
Info Akademik

Pengumuman Yudisium Program Sarjana Bulan November 2018

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa Program Sarjana Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa Yudisium Program Sarjana bulan November 2018 dijadwalkan pada hari Kamis tanggal 29 November 2018 dan pengumpulan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat hari Senin tanggal 26 November 2018.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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[Japan] Kanazawa University Short-term Exchange Program (2019-2020)

[Scholarship is offered for this program]

Please find the guidelines and application forms for Kanazawa University Short-term Exchange Program (2019-2020).

Program website:

These programs are designed for students from the institutions that have an exchange agreement with Kanazawa University who intend to study at Kanazawa University for a period of more than six months up to one year. While remaining enrolled at their home institutions, they study in a non-degree program at Kanazawa University for the purpose of taking credited classes or participating in independent research under the guidance of a supervisor.



Application guidelines:

Program C Application Guide 
Outline of Semester Program 

<For Program A, C, D, E>

Program Application Form (For April 2019 Entrance) / (For October 2019 Entrance) /

Recommedation  / Certificate of Enrollment  

<For Candidates> 
Medical Report  / Agreement for Defraying Expenses 



•  Application Packages (please refer to the program that you interested to apply)
•  Curriculum Vitae
•  Motivation Letter
•  Certificate of Enrollment from faculty
•  Official academic transcript
•  Letter of Recommendation from academic advisor
•  Colored copy of passport
•  Passport-size photo (4 pieces, 3.5 x 4.5 cm, white background color, taken within the past three months)
•  Letter of Nomination from faculty (*addressed to Head of Office of International Affairs)
•  English language proficiency  (Min. Score of TOEFL – ITP=530, iBT 80 or IELTS 6.0)


1) Submit the aforementioned documents to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur F-12) for internal review.
2) OIA staffs will evaluate your application.
3) Once you are selected as Nominated Student, you can continue the online registration in host university website.
4) FINAL decision from Kanazawa University

Please send all documents above in hardcopy (2 COPIES) to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-12) and  softcopy (compiled in 1 PDF file) to no later than no later than:

  1. October 19, 2018 for Program C, D and E (beginning in April)
  2. January 4, 2019 for Program A, C, D and E (beginning in October) (original documents)


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Pengumuman Yudisium Program Sarjana Bulan Oktober 2018

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa Program Sarjana Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa Yudisium Program Sarjana bulan Oktober 2018 dijadwalkan pada hari Kamis tanggal 25 Oktober 2018 dan pengumpulan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat hari Senin tanggal 22 Oktober 2018.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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Pengumuman Yudisium Program Sarjana Bulan November 2018

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa Program Sarjana Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa Yudisium Program Sarjana bulan November 2018 dijadwalkan pada hari Kamis tanggal 29 November 2018 dan pengumpulan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat hari Senin tanggal 26 November 2018.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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[Japan] Kanazawa University Short-term Exchange Program (2019-2020)

[Scholarship is offered for this program]

Please find the guidelines and application forms for Kanazawa University Short-term Exchange Program (2019-2020).

Program website:

These programs are designed for students from the institutions that have an exchange agreement with Kanazawa University who intend to study at Kanazawa University for a period of more than six months up to one year. While remaining enrolled at their home institutions, they study in a non-degree program at Kanazawa University for the purpose of taking credited classes or participating in independent research under the guidance of a supervisor.



Application guidelines:

Program C Application Guide 
Outline of Semester Program 

<For Program A, C, D, E>

Program Application Form (For April 2019 Entrance) / (For October 2019 Entrance) /

Recommedation  / Certificate of Enrollment  

<For Candidates> 
Medical Report  / Agreement for Defraying Expenses 



•  Application Packages (please refer to the program that you interested to apply)
•  Curriculum Vitae
•  Motivation Letter
•  Certificate of Enrollment from faculty
•  Official academic transcript
•  Letter of Recommendation from academic advisor
•  Colored copy of passport
•  Passport-size photo (4 pieces, 3.5 x 4.5 cm, white background color, taken within the past three months)
•  Letter of Nomination from faculty (*addressed to Head of Office of International Affairs)
•  English language proficiency  (Min. Score of TOEFL – ITP=530, iBT 80 or IELTS 6.0)


1) Submit the aforementioned documents to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur F-12) for internal review.
2) OIA staffs will evaluate your application.
3) Once you are selected as Nominated Student, you can continue the online registration in host university website.
4) FINAL decision from Kanazawa University

Please send all documents above in hardcopy (2 COPIES) to Office of International Affairs, UGM (Bulaksumur Block F-12) and  softcopy (compiled in 1 PDF file) to no later than no later than:

  1. October 19, 2018 for Program C, D and E (beginning in April)
  2. January 4, 2019 for Program A, C, D and E (beginning in October) (original documents)


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Pengumuman Yudisium Program Sarjana Bulan Oktober 2018

Diberitahukan kepada para mahasiswa Program Sarjana Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada bahwa Yudisium Program Sarjana bulan Oktober 2018 dijadwalkan pada hari Kamis tanggal 25 Oktober 2018 dan pengumpulan berkas yudisium dari program studi ke fakultas paling lambat hari Senin tanggal 22 Oktober 2018.

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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