The faculty that educates students in the area of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Gadjah Mada were inaugurated on 19 September 1955 with the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture dated 15 September 1955 No 53 759/Kab. In a letter, this decision is still a faculty combined with the so-called Union of the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Natural Sciences. Since September 1, 1956, the faculty of science (abbreviated FIPA) has begun to separate themselves from the Faculty of Engineering. At the time Faculty Association, the new FIPA has one Department who then called the Department of Science. This department has been around since 1950, namely as part of Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering.
At the time of FIPA began to build on its own as a Faculty (as per 1 September 1956), opened a new department that was then called the Department of Natural Sciences, and then on 1, September 1960 add the majors again that is Department of the Chemical Sciences. Starting on December 28, 1982, the name was changed to FIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), and to this date has three departments, namely the Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry and Department of Mathematics.
At the time of the launch of the Faculty Union (Fakultas Persatuan), the new FIPA has one Department that was then called the Departement of Science. This department has been around since 1950, namely as part of Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering. At the time of FIPA began to start on its own as a Faculty (1 September 1956), opened a new department that was then called the Section of Natural Sciences, and then on 1, September 1960 added the majors again that is a Department of the Chemistry. Starting on December 28, 1982, the name was changed to FIPA Natural Sciences (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), and date has three courses, namely the Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry and Department of Mathematics.
Since I was a combined faculty to secede from the Faculty of Engineering, Office and lectures are still held at the Faculty of Engineering is on the road a long time Jetisharjo No. 1 Yogyakarta. Basic physics lab activities and workshop were held at the Medical Faculty of the old complex are in Mangkubumen.Mulai November 1960, FIPA occupies a new building Sekip Unit III. Lectures and faculty offices began to be concentrated in this building although most activities are still held in Jetisharjo and complex Mangkubumen. Gradually built additional buildings, both in the north building Sekip Unit III and in the regions Sendowo. In 1967, the Physics Laboratory of Mangkubumen moved to a temporary building on the North Sekip Unit III. In 1970, this laboratory was moved again and together with the Laboratory of Electronics placed in semi-permanent buildings in Sendowo south of the Faculty of Biology. The building of Former Physics Laboratory is used for Analytical Chemistry Laboratory.
Until 1986, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has the physical infrastructure of the building area of 13 925 m2 and a library with some books as much as 10,529 fruit and the number of titles as many as 4,297 pieces. In 1987, through the development project with the help of World Bank Project IX, the library material has been increased to 13 929 books with 5954 pieces of the title. The physical infrastructure of the building is also combined with 1369 m2 of space office faculty and 3764 m2 building chemistry lab so entirely widened 19058 m2.
With the construction of the administrative building of the faculty and a chemical laboratory in North Sekip (Sekip Utara) by the World Bank Project IX, starting in February 1989 Administrative Office of Natural Sciences and Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry has occupied new buildings in the North Sekip. In February 1994, fire accident occurred in the building Sekip Unit III. One-third of the building, which is an area of approximately 1200 m2 severely damaged and unusable. Organic Chemistry entire laboratory space, laboratory space Library Computing and Mathematics Graduate Program and all its contents in the form of laboratory equipment, lab and research materials, books, magazines, journals and others destroyed by fire.
At the beginning of the academic year, 1995/1996 has completed a new building for the Department of Physics, even if only part of the original plan. It has also begun construction of a new building for the Department of Mathematics and Department of Chemistry. In early 1996, most of the new building has been completed, and all the activities of the office and virtually all academic activities were in North Sekip.
At the beginning of 2003, it has completed a three-story building covering an area of 1506.90 m2 so that the total area of 22552 m2 building into the new building for the organization of lectures and Internet services center Student (Student Internet Center).
Since the time of its establishment until 1980, the Faculty has programs of Baccalaureate and Bachelor. Baccalaureate program takes three years, ending with the provision of a baccalaureate and it is terminal. Bachelor education program requires five years and end with the provision of a Bachelor degree. Since the enactment of the stratification of higher education by the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0124 / U / 1979, the start of the school year 1980/1981, the faculty organizes an undergraduate program of 8 to 9 semesters with a Bachelor’s degree attainment (Strata 1, S1). In Undergraduate Program, the Baccalaureate Program is no longer terminal until late 1986 despite a Baccalaureate still be given to students who have met certain requirements.
Since 1987, it no longer had awarded Bachelor’s degree. Since 1994, the official title for the graduates of the program is a Bachelor of Science (S.Si.), and especially for the Computer Science Program since 2000, It has been using the degree of S. Kom.
Until 1985, the faculty held a phon-three kinds of courses, each of which is an integrated study plan that is expressed in a curriculum program. Study Program of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are each held in the Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
In the academic year, 1985/1986 opened a particular program of Mathematics, and Science Education D3 stratified SO aimed at giving authority to teach at the SMTP level and the SMTA, through the establishment of professional competence in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. By the decree of the Director of Academic Support Directorate General of Higher Education No. 695 / D2 / 1991, the start of the school year of 1991/1992, Faculty no longer accepting new students for this particular program. Starting the school year, 1994/1995, it has no longer held a diploma program of Biology and Mathematics Education.
Since the 1987/1988 academic year, the Department of Mathematics opened two new courses namely Studies Program Statistics and Computer Science Program, as well as the Department of Physics, began two new courses namely Geophysical Studies Program and Program Electronics and Instrumentation.
In the year 1998/1999 has been opened D3 program Computer and Information Systems by decision No.: 2305 / DIKTI / KEP / 1998, dated August 19, 1998, with S0 strata. 1999/2000 also opened D3 Electronics and Instrumentation.
Science Master Program (S2) initially only cover subject areas of Physics and Chemistry. But in the start of the school year 1992/1993, combined with the field of study Mathematics accordance with the decree. Higher Education No. 128 / DIKTI / Kep / 1992. Physics Study field includes geophysical patterns of interest. In the field of Mathematics from the date of 11 April 1992 opened the pattern of interest in computer science. And in the academic year of 1999, the Faculty of Science opens a Computer Science Master Program with Higher Education Decree No. 259 / DIKTI / KEP / 1999, dated May 27, 1999.
Several buildings in the Faculty are also feeling the impact of the damage caused by the earthquake that struck the region of Yogyakarta on 27 May 2006. The worst damage occurred in the Physics building Sekip Utara west-wing while the buildings that are experiencing mild to moderate levels of damage. All the damage has been repaired and used again at the beginning of the first semester of academic year 2006/2007
In 2010, a proposal the establishment of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics (JIKE) filed faculty since 2006, was finally approved by UGM. In the organizational structure, JIKE sponsors two courses namely the Electronics and Instrumentation Program, which moved from the Department of Physics, and Computer Science Studies Program, who moved from the Department of Mathematics.