The research stemmed from his concerns about the management of chemical waste and its environmental impact. On the other hand, another driving factor was his concern for safety in working, especially in chemical waste management. The goal of the research is to reduce the levels of heavy metal values in chemicals to meet the standards set by the government. This is done to ensure that chemicals do not have a negative impact on the environment, whether for humans, animals, or plants. “Chemical waste is dangerous if not treated and directly disposed of into the environment. Substances like HCl and H2O2 are strong acids. Therefore, they need to be treated first to avoid polluting the environment,” he explained.

Mardi is also grateful for the supportive colleagues in his research, involving professors, researchers, and technicians. Reflecting on his participation in the certification activity at the twilight of his career, Mardi believes it helped him understand his shortcomings and acknowledges that, as a human, he is far from “perfect,” given the many outstanding individuals he has encountered. He also hopes that many staff in other universities will continue to innovate and develop to provide benefits to their surroundings. Although Mardi will retire in 2027, he remains actively engaged in developing his research on chemical waste management. “Currently, I am using agricultural waste (straw) from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM as an absorbent medium to reduce the levels of heavy metals in the chemical waste generated from practical activities in the basic Elins laboratory. The hope is to achieve the desired target and not harm the environment,” he added.

Keywords: competency certification, FMIPA UGM, laboratory, chemical waste, occupational health and safety (K3), Chemistry

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Darurat Mikroplastik di Lingkungan, Kimia FMIPA UGM Gelar Kuliah Tamu Internasional dengan Pakar dari Universitas Tokushima

Mahasiswa bertanya saat sesi diskusi berlangsung (Foto: Damar)

Departemen Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu internasional pada hari Selasa, 25 Juni 2024 di Ruang Seminar Departemen Kimia UGM. Acara ini menghadirkan 2 pakar terkemuka dari Universitas Tokushima, Jepang, yaitu Assoc. Prof. Kei-Ichiro Murai dan Assoc. Prof. Hitoshi Mizuguchi, yang memaparkan topik terkini dan relevan dalam bidang ilmu material dan analisis lingkungan.

Assoc. Prof. Kei-Ichiro Murai membuka sesi dengan presentasi bertajuk “X-ray Analyses for Material Science”. Prof. Murai mengupas berbagai teknik analisis material menggunakan sinar-X, menjelaskan bagaimana sinar-X mampu mengungkap struktur dan komposisi material pada tingkat atomik. Pengetahuan ini sangat penting dalam pengembangan teknologi baru dan material yang lebih efisien.

Assoc. Prof. Kei-Ichiro Murai menyampaikan materi “X-ray Analyses for Material Science”

Selanjutnya, Assoc. Prof. Hitoshi Mizuguchi membawa para peserta menyelami dunia mikroplastik di udara melalui materi “Analysis of Airborne Microplastics by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy”. Prof. Mizuguchi memaparkan metode analisis mikroplastik di udara menggunakan teknik pirolisis-gas kromatografi-mass spektroskopi. Teknik ini membantu dalam mendeteksi dan menganalisis partikel mikroplastik yang semakin banyak mencemari lingkungan, terutama di udara perkotaan.

Assoc. Prof. Hitoshi Mizuguchi memaparkan materi “Analysis of Airborne Microplastics by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy” (Foto: Damar)

Kuliah tamu ini dimoderatori oleh Dr. Suherman, pakar kimia lingkungan dari UGM. Dalam moderasinya, Dr. Suherman menekankan pentingnya kolaborasi internasional dalam penelitian ilmiah dan bagaimana pengetahuan yang dibagikan oleh para pakar dari Universitas Tokushima dapat membantu UGM dalam mencapai tujuan penelitian yang lebih tinggi.

Lebih dari itu, acara ini memiliki relevansi yang kuat dengan beberapa Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs). Materi tentang analisis material oleh Prof. Murai berkontribusi pada SDGs 9 (Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur) dengan mendorong penelitian dan inovasi di bidang teknologi material yang ramah lingkungan dan efisien.

Presentasi Prof. Mizuguchi tentang mikroplastik berhubungan langsung dengan SDGs 14 (Kehidupan di Bawah Air) dan SDGs 15 (Kehidupan di Darat). Analisis dan deteksi mikroplastik sangat penting untuk mengatasi polusi plastik yang mengancam ekosistem laut dan darat.

Kegiatan ini juga mendukung SDGs 17 (Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan) melalui kolaborasi internasional antara UGM dan Universitas Tokushima. Pertukaran pengetahuan dan pengalaman ini memperkuat jaringan akademik global dan mendukung pencapaian SDGs secara kolektif.

Penulis: Damar Novi Pradityaka
Fotografi: Roory Zaky Hasya
Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Age is Merely a Number: The Oldest Competency Certification Participant from FMIPA UGM Continues Inspiring Work Through Chemical Waste

Entering the third decade as the Laboratory Education Manager (PLP) for the Elins UGM Study Program, Mardi Wasono had the opportunity to obtain certification as a Young Competent Chemical Safety Expert in Jakarta at the end of 2023. The activity was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia through PT. UNILAB PERDANA with an Assessor from the Industrial Chemical Profession Certification Institute (LSPKI). Participants had to pass administrative selection stages with a portfolio attachment. Subsequently, successful participants underwent 15 days of online mentoring and industrial supervision. Following that, participants traveled to Jakarta for a 5-day training and competency test. In this case, only 20 participants were selected from applicants across Indonesia to go to Jakarta for certification.

Mardi expressed his pride and gratitude for the opportunity, considering his educational background as a graduate of STM in electrical engineering and his not-so-young age. Even with only 3 years and 3 months left dedicating himself to FMIPA UGM, Mardi still felt the desire to innovate in the field of chemical waste management. “I graduated from STM in electrical engineering but luckily could participate in research and training. Everything funded, free of charge. I am not the oldest participant, but I’m considered senior because the others are younger,” he said, displaying the obtained Young Competent Chemical Safety Expert certificate. The enthusiasm and spirit in conducting research for the benefit translate into concrete steps for SDGs impacting innovation (9), marine ecosystems (14), and terrestrial ecosystems (15).

Mardi has been involved in chemical waste research for the past 4-5 years, but his laboratory experience spans over 30 years. The research stemmed from his concerns about the management of chemical waste and its environmental impact. On the other hand, another driving factor was his concern for safety in working, especially in chemical waste management. The goal of the research is to reduce the levels of heavy metal values in chemicals to meet the standards set by the government. This is done to ensure that chemicals do not have a negative impact on the environment, whether for humans, animals, or plants. “Chemical waste is dangerous if not treated and directly disposed of into the environment. Substances like HCl and H2O2 are strong acids. Therefore, they need to be treated first to avoid polluting the environment,” he explained.

Mardi is also grateful for the supportive colleagues in his research, involving professors, researchers, and technicians. Reflecting on his participation in the certification activity at the twilight of his career, Mardi believes it helped him understand his shortcomings and acknowledges that, as a human, he is far from “perfect,” given the many outstanding individuals he has encountered. He also hopes that many staff in other universities will continue to innovate and develop to provide benefits to their surroundings. Although Mardi will retire in 2027, he remains actively engaged in developing his research on chemical waste management. “Currently, I am using agricultural waste (straw) from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM as an absorbent medium to reduce the levels of heavy metals in the chemical waste generated from practical activities in the basic Elins laboratory. The hope is to achieve the desired target and not harm the environment,” he added.

Keywords: competency certification, FMIPA UGM, laboratory, chemical waste, occupational health and safety (K3), Chemistry

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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