Visit of MAN 2 Tulungagung to FMIPA UGM: Directing Students in Understanding Self-Competence for Specialization in Science Subjects at School
MAN 2 Tulungagung visited FMIPA UGM on Thursday, Feb 22nd, 2024. The visit was warmly received by Sugeng Triyono, S.Si., M.Si., a Chemistry lecturer at FMIPA UGM and also a resource person providing information about UGM and FMIPA UGM. Students and teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university admission procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, there was a Q&A session aimed at providing insights or new information for both FMIPA and the students and teachers.
“I am delighted to visit FMIPA UGM. The material presented is in line with what I expected, which is to provide insights and motivation to students as they choose subjects according to their interests,” said Yayuk Winarti, S.Si., M.Pd., Deputy Head of School at MAN 2 Tulungagung.
Sugeng guided the students to recognize their capabilities so they could choose specializations in the subjects they would take.
“Like wearing clothes, if I wear your size, it definitely won’t fit. Conversely, if you wear my clothes, they will be too big. So, recognize your abilities and make choices in selecting subjects at school,” said Sugeng.
From the school visit conducted, FMIPA UGM also supports SDGs point 4 regarding quality education by increasing students’ motivation to continue their education at the tertiary level and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Additionally, FMIPA UGM welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the advancement of education by SDGs point 17.
Keywords: students, high school, education, sciences
Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Datu Maulana Ahmad, Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto