





Info Akademik

Pengumuman Libur Kuliah Terkait Kegiatan SBMPTN 2018

Sehubungan dengan adanya kegiatan Ujian Tertulis SBMPTN Tahun 2018 yang diselenggarakan di lingkungan Universitas Gadjah Mada, sesuai dengan keputusan Rapat Kerja Fakultas MIPA tanggal 25 April 2018, dengan ini disampaikan bahwa perkuliahan diliburkan selama 1 (satu) hari pada hari dan tanggal berikut ini:

Selasa, 8 Mei 2018

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya diucapkan terima kasih.

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Pengumuman Yudisium Program S1 Bulan April 2018

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa Program S1 Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa Yudisium Program S1 bulan April 2018 dijadwalkan pada hari Jumat tanggal 27 April 2018 dan pengumpulan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat hari Selasa tanggal 24 April 2018.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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Tunghai Scholarship – Department of Applied Physics

Those who are interested to apply this scholarship, can directly contact the professors (listed below) according to their research interest to make an appointment for online interview. After the interview, applicants who are accepted by the professor to join the group can start the application from the system of the office of international education & programs (

For detail information please contact Dr. Sholihun:  and please kindly fill out this form:




Application Timeline

Item Fall Semester Spring Semester
Submission January 29 to May 31 October 1 to November 1
Post results
on THU website
Mid of June Mid of December
Acceptances letter
sent to applicants
End of June End of December
Registration Early September Early February


Prof. Hsi-Lien Hsiao :

The current research directions we are conducting in our lab (laboratory of Advanced Materials and Devices Physics) are syntheses and assembly of low-dimensional semiconductor materials and its applications in solar energy harvesting, all-solid state Li battery and e-skin.



Prof. Chuan-Tsung Chan   

My research interests focus on the theoretical structures of string and gauge theories. In particular, I am mostly concerned with the non-perturbative definitions/constructions of the quantum gravity in the context of minimal string theory. To achieve this goal, I have extensively worked on the study of the matrix models, which are exactly solvable toy-models for a description of the lower dimensional quantum gravity.

For a detailed list of my publication, please check

I welcome students who have keen interests in mathematical physics. The prerequisite is simple: two-year course works for mathematics including freshmen calculus and applied mathematics for physics major. Candidates must be willing to do independent study under my guidance. For more information, I can be reached by


Prof. Kwai-Kong Ng

Research area: Computational physics, quantum Monte Carlo, strongly correlated many body systems, frustrated quantum spin systems. Recently focus on numerical studies of novel phases, such as spin supersolids and valence bond solids, and related quantum and thermal phase transitions on spin and bosonic strongly correlated systems.

Requirements: interest on computer simulations, experience on computer programming is preferred but not necessary. Self-motivated and capable to work independently.



Prof. Tsong-Shin Lin

The Laboratory of Applied Spectroscopy and Optics is featured with the confocal microscopy, the single-molecule spectroscopy, the micro-raman spectroscopy, and the time-resolved spectroscopy. We are devoted to use these spectroscopic and optical technologies to different fields of research, such as dynamical behaviors of conjugated polymers, photophysical properties of fluorescent nanoparticles, biomedical imaging, and color appearance of insects. Recently we had been focus on the research of photophysical properties of fluorescence nanodiamonds, conjugated polymers, and graphene quantum dots. If you are interested in spectroscopy or optics, welcome to join us.



Prof. Chai-Yi Huang:

Liquid Crystals and Metamaterials LAB

  1. Liquid crystal-based beam shapers for laser control. 2. Liquid crystal-based force sensors for touch panels. 3. Liquid crystal-based spatial filters for image processing. 4. Tunable metamaterials for invisible cloaking.


Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “Dual-function beam shapers fabricated by photoaligned liquid crystal cells” Appl. Phys. Express 4, 052502 (2011).

Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “Transparent force sensing arrays with low power consumption using liquid crystal arrays,” Sens. Actu. A‐Phys. 190, 136 (2013)

Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “All-optical and polarization-independent spatial filter based on a vertically-aligned polymerstabilized liquid crystal film with a photoconductive layer,” Opt. Express 17, 22386 (2009).

Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “Resonance enhancement of terahertz metamaterials by liquid crystals/ITO interfaces,” Optics Express 21, 6519 (2013)


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[Singapore] Nanyang Technological University – TF LEaRN 2018

[Scholarship is offered for this program]

We are currently inviting nominations for the 10th Temasek Foundation International Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TFI LEaRN) Programme.

This scholarship programme serves to provide a total experiential learning platform for talented Asian undergraduate young leaders with good academic standing to study a semester (26 July – 8 December 2017) at NTU.

The total experiential learning platform is achieved through the amalgamation of semester course work, community service learning, cultural exchange, projects and host family experience in Singapore. Recipients can look forward to travel out of his/her home country for a semester of immersion that will equip him/her with relevant skills and knowledge  to make a greater contribution as a young leader in his/her home country and in the region.

Please refer to the TFI LEaRN @ NTU info sheet enclosed for more details on the programme and the application procedures.


Students may also visit our web at for more information.\



Please send all documents above in 2 COPIES to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-13) no later than March 15, 2018.



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Pengumuman Libur Kuliah Terkait Kegiatan SBMPTN 2018

Sehubungan dengan adanya kegiatan Ujian Tertulis SBMPTN Tahun 2018 yang diselenggarakan di lingkungan Universitas Gadjah Mada, sesuai dengan keputusan Rapat Kerja Fakultas MIPA tanggal 25 April 2018, dengan ini disampaikan bahwa perkuliahan diliburkan selama 1 (satu) hari pada hari dan tanggal berikut ini:

Selasa, 8 Mei 2018

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya diucapkan terima kasih.

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Pengumuman Yudisium Program S1 Bulan April 2018

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa Program S1 Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa Yudisium Program S1 bulan April 2018 dijadwalkan pada hari Jumat tanggal 27 April 2018 dan pengumpulan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat hari Selasa tanggal 24 April 2018.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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Tunghai Scholarship – Department of Applied Physics

Those who are interested to apply this scholarship, can directly contact the professors (listed below) according to their research interest to make an appointment for online interview. After the interview, applicants who are accepted by the professor to join the group can start the application from the system of the office of international education & programs (

For detail information please contact Dr. Sholihun:  and please kindly fill out this form:




Application Timeline

Item Fall Semester Spring Semester
Submission January 29 to May 31 October 1 to November 1
Post results
on THU website
Mid of June Mid of December
Acceptances letter
sent to applicants
End of June End of December
Registration Early September Early February


Prof. Hsi-Lien Hsiao :

The current research directions we are conducting in our lab (laboratory of Advanced Materials and Devices Physics) are syntheses and assembly of low-dimensional semiconductor materials and its applications in solar energy harvesting, all-solid state Li battery and e-skin.



Prof. Chuan-Tsung Chan   

My research interests focus on the theoretical structures of string and gauge theories. In particular, I am mostly concerned with the non-perturbative definitions/constructions of the quantum gravity in the context of minimal string theory. To achieve this goal, I have extensively worked on the study of the matrix models, which are exactly solvable toy-models for a description of the lower dimensional quantum gravity.

For a detailed list of my publication, please check

I welcome students who have keen interests in mathematical physics. The prerequisite is simple: two-year course works for mathematics including freshmen calculus and applied mathematics for physics major. Candidates must be willing to do independent study under my guidance. For more information, I can be reached by


Prof. Kwai-Kong Ng

Research area: Computational physics, quantum Monte Carlo, strongly correlated many body systems, frustrated quantum spin systems. Recently focus on numerical studies of novel phases, such as spin supersolids and valence bond solids, and related quantum and thermal phase transitions on spin and bosonic strongly correlated systems.

Requirements: interest on computer simulations, experience on computer programming is preferred but not necessary. Self-motivated and capable to work independently.



Prof. Tsong-Shin Lin

The Laboratory of Applied Spectroscopy and Optics is featured with the confocal microscopy, the single-molecule spectroscopy, the micro-raman spectroscopy, and the time-resolved spectroscopy. We are devoted to use these spectroscopic and optical technologies to different fields of research, such as dynamical behaviors of conjugated polymers, photophysical properties of fluorescent nanoparticles, biomedical imaging, and color appearance of insects. Recently we had been focus on the research of photophysical properties of fluorescence nanodiamonds, conjugated polymers, and graphene quantum dots. If you are interested in spectroscopy or optics, welcome to join us.



Prof. Chai-Yi Huang:

Liquid Crystals and Metamaterials LAB

  1. Liquid crystal-based beam shapers for laser control. 2. Liquid crystal-based force sensors for touch panels. 3. Liquid crystal-based spatial filters for image processing. 4. Tunable metamaterials for invisible cloaking.


Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “Dual-function beam shapers fabricated by photoaligned liquid crystal cells” Appl. Phys. Express 4, 052502 (2011).

Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “Transparent force sensing arrays with low power consumption using liquid crystal arrays,” Sens. Actu. A‐Phys. 190, 136 (2013)

Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “All-optical and polarization-independent spatial filter based on a vertically-aligned polymerstabilized liquid crystal film with a photoconductive layer,” Opt. Express 17, 22386 (2009).

Chia-Yi Huang et. al., “Resonance enhancement of terahertz metamaterials by liquid crystals/ITO interfaces,” Optics Express 21, 6519 (2013)


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[Singapore] Nanyang Technological University – TF LEaRN 2018

[Scholarship is offered for this program]

We are currently inviting nominations for the 10th Temasek Foundation International Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TFI LEaRN) Programme.

This scholarship programme serves to provide a total experiential learning platform for talented Asian undergraduate young leaders with good academic standing to study a semester (26 July – 8 December 2017) at NTU.

The total experiential learning platform is achieved through the amalgamation of semester course work, community service learning, cultural exchange, projects and host family experience in Singapore. Recipients can look forward to travel out of his/her home country for a semester of immersion that will equip him/her with relevant skills and knowledge  to make a greater contribution as a young leader in his/her home country and in the region.

Please refer to the TFI LEaRN @ NTU info sheet enclosed for more details on the programme and the application procedures.


Students may also visit our web at for more information.\



Please send all documents above in 2 COPIES to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-13) no later than March 15, 2018.



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