


SDG 17: Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan

MAN 1 Surakarta’s Trip to Department of Physics: Enhancing Students’ Scientific Curiosity through Basic Physics Experimentation

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

MAN 1 Surakarta visited the Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM on Feb 6th, 2024. The event took place in the Basic Physics Laboratory of the Department of Physics building. The visit aimed to foster students’ enthusiasm for science and enhance their grasp of the essential principles of physical measurement in physics. The Department of Physics provided the Basic Physics Laboratory as a venue for students to conduct hands-on experiments

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

A group of 72 students attended the visit. They were distributed among 12 practical groups, each supervised by capable laboratory assistants aligned with their experiment themes. The students received an introduction to the background of their experiments before being guided through measurements, presentations, data analysis, and the compilation of final reports.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

The visit by MAN 1 Surakarta, which engaged its students in practical tasks, showcases the Department of Physics, especially the Basic Physics Laboratory, as a facilitator. This also contributes to advancing SDGs Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Furthermore, this visit enhances the bond between the Department of Physics and schools. Additionally, it provides an avenue for the department to directly enrich secondary school education and community involvement.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences, physics

Author: Fathan

Photos: Fathan

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Visit by SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi to FMIPA UGM: Boosting Student Enthusiasm for Pursuing Higher Education in Science

SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi visited FMIPA UGM on Feb, 5th 2024. The visit was welcomed directly by Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, along with the faculty members and staff of FMIPA UGM. Students and teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university application procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and the students and teachers. The activity then continued with a tour of the physics and chemistry laboratories.

“Are students from the social sciences department eligible to apply for studies at FMIPA UGM?” asked the student. The lecturers provided examples and descriptions of several students who had non-science backgrounds in school but pursued science majors. Then, students were given an overview of several FMIPA UGM alumni spread across various fields of work. In this regard, students could better understand that science graduates are not limited to working in the laboratory sector but can also venture into the broader industrial and other sectors. After the presentation and discussion activities, the event continued with a visit to the laboratories. Students and teachers were able to witness and directly participate in practical activities accompanied by laboratory assistants as well as physics and chemistry lecturers.

Through the school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDG point 4 concerning quality education by increasing student motivation to pursue higher education and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Additionally, FMIPA UGM also welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of education advancement in line with SDG point 17.

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Datu Maulana Ahmad, Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Breaking Ground with Thermodrillsy Study Elaboration: Integration of Science, Engineering, and Industry Faculties

Discussion involving all parties involved in Thermodrillsy research, FMIPA UGM, FT UGM, Elnusa, and Pertamina Hulu Energy (01/02) at the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM (Photo by: Pamungkas Y)


In the context of elaborating the ongoing study collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, the Faculty of Engineering UGM, Pertamina Hulu Energi, and Elnusa, a progress meeting on the development study of Thermodrillsy was held on 1 – 2 February 2024 in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM.

Dr. Afif Rakhman, Head of the Geophysics Laboratory, FMIPA UGM, stated during the opening of the event, “For us, this collaboration represents something new and a significant challenge. Thus, within the Department of Physics (DF) FMIPA UGM, we involve the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI), Faculty of Engineering UGM, in conducting Pertabocsy research using Thermodrillsy.”

Pertabocsy is a method initially developed by Pertamina to map hydrocarbon potential based on temperature. The integration of industry (Pertamina) with academia (UGM) in this case, the Geophysics and Industrial Mechanical Engineering programs, is expected to address field challenges effectively.

“This research will be applied in swampy environments,” Dr. Afif explained the field challenges affecting the specifications of the equipment to be developed. Dr. Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, representing DTMI, affirmed this statement. “The soil has bearing capacity, so our equipment must be able to handle this.”

Multidisciplinary integration can be the key to success. The collaboration fostered by the Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM, reflects point 17, which is a partnership for goal achievement through collaborative field study activities in fulfilling hydrocarbon resource needs.

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photos: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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USAID-HEPI Project Facilitates Transnational Collaboration for STEM Advancement in Indonesia

USAID-HEPI Project FMIPA UGM Collaboration Bridge with Partners in the United States The USAID-HEPI. Project, initiated since 2023, is a collaboration bridge between FMIPA UGM and partners in the United States, both university partners and industry partners. This project was initiated by USAID and Arizona State University to enhance Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields in Indonesia. One form of activity from this project is the USAID-HEPI National Forum, which is a showcase of collaboration activities with partner institutions in the United States that have been carried out by the universities involved in this project.

The first activity in this forum was held at ITB on January 30, 2024, and attended by the rector, vice-rector, deans, and vice-deans of more than 14 universities in Indonesia. The USAID-HEPI National Forum activities began with discussions on international accreditation, followed by presentations of several showcase collaboration activities with several institutions in the United States that have been conducted by ITB. In addition to bilateral partnerships, this activity opens opportunities to expand partnerships in the form of consortia between higher education institutions in Indonesia and partner institutions in the United States. The partnership scheme reflects SDGs number 17 in the area of partnerships through the implementation of collaborative projects, as well as number 4 on quality education, with efforts to fulfill the proportion of university graduates who master information technology and communication skills.

Keywords: USAID-HEPI, STEM fields, collaboration

Author: Fajar Adi Kusumo

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Fajar Adi Kusumo

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SMA Labschool Kebayoran visited FMIPA UGM: Introducing Students to Opportunities in Science Bachelor’s Degree

SMA Labschool Kebayoran visited FMIPA UGM on Jan, 29th 2024. They were warmly received by Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Sc., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, and Dr. Juliasih Partini, S.Si., M.Sc., a lecturer in the Physics study program, in the FMIPA UGM Auditorium. Students and teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university registration procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, a question-and-answer session provided insights and new perspectives for both FMIPA and the students and teachers. The activity then continued with a Material Physics and Instrumentation Laboratory tour.

“FMIPA graduates not only become employees but also create job opportunities such as start-ups,” said Prof. Kuwat during the opening presentation session. Various research and innovations were presented, such as the halal food detection device innovation (Elto) and the Covid-19 virus detection device (Genose). This presentation sparked various questions from students about the opportunities as science graduates. “What are the job fields after graduating as a science bachelor?” This question reflected students’ concerns about the future of science graduates. Prof. Kuwat then presented various FMIPA UGM alumni with outstanding careers such as graduates in Geophysics working in the field of oil exploration, Mathematics graduates working in cryptography, and Computer Science graduates involved in marketplace development.

After the presentation and discussion session, the event continued with a visit to the Material Physics and Instrumentation Laboratory. Students and teachers were able to observe and directly participate in laboratory practices guided by laboratory assistants and physics lecturers. “In school, children learn mathematics, chemistry, and physics, which are fundamental sciences. The hope is that from this visit, students can learn more about these sciences in university life,” said Taufik, a teacher at SMA Labschool Kebayoran. “It turns out that the technology we use daily results from FMIPA research. This will be our preparation for the next year to determine the university and major to take. If permitted, we will come again in the future, but not as visitors but as FMIPA students,” said Pasya, an 11th-grade student. “I am very interested in the innovations at FMIPA and the existing partnerships such as with BRIN. Hopefully, we will gain more insights from this visit to FMIPA UGM,” said Qotryn, an 11th-grade student.

Through the school visit, FMIPA UGM also supports SDG point 4 regarding quality education by increasing student motivation to pursue higher education and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Furthermore, FMIPA UGM welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of educational advancement in line with SDGs point 17.


Keyword: Students, researchers, students, Senior High School, Labsky, Labschool, SDGs


Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Datu Maulana Ahmad, Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto, and Fabima Fadhlin Minallah Zidta

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FMIPA UGM Conducted a Workshop on Enhancing the Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM conducted a workshop on the Enhancement of Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability on Jan, 30th 2023, in the Auditorium Hall of FMIPA UGM. The keynote speaker for this event was Dr. Hasanudin Abdurakham, an alumnus of Physics from FMIPA UGM. “I aim to provide insights into the professional world so that students have a clear understanding and perspective, coming from me as a recruiter,” Dr. Hassan expressed. The objective of this workshop was to provide a platform for discussion and mentoring for lecturers regarding the development of prospective professional workers at FMIPA UGM. Dr. Hassan emphasized the shortcomings in the university’s role, such as the absence of a map of the job market and insufficient attention to the outcomes of students during their studies.

During the discussion session, Dra. Ani Setyopratiwi, M.Sc., a lecturer in the Chemistry program, raised concerns about the competitiveness of graduates compared to those from other institutions. “FMIPA UGM graduates are theoretically strong and excellent. However, in the industrial world, we lag behind graduates from other universities,” Dra. Ani stated in the forum. In her teaching approach, Dra. Ani not only reinforces theoretical aspects among students but also their application in the workplace. She also encourages students to venture into entrepreneurship by marketing research-based products. “I am also an entrepreneur. The products generated are outcomes of research such as VCO oil and lotions for fatigue relief,” Dra. Ani added.

This workshop, primarily intended for lecturers, is eagerly anticipated to also be extended to students. This anticipation stems from the fact that the materials provided can map out and offer solutions to the issue of graduate employability at FMIPA UGM. Furthermore, the existence of this workshop reflects the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Goal 4, quality education; Goal 9, industry, innovation, and infrastructure; and Goal 17, partnerships to achieve goals. Lecturers are directed to optimize teaching and student development and guide students toward existing partnerships. “We in the industrial sector are ready to partner and provide input or advice,” Dr. Hassan affirmed.

Keyword: workshop, kompetensi, employability, SDGs

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto and Fabima Fadhlin Minallah Zidta

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MAN 1 Surakarta’s Trip to Department of Physics: Enhancing Students’ Scientific Curiosity through Basic Physics Experimentation

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

MAN 1 Surakarta visited the Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM on Feb 6th, 2024. The event took place in the Basic Physics Laboratory of the Department of Physics building. The visit aimed to foster students’ enthusiasm for science and enhance their grasp of the essential principles of physical measurement in physics. The Department of Physics provided the Basic Physics Laboratory as a venue for students to conduct hands-on experiments

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

A group of 72 students attended the visit. They were distributed among 12 practical groups, each supervised by capable laboratory assistants aligned with their experiment themes. The students received an introduction to the background of their experiments before being guided through measurements, presentations, data analysis, and the compilation of final reports.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

The visit by MAN 1 Surakarta, which engaged its students in practical tasks, showcases the Department of Physics, especially the Basic Physics Laboratory, as a facilitator. This also contributes to advancing SDGs Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Furthermore, this visit enhances the bond between the Department of Physics and schools. Additionally, it provides an avenue for the department to directly enrich secondary school education and community involvement.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences, physics

Author: Fathan

Photos: Fathan

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Visit by SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi to FMIPA UGM: Boosting Student Enthusiasm for Pursuing Higher Education in Science

SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi visited FMIPA UGM on Feb, 5th 2024. The visit was welcomed directly by Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, along with the faculty members and staff of FMIPA UGM. Students and teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university application procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and the students and teachers. The activity then continued with a tour of the physics and chemistry laboratories.

“Are students from the social sciences department eligible to apply for studies at FMIPA UGM?” asked the student. The lecturers provided examples and descriptions of several students who had non-science backgrounds in school but pursued science majors. Then, students were given an overview of several FMIPA UGM alumni spread across various fields of work. In this regard, students could better understand that science graduates are not limited to working in the laboratory sector but can also venture into the broader industrial and other sectors. After the presentation and discussion activities, the event continued with a visit to the laboratories. Students and teachers were able to witness and directly participate in practical activities accompanied by laboratory assistants as well as physics and chemistry lecturers.

Through the school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDG point 4 concerning quality education by increasing student motivation to pursue higher education and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Additionally, FMIPA UGM also welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of education advancement in line with SDG point 17.

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Datu Maulana Ahmad, Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Breaking Ground with Thermodrillsy Study Elaboration: Integration of Science, Engineering, and Industry Faculties

Discussion involving all parties involved in Thermodrillsy research, FMIPA UGM, FT UGM, Elnusa, and Pertamina Hulu Energy (01/02) at the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM (Photo by: Pamungkas Y)


In the context of elaborating the ongoing study collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, the Faculty of Engineering UGM, Pertamina Hulu Energi, and Elnusa, a progress meeting on the development study of Thermodrillsy was held on 1 – 2 February 2024 in the Merapi Room, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM.

Dr. Afif Rakhman, Head of the Geophysics Laboratory, FMIPA UGM, stated during the opening of the event, “For us, this collaboration represents something new and a significant challenge. Thus, within the Department of Physics (DF) FMIPA UGM, we involve the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI), Faculty of Engineering UGM, in conducting Pertabocsy research using Thermodrillsy.”

Pertabocsy is a method initially developed by Pertamina to map hydrocarbon potential based on temperature. The integration of industry (Pertamina) with academia (UGM) in this case, the Geophysics and Industrial Mechanical Engineering programs, is expected to address field challenges effectively.

“This research will be applied in swampy environments,” Dr. Afif explained the field challenges affecting the specifications of the equipment to be developed. Dr. Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, representing DTMI, affirmed this statement. “The soil has bearing capacity, so our equipment must be able to handle this.”

Multidisciplinary integration can be the key to success. The collaboration fostered by the Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM, reflects point 17, which is a partnership for goal achievement through collaborative field study activities in fulfilling hydrocarbon resource needs.

Author: Shofi Rahmadini

Photos: Pamungkas Yuliantoro

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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USAID-HEPI Project Facilitates Transnational Collaboration for STEM Advancement in Indonesia

USAID-HEPI Project FMIPA UGM Collaboration Bridge with Partners in the United States The USAID-HEPI. Project, initiated since 2023, is a collaboration bridge between FMIPA UGM and partners in the United States, both university partners and industry partners. This project was initiated by USAID and Arizona State University to enhance Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields in Indonesia. One form of activity from this project is the USAID-HEPI National Forum, which is a showcase of collaboration activities with partner institutions in the United States that have been carried out by the universities involved in this project.

The first activity in this forum was held at ITB on January 30, 2024, and attended by the rector, vice-rector, deans, and vice-deans of more than 14 universities in Indonesia. The USAID-HEPI National Forum activities began with discussions on international accreditation, followed by presentations of several showcase collaboration activities with several institutions in the United States that have been conducted by ITB. In addition to bilateral partnerships, this activity opens opportunities to expand partnerships in the form of consortia between higher education institutions in Indonesia and partner institutions in the United States. The partnership scheme reflects SDGs number 17 in the area of partnerships through the implementation of collaborative projects, as well as number 4 on quality education, with efforts to fulfill the proportion of university graduates who master information technology and communication skills.

Keywords: USAID-HEPI, STEM fields, collaboration

Author: Fajar Adi Kusumo

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photos: Fajar Adi Kusumo

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SMA Labschool Kebayoran visited FMIPA UGM: Introducing Students to Opportunities in Science Bachelor’s Degree

SMA Labschool Kebayoran visited FMIPA UGM on Jan, 29th 2024. They were warmly received by Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Sc., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, and Dr. Juliasih Partini, S.Si., M.Sc., a lecturer in the Physics study program, in the FMIPA UGM Auditorium. Students and teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university registration procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, a question-and-answer session provided insights and new perspectives for both FMIPA and the students and teachers. The activity then continued with a Material Physics and Instrumentation Laboratory tour.

“FMIPA graduates not only become employees but also create job opportunities such as start-ups,” said Prof. Kuwat during the opening presentation session. Various research and innovations were presented, such as the halal food detection device innovation (Elto) and the Covid-19 virus detection device (Genose). This presentation sparked various questions from students about the opportunities as science graduates. “What are the job fields after graduating as a science bachelor?” This question reflected students’ concerns about the future of science graduates. Prof. Kuwat then presented various FMIPA UGM alumni with outstanding careers such as graduates in Geophysics working in the field of oil exploration, Mathematics graduates working in cryptography, and Computer Science graduates involved in marketplace development.

After the presentation and discussion session, the event continued with a visit to the Material Physics and Instrumentation Laboratory. Students and teachers were able to observe and directly participate in laboratory practices guided by laboratory assistants and physics lecturers. “In school, children learn mathematics, chemistry, and physics, which are fundamental sciences. The hope is that from this visit, students can learn more about these sciences in university life,” said Taufik, a teacher at SMA Labschool Kebayoran. “It turns out that the technology we use daily results from FMIPA research. This will be our preparation for the next year to determine the university and major to take. If permitted, we will come again in the future, but not as visitors but as FMIPA students,” said Pasya, an 11th-grade student. “I am very interested in the innovations at FMIPA and the existing partnerships such as with BRIN. Hopefully, we will gain more insights from this visit to FMIPA UGM,” said Qotryn, an 11th-grade student.

Through the school visit, FMIPA UGM also supports SDG point 4 regarding quality education by increasing student motivation to pursue higher education and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Furthermore, FMIPA UGM welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of educational advancement in line with SDGs point 17.


Keyword: Students, researchers, students, Senior High School, Labsky, Labschool, SDGs


Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Datu Maulana Ahmad, Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto, and Fabima Fadhlin Minallah Zidta

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FMIPA UGM Conducted a Workshop on Enhancing the Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM conducted a workshop on the Enhancement of Competence and Capacity of Lecturers to Support Graduates’ Employability on Jan, 30th 2023, in the Auditorium Hall of FMIPA UGM. The keynote speaker for this event was Dr. Hasanudin Abdurakham, an alumnus of Physics from FMIPA UGM. “I aim to provide insights into the professional world so that students have a clear understanding and perspective, coming from me as a recruiter,” Dr. Hassan expressed. The objective of this workshop was to provide a platform for discussion and mentoring for lecturers regarding the development of prospective professional workers at FMIPA UGM. Dr. Hassan emphasized the shortcomings in the university’s role, such as the absence of a map of the job market and insufficient attention to the outcomes of students during their studies.

During the discussion session, Dra. Ani Setyopratiwi, M.Sc., a lecturer in the Chemistry program, raised concerns about the competitiveness of graduates compared to those from other institutions. “FMIPA UGM graduates are theoretically strong and excellent. However, in the industrial world, we lag behind graduates from other universities,” Dra. Ani stated in the forum. In her teaching approach, Dra. Ani not only reinforces theoretical aspects among students but also their application in the workplace. She also encourages students to venture into entrepreneurship by marketing research-based products. “I am also an entrepreneur. The products generated are outcomes of research such as VCO oil and lotions for fatigue relief,” Dra. Ani added.

This workshop, primarily intended for lecturers, is eagerly anticipated to also be extended to students. This anticipation stems from the fact that the materials provided can map out and offer solutions to the issue of graduate employability at FMIPA UGM. Furthermore, the existence of this workshop reflects the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Goal 4, quality education; Goal 9, industry, innovation, and infrastructure; and Goal 17, partnerships to achieve goals. Lecturers are directed to optimize teaching and student development and guide students toward existing partnerships. “We in the industrial sector are ready to partner and provide input or advice,” Dr. Hassan affirmed.

Keyword: workshop, kompetensi, employability, SDGs

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto and Fabima Fadhlin Minallah Zidta

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