

Kunjungan SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putri) di FMIPA UGM: Tingkatkan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa Kuliah di UGM


Siswa bertanya kepada narasumber tentang informasi FMIPA UGM (Foto: Hero)


SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putri) mengunjungi FMIPA UGM pada hari Rabu, 29 Mei 2024. Kunjungan disambut dan dipandu langsung di Gedung Auditorium FMIPA UGM oleh Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si. dan Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D selaku dosen FMIPA UGM. Sebanyak 171 santri putri atau siswi yang didampingi 1 kepala sekolah dan 10 guru mendapatkan informasi terkait daftar program studi, jejaring alumni, tata cara pendaftaran universitas, fasilitas fakultas, beasiswa, dan program pendukung karir mahasiswa dan lainnya. Selain itu, terdapat sesi tanya jawab yang saling memberikan wawasan atau hal baru baik bagi FMIPA atau siswa dan guru.

“Anak-anak kami tahun lalu yang diterima di UGM ada 25 orang. Harapannya, dari kunjungan ini, anak-anak kami memiliki gambaran dan wawasan bagaimana jika kuliah di UGM,” kata Didik Sadianto, M.Pd., selaku Kepala Sekolah SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang.

Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si.  memberikan arahan dalam memilih jurusan sebaiknya dipertimbangkan sesuai dengan kemampuan yang ada sehingga memperbesar peluang untuk kuliah di UGM. Selain itu, Sugeng juga mendorong siswa agar tidak berkecil hati jika sudah merasa rendah diri dengan siswa yang memiliki predikat juara 1 di bidang akademik.

“Banyak sekali kan siswa yang juara 1 di mana-mana tapi belum menjadi jaminan bisa diterima di UGM. Jadi, silakan ukur kemampuan masing-masing dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memilih jurusan di UGM,” kata Sugeng.

Sugeng memberikan informasi seputar informasi FMIPA UGM (Foto: Hero)

Dari kunjungan sekolah yang dilaksanakan, FMIPA UGM turut mendukung poin 4 SDGs mengenai pendidikan berkualitas melalui peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi serta memberikan pengarahan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki. Selain itu, FMIPA UGM juga menyambut baik institusi pendidikan dalam kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemajuan pendidikan sesuai dengan poin 17 SDGs.


Kata kunci: pelajar, peneliti, pelajar, SMA, SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Kunjungan SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putra) di FMIPA UGM: Gali Peluang Kerja Sarjana Sains

SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putra) mengunjungi FMIPA UGM pada hari Kamis, 30 Mei 2024. Kunjungan disambut dan dipandu langsung di Gedung Auditorium FMIPA UGM oleh Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si. dan Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D selaku dosen FMIPA UGM. Santri putra atau siswa yang didampingi M. Sururi Zulfa, S.Thi., selaku wakil kepala sekolah serta para guru mendapatkan informasi terkait daftar program studi, jejaring alumni, tata cara pendaftaran universitas, fasilitas fakultas, beasiswa, dan program pendukung karir mahasiswa dan lainnya. Selain itu, terdapat sesi tanya jawab yang saling memberikan wawasan atau hal baru baik bagi FMIPA atau siswa dan guru.

“Di FMIPA UGM, harapannya dengan keilmuan eksak akan lebih dekat dengan sang pencipta (Tuhan),” kata M. Sururi Zulfa, S.Thi., selaku Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang.

Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D memberikan sebaran dan ilustrasi para alumni FMIPA UGM yang beragam sehingga memberikan pemahaman bahwa lulusan sarjana sains bisa memenuhi kebutuhan lowongan pekerjaan yang luas. Danang memberikan contoh lulusan dari jurusan matematika yang bekerja di Bank Indonesia dan PT Transjakarta.

“Spektrum ilmu ini (sains) sangat luas. Pasti kuliah di ilmu dasar jadi guru sekolah atau guru bimbel”.

Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si.  memberikan arahan dalam memilih jurusan sebaiknya dipertimbangkan sesuai dengan kemampuan yang ada sehingga memperbesar peluang untuk kuliah di UGM. Selain itu, Sugeng juga mendorong siswa agar tidak berkecil hati jika sudah merasa rendah diri dengan siswa yang memiliki predikat juara 1 di bidang akademik.

“Banyak sekali kan siswa yang juara 1 di mana-mana tapi belum menjadi jaminan bisa diterima di UGM. Jadi, silakan ukur kemampuan masing-masing dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memilih jurusan di UGM,” kata Sugeng.

Dari kunjungan sekolah yang dilaksanakan, FMIPA UGM turut mendukung poin 4 SDGs mengenai pendidikan berkualitas melalui peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi melalui sebaran alumni FMIPA UGM serta peluang kerja sebagai sarjana sains. Kemudian, siswa turut diberikan pengarahan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki. Selain itu, FMIPA UGM juga menyambut baik institusi pendidikan dalam kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemajuan pendidikan sesuai dengan poin 17 SDGs.


Kata kunci: pelajar, peneliti, pelajar, SMA, SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Kunjungan SMAN 3 Purwakarta di FMIPA UGM: Menjawab Keingintahuan Siswa pada Dunia Perkuliahan

Siswa mengajukan pertanyaan mengenai dunia perkuliahan (Foto: Hero)

Rombongan SMAN 3 Purwakarta pada hari Rabu, 29 Mei 2024 melakukan kunjungan ke FMIPA UGM. Dalam hal ini, para siswa dan guru disambut dan dipandu langsung oleh 2 orang dosen yaitu Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si. dan Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. di Ruang Auditorium FMIPA UGM. Saat pembukaan acara, Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMAN 3 Purwakarta, Ermi Susanti, S.Pd. mengucapkan apresiasi kepada FMIPA UGM karena telah berkenan menerima kunjungan yang.

Kemudian, agenda dilanjutkan pemaparan mengenai seluk belum FMIPA UGM, siswa dan guru mendapatkan informasi terkait daftar program studi, jejaring alumni, tata cara pendaftaran universitas, fasilitas fakultas, beasiswa dan lainnya. Suasana kunjungan dipenuhi dengan gelak tawa tetapi dengan tetap fokus pada materi penyampaian.

Dalam membuka pemaparan, Sugeng menghimbau kepada para siswa melalui humornya bahwa masuk UGM tidak sulit. “Masuk UGM gampang kok, buktinya kalian saat ini sudah masuk UGM,” papar Sugeng. Sontak, para siswa tertawa. Kemudian, Sugeng kembali menjelaskan poin-poin penting dari materi seperti peluang riset dan inovasi, jenjang karir, beasiswa dan berbagai kesempatan menjalin relasi yang luar biasa antar alumni FMIPA UGM.

“Kalau di UGM, lingkungan perkuliahannya seperti apa sih? Apakah fun begitu atau bagaimana,” tanya salah satu siswa. “Kalau di UGM kondisinya nyaman. Mau belajar di mana saja bisa. Banyak tempat dan fasilitas yang bisa digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Selain itu, pergaulan di UGM cenderung terbuka dan saling mendukung satu sama lain,” jawab Sugeng. Pada sesi selanjutnya, pemaparan materi diberikan oleh Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Danang mengenalkan program studi Aktuaria yang tergolong baru di UGM dengan berbagai peluang kerja dan penelitian.

Pemberian apresiasi kepada siswa pada sesi kuis berhadiah (Foto: Hero)

Kegiatan kunjungan yang dilaksanakan memberikan kesan menyenangkan bagi rombongan Sekolah SMAN 3 Purwakarta dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk meneruskan pendidikan ke jenjang selanjutnya sesuai dengan minat yang dimiliki. Penawaran beasiswa yang ada untuk menunjang pendidikan juga menjadi kabar gembira untuk mengatasi para siswa yang sempat cemas terhadap kondisi keuangan mereka untuk kuliah.

Dari kunjungan sekolah yang dilaksanakan, FMIPA UGM turut mendukung poin 4 SDGs mengenai pendidikan berkualitas melalui peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi serta memberikan pengarahan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki. Selain itu, FMIPA UGM juga menyambut baik institusi pendidikan dalam kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemajuan pendidikan sesuai dengan poin 17 SDGs.


Kata kunci: pelajar, peneliti, pelajar, SMA, SMAN 3 Purwakarta

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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I-Shou Scholarship Program: Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University to Prepare Outstanding Industry-Ready Science Graduates

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University held a scholarship program socialization for an undergraduate to doctoral students on Friday, Mar 15th, 2024 at the Auditorium of FMIPA UGM. The participants included undergraduate students, faculty members, and FMIPA alumni interested in continuing their studies. The Dean of FMIPA UGM and other officials also attended the event, welcoming Prof. Huang Wenshen, Ph.D., Vice Dean of the International Office and Cross-Strait Affairs from I-Shou Taiwan University, who would present scholarship information.

Dr. rer. nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, gave a welcome speech and officially opened the event.

“We hope that this activity will be beneficial, and we (FMIPA UGM) encourage attendees to consider participating in the programs offered,” said Dr. Wiwit.

The undergraduate student delivered a question related to the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

The enthusiasm of the socialization participants was evident from the variety of questions asked, such as campus environment conditions, tips for saving expenses, and part-time work opportunities while studying.

“Can we work part-time while attending classes there?” asked one participant.

Fransiska, representing I-Shou Taiwan University and also an assistant to Prof. Huang, explained that the stipend provided by the scholarship is already sufficient to cover daily expenses. If students wish to take on part-time work, it is recommended to manage their time wisely to avoid exhaustion.

“The stipend provided is quite sufficient. The cost of living there is affordable compared to Indonesia,” explained Fransiska.

Fransiska explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship application process, which will open in early April 2024. The scholarship coverage includes stipends and tuition fees. The scholarship program offered is a double degree program at the undergraduate level, with 2 years of study at FMIPA, 2 years at I-Shou Taiwan University, and 2 years of work experience in the Taiwanese industry. For other programs at the master’s and doctoral levels, the scholarship covers tuition fees and stipends.

“During their studies, students will receive training such as Mandarin language proficiency and other competencies. After graduation, students will be directed to work in the industry to gain experience and produce outstanding science graduates ready to enter the workforce,” said Prof. Huang.

This scholarship socialization activity is an implementation of SDG number 4, Quality Education, by encouraging students to pursue globally and sustainably recognized education. Additionally, the established partnership supports SDG number 17, Partnerships for the Goals, by preparing outstanding science graduates ready to enter the industry.

Keywords: Scholarship, I-Shou Taiwan University, industry

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Scientific Visit of the State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Students Attend Mathematics and Computer Science Classes

Dr. Fajar explained to the students about FMIPA UGM’s facilities

The State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography visited the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on Tuesday, Mar 5th, 2024. The visit was warmly welcomed in the Seminar Room of the Department of Mathematics at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Sc., as the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, S.Si., M.Si., as the Mathematics lecture. A total of 4 students and 1 accompanying lecturer had the opportunity to experience attending classes at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences through classes in the Mathematics and Computer Science programs. R. Tjahjo Khurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., as the Director of the State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography, also attended the opening ceremony.

“With the existence of a cryptography research center at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in the future, hopefully, it can facilitate the development of knowledge and support us in cyber security,” said R. Tjahjo.

In this regard, Prof. Kuwat, as the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, welcomed the conducted visit and further encouraged the impact of the established cooperation up to the industrial sector.

“The established cooperation can drive industrialization in the field of cryptography,” said Prof. Kuwat.

Photo session with hand gesture forming the letter “C” symbolizing cryptography

From the conducted scientific visit of the State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography, the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences also supports point 4 of the SDGs regarding quality education through the enhancement of technology, information, and communication (ICT) skills through the attended classes. Furthermore, the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences also welcomes educational institutions in partnership to achieve goals in the advancement of education by point 17 of the SDGs.


Keywords: State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography, students, education, science

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Visit of SMAN 11 Bekasi to FMIPA UGM: Directing Students in Understanding Self-Competence and Choosing Majors at Higher Education Institutions

The enthusiasm of students in listening to the presentation by the speaker (Photo: Hero)

SMAN 11 Bekasi visited FMIPA UGM on Friday, Mar 8th, 2024. The visit was welcomed directly at the FMIPA UGM Auditorium by Sugeng Triono S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer from the Department of Chemistry at FMIPA UGM and also a speaker providing information related to UGM and FMIPA UGM. 195 students and 5 teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university admission procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. In addition, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and students and teachers.

“This visit is expected to provide information related to tips and tricks for entering UGM and to encourage students to study diligently,” said Hajah Wijayanti, S.I.P., M.Pd., as the Principal of SMAN 11 Bekasi.

Sugeng, a lecturer in Chemistry at FMIPA UGM and also a speaker, guided the students in recognizing students’ values (Photo: Hero)

Sugeng guided the students to recognize their capabilities so that they could choose a specialization in the subjects they would take. “Like wearing clothes, if I wear your size, it definitely won’t fit. Conversely, if you wear my clothes, they will be too big. So, recognize your abilities and make choices in continuing your studies to the next level,” said Sugeng.

From the conducted school visit, FMIPA UGM supported SDGs point 4 regarding quality education by increasing students’ motivation to continue their education at higher education institutions and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. In addition, FMIPA UGM also welcomed educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of education advancement in line with SDGs point 17.

Photo session of SMAN 11 Bekasi


Keywords: students, high school, education, science

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Visit of MTS 1 Ponorogo to FMIPA UGM: Providing Motivation for Students to Pursue Higher Education

The student asked about scholarship information regarding FMIPA UGM (Photo: Hero)

MTS 1 Ponorogo visited FMIPA UGM on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The visit was warmly received at the Auditorium Building of FMIPA UGM by Dr. Dwi Ertiningsih, M.Sc., a lecturer from the Department of Mathematics at FMIPA UGM, who also served as the resource person providing information about UGM and FMIPA UGM. A total of 125 students and 2 teachers received information about the list of study programs, alumni networks, university admission procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and the students and teachers.

“We hope that this visit can have a positive and beneficial impact. Furthermore, this visit can enhance students’ learning,” said Eko Suoardiyono, S.T., the Supervisor of MTS 1 Ponorogo.

Dr. Ertin provided an overview of university life and the various departments available at FMIPA UGM. “If there is a school principal at school, here we have a Dean who leads the faculty. Here, there are 4 departments and 8 majors,” said Dr. Ertin.

Dr. Ertin delivered information about FMIPA UGM (Photo: Hero)

Through the conducted school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDGs point 4 regarding quality education by increasing students’ motivation to continue their education at the tertiary level and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Additionally, FMIPA UGM welcomes educational institutions in partnership to achieve goals in the field of advancing education by SDGs point 17.

Group photo with the delegation from MTS 1 Ponorogo (Photo: Hero)


Keywords: students, MTS, education, science

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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SMAN 2 Tangerang at FMIPA UGM: Directing Students to Understand Self-Competence and Choose Majors at Higher Education Institutions

A student delivered a question regarding information at the university (Photo: Hero)

SMAN 2 Tangerang visited FMIPA UGM on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024. The visit was welcomed directly at the Auditorium Building of FMIPA UGM by Sugeng Triono S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UGM, as well as a speaker who provided information related to UGM and FMIPA UGM. 235 students and 10 teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university registration procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. In addition, a session for asking and answering questions took place. It provided insights or new information beneficial to both FMIPA and students and teachers.

Student Council Advisor of SMAN 2 Tangerang delivered the speech (Foto: Hero)

“This visit is hopefully able to provide a positive and beneficial impact. Furthermore, this visit can enhance students’ learning,” said Eko Suoardiyono, S.T., the Student Council Advisor of SMAN 2 Tangerang.

The students were attentive to the delivery of the content (Foto: Hero)

Sugeng guided the students to recognize their capabilities to choose specializations in the subjects they will take.

“It’s like wearing clothes, if I wear your size, it definitely won’t fit. Conversely, if you wear my clothes, they will be too big. So, recognize your abilities and make choices in continuing your studies at the next level,” said Sugeng.

The speaker directed students to understand their self-competence (Photo: Hero)

From the conducted school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDGs point 4 regarding quality education by increasing students’ motivation to continue their education at higher education institutions and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Furthermore, FMIPA UGM also welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in educational advancement by SDGs point 17.

Taking photo session to closing agenda (Photo: Hero)


Keywords: students, high school, education, sciences

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Kunjungan SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putri) di FMIPA UGM: Tingkatkan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa Kuliah di UGM


Siswa bertanya kepada narasumber tentang informasi FMIPA UGM (Foto: Hero)


SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putri) mengunjungi FMIPA UGM pada hari Rabu, 29 Mei 2024. Kunjungan disambut dan dipandu langsung di Gedung Auditorium FMIPA UGM oleh Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si. dan Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D selaku dosen FMIPA UGM. Sebanyak 171 santri putri atau siswi yang didampingi 1 kepala sekolah dan 10 guru mendapatkan informasi terkait daftar program studi, jejaring alumni, tata cara pendaftaran universitas, fasilitas fakultas, beasiswa, dan program pendukung karir mahasiswa dan lainnya. Selain itu, terdapat sesi tanya jawab yang saling memberikan wawasan atau hal baru baik bagi FMIPA atau siswa dan guru.

“Anak-anak kami tahun lalu yang diterima di UGM ada 25 orang. Harapannya, dari kunjungan ini, anak-anak kami memiliki gambaran dan wawasan bagaimana jika kuliah di UGM,” kata Didik Sadianto, M.Pd., selaku Kepala Sekolah SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang.

Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si.  memberikan arahan dalam memilih jurusan sebaiknya dipertimbangkan sesuai dengan kemampuan yang ada sehingga memperbesar peluang untuk kuliah di UGM. Selain itu, Sugeng juga mendorong siswa agar tidak berkecil hati jika sudah merasa rendah diri dengan siswa yang memiliki predikat juara 1 di bidang akademik.

“Banyak sekali kan siswa yang juara 1 di mana-mana tapi belum menjadi jaminan bisa diterima di UGM. Jadi, silakan ukur kemampuan masing-masing dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memilih jurusan di UGM,” kata Sugeng.

Sugeng memberikan informasi seputar informasi FMIPA UGM (Foto: Hero)

Dari kunjungan sekolah yang dilaksanakan, FMIPA UGM turut mendukung poin 4 SDGs mengenai pendidikan berkualitas melalui peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi serta memberikan pengarahan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki. Selain itu, FMIPA UGM juga menyambut baik institusi pendidikan dalam kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemajuan pendidikan sesuai dengan poin 17 SDGs.


Kata kunci: pelajar, peneliti, pelajar, SMA, SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Kunjungan SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putra) di FMIPA UGM: Gali Peluang Kerja Sarjana Sains

SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang (Santri Putra) mengunjungi FMIPA UGM pada hari Kamis, 30 Mei 2024. Kunjungan disambut dan dipandu langsung di Gedung Auditorium FMIPA UGM oleh Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si. dan Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D selaku dosen FMIPA UGM. Santri putra atau siswa yang didampingi M. Sururi Zulfa, S.Thi., selaku wakil kepala sekolah serta para guru mendapatkan informasi terkait daftar program studi, jejaring alumni, tata cara pendaftaran universitas, fasilitas fakultas, beasiswa, dan program pendukung karir mahasiswa dan lainnya. Selain itu, terdapat sesi tanya jawab yang saling memberikan wawasan atau hal baru baik bagi FMIPA atau siswa dan guru.

“Di FMIPA UGM, harapannya dengan keilmuan eksak akan lebih dekat dengan sang pencipta (Tuhan),” kata M. Sururi Zulfa, S.Thi., selaku Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang.

Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D memberikan sebaran dan ilustrasi para alumni FMIPA UGM yang beragam sehingga memberikan pemahaman bahwa lulusan sarjana sains bisa memenuhi kebutuhan lowongan pekerjaan yang luas. Danang memberikan contoh lulusan dari jurusan matematika yang bekerja di Bank Indonesia dan PT Transjakarta.

“Spektrum ilmu ini (sains) sangat luas. Pasti kuliah di ilmu dasar jadi guru sekolah atau guru bimbel”.

Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si.  memberikan arahan dalam memilih jurusan sebaiknya dipertimbangkan sesuai dengan kemampuan yang ada sehingga memperbesar peluang untuk kuliah di UGM. Selain itu, Sugeng juga mendorong siswa agar tidak berkecil hati jika sudah merasa rendah diri dengan siswa yang memiliki predikat juara 1 di bidang akademik.

“Banyak sekali kan siswa yang juara 1 di mana-mana tapi belum menjadi jaminan bisa diterima di UGM. Jadi, silakan ukur kemampuan masing-masing dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memilih jurusan di UGM,” kata Sugeng.

Dari kunjungan sekolah yang dilaksanakan, FMIPA UGM turut mendukung poin 4 SDGs mengenai pendidikan berkualitas melalui peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi melalui sebaran alumni FMIPA UGM serta peluang kerja sebagai sarjana sains. Kemudian, siswa turut diberikan pengarahan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki. Selain itu, FMIPA UGM juga menyambut baik institusi pendidikan dalam kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemajuan pendidikan sesuai dengan poin 17 SDGs.


Kata kunci: pelajar, peneliti, pelajar, SMA, SMA Da’arul Ulum Jombang

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Kunjungan SMAN 3 Purwakarta di FMIPA UGM: Menjawab Keingintahuan Siswa pada Dunia Perkuliahan

Siswa mengajukan pertanyaan mengenai dunia perkuliahan (Foto: Hero)

Rombongan SMAN 3 Purwakarta pada hari Rabu, 29 Mei 2024 melakukan kunjungan ke FMIPA UGM. Dalam hal ini, para siswa dan guru disambut dan dipandu langsung oleh 2 orang dosen yaitu Sugeng Triono, S.Si., M.Si. dan Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. di Ruang Auditorium FMIPA UGM. Saat pembukaan acara, Wakil Kepala Sekolah SMAN 3 Purwakarta, Ermi Susanti, S.Pd. mengucapkan apresiasi kepada FMIPA UGM karena telah berkenan menerima kunjungan yang.

Kemudian, agenda dilanjutkan pemaparan mengenai seluk belum FMIPA UGM, siswa dan guru mendapatkan informasi terkait daftar program studi, jejaring alumni, tata cara pendaftaran universitas, fasilitas fakultas, beasiswa dan lainnya. Suasana kunjungan dipenuhi dengan gelak tawa tetapi dengan tetap fokus pada materi penyampaian.

Dalam membuka pemaparan, Sugeng menghimbau kepada para siswa melalui humornya bahwa masuk UGM tidak sulit. “Masuk UGM gampang kok, buktinya kalian saat ini sudah masuk UGM,” papar Sugeng. Sontak, para siswa tertawa. Kemudian, Sugeng kembali menjelaskan poin-poin penting dari materi seperti peluang riset dan inovasi, jenjang karir, beasiswa dan berbagai kesempatan menjalin relasi yang luar biasa antar alumni FMIPA UGM.

“Kalau di UGM, lingkungan perkuliahannya seperti apa sih? Apakah fun begitu atau bagaimana,” tanya salah satu siswa. “Kalau di UGM kondisinya nyaman. Mau belajar di mana saja bisa. Banyak tempat dan fasilitas yang bisa digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Selain itu, pergaulan di UGM cenderung terbuka dan saling mendukung satu sama lain,” jawab Sugeng. Pada sesi selanjutnya, pemaparan materi diberikan oleh Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Danang mengenalkan program studi Aktuaria yang tergolong baru di UGM dengan berbagai peluang kerja dan penelitian.

Pemberian apresiasi kepada siswa pada sesi kuis berhadiah (Foto: Hero)

Kegiatan kunjungan yang dilaksanakan memberikan kesan menyenangkan bagi rombongan Sekolah SMAN 3 Purwakarta dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk meneruskan pendidikan ke jenjang selanjutnya sesuai dengan minat yang dimiliki. Penawaran beasiswa yang ada untuk menunjang pendidikan juga menjadi kabar gembira untuk mengatasi para siswa yang sempat cemas terhadap kondisi keuangan mereka untuk kuliah.

Dari kunjungan sekolah yang dilaksanakan, FMIPA UGM turut mendukung poin 4 SDGs mengenai pendidikan berkualitas melalui peningkatan motivasi siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi serta memberikan pengarahan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki. Selain itu, FMIPA UGM juga menyambut baik institusi pendidikan dalam kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemajuan pendidikan sesuai dengan poin 17 SDGs.


Kata kunci: pelajar, peneliti, pelajar, SMA, SMAN 3 Purwakarta

Penulis: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Foto: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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I-Shou Scholarship Program: Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University to Prepare Outstanding Industry-Ready Science Graduates

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

FMIPA UGM and I-Shou Taiwan University held a scholarship program socialization for an undergraduate to doctoral students on Friday, Mar 15th, 2024 at the Auditorium of FMIPA UGM. The participants included undergraduate students, faculty members, and FMIPA alumni interested in continuing their studies. The Dean of FMIPA UGM and other officials also attended the event, welcoming Prof. Huang Wenshen, Ph.D., Vice Dean of the International Office and Cross-Strait Affairs from I-Shou Taiwan University, who would present scholarship information.

Dr. rer. nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, gave a welcome speech and officially opened the event.

“We hope that this activity will be beneficial, and we (FMIPA UGM) encourage attendees to consider participating in the programs offered,” said Dr. Wiwit.

The undergraduate student delivered a question related to the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

The enthusiasm of the socialization participants was evident from the variety of questions asked, such as campus environment conditions, tips for saving expenses, and part-time work opportunities while studying.

“Can we work part-time while attending classes there?” asked one participant.

Fransiska, representing I-Shou Taiwan University and also an assistant to Prof. Huang, explained that the stipend provided by the scholarship is already sufficient to cover daily expenses. If students wish to take on part-time work, it is recommended to manage their time wisely to avoid exhaustion.

“The stipend provided is quite sufficient. The cost of living there is affordable compared to Indonesia,” explained Fransiska.

Fransiska explained the scholarship program (Photo: Hero)

Prof. Huang explained the scholarship application process, which will open in early April 2024. The scholarship coverage includes stipends and tuition fees. The scholarship program offered is a double degree program at the undergraduate level, with 2 years of study at FMIPA, 2 years at I-Shou Taiwan University, and 2 years of work experience in the Taiwanese industry. For other programs at the master’s and doctoral levels, the scholarship covers tuition fees and stipends.

“During their studies, students will receive training such as Mandarin language proficiency and other competencies. After graduation, students will be directed to work in the industry to gain experience and produce outstanding science graduates ready to enter the workforce,” said Prof. Huang.

This scholarship socialization activity is an implementation of SDG number 4, Quality Education, by encouraging students to pursue globally and sustainably recognized education. Additionally, the established partnership supports SDG number 17, Partnerships for the Goals, by preparing outstanding science graduates ready to enter the industry.

Keywords: Scholarship, I-Shou Taiwan University, industry

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Scientific Visit of the State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Students Attend Mathematics and Computer Science Classes

Dr. Fajar explained to the students about FMIPA UGM’s facilities

The State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography visited the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on Tuesday, Mar 5th, 2024. The visit was warmly welcomed in the Seminar Room of the Department of Mathematics at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Sc., as the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, S.Si., M.Si., as the Mathematics lecture. A total of 4 students and 1 accompanying lecturer had the opportunity to experience attending classes at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences through classes in the Mathematics and Computer Science programs. R. Tjahjo Khurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., as the Director of the State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography, also attended the opening ceremony.

“With the existence of a cryptography research center at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in the future, hopefully, it can facilitate the development of knowledge and support us in cyber security,” said R. Tjahjo.

In this regard, Prof. Kuwat, as the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, welcomed the conducted visit and further encouraged the impact of the established cooperation up to the industrial sector.

“The established cooperation can drive industrialization in the field of cryptography,” said Prof. Kuwat.

Photo session with hand gesture forming the letter “C” symbolizing cryptography

From the conducted scientific visit of the State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography, the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences also supports point 4 of the SDGs regarding quality education through the enhancement of technology, information, and communication (ICT) skills through the attended classes. Furthermore, the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences also welcomes educational institutions in partnership to achieve goals in the advancement of education by point 17 of the SDGs.


Keywords: State Cyber Polytechnic and National Cryptography, students, education, science

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Visit of SMAN 11 Bekasi to FMIPA UGM: Directing Students in Understanding Self-Competence and Choosing Majors at Higher Education Institutions

The enthusiasm of students in listening to the presentation by the speaker (Photo: Hero)

SMAN 11 Bekasi visited FMIPA UGM on Friday, Mar 8th, 2024. The visit was welcomed directly at the FMIPA UGM Auditorium by Sugeng Triono S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer from the Department of Chemistry at FMIPA UGM and also a speaker providing information related to UGM and FMIPA UGM. 195 students and 5 teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university admission procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. In addition, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and students and teachers.

“This visit is expected to provide information related to tips and tricks for entering UGM and to encourage students to study diligently,” said Hajah Wijayanti, S.I.P., M.Pd., as the Principal of SMAN 11 Bekasi.

Sugeng, a lecturer in Chemistry at FMIPA UGM and also a speaker, guided the students in recognizing students’ values (Photo: Hero)

Sugeng guided the students to recognize their capabilities so that they could choose a specialization in the subjects they would take. “Like wearing clothes, if I wear your size, it definitely won’t fit. Conversely, if you wear my clothes, they will be too big. So, recognize your abilities and make choices in continuing your studies to the next level,” said Sugeng.

From the conducted school visit, FMIPA UGM supported SDGs point 4 regarding quality education by increasing students’ motivation to continue their education at higher education institutions and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. In addition, FMIPA UGM also welcomed educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of education advancement in line with SDGs point 17.

Photo session of SMAN 11 Bekasi


Keywords: students, high school, education, science

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Visit of MTS 1 Ponorogo to FMIPA UGM: Providing Motivation for Students to Pursue Higher Education

The student asked about scholarship information regarding FMIPA UGM (Photo: Hero)

MTS 1 Ponorogo visited FMIPA UGM on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The visit was warmly received at the Auditorium Building of FMIPA UGM by Dr. Dwi Ertiningsih, M.Sc., a lecturer from the Department of Mathematics at FMIPA UGM, who also served as the resource person providing information about UGM and FMIPA UGM. A total of 125 students and 2 teachers received information about the list of study programs, alumni networks, university admission procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and the students and teachers.

“We hope that this visit can have a positive and beneficial impact. Furthermore, this visit can enhance students’ learning,” said Eko Suoardiyono, S.T., the Supervisor of MTS 1 Ponorogo.

Dr. Ertin provided an overview of university life and the various departments available at FMIPA UGM. “If there is a school principal at school, here we have a Dean who leads the faculty. Here, there are 4 departments and 8 majors,” said Dr. Ertin.

Dr. Ertin delivered information about FMIPA UGM (Photo: Hero)

Through the conducted school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDGs point 4 regarding quality education by increasing students’ motivation to continue their education at the tertiary level and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Additionally, FMIPA UGM welcomes educational institutions in partnership to achieve goals in the field of advancing education by SDGs point 17.

Group photo with the delegation from MTS 1 Ponorogo (Photo: Hero)


Keywords: students, MTS, education, science

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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SMAN 2 Tangerang at FMIPA UGM: Directing Students to Understand Self-Competence and Choose Majors at Higher Education Institutions

A student delivered a question regarding information at the university (Photo: Hero)

SMAN 2 Tangerang visited FMIPA UGM on Wednesday, Feb 28th, 2024. The visit was welcomed directly at the Auditorium Building of FMIPA UGM by Sugeng Triono S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UGM, as well as a speaker who provided information related to UGM and FMIPA UGM. 235 students and 10 teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university registration procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. In addition, a session for asking and answering questions took place. It provided insights or new information beneficial to both FMIPA and students and teachers.

Student Council Advisor of SMAN 2 Tangerang delivered the speech (Foto: Hero)

“This visit is hopefully able to provide a positive and beneficial impact. Furthermore, this visit can enhance students’ learning,” said Eko Suoardiyono, S.T., the Student Council Advisor of SMAN 2 Tangerang.

The students were attentive to the delivery of the content (Foto: Hero)

Sugeng guided the students to recognize their capabilities to choose specializations in the subjects they will take.

“It’s like wearing clothes, if I wear your size, it definitely won’t fit. Conversely, if you wear my clothes, they will be too big. So, recognize your abilities and make choices in continuing your studies at the next level,” said Sugeng.

The speaker directed students to understand their self-competence (Photo: Hero)

From the conducted school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDGs point 4 regarding quality education by increasing students’ motivation to continue their education at higher education institutions and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Furthermore, FMIPA UGM also welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in educational advancement by SDGs point 17.

Taking photo session to closing agenda (Photo: Hero)


Keywords: students, high school, education, sciences

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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