


Thamrin Usman


Usman Thamrin was born in Pontianak on November 10, 1962. The fourth child of the seven children of a couple named Usman A. Syukur (late) And Hj. Salmah Abdullah. After completing Senior High School at SMAN 2 Pontianak, he continued studies in an undergraduate program at the Department of Chemistry University of Gadjah Mada, with Proyek Perintis (PP II) in 1981. The supervisors during the study at UGM were Dra. Retno W., MSc. (late) and Dr. M. Muchalal. In January 1988, he began his career in a glue industrial enterprises in Pontianak. In November 1988, he started a career as a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tanjungpura. In 1993, he continued his M.Sc. Studies at ENSCT-INP Toulouse in France in the area of Agro-industry Chemistry, with a scholarship from ADB – Indonesia. After completing his M.Sc. Studies in 1993, he went on to study his Ph.D. program on the same campus. He is married to Dewi Ayumi, SE. and blessed with three children: Nabila Pyrenina, Abdurrahman Tsany and Amirah Nurazizah
After finishing his Ph.D. program, he returned to his homeland, established the Center for Study of Agro Industry and Agribusiness at UNTAN was assigned by the Rector UNTAN to prepare the opening of the courses of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology). In 2002 the operating permit courses of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology were approved by the Higher Education, Rector UNTAN assigned to be the Chief Manager of Natural Sciences (Preparation) UNTAN. With the issuance of the establishment of the Faculty of Science UNTAN by Higher Education, he was appointed as the dean. After serving as Dean of the Faculty UNTAN for 1.5 periods, he appointed as the Rector of the University Tanjungpura for the period of 2011 to 2015.

As he was setting career as an academic, the research activities are also conducted. He owns national patent ID P No. 0023215 dated April 6, 2009, Method for Producing Biodiesel Transesterification with Catalyst of Ash of Empty Palm Fruit Bunch. The other patent is in the process that is Synthesis of Biodiesel from Sludge Oil Method using Esterification Catalyst PTSA-Kaolinite.


Lecturers in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM, are very patient, not only to teach but also educate. Yogyakarta is a city as the place for the formation of characters, with all the complexity in this town, it should be in the day to day for studying to live with things that are positive and beneficial for self-development, which could ultimately shape the personality and be useful in the future lives.

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