





Januari 3, 2024

Accreditation Excellence Achieved, Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Captivates Assessors with Physics and Geophysics Program Quality

Concluding the year with elation, the Department of Physics FMIPA UGM secured outstanding accreditation from LAMSAMA (Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences). The accreditation criteria include vision, mission, goals/targets; governance and cooperation; students; human resources; finance, facilities, and infrastructure; education; research; community service; and the achievements of the tridharma (the three pillars of higher education). The accreditation process took place over four days, starting with a visitation and concluding with the signing accreditation agreement on Tuesday, December 19th, 2023 at the Department of Physics building.

Dr. Eddy Hartantyo, M.Si., the Secretary of the Department of Physics, directly accompanied the accreditation activities. He conveyed various positive impressions from the assessors regarding the institution’s efforts to improve the program’s quality continuously. This is evident in various research and innovations developed, the presence of relatively rare laboratory equipment, a career center for student career preparation, and the availability of discussion rooms for students and lecturers. “In the laboratory, there are manually operated tools, not computer-based ones. These tools stimulate the instinct and sensitivity of students in research. Then, there is a common room used for gatherings and discussions. There is a place to make coffee and a pantry similar to those in Europe. Furthermore, our library is like those in foreign universities with various components. In addition, there is a career center for students to prepare for their future careers,” Eddy explained.

The efforts of all personnel, both from the Geophysics and Physics programs, bore fruit. On 28th December 2023, both programs received the “excellent” predicate with numbers 138/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2023 for the Geophysics program and number 136/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2023 for the Physics program. The accreditation is valid until 28th December 2028 (for 5 years). In this regard, Eddy stated that this accreditation is important. “We now know the weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities that can be planned for the future. Hopefully, we can further improve research with downstream systems such as the Gamadu (seismometer),” Eddy clarified.

Forward-looking expectations were also expressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si. “We aspire to evolve into a department characterized by excellence and productivity, encompassing stellar achievements in research, scholarly journals, and the introduction of innovative products and research ventures into the market,” he explained. The accreditation sought by the Department of Physics is one implementation of SDGs in the field of quality education, innovation, and partnerships through efforts to improve the quality of education, develop research and innovation, and expand cooperation with various partners in preparing the best talents from the Department of Physics.

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Empowering Indonesia’s Energy Future: FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Lead with Geophysics Innovation Study

The commitment to maintaining a balance between energy availability and demand is consistently pursued by FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation Pertamina Hulu Energi through collaborative research efforts. This aligns with the three SDGs points: (1) clean and affordable energy, (2) infrastructure, industry, and innovation, and (3) partnerships to achieve goals. In connection with this, a user meeting was organized as a discussion forum on geophysics innovation studies. The event took place on December 19-20, 2023, in Yogyakarta. Besides presenting research reports, the agenda served as a platform for disseminating knowledge related to the management and exploration of energy potential, especially petroleum.

One of the research topics under discussion is the Clean Technology SP-RT for Water Injection Monitoring. This research refers to clean energy-based innovations that are effective and cost-efficient. The effectiveness of existing innovations in the oil exploration process addresses the challenge of balancing energy availability and demand. On the other hand, the presence of innovation in this research undermines environmentally damaging methods, such as explosive detonation techniques.

Dr. T. Marwan Irnaka, M.Sc., a member of the research team, emphasized that the developed research must consider the conditions of the surrounding community. This is done to alleviate conflicts that often arise in society due to social sentiments formed towards energy exploration activities. “In the field, we (the research team) strive to build good interactions with the community using a positive approach. Even when leaving, we are sometimes detained,” recalled Irnaka during field exploration. In this regard, it is conveyed that the research conducted also provides an opportunity for students to be involved, allowing them to experience firsthand the implementation of knowledge acquired in the professional world. The hope is that geophysics studies will continue to evolve through ongoing research efforts to guide future energy exploration and management.

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Shofi Rahmadini

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Fortify Data Security Measures, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi Officially Forge Research Collaboration

Risks and threats inevitably accompany the increasing use of the internet. The emergence of data leaks, virtual fraud, piracy, and other digital crimes poses a collective challenge in the rapidly expanding realm of internet usage. In response to these challenges, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi synergize in research and innovation to develop the Key Management System (KMS), as announced through a collaboration signed on Thursday, 28th December 2023, at FMIPA UGM. The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UGM and his team, the Cryptography Research Team of FMIPA UGM, and representatives from PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi. In this context, The President and Commissioner of UMG Idealab, Kiwi Aliwarga, and The Director of PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi, Desi Hapsari, also virtually attended.

“On behalf of FMIPA UGM, we will support this collaboration,” stated Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si in his address. The developed research product is a system designed to manage and supervise the use of encryption keys in cryptography. “This product can be considered the first of its kind in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. As information, the KMS product has been certified by Common Criteria (ISO 15408), recognized in 31 countries. So, this KMS product can be applied in 31 countries. Because it’s the first, the challenge is how our resources can support it. Honestly, we have to admit that finding experts in the field of cryptography is still very limited,” explained Ali Antonius, the Regional Head of UMG Idealab (Sandhiguna). The existing research collaboration is a manifestation of the SDGs values in the fields of innovation and partnership, aiming to achieve goals in addressing data security issues and digital crimes.

The Head of the Cryptography Research Team, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si., conveyed that the synergy in research will expand and strengthen interdisciplinary research, such as mathematics and computer science. “On the other hand, this research is an implementation of existing knowledge to address issues such as data security and cybercrime. The challenge in this collaboration lies in standardizing a robust security system to withstand hacking,” explained Indah. The hope is that this research will raise awareness of data security and digital literacy across multiple sectors, including government, society, and other institutions. Ali also expressed his hope, saying, “May this collaboration proceed smoothly and well. Together, let’s build products that can benefit Indonesia because currently and in the future data security is an absolute necessity. Also, both parties can mutually benefit from this collaboration.”

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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Accreditation Excellence Achieved, Department of Physics FMIPA UGM Captivates Assessors with Physics and Geophysics Program Quality

Concluding the year with elation, the Department of Physics FMIPA UGM secured outstanding accreditation from LAMSAMA (Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences). The accreditation criteria include vision, mission, goals/targets; governance and cooperation; students; human resources; finance, facilities, and infrastructure; education; research; community service; and the achievements of the tridharma (the three pillars of higher education). The accreditation process took place over four days, starting with a visitation and concluding with the signing accreditation agreement on Tuesday, December 19th, 2023 at the Department of Physics building.

Dr. Eddy Hartantyo, M.Si., the Secretary of the Department of Physics, directly accompanied the accreditation activities. He conveyed various positive impressions from the assessors regarding the institution’s efforts to improve the program’s quality continuously. This is evident in various research and innovations developed, the presence of relatively rare laboratory equipment, a career center for student career preparation, and the availability of discussion rooms for students and lecturers. “In the laboratory, there are manually operated tools, not computer-based ones. These tools stimulate the instinct and sensitivity of students in research. Then, there is a common room used for gatherings and discussions. There is a place to make coffee and a pantry similar to those in Europe. Furthermore, our library is like those in foreign universities with various components. In addition, there is a career center for students to prepare for their future careers,” Eddy explained.

The efforts of all personnel, both from the Geophysics and Physics programs, bore fruit. On 28th December 2023, both programs received the “excellent” predicate with numbers 138/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2023 for the Geophysics program and number 136/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2023 for the Physics program. The accreditation is valid until 28th December 2028 (for 5 years). In this regard, Eddy stated that this accreditation is important. “We now know the weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities that can be planned for the future. Hopefully, we can further improve research with downstream systems such as the Gamadu (seismometer),” Eddy clarified.

Forward-looking expectations were also expressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si. “We aspire to evolve into a department characterized by excellence and productivity, encompassing stellar achievements in research, scholarly journals, and the introduction of innovative products and research ventures into the market,” he explained. The accreditation sought by the Department of Physics is one implementation of SDGs in the field of quality education, innovation, and partnerships through efforts to improve the quality of education, develop research and innovation, and expand cooperation with various partners in preparing the best talents from the Department of Physics.

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

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Empowering Indonesia’s Energy Future: FMIPA UGM and Pertamina Lead with Geophysics Innovation Study

The commitment to maintaining a balance between energy availability and demand is consistently pursued by FMIPA UGM and Upstream Innovation Pertamina Hulu Energi through collaborative research efforts. This aligns with the three SDGs points: (1) clean and affordable energy, (2) infrastructure, industry, and innovation, and (3) partnerships to achieve goals. In connection with this, a user meeting was organized as a discussion forum on geophysics innovation studies. The event took place on December 19-20, 2023, in Yogyakarta. Besides presenting research reports, the agenda served as a platform for disseminating knowledge related to the management and exploration of energy potential, especially petroleum.

One of the research topics under discussion is the Clean Technology SP-RT for Water Injection Monitoring. This research refers to clean energy-based innovations that are effective and cost-efficient. The effectiveness of existing innovations in the oil exploration process addresses the challenge of balancing energy availability and demand. On the other hand, the presence of innovation in this research undermines environmentally damaging methods, such as explosive detonation techniques.

Dr. T. Marwan Irnaka, M.Sc., a member of the research team, emphasized that the developed research must consider the conditions of the surrounding community. This is done to alleviate conflicts that often arise in society due to social sentiments formed towards energy exploration activities. “In the field, we (the research team) strive to build good interactions with the community using a positive approach. Even when leaving, we are sometimes detained,” recalled Irnaka during field exploration. In this regard, it is conveyed that the research conducted also provides an opportunity for students to be involved, allowing them to experience firsthand the implementation of knowledge acquired in the professional world. The hope is that geophysics studies will continue to evolve through ongoing research efforts to guide future energy exploration and management.

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Shofi Rahmadini

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Fortify Data Security Measures, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi Officially Forge Research Collaboration

Risks and threats inevitably accompany the increasing use of the internet. The emergence of data leaks, virtual fraud, piracy, and other digital crimes poses a collective challenge in the rapidly expanding realm of internet usage. In response to these challenges, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi synergize in research and innovation to develop the Key Management System (KMS), as announced through a collaboration signed on Thursday, 28th December 2023, at FMIPA UGM. The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UGM and his team, the Cryptography Research Team of FMIPA UGM, and representatives from PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi. In this context, The President and Commissioner of UMG Idealab, Kiwi Aliwarga, and The Director of PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi, Desi Hapsari, also virtually attended.

“On behalf of FMIPA UGM, we will support this collaboration,” stated Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si in his address. The developed research product is a system designed to manage and supervise the use of encryption keys in cryptography. “This product can be considered the first of its kind in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. As information, the KMS product has been certified by Common Criteria (ISO 15408), recognized in 31 countries. So, this KMS product can be applied in 31 countries. Because it’s the first, the challenge is how our resources can support it. Honestly, we have to admit that finding experts in the field of cryptography is still very limited,” explained Ali Antonius, the Regional Head of UMG Idealab (Sandhiguna). The existing research collaboration is a manifestation of the SDGs values in the fields of innovation and partnership, aiming to achieve goals in addressing data security issues and digital crimes.

The Head of the Cryptography Research Team, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si., conveyed that the synergy in research will expand and strengthen interdisciplinary research, such as mathematics and computer science. “On the other hand, this research is an implementation of existing knowledge to address issues such as data security and cybercrime. The challenge in this collaboration lies in standardizing a robust security system to withstand hacking,” explained Indah. The hope is that this research will raise awareness of data security and digital literacy across multiple sectors, including government, society, and other institutions. Ali also expressed his hope, saying, “May this collaboration proceed smoothly and well. Together, let’s build products that can benefit Indonesia because currently and in the future data security is an absolute necessity. Also, both parties can mutually benefit from this collaboration.”

Humas FMIPA UGM | Febriska Noor Fitriana

Photo: Hero Prakosa Wibowo Priyanto

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