


Igniting Young Researcher’s Talent: Chemistry FMIPA UGM Guides SMAN 1 Kediri Students with Exciting Introduction to Organic Chemistry Laboratory Work

Embarking on a journey of scientific exploration, students from SMAN 1 Kediri seized a golden opportunity during their visit on Friday – Saturday, December 15 – 16 2023 at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM. Dr. Deni Pranowo, M.Si., the Coordinator of Organic Chemistry Laboratory Work, extended a warm welcome and provided guidance to the students and their mentors. “We will receive instructions and information related to the introduction of equipments and materials, and then we will put them into practice in the laboratory,” explained Dr. Deni. The theoretical exposition was conducted in the Seminar Room of the Chemistry Department by Dr. Muhammad Idham Darusalam Mardjan, S.Si., M.Sc. while the practical sessions were held in the organic chemistry laboratory.

Three practical activities were scheduled: (1) preparation and dilution of solutions, (2) observation of chemical reactions in redox reactions, and (3) extraction of natural substances and their application as acid-base indicators. Beyond the practical experiments, students had the opportunity to formulate research ideas and transform them into scientific works. “Hopefully, we can develop simple things for innovation that will benefit our nation,” expressed Dr. Deni. Additionally, this initiative provided a new experience for laboratory assistants accustomed to guiding university students. Guiding high school students to understand organic chemistry experiments proved to be quite challenging. “It’s something fresh for us because we are used to assisting students with a chemistry background. Guiding high school students requires us to convey instructions in simple language,” explained Ais, one of the organic chemistry laboratory assistants.

For the students, this practical activity proved to be intriguing. “I had never properly mixed chemical solutions before, and this is something new for me. In the future, I am becoming interested in chemistry, and I will gain a lot of knowledge. I wasn’t particularly fond of chemistry before, but now I like it,” explained Kanaya, a first-year student. For students with an interest in chemistry, this activity was a valuable experience. “I can understand how laboratory procedures work and the technique of mixing chemical solutions. This is important for me, as I enjoy chemistry. The activities were conducted in a non-boring manner,” shared Bauthista, also a first-year student.

“When people hear the word ‘chemistry’ the connotation is often dangerous or frightening. However, the material present in this world is chemical substances, just like the main components of our bodies, namely water, and the food we consume is also a chemical substance. Through these practical activities, the hope is to broaden awareness that not all chemicals are hazardous and to introduce the enjoyable and non-challenging side of chemistry. Additionally, we are very open to school visits to the Department of Chemistry, and we are ready to collaborate,” stated Dr. Deni, the Coordinator of Organic Chemistry Laboratory Work. “The hope is that students can excel in school, particularly in research. Furthermore, students are equipped with research competencies and critical thinking skills,” expressed Katrindia Farid Nugroho, S.Si., the Research Mentor of SMAN 1 Kediri. Farid also emphasized the importance of partnerships between schools and universities in improving the learning process. Referring to this, the introduction of organic chemistry laboratory work to students represents the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in quality education, preparing the younger generation for excellence in research, and fostering partnerships with educational institutions to continually synergize and enhance the quality of education.

Keyword: student, researcher, senior high school, SMAN 1 Kediri, laboratory work, organic chemistry

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Fotografer: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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