






FMIPA UGM collaborates with PT. ARUTALA in the development of the Metaverse.

In order to develop human resources in the fields of research, education, training, the MBKM program, and community service, FMIPA UGM collaborates with PT. ARUTALA, a company specializing in Innovation Technology and IT. On Friday, February 18, 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in the FMIPA UGM Auditorium. Additionally, there was a sharing session with the theme “State of The Art & Challenges of Metaverse in Indonesia,” presented by the head of PT ARUTALA, Mr. Indra Haryadi, S.KOM., who is also an alumni of FMIPA UGM.

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The visit from the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang

On Monday, January 31, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) received a visit from the Faculty of Science and Technology at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University (UIN) in Malang, along with their delegation, as part of the initiation of collaboration in the field of Higher Education’s Tridharma with FMIPA UGM. In his introduction, the Dean of FMIPA UGM emphasized the need for innovation to disseminate research-based products that can provide greater benefits to society. To strengthen the educational aspect, they are currently developing a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) system that is based on real-world problems.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN, in his presentation, conveyed that in the future, the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN and FMIPA UGM are expected to collaborate in the field of education to support the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program. The visit concluded with a joint discussion to explore points of collaboration for the future.

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Strengthening FMIPA’s Partnership with KAMIPAGAMA

KAMIPAGAMA (Family of FMIPA UGM Alumni), which serves as a platform that unites the alumni of FMIPA UGM, is one of the strategic partners for FMIPA UGM in implementing various work programs and innovations in the future. One of the strategic programs to optimize the partnership with alumni is the establishment of an entity that can bring together the entire academic community of FMIPA UGM, especially students and lecturers, with alumni and other parties, such as industries, etc.

For this purpose, on Saturday, January 29, 2022, a joint discussion was held between FMIPA UGM and KAMIPAGAMA at Karinda Café Jakarta. The discussion was attended by the Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM for Alumni, Cooperation, and Innovation as a representative from FMIPA UGM, the Vice Chairman of KAMIPAGAMA for Business Development and Partnerships, and several members of KAMIPAGAMA. One of the agreements that will be implemented in the near future between FMIPA UGM and KAMIPAGAMA is the establishment of an Alumni Center.

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Discussion on Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and BRI Insurance (BRINS)

Collaboration with BRINS has been initiated by FMIPA UGM through the Department of Mathematics since 2021 in the form of scholarships for high-achieving students from the Department of Mathematics with a contractual commitment to work at BRINS after the students graduate. On Tuesday afternoon, January 25, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences received a visit from the BRINS team to further discuss the forms of collaboration that can be pursued in the future. In the discussion, there were several initial agreements that will soon be formalized in the form of a cooperation agreement. The meeting concluded with the signing of scholarship contracts for BRINS scholarship recipients from the Department of Mathematics.

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Initiation of Collaboration with Borobudur Conservation Office

Cultural heritage is an invaluable asset of the Indonesian nation. Efforts to preserve cultural heritage need to be made to maintain the integrity of these cultural treasures. One essential aspect of preserving cultural heritage, especially temples, is to understand the patterns and environmental conditions’ impact on the temple, such as vibrations, chemical reactions from natural processes, etc. For this purpose, an initiation of collaboration between FMIPA UGM and the Borobudur Conservation Office was carried out on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. The collaboration is planned to involve various fields of expertise and be integrated with research and community service activities.

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Serah Terima Jabatan Ketua dan Sekretaris Departemen, serta Kepala Laboratorium di lingkungan FMIPA UGM

Hari ini Senin, 24 Januari 2022 telah dilakukan acara Serah Terima Jabatan Ketua dan Sekretaris Departemen, serta Kepala Laboratorium di lingkungan FMIPA UGM. Pergantian jabatan ini selain merupakan suatu proses rutin juga untuk meningkatkan capaian dari pengurus sebelumnya.

Di dalam sambutannya, Dekan FMIPA mengucapan terima kasih atas komitmen dan dedikasi pengurus lama, sekaligus mengingatkan ke seluruh pejabat di FMIPA bahwa tugas utama para pejabat adalah memberikan pelayanan kepada seluruh warga MIPA. Selain itu, Dekan FMIPA juga menyampaikan beberapa perencanaan umum yang akan dilakukan FMIPA ke depan.

Berikut adalah para pejabat baru di lingkungan FMIPA UGM:

Ketua Departemen Fisika Dr.Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng.
Ketua Departemen Kimia Dr.rer.nat. Nurul Hidayat Aprilita, S.Si., M.Si.
Sekretaris Departemen Fisika Dr. Eddy Hartantyo, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Algoritma dan Komputasi Drs. Retantyo Wardoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Elektronika dan Instrumentasi Drs. Agus Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Elektronika Dasar Dr. Ilona Usuman, S.Si., M.Kom.
Kepala Laboratorium Instrumentasi Dasar Dr. Danang Lelono, S.Si., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Komputer Dasar Afiahayati, S.Kom., M.Cs., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan Data Dr. Lukman Heryawan, S.T., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Sistem Cerdas Dr. Sri Mulyana, M.Kom.
Kepala Laboratorium Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan Dr. Mardhani Riasetiawan, S.E., Ak., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Atom dan Inti Dr.Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Dasar Dr. Eko Sulistya, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Material dan Instrumentasi Dr. Chotimah, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Geofisika Dr. Afif Rakhman, S.Si., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Analitik Dr. Agus Kuncaka, DEA.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Anorganik Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Dasar Dr. Sri Sudiono, S.Si., M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Fisika Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Organik Dr. Endang Astuti, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Aljabar Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Analisis Atok Zulijanto, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Komputasi Matematika Imam Solekhudin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Komputasi Statistika Dr. Adhitya Ronnie Effendie, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc.
Kepala Laboratorium Matematika Terapan Dr.rer.nat. Lina Aryati, M.S.
Kepala Laboratorium Statistika Dr. Gunardi, M.Si.
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Pakar UGM Ingatkan Bahaya Banjir Bandang Pasca Erupsi Gunung Semeru

UGM experts have warned of secondary or indirect dangers resulting from the eruption of Mount Semeru. In addition to the eruption and pyroclastic flow that occurred on December 4th, there is a potential for secondary hazards such as flash floods carrying volcanic material in upstream areas.

“Even though the eruption has ended, the potential for disaster threats still exists. In December, January, and February, we need to be aware of the potential for lava flows and possible subsequent eruptions,” said Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko S.Si., M.Sc., a Faculty Member of the UGM Geography Department, during a press conference at the FMIPA UGM Auditorium on Monday (6/12).

He explained that the La Niña phenomenon is bringing the potential for heavy rainfall, so people in areas with rivers originating from Mount Semeru need to be cautious. Residents should also avoid activities within the designated danger radius established by local authorities.

“Some rivers originating from Semeru need to be monitored so that when lava flows occur in the middle and lower parts, where many settlements are located, lives can be saved,” he said.

He also pointed out that there is a potential for hot materials, so evacuation processes need to be carried out carefully and involve parties with an understanding of the volcano’s conditions.

Residents in the eruption-affected areas are advised to wear masks and protective eyewear to avoid health hazards from volcanic ash, which contains silica and is of micro size.

Dr. Wahyudi, M.S., a UGM Geophysics expert, explained that since 2012, Mount Semeru had been classified as Level 2 or “Waspada” (Watch). Then, in September 2020, signs of activity were observed in the form of white and gray smoke plumes reaching heights of 200-700 meters above the peak of Semeru.

Similar activity continued in October 2020, reaching heights of 200-1000 meters, and on December 1, 2020, a pyroclastic flow occurred, extending 2 to 11 kilometers southeast toward Kobokan. In the last 90 days, there has been an increase in seismic activity, especially volcanic earthquakes.

“Some reached 100 times a day, which can serve as a precursor to a larger eruption,” said Wahyudi.

According to Wahyudi, the collapse of the lava dome triggered by heavy rainfall led to the occurrence of the pyroclastic flow, which traveled quite a distance, reaching 11 kilometers. Scientifically, heavy rainfall can cause instability in lava deposits.

“In some cases, external factors like heavy rainfall can indeed cause thermal stress and trigger instability within the lava dome. The lava dome becomes unstable, and the presence of heavy rainfall triggers landslides,” he explained.

To determine the dominant factors causing the eruption on December 4th, he suggested conducting an integrated data analysis covering volcanic earthquake data, deformation, gas emissions, and rainfall data over the past few months. These data should be correlated with events, including small and large-scale collapses.

Writer : Gloria

Source :

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Mahasiswa UGM Manfaatkan Limbah cangkang Telur Jadi Krim Anti-Aging

Cangkang telur adalah limbah pangan yang banyak dihasilkan dari rumah makan dan toko
pembuatan kue khususnya di daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta . Hal ini kemudian menginisiasi empat
mahasiswa UGM, Erma Nurjanahwati (Kimia 2019), Nata Dwi (Biologi 2019), Adinda Fitri
(MIkrobiologi Pertanian 2018), dan Shofia Amalia (Kimia 2018) untuk memanfaatkan limbah
cangkang telur sebagai bahan dasar sumber kolagen pembuatan krim anti-aging yang
dikombinasikan dengan madu.

Penelitian ini dikembangkan melalui kegiatan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Riset dan
Eksakta (PKM-RE). Erma dan tim terus berupaya menggali potensi kolagen yang terkandung di
dalam membran cangkang telur yang kemudian dikombinasikan madu sebagai pencegah penuaan
dengan memanfaatkan kolagen dan senyawa flavonoid pada madu.

Erma menuturkan sampai saat ini limbah cangkang telur masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh

Proses pembuatan krim anti-aging dimulai dengan pengambilan dan pembersihan membran
cangkang telur secara manual kemudian kolagen membran cangkang telur dilakukan ekstraksi .

Krim anti aging ini telah melalui berbagai tahapan pengujian seperti uji proksimat, derajat
keasaman (pH), viskositas,iritasi pada hewan dan organoleptik pada 30 responden dengan rentang
usia 19-40 tahun.

Kolagen yang terkandung pada membran cangkang telur diketahui lebih minim iritasi dan alergi.
Mengingat sejauh ini di pasaran masih banyak terdapat krim anti-aging yang menggunakan
retinoid sebagai bahan aktifnya yang memiliki sifat rentan terhadap cahaya matahari dan tidak
disarankan untuk ibu hamil atau ibu menyusui.


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FMIPA UGM collaborates with PT. ARUTALA in the development of the Metaverse.

In order to develop human resources in the fields of research, education, training, the MBKM program, and community service, FMIPA UGM collaborates with PT. ARUTALA, a company specializing in Innovation Technology and IT. On Friday, February 18, 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in the FMIPA UGM Auditorium. Additionally, there was a sharing session with the theme “State of The Art & Challenges of Metaverse in Indonesia,” presented by the head of PT ARUTALA, Mr. Indra Haryadi, S.KOM., who is also an alumni of FMIPA UGM.

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The visit from the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang

On Monday, January 31, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) received a visit from the Faculty of Science and Technology at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University (UIN) in Malang, along with their delegation, as part of the initiation of collaboration in the field of Higher Education’s Tridharma with FMIPA UGM. In his introduction, the Dean of FMIPA UGM emphasized the need for innovation to disseminate research-based products that can provide greater benefits to society. To strengthen the educational aspect, they are currently developing a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) system that is based on real-world problems.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN, in his presentation, conveyed that in the future, the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN and FMIPA UGM are expected to collaborate in the field of education to support the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program. The visit concluded with a joint discussion to explore points of collaboration for the future.

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Strengthening FMIPA’s Partnership with KAMIPAGAMA

KAMIPAGAMA (Family of FMIPA UGM Alumni), which serves as a platform that unites the alumni of FMIPA UGM, is one of the strategic partners for FMIPA UGM in implementing various work programs and innovations in the future. One of the strategic programs to optimize the partnership with alumni is the establishment of an entity that can bring together the entire academic community of FMIPA UGM, especially students and lecturers, with alumni and other parties, such as industries, etc.

For this purpose, on Saturday, January 29, 2022, a joint discussion was held between FMIPA UGM and KAMIPAGAMA at Karinda Café Jakarta. The discussion was attended by the Vice Dean of FMIPA UGM for Alumni, Cooperation, and Innovation as a representative from FMIPA UGM, the Vice Chairman of KAMIPAGAMA for Business Development and Partnerships, and several members of KAMIPAGAMA. One of the agreements that will be implemented in the near future between FMIPA UGM and KAMIPAGAMA is the establishment of an Alumni Center.

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Discussion on Collaboration between FMIPA UGM and BRI Insurance (BRINS)

Collaboration with BRINS has been initiated by FMIPA UGM through the Department of Mathematics since 2021 in the form of scholarships for high-achieving students from the Department of Mathematics with a contractual commitment to work at BRINS after the students graduate. On Tuesday afternoon, January 25, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences received a visit from the BRINS team to further discuss the forms of collaboration that can be pursued in the future. In the discussion, there were several initial agreements that will soon be formalized in the form of a cooperation agreement. The meeting concluded with the signing of scholarship contracts for BRINS scholarship recipients from the Department of Mathematics.

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Initiation of Collaboration with Borobudur Conservation Office

Cultural heritage is an invaluable asset of the Indonesian nation. Efforts to preserve cultural heritage need to be made to maintain the integrity of these cultural treasures. One essential aspect of preserving cultural heritage, especially temples, is to understand the patterns and environmental conditions’ impact on the temple, such as vibrations, chemical reactions from natural processes, etc. For this purpose, an initiation of collaboration between FMIPA UGM and the Borobudur Conservation Office was carried out on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. The collaboration is planned to involve various fields of expertise and be integrated with research and community service activities.

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Serah Terima Jabatan Ketua dan Sekretaris Departemen, serta Kepala Laboratorium di lingkungan FMIPA UGM

Hari ini Senin, 24 Januari 2022 telah dilakukan acara Serah Terima Jabatan Ketua dan Sekretaris Departemen, serta Kepala Laboratorium di lingkungan FMIPA UGM. Pergantian jabatan ini selain merupakan suatu proses rutin juga untuk meningkatkan capaian dari pengurus sebelumnya.

Di dalam sambutannya, Dekan FMIPA mengucapan terima kasih atas komitmen dan dedikasi pengurus lama, sekaligus mengingatkan ke seluruh pejabat di FMIPA bahwa tugas utama para pejabat adalah memberikan pelayanan kepada seluruh warga MIPA. Selain itu, Dekan FMIPA juga menyampaikan beberapa perencanaan umum yang akan dilakukan FMIPA ke depan.

Berikut adalah para pejabat baru di lingkungan FMIPA UGM:

Ketua Departemen Fisika Dr.Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng.
Ketua Departemen Kimia Dr.rer.nat. Nurul Hidayat Aprilita, S.Si., M.Si.
Sekretaris Departemen Fisika Dr. Eddy Hartantyo, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Algoritma dan Komputasi Drs. Retantyo Wardoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Elektronika dan Instrumentasi Drs. Agus Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Elektronika Dasar Dr. Ilona Usuman, S.Si., M.Kom.
Kepala Laboratorium Instrumentasi Dasar Dr. Danang Lelono, S.Si., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Komputer Dasar Afiahayati, S.Kom., M.Cs., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan Data Dr. Lukman Heryawan, S.T., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Sistem Cerdas Dr. Sri Mulyana, M.Kom.
Kepala Laboratorium Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan Dr. Mardhani Riasetiawan, S.E., Ak., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Atom dan Inti Dr.Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Dasar Dr. Eko Sulistya, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Material dan Instrumentasi Dr. Chotimah, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Geofisika Dr. Afif Rakhman, S.Si., M.T.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Analitik Dr. Agus Kuncaka, DEA.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Anorganik Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Dasar Dr. Sri Sudiono, S.Si., M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Fisika Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng.
Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Organik Dr. Endang Astuti, M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Aljabar Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si.
Kepala Laboratorium Analisis Atok Zulijanto, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Komputasi Matematika Imam Solekhudin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Kepala Laboratorium Komputasi Statistika Dr. Adhitya Ronnie Effendie, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc.
Kepala Laboratorium Matematika Terapan Dr.rer.nat. Lina Aryati, M.S.
Kepala Laboratorium Statistika Dr. Gunardi, M.Si.
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Pakar UGM Ingatkan Bahaya Banjir Bandang Pasca Erupsi Gunung Semeru

UGM experts have warned of secondary or indirect dangers resulting from the eruption of Mount Semeru. In addition to the eruption and pyroclastic flow that occurred on December 4th, there is a potential for secondary hazards such as flash floods carrying volcanic material in upstream areas.

“Even though the eruption has ended, the potential for disaster threats still exists. In December, January, and February, we need to be aware of the potential for lava flows and possible subsequent eruptions,” said Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko S.Si., M.Sc., a Faculty Member of the UGM Geography Department, during a press conference at the FMIPA UGM Auditorium on Monday (6/12).

He explained that the La Niña phenomenon is bringing the potential for heavy rainfall, so people in areas with rivers originating from Mount Semeru need to be cautious. Residents should also avoid activities within the designated danger radius established by local authorities.

“Some rivers originating from Semeru need to be monitored so that when lava flows occur in the middle and lower parts, where many settlements are located, lives can be saved,” he said.

He also pointed out that there is a potential for hot materials, so evacuation processes need to be carried out carefully and involve parties with an understanding of the volcano’s conditions.

Residents in the eruption-affected areas are advised to wear masks and protective eyewear to avoid health hazards from volcanic ash, which contains silica and is of micro size.

Dr. Wahyudi, M.S., a UGM Geophysics expert, explained that since 2012, Mount Semeru had been classified as Level 2 or “Waspada” (Watch). Then, in September 2020, signs of activity were observed in the form of white and gray smoke plumes reaching heights of 200-700 meters above the peak of Semeru.

Similar activity continued in October 2020, reaching heights of 200-1000 meters, and on December 1, 2020, a pyroclastic flow occurred, extending 2 to 11 kilometers southeast toward Kobokan. In the last 90 days, there has been an increase in seismic activity, especially volcanic earthquakes.

“Some reached 100 times a day, which can serve as a precursor to a larger eruption,” said Wahyudi.

According to Wahyudi, the collapse of the lava dome triggered by heavy rainfall led to the occurrence of the pyroclastic flow, which traveled quite a distance, reaching 11 kilometers. Scientifically, heavy rainfall can cause instability in lava deposits.

“In some cases, external factors like heavy rainfall can indeed cause thermal stress and trigger instability within the lava dome. The lava dome becomes unstable, and the presence of heavy rainfall triggers landslides,” he explained.

To determine the dominant factors causing the eruption on December 4th, he suggested conducting an integrated data analysis covering volcanic earthquake data, deformation, gas emissions, and rainfall data over the past few months. These data should be correlated with events, including small and large-scale collapses.

Writer : Gloria

Source :

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Mahasiswa UGM Manfaatkan Limbah cangkang Telur Jadi Krim Anti-Aging

Cangkang telur adalah limbah pangan yang banyak dihasilkan dari rumah makan dan toko
pembuatan kue khususnya di daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta . Hal ini kemudian menginisiasi empat
mahasiswa UGM, Erma Nurjanahwati (Kimia 2019), Nata Dwi (Biologi 2019), Adinda Fitri
(MIkrobiologi Pertanian 2018), dan Shofia Amalia (Kimia 2018) untuk memanfaatkan limbah
cangkang telur sebagai bahan dasar sumber kolagen pembuatan krim anti-aging yang
dikombinasikan dengan madu.

Penelitian ini dikembangkan melalui kegiatan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Riset dan
Eksakta (PKM-RE). Erma dan tim terus berupaya menggali potensi kolagen yang terkandung di
dalam membran cangkang telur yang kemudian dikombinasikan madu sebagai pencegah penuaan
dengan memanfaatkan kolagen dan senyawa flavonoid pada madu.

Erma menuturkan sampai saat ini limbah cangkang telur masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh

Proses pembuatan krim anti-aging dimulai dengan pengambilan dan pembersihan membran
cangkang telur secara manual kemudian kolagen membran cangkang telur dilakukan ekstraksi .

Krim anti aging ini telah melalui berbagai tahapan pengujian seperti uji proksimat, derajat
keasaman (pH), viskositas,iritasi pada hewan dan organoleptik pada 30 responden dengan rentang
usia 19-40 tahun.

Kolagen yang terkandung pada membran cangkang telur diketahui lebih minim iritasi dan alergi.
Mengingat sejauh ini di pasaran masih banyak terdapat krim anti-aging yang menggunakan
retinoid sebagai bahan aktifnya yang memiliki sifat rentan terhadap cahaya matahari dan tidak
disarankan untuk ibu hamil atau ibu menyusui.


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