






The Department of Chemistry at UGM Conducts Community Service Program in the Adopted Village of Girirejo, Imogiri, Bantul.

The Covid-19 pandemic that has affected Indonesia and other countries over the past two years has had an impact on the health, social, and economic aspects of society. As of now, we have experienced three waves of the pandemic, and the increase in positive cases has started to decline. Restrictions on community activities are gradually being eased, but the economy is still experiencing a slowdown. The community service program in the adopted village by the Department of Chemistry this year is a continuation of the 2021 program.

This year, the program involved the production of handmade solid soap, which took place on Saturday, June 4, 2022, in the Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Region). The program invited guest speakers, practitioners, and small-scale natural soap business owners, Prof. Dr. Sri Handayani and Fatma Rizky Azzizah, S.Si. The program, which was attended by more than 40 residents, was conducted to address economic issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic through entrepreneurship training for small business groups.

Soap is a crucial material in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The handwashing movement is one of the essential measures in preventing the spread of Covid-19. “Soap making is a simple application of chemical science that can be carried out by the general public,” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, the head of the Community Service Team of the Department of Chemistry at UGM. The Village Head of Girirejo, Mrs. Dwi Yuli Purwanti, S.H., also mentioned that the training on making handwashing soap, liquid detergent, and solid soap conducted in the past two years is expected to create opportunities for the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) producing handmade soap by small community-based business groups in Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul.

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Pemberitahuan Yudisium Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor untuk Bulan Juni 2022

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa program sarjana, magister dan doktor Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa yudisium bulan Juni 2022 dijadwalkan pada Jumat, 24 Juni 2022 pukul 13.00 WIB dan penyerahan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat Selasa, 21 Juni 2022.

Selain menyerahkan berkas yudisium, mahasiswa juga diwajibkan untuk mendaftar secara online melalui laman dengan menggunakan SSO masing-masing.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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Visit and Initiation of Collaboration with the National Cyber and Cryptology Polytechnic.

The issues of cybersecurity and cryptography have become crucial in the digital era. On June 6, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM received a visit from the National Cyber and Cryptology Polytechnic (Poltek SSN) as part of the initiation of cooperation in the field of Higher Education’s Tridharma and several other collaborations. The delegation from Poltek SSN was led by Air Marshal First Class Tjahjo Khurniawan, who serves as the Director of Poltek SSN. This collaboration was initiated by the Department of Mathematics and will be expanded to the faculty level, involving other departments within FMIPA UGM.


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Initiation of Collaboration with the Clean Technology and Environment Research Center at BRIN (Indonesian Institute of Sciences).

Environmental pollution remains a major issue in the world’s environmental challenges today. This is evident from various environmental conventions such as the Stockholm Convention, Minamata Convention, etc. To address these environmental issues, research based on Chemistry needs to be developed to improve the quality of the environment in the future. On May 30, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM initiated collaboration with the Clean Technology and Environment Research Center at BRIN in Serpong.

In this collaboration initiation, several joint activities were agreed upon, including various collaborative research projects, co-supervision of students at the Ph.D., master’s, and bachelor’s levels, student internship activities, and more. Through this collaboration, it is expected that there will be knowledge sharing and the utilization of facilities to optimize various joint studies and activities conducted.

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The Department of Chemistry at UGM Conducts Community Service Program in the Adopted Village of Girirejo, Imogiri, Bantul.

The Covid-19 pandemic that has affected Indonesia and other countries over the past two years has had an impact on the health, social, and economic aspects of society. As of now, we have experienced three waves of the pandemic, and the increase in positive cases has started to decline. Restrictions on community activities are gradually being eased, but the economy is still experiencing a slowdown. The community service program in the adopted village by the Department of Chemistry this year is a continuation of the 2021 program.

This year, the program involved the production of handmade solid soap, which took place on Saturday, June 4, 2022, in the Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Region). The program invited guest speakers, practitioners, and small-scale natural soap business owners, Prof. Dr. Sri Handayani and Fatma Rizky Azzizah, S.Si. The program, which was attended by more than 40 residents, was conducted to address economic issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic through entrepreneurship training for small business groups.

Soap is a crucial material in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The handwashing movement is one of the essential measures in preventing the spread of Covid-19. “Soap making is a simple application of chemical science that can be carried out by the general public,” said Dr. Winarto Haryadi, the head of the Community Service Team of the Department of Chemistry at UGM. The Village Head of Girirejo, Mrs. Dwi Yuli Purwanti, S.H., also mentioned that the training on making handwashing soap, liquid detergent, and solid soap conducted in the past two years is expected to create opportunities for the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) producing handmade soap by small community-based business groups in Girirejo Village, Imogiri, Bantul.

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Pemberitahuan Yudisium Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor untuk Bulan Juni 2022

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa program sarjana, magister dan doktor Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa yudisium bulan Juni 2022 dijadwalkan pada Jumat, 24 Juni 2022 pukul 13.00 WIB dan penyerahan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat Selasa, 21 Juni 2022.

Selain menyerahkan berkas yudisium, mahasiswa juga diwajibkan untuk mendaftar secara online melalui laman dengan menggunakan SSO masing-masing.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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Visit and Initiation of Collaboration with the National Cyber and Cryptology Polytechnic.

The issues of cybersecurity and cryptography have become crucial in the digital era. On June 6, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM received a visit from the National Cyber and Cryptology Polytechnic (Poltek SSN) as part of the initiation of cooperation in the field of Higher Education’s Tridharma and several other collaborations. The delegation from Poltek SSN was led by Air Marshal First Class Tjahjo Khurniawan, who serves as the Director of Poltek SSN. This collaboration was initiated by the Department of Mathematics and will be expanded to the faculty level, involving other departments within FMIPA UGM.


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Initiation of Collaboration with the Clean Technology and Environment Research Center at BRIN (Indonesian Institute of Sciences).

Environmental pollution remains a major issue in the world’s environmental challenges today. This is evident from various environmental conventions such as the Stockholm Convention, Minamata Convention, etc. To address these environmental issues, research based on Chemistry needs to be developed to improve the quality of the environment in the future. On May 30, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM initiated collaboration with the Clean Technology and Environment Research Center at BRIN in Serpong.

In this collaboration initiation, several joint activities were agreed upon, including various collaborative research projects, co-supervision of students at the Ph.D., master’s, and bachelor’s levels, student internship activities, and more. Through this collaboration, it is expected that there will be knowledge sharing and the utilization of facilities to optimize various joint studies and activities conducted.

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