Penawaran Beasiswa VDMS 2015/2016
Informasi lengkap mengenai persyaratan beasiswa VDMS 2015/2016 dapat diunduh di , Deadline tanggal 13 Maret 2015.
Informasi lengkap mengenai persyaratan beasiswa VDMS 2015/2016 dapat diunduh di , Deadline tanggal 13 Maret 2015.
Penawaran Beasiswa PT Nikomas Gemilang, Deadline tanggal 15 Februari 2015. Informasi selengkapnya dapat diunduh di
The Ancora-Khazanah Asia (Global) Scholarship is a collaboration between the Ancora Foundation and Yayasan Khazanah to allow Indonesians to pursue Postgraduate studies at one of the top universities in the world.
This programme supports Yayasan Khazanah’s objective to develop future business and industry leaders in the region. It further provides a means for Khazanah and its group of companies to contribute towards the social development of the countries it has operational interests, especially Indonesia.
Selection Criteria
The potential candidate(s) must fulfil the following requirements:
A. General Terms and Conditions
B. Master Degree
C. PhD
List of Universities and Field of Studies
List of approved universities:
List of approved field of studies:
The registration period for intake 2015 intake (Academic Year 2015-2016) is open. Please fill out the application form and email it back to along with your:
Terms and Conditions
Each fellowship is tenable for a postgraduate program at any of the approved universities. The successful candidate is expected to complete his/her studies within the tenable period.
Each scholarship shall cover the following:
Bersama ini kami teruskan informasi dari Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Universitas Gadjah Mada terkait Penawaran Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation. Deadline pendaftaran tanggal 18 Januari 2015. Informasi lebih lengkapnya dapat dibuka di
Penawaran Beasiswa VDMS 2015/2016
Informasi lengkap mengenai persyaratan beasiswa VDMS 2015/2016 dapat diunduh di , Deadline tanggal 13 Maret 2015.
Penawaran Beasiswa PT Nikomas Gemilang
Penawaran Beasiswa PT Nikomas Gemilang, Deadline tanggal 15 Februari 2015. Informasi selengkapnya dapat diunduh di
The Khazanah Asia (Global) Scholarship
The Ancora-Khazanah Asia (Global) Scholarship is a collaboration between the Ancora Foundation and Yayasan Khazanah to allow Indonesians to pursue Postgraduate studies at one of the top universities in the world.
This programme supports Yayasan Khazanah’s objective to develop future business and industry leaders in the region. It further provides a means for Khazanah and its group of companies to contribute towards the social development of the countries it has operational interests, especially Indonesia.
Selection Criteria
The potential candidate(s) must fulfil the following requirements:
A. General Terms and Conditions
B. Master Degree
C. PhD
List of Universities and Field of Studies
List of approved universities:
List of approved field of studies:
The registration period for intake 2015 intake (Academic Year 2015-2016) is open. Please fill out the application form and email it back to along with your:
Terms and Conditions
Each fellowship is tenable for a postgraduate program at any of the approved universities. The successful candidate is expected to complete his/her studies within the tenable period.
Each scholarship shall cover the following:
Penawaran Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation
Bersama ini kami teruskan informasi dari Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Universitas Gadjah Mada terkait Penawaran Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation. Deadline pendaftaran tanggal 18 Januari 2015. Informasi lebih lengkapnya dapat dibuka di