





Februari 12, 2024

MAN 1 Surakarta’s Trip to Department of Physics: Enhancing Students’ Scientific Curiosity through Basic Physics Experimentation

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

MAN 1 Surakarta visited the Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM on Feb 6th, 2024. The event took place in the Basic Physics Laboratory of the Department of Physics building. The visit aimed to foster students’ enthusiasm for science and enhance their grasp of the essential principles of physical measurement in physics. The Department of Physics provided the Basic Physics Laboratory as a venue for students to conduct hands-on experiments

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

A group of 72 students attended the visit. They were distributed among 12 practical groups, each supervised by capable laboratory assistants aligned with their experiment themes. The students received an introduction to the background of their experiments before being guided through measurements, presentations, data analysis, and the compilation of final reports.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

The visit by MAN 1 Surakarta, which engaged its students in practical tasks, showcases the Department of Physics, especially the Basic Physics Laboratory, as a facilitator. This also contributes to advancing SDGs Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Furthermore, this visit enhances the bond between the Department of Physics and schools. Additionally, it provides an avenue for the department to directly enrich secondary school education and community involvement.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences, physics

Author: Fathan

Photos: Fathan

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Visit by SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi to FMIPA UGM: Boosting Student Enthusiasm for Pursuing Higher Education in Science

SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi visited FMIPA UGM on Feb, 5th 2024. The visit was welcomed directly by Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, along with the faculty members and staff of FMIPA UGM. Students and teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university application procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and the students and teachers. The activity then continued with a tour of the physics and chemistry laboratories.

“Are students from the social sciences department eligible to apply for studies at FMIPA UGM?” asked the student. The lecturers provided examples and descriptions of several students who had non-science backgrounds in school but pursued science majors. Then, students were given an overview of several FMIPA UGM alumni spread across various fields of work. In this regard, students could better understand that science graduates are not limited to working in the laboratory sector but can also venture into the broader industrial and other sectors. After the presentation and discussion activities, the event continued with a visit to the laboratories. Students and teachers were able to witness and directly participate in practical activities accompanied by laboratory assistants as well as physics and chemistry lecturers.

Through the school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDG point 4 concerning quality education by increasing student motivation to pursue higher education and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Additionally, FMIPA UGM also welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of education advancement in line with SDG point 17.

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Datu Maulana Ahmad, Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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MAN 1 Surakarta’s Trip to Department of Physics: Enhancing Students’ Scientific Curiosity through Basic Physics Experimentation

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

MAN 1 Surakarta visited the Department of Physics at FMIPA UGM on Feb 6th, 2024. The event took place in the Basic Physics Laboratory of the Department of Physics building. The visit aimed to foster students’ enthusiasm for science and enhance their grasp of the essential principles of physical measurement in physics. The Department of Physics provided the Basic Physics Laboratory as a venue for students to conduct hands-on experiments

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

A group of 72 students attended the visit. They were distributed among 12 practical groups, each supervised by capable laboratory assistants aligned with their experiment themes. The students received an introduction to the background of their experiments before being guided through measurements, presentations, data analysis, and the compilation of final reports.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

The visit by MAN 1 Surakarta, which engaged its students in practical tasks, showcases the Department of Physics, especially the Basic Physics Laboratory, as a facilitator. This also contributes to advancing SDGs Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Furthermore, this visit enhances the bond between the Department of Physics and schools. Additionally, it provides an avenue for the department to directly enrich secondary school education and community involvement.

The students are currently conducting measurements in several experiments

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences, physics

Author: Fathan

Photos: Fathan

Editor: Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Visit by SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi to FMIPA UGM: Boosting Student Enthusiasm for Pursuing Higher Education in Science

SMAN 1 Genteng Banyuwangi visited FMIPA UGM on Feb, 5th 2024. The visit was welcomed directly by Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean for Research and Community Service, along with the faculty members and staff of FMIPA UGM. Students and teachers received information regarding the list of study programs, alumni networks, university application procedures, faculty facilities, student career support programs, and more. Additionally, there was a question and answer session that provided insights or new information for both FMIPA and the students and teachers. The activity then continued with a tour of the physics and chemistry laboratories.

“Are students from the social sciences department eligible to apply for studies at FMIPA UGM?” asked the student. The lecturers provided examples and descriptions of several students who had non-science backgrounds in school but pursued science majors. Then, students were given an overview of several FMIPA UGM alumni spread across various fields of work. In this regard, students could better understand that science graduates are not limited to working in the laboratory sector but can also venture into the broader industrial and other sectors. After the presentation and discussion activities, the event continued with a visit to the laboratories. Students and teachers were able to witness and directly participate in practical activities accompanied by laboratory assistants as well as physics and chemistry lecturers.

Through the school visit, FMIPA UGM supports SDG point 4 concerning quality education by increasing student motivation to pursue higher education and providing guidance according to their interests and talents. Additionally, FMIPA UGM also welcomes educational institutions in partnerships to achieve goals in the field of education advancement in line with SDG point 17.

Keywords: student, senior high school, education, sciences

Author: Febriska Noor Fitriana
Photos: Datu Maulana Ahmad, Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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