





SDG 4: Pendidikan Berkualitas

FMIPA UGM Conducted a Workshop on Enhancing the Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM conducted a workshop on the Enhancement of Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability on Jan, 30th 2023, in the Auditorium Hall of FMIPA UGM. The keynote speaker for this event was Dr. Hasanudin Abdurakham, an alumnus of Physics from FMIPA UGM. “I aim to provide insights into the professional world so that students have a clear understanding and perspective, coming from me as a recruiter,” Dr. Hassan expressed. The objective of this workshop was to provide a platform for discussion and mentoring for lecturers regarding the development of prospective professional workers at FMIPA UGM. Dr. Hassan emphasized the shortcomings in the university’s role, such as the absence of a map of the job market and insufficient attention to the outcomes of students during their studies.

During the discussion session, Dra. Ani Setyopratiwi, M.Sc., a lecturer in the Chemistry program, raised concerns about the competitiveness of graduates compared to those from other institutions. “FMIPA UGM graduates are theoretically strong and excellent. However, in the industrial world, we lag behind graduates from other universities,” Dra. Ani stated in the forum. In her teaching approach, Dra. Ani not only reinforces theoretical aspects among students but also their application in the workplace. She also encourages students to venture into entrepreneurship by marketing research-based products. “I am also an entrepreneur. The products generated are outcomes of research such as VCO oil and lotions for fatigue relief,” Dra. Ani added.

This workshop, primarily intended for lecturers, is eagerly anticipated to also be extended to students. This anticipation stems from the fact that the materials provided can map out and offer solutions to the issue of graduate employability at FMIPA UGM. Furthermore, the existence of this workshop reflects the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Goal 4, quality education; Goal 9, industry, innovation, and infrastructure; and Goal 17, partnerships to achieve goals. Lecturers are directed to optimize teaching and student development and guide students toward existing partnerships. “We in the industrial sector are ready to partner and provide input or advice,” Dr. Hassan affirmed.

Keyword: workshop, kompetensi, employability, SDGs

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto and Fabima Fadhlin Minallah Zidta

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FMIPA UGM Conducted a Workshop on Enhancing the Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM conducted a workshop on the Enhancement of Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability on Jan, 30th 2023, in the Auditorium Hall of FMIPA UGM. The keynote speaker for this event was Dr. Hasanudin Abdurakham, an alumnus of Physics from FMIPA UGM. “I aim to provide insights into the professional world so that students have a clear understanding and perspective, coming from me as a recruiter,” Dr. Hassan expressed. The objective of this workshop was to provide a platform for discussion and mentoring for lecturers regarding the development of prospective professional workers at FMIPA UGM. Dr. Hassan emphasized the shortcomings in the university’s role, such as the absence of a map of the job market and insufficient attention to the outcomes of students during their studies.

During the discussion session, Dra. Ani Setyopratiwi, M.Sc., a lecturer in the Chemistry program, raised concerns about the competitiveness of graduates compared to those from other institutions. “FMIPA UGM graduates are theoretically strong and excellent. However, in the industrial world, we lag behind graduates from other universities,” Dra. Ani stated in the forum. In her teaching approach, Dra. Ani not only reinforces theoretical aspects among students but also their application in the workplace. She also encourages students to venture into entrepreneurship by marketing research-based products. “I am also an entrepreneur. The products generated are outcomes of research such as VCO oil and lotions for fatigue relief,” Dra. Ani added.

This workshop, primarily intended for lecturers, is eagerly anticipated to also be extended to students. This anticipation stems from the fact that the materials provided can map out and offer solutions to the issue of graduate employability at FMIPA UGM. Furthermore, the existence of this workshop reflects the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Goal 4, quality education; Goal 9, industry, innovation, and infrastructure; and Goal 17, partnerships to achieve goals. Lecturers are directed to optimize teaching and student development and guide students toward existing partnerships. “We in the industrial sector are ready to partner and provide input or advice,” Dr. Hassan affirmed.

Keyword: workshop, kompetensi, employability, SDGs

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto and Fabima Fadhlin Minallah Zidta

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