


FMIPA UGM Lecturer Prof. Mitrayana Conferred as Professor

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences lecturer, Prof. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si., has been inaugurated as a Professor in the field of Physics on Thursday (27/7) at the Senate Hall, UGM Central Building.

In his inaugural speech titled “Development of Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Application Research for Human Breath Analysis,” Prof. Mitrayana explained that photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is a phenomenon of interaction between electromagnetic wave radiation and matter that results in the conversion of photon energy into acoustic energy. Over the past two decades, there have been many studies on PAS methods using various laser radiation sources to detect several volatile organic compounds in human breath.

The applications of PAS in human health include biomarkers in human breath, clinical implementation of oxidative stress, in autism subjects, in schizophrenia subjects, and others. In essence, laser photoacoustic spectroscopy offers a unique possibility to detect multi-component gas samples in medical applications. This laser-based photoacoustic detector can detect trace gas concentrations under atmospheric conditions with high sensitivity in small gas volumes, non-invasively, and online in dynamic conditions.

The PAS method has been developed for several decades, and its potential in medical clinics has been recognized through numerous applications. The clinical applications of PAS include cancer therapy, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, autism, schizophrenia, and more.

Detecting VOCs from exhaled breath is an attractive non-invasive tool for disease detection and diagnosis. “Currently and in the future, the Laser Photoacoustic Group at the UGM FMIPA Atomic and Nuclear Physics Lab is developing a 3D photoacoustic imaging system with deep learning algorithm analysis and its application for potential cancer detection in body tissues,” he concluded.

Author: Erma

Photo: Rizky

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