






FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd “SAKA” Join Hands, Approve Field Study Collaboration in Pangkah, Gresik, East Java.

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UGM menyepakati Kerja Sama Studi bersama dengan PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 1 Agustus 2023, di Ruang Sidang KPTU FMIPA UGM, dah dihadiri oleh Dosen Program Studi Geofisika, Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Penelitian dan Kerjasama.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM has agreed to collaborate on a joint study with PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. This activity took place on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, in the Meeting Room of KPTU FMIPA UGM and was attended by faculty members from the Geophysics Study Program. Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., served as the Vice Dean for Research and Collaboration.

This collaboration will focus on Low-Frequency Passive Seismic Studies in the Pangkah Field, Gresik, East Java. The kick-off meeting lasted for 8 hours, beginning with a presentation of FMIPA UGM’s profile, followed by a presentation of the profile by PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. The event concluded with a demonstration of the approved equipment for the joint project activities.

On this occasion, PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd expressed appreciation for the high focus, seriousness, and innovation demonstrated by FMIPA UGM in this research. “FMIPA is currently undergoing rebranding, not only as a faculty focused on integral learning but also as a faculty that generates many creative ideas and innovations used to address societal and environmental issues, of course with technology and science,” continued Mr. Wiwit.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that there will be synergy between FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd to produce high-quality research and innovative solutions in the field of low-frequency seismic studies.


Writer : Erma Nur Janahwati

Photographer : Erma Nur Janahwati

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“Sharing Taiwanese Culture Experiences Through Taiwan Culture Sharing”

Yogyakarta, August 1, 2023 – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), in collaboration with the Taiwan Center UGM, successfully organized an event titled “Taiwan Culture Sharing.” The event took place in the Meeting Room of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Building S1 Level 4, from 09:00 to 11:30.

The Taiwan Culture Sharing event was attended by a group of students from Tamkang University, Taiwan. As the name suggests, the students from Tamkang University shared their experiences about life as students in Taiwan. They enthusiastically shared various aspects, ranging from the academic environment to the unique urban life in the country.

One of the interesting topics presented by the Tamkang University students was about the most frequently used social media platforms in Taiwan. This topic caught the attention of the attendees because social media plays a significant role in daily life.

The Q&A session became one of the interactive moments during the event. Participants eagerly asked questions about various aspects of Taiwan, and one of the questions was about the most festive festival there. The Tamkang University students enthusiastically responded that the Lunar Festival or Mooncake Festival is one of the most lively festivals, usually held in September. This information expanded the participants’ insights into Taiwan’s rich and diverse culture.

Following the Q&A session, the event continued with a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) session. Participants were divided into several groups, and Tamkang University students accompanied each group for in-depth discussions on various topics. The discussions were enthusiastic, with some delving into academic life at their respective universities, others learning each other’s languages, and some discussing culture and the differences between Indonesia and Taiwan.

The Taiwan Culture Sharing event concluded with a group photo session to capture this precious moment. Afterward, all participants enjoyed a shared lunch as a bonding opportunity.

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Graduation of the Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM, Period IV Academic Year 2022/2023

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM held a postgraduate graduation ceremony on July 26, 2023. A total of 30 graduates successfully completed their studies. This event marked a historic moment for them, and among the graduates, some achieved outstanding accomplishments.

Faathir Al Faath R. from the chemistry program was recognized as the best graduate in the master’s program with an outstanding GPA of 3.98. Similarly, Anita Dwi P., also from the chemistry program, achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0 as the best doctoral graduate.

Furthermore, this graduation ceremony was a momentous occasion for 11 graduates who earned the title of cum laude for their academic excellence. Their achievements as outstanding students serve as inspiration to their fellow students and demonstrate that dedication and focus in learning can lead to remarkable results.

The Importance of Adaptability in Times of Development

In his welcoming speech, the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., delivered an important message to the graduates. He emphasized the significance of an adaptive mindset in the midst of rapid developments in the current era. The advancements in technology and science today demand individuals to be constantly ready to change and adapt quickly. Additionally, Prof. Kuwat also highlighted the crucial role of soft skills in facilitating this process of adaptation. The university is committed to providing support to graduates so they can develop the necessary soft skills for a competitive professional environment.

The university also makes efforts to provide graduates with access to international learning, collaboration, and certification opportunities to enhance the quality of their soft skills. This is seen as a breakthrough by the university to support the career success of its graduates on the global stage.

Prof. Kuwat also encouraged graduates to actively build their professional networks. Networking is considered a key factor in expanding career opportunities and future success. One of the suggested platforms for expanding their network is Kamipagama, where graduates can connect with professionals from various fields.

Overall, this graduation ceremony provided a lot of inspiration and motivation to all the graduates. They were encouraged to continue learning and adapting to the changing times, sharpen their soft skills, and actively build their professional networks. With dedication and determination, FMIPA UGM’s graduates are expected to achieve success in the future and serve as role models for future generations.

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FMIPA UGM Lecturer Prof. Mitrayana Conferred as Professor

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences lecturer, Prof. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si., has been inaugurated as a Professor in the field of Physics on Thursday (27/7) at the Senate Hall, UGM Central Building.

In his inaugural speech titled “Development of Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Application Research for Human Breath Analysis,” Prof. Mitrayana explained that photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is a phenomenon of interaction between electromagnetic wave radiation and matter that results in the conversion of photon energy into acoustic energy. Over the past two decades, there have been many studies on PAS methods using various laser radiation sources to detect several volatile organic compounds in human breath.

The applications of PAS in human health include biomarkers in human breath, clinical implementation of oxidative stress, in autism subjects, in schizophrenia subjects, and others. In essence, laser photoacoustic spectroscopy offers a unique possibility to detect multi-component gas samples in medical applications. This laser-based photoacoustic detector can detect trace gas concentrations under atmospheric conditions with high sensitivity in small gas volumes, non-invasively, and online in dynamic conditions.

The PAS method has been developed for several decades, and its potential in medical clinics has been recognized through numerous applications. The clinical applications of PAS include cancer therapy, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, autism, schizophrenia, and more.

Detecting VOCs from exhaled breath is an attractive non-invasive tool for disease detection and diagnosis. “Currently and in the future, the Laser Photoacoustic Group at the UGM FMIPA Atomic and Nuclear Physics Lab is developing a 3D photoacoustic imaging system with deep learning algorithm analysis and its application for potential cancer detection in body tissues,” he concluded.

Author: Erma

Photo: Rizky

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FMIPA Foresighting Discussion Forum: Foresight for Mathematics, Information Technology, and Natural Science for the Senate Faculty

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) organized a discussion forum on the future outlook of mathematics, information technology, and natural sciences, featuring three distinguished speakers.

Who are these distinguished speakers? Let’s find out more.

On July 24th, FMIPA UGM held a discussion forum focusing on the future outlook of mathematics, information technology, and natural sciences. The event took place at the 7th-floor Auditorium of the FMIPA UGM Lecture Building. During this event, three outstanding speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Jiangbang Deng from Tamkang University, Prof. Markus S. Schulz from The International Sociological Association, and Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni from Gadjah Mada University, were invited to share their thoughts.

The event started at 10:00 AM local time with the national anthem of Indonesia, “Indonesia Raya.” Following that, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, delivered his welcome remarks. To facilitate the discussion, Prof. Drs. Sri Juari Santosa, M.Eng., Ph.D., acted as the moderator.

Future Studies 101

The first topic, “Future Studies 101,” was presented by Prof. Jiangbang. He discussed 10 principles related to the future: the future is plural, the future is rational, the future is open, the future is fuzzy or unclear, the future is surprising, the future can be predicted, the future moves fast, the future also moves slowly, the future is general, and the future is both inbound and outbound. Prof. Jiangbang emphasized the importance of learning about the future, as it plays a crucial role in determining the actions to be taken in the present. Through an understanding of the future, we can be better prepared and wiser in facing the changes and challenges that lie ahead.

The Importance of Knowledge About Human Survival

The forum continued with Prof. Markus in the second session. In his presentation, Prof. Markus emphasized the importance of knowledge for the survival of humanity. He mentioned that discoveries like GeNose and studies on Mount Merapi are evidence of how crucial science is in facing life’s challenges. Similarly, the exploration of the future is also important and worthy of in-depth study.

Indonesia Digital Transformation

The third session was presented by Prof. Hermin, who talked more about the digital transformation in the world, especially in Indonesia. She emphasized that, just like technology, society as a whole needs to continually evolve and adapt. Humans play a role in responding to environmental changes, accompanied by the increasingly comprehensive use of technology. Prof. Hermin also mentioned that humans, communication, and technology are the resolution to the global crisis currently facing the world.

After the presentations by the speakers, an interactive question and answer session followed. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions about the discussion topics, which were enthusiastically answered by the speakers. Following the Q&A session, the event concluded with the Dean of FMIPA UGM presenting souvenirs to the speakers as a token of appreciation. The discussion forum ended with a group photo session between the participants and speakers as a memento.

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The Opening of The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023: Integrating Mathematics with Artificial Intelligence to Broaden Its Applicability through Industrial Collaborations

Yogyakarta – On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications was officially opened. This event is a quadrennial event that was first held in 1989. The 9th SEAMS-UGM in 2023 aims to provide a forum for researchers, lecturers, educators, industry professionals, and students to exchange ideas and enhance collaboration among researchers from Southeast Asian countries and other international researchers.

The opening ceremony started at 08:00 AM and was held at the 7th-floor Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The opening ceremony was also enlivened by a cultural performance featuring the Gambyong Pangkur dance. The attendees appeared enthusiastic and eager to welcome this prestigious academic event in the field of mathematics.

The opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., the chairman of the organizing committee, who warmly greeted all attendees and expressed gratitude for their participation in the conference. He also hoped that the conference would provide a means to deepen understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications, fostering new ideas in the world of mathematics.

Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M., the Vice Rector for Research, Community Service, and University Cooperation of Universitas Gadjah Mada, gave the opening speech. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of integrating mathematics and artificial intelligence (AI) and collaborating with industry. “Hopefully, this conference will provide innovations not only in the field of mathematics but also for the industrial and multidisciplinary fields,” he stated.

After a series of speeches, the opening of The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 was officially marked by the striking of a gong by Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M., accompanied by Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM, and Prof. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, the President of IndoMS.

The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications will be held for four consecutive days from July 25 to 28, 2023. During these four days, the conference will feature presentations by keynote speakers Paolo Giordano, Ph.D. (University of Vienna) and Aditya Karnik, Ph.D. (VP Data Science at Gojek). Additionally, there will be plenary sessions where 18 invited speakers will deliver inspirational presentations addressing important issues in the world of mathematics and its applications in various industries. Parallel sessions will also take place, where participants will give presentations in the fields of statistics, analysis, algebra, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, and mathematics education.

The opening of The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference and Its Applications is expected to be a historic event for the advancement of mathematics in the Southeast Asian region and worldwide. This conference serves as a platform to strengthen regional and international collaborations in the collective pursuit of scientific progress for a sustainable future.

Author: Endang Sulastri

Editor: Silvina Rosita Yulianti

Posted in Department News, Dept. Math News, Event

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Initiating Collaboration with the Tanoto Foundation on Stunting Prevention in Partnership with the Ministry of Health’s DTO and Kamipagama

The Tanoto Foundation is one of the major foundations in Indonesia that places special emphasis on health issues, particularly stunting. This aligns with the research activities at FMIPA UGM, many of which are related to the field of health.

On July 20, 2023, a delegation from FMIPA UGM led by the Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, along with a delegation from the Ministry of Health’s DTO led by COO DTO Kemenkes Mr. Daniel Oscar Baskoro and representatives of the FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama) led by Mr. Stephanus Nuswan Wibowo, visited the Tanoto Foundation in Jakarta. They were received by Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo, the CEO of the Tanoto Foundation, and his team. During the visit, several potential collaborations and partnerships were discussed, especially between UGM through FMIPA, DTO Kemenkes, and the Tanoto Foundation, particularly regarding digitalization in addressing stunting in Indonesia.

After the meeting with the Tanoto Foundation, discussions continued among the leadership of FMIPA UGM, COO DTO Kemenkes and the team, along with representatives of FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama), regarding the technical details of cooperation that are ready to be implemented in the near future and other potential collaborations that can be pursued in the future. (FA’23)

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FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd “SAKA” Join Hands, Approve Field Study Collaboration in Pangkah, Gresik, East Java.

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UGM menyepakati Kerja Sama Studi bersama dengan PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 1 Agustus 2023, di Ruang Sidang KPTU FMIPA UGM, dah dihadiri oleh Dosen Program Studi Geofisika, Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Penelitian dan Kerjasama.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM has agreed to collaborate on a joint study with PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. This activity took place on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, in the Meeting Room of KPTU FMIPA UGM and was attended by faculty members from the Geophysics Study Program. Wiwit Suryanto, S. Si., M. Si., served as the Vice Dean for Research and Collaboration.

This collaboration will focus on Low-Frequency Passive Seismic Studies in the Pangkah Field, Gresik, East Java. The kick-off meeting lasted for 8 hours, beginning with a presentation of FMIPA UGM’s profile, followed by a presentation of the profile by PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. The event concluded with a demonstration of the approved equipment for the joint project activities.

On this occasion, PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd expressed appreciation for the high focus, seriousness, and innovation demonstrated by FMIPA UGM in this research. “FMIPA is currently undergoing rebranding, not only as a faculty focused on integral learning but also as a faculty that generates many creative ideas and innovations used to address societal and environmental issues, of course with technology and science,” continued Mr. Wiwit.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that there will be synergy between FMIPA UGM and PT SAKA Indonesia Pangkah Ltd to produce high-quality research and innovative solutions in the field of low-frequency seismic studies.


Writer : Erma Nur Janahwati

Photographer : Erma Nur Janahwati

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“Sharing Taiwanese Culture Experiences Through Taiwan Culture Sharing”

Yogyakarta, August 1, 2023 – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), in collaboration with the Taiwan Center UGM, successfully organized an event titled “Taiwan Culture Sharing.” The event took place in the Meeting Room of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Building S1 Level 4, from 09:00 to 11:30.

The Taiwan Culture Sharing event was attended by a group of students from Tamkang University, Taiwan. As the name suggests, the students from Tamkang University shared their experiences about life as students in Taiwan. They enthusiastically shared various aspects, ranging from the academic environment to the unique urban life in the country.

One of the interesting topics presented by the Tamkang University students was about the most frequently used social media platforms in Taiwan. This topic caught the attention of the attendees because social media plays a significant role in daily life.

The Q&A session became one of the interactive moments during the event. Participants eagerly asked questions about various aspects of Taiwan, and one of the questions was about the most festive festival there. The Tamkang University students enthusiastically responded that the Lunar Festival or Mooncake Festival is one of the most lively festivals, usually held in September. This information expanded the participants’ insights into Taiwan’s rich and diverse culture.

Following the Q&A session, the event continued with a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) session. Participants were divided into several groups, and Tamkang University students accompanied each group for in-depth discussions on various topics. The discussions were enthusiastic, with some delving into academic life at their respective universities, others learning each other’s languages, and some discussing culture and the differences between Indonesia and Taiwan.

The Taiwan Culture Sharing event concluded with a group photo session to capture this precious moment. Afterward, all participants enjoyed a shared lunch as a bonding opportunity.

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Graduation of the Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM, Period IV Academic Year 2022/2023

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM held a postgraduate graduation ceremony on July 26, 2023. A total of 30 graduates successfully completed their studies. This event marked a historic moment for them, and among the graduates, some achieved outstanding accomplishments.

Faathir Al Faath R. from the chemistry program was recognized as the best graduate in the master’s program with an outstanding GPA of 3.98. Similarly, Anita Dwi P., also from the chemistry program, achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0 as the best doctoral graduate.

Furthermore, this graduation ceremony was a momentous occasion for 11 graduates who earned the title of cum laude for their academic excellence. Their achievements as outstanding students serve as inspiration to their fellow students and demonstrate that dedication and focus in learning can lead to remarkable results.

The Importance of Adaptability in Times of Development

In his welcoming speech, the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., delivered an important message to the graduates. He emphasized the significance of an adaptive mindset in the midst of rapid developments in the current era. The advancements in technology and science today demand individuals to be constantly ready to change and adapt quickly. Additionally, Prof. Kuwat also highlighted the crucial role of soft skills in facilitating this process of adaptation. The university is committed to providing support to graduates so they can develop the necessary soft skills for a competitive professional environment.

The university also makes efforts to provide graduates with access to international learning, collaboration, and certification opportunities to enhance the quality of their soft skills. This is seen as a breakthrough by the university to support the career success of its graduates on the global stage.

Prof. Kuwat also encouraged graduates to actively build their professional networks. Networking is considered a key factor in expanding career opportunities and future success. One of the suggested platforms for expanding their network is Kamipagama, where graduates can connect with professionals from various fields.

Overall, this graduation ceremony provided a lot of inspiration and motivation to all the graduates. They were encouraged to continue learning and adapting to the changing times, sharpen their soft skills, and actively build their professional networks. With dedication and determination, FMIPA UGM’s graduates are expected to achieve success in the future and serve as role models for future generations.

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FMIPA UGM Lecturer Prof. Mitrayana Conferred as Professor

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences lecturer, Prof. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si., has been inaugurated as a Professor in the field of Physics on Thursday (27/7) at the Senate Hall, UGM Central Building.

In his inaugural speech titled “Development of Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Application Research for Human Breath Analysis,” Prof. Mitrayana explained that photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is a phenomenon of interaction between electromagnetic wave radiation and matter that results in the conversion of photon energy into acoustic energy. Over the past two decades, there have been many studies on PAS methods using various laser radiation sources to detect several volatile organic compounds in human breath.

The applications of PAS in human health include biomarkers in human breath, clinical implementation of oxidative stress, in autism subjects, in schizophrenia subjects, and others. In essence, laser photoacoustic spectroscopy offers a unique possibility to detect multi-component gas samples in medical applications. This laser-based photoacoustic detector can detect trace gas concentrations under atmospheric conditions with high sensitivity in small gas volumes, non-invasively, and online in dynamic conditions.

The PAS method has been developed for several decades, and its potential in medical clinics has been recognized through numerous applications. The clinical applications of PAS include cancer therapy, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, autism, schizophrenia, and more.

Detecting VOCs from exhaled breath is an attractive non-invasive tool for disease detection and diagnosis. “Currently and in the future, the Laser Photoacoustic Group at the UGM FMIPA Atomic and Nuclear Physics Lab is developing a 3D photoacoustic imaging system with deep learning algorithm analysis and its application for potential cancer detection in body tissues,” he concluded.

Author: Erma

Photo: Rizky

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FMIPA Foresighting Discussion Forum: Foresight for Mathematics, Information Technology, and Natural Science for the Senate Faculty

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) organized a discussion forum on the future outlook of mathematics, information technology, and natural sciences, featuring three distinguished speakers.

Who are these distinguished speakers? Let’s find out more.

On July 24th, FMIPA UGM held a discussion forum focusing on the future outlook of mathematics, information technology, and natural sciences. The event took place at the 7th-floor Auditorium of the FMIPA UGM Lecture Building. During this event, three outstanding speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Jiangbang Deng from Tamkang University, Prof. Markus S. Schulz from The International Sociological Association, and Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni from Gadjah Mada University, were invited to share their thoughts.

The event started at 10:00 AM local time with the national anthem of Indonesia, “Indonesia Raya.” Following that, Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM, delivered his welcome remarks. To facilitate the discussion, Prof. Drs. Sri Juari Santosa, M.Eng., Ph.D., acted as the moderator.

Future Studies 101

The first topic, “Future Studies 101,” was presented by Prof. Jiangbang. He discussed 10 principles related to the future: the future is plural, the future is rational, the future is open, the future is fuzzy or unclear, the future is surprising, the future can be predicted, the future moves fast, the future also moves slowly, the future is general, and the future is both inbound and outbound. Prof. Jiangbang emphasized the importance of learning about the future, as it plays a crucial role in determining the actions to be taken in the present. Through an understanding of the future, we can be better prepared and wiser in facing the changes and challenges that lie ahead.

The Importance of Knowledge About Human Survival

The forum continued with Prof. Markus in the second session. In his presentation, Prof. Markus emphasized the importance of knowledge for the survival of humanity. He mentioned that discoveries like GeNose and studies on Mount Merapi are evidence of how crucial science is in facing life’s challenges. Similarly, the exploration of the future is also important and worthy of in-depth study.

Indonesia Digital Transformation

The third session was presented by Prof. Hermin, who talked more about the digital transformation in the world, especially in Indonesia. She emphasized that, just like technology, society as a whole needs to continually evolve and adapt. Humans play a role in responding to environmental changes, accompanied by the increasingly comprehensive use of technology. Prof. Hermin also mentioned that humans, communication, and technology are the resolution to the global crisis currently facing the world.

After the presentations by the speakers, an interactive question and answer session followed. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions about the discussion topics, which were enthusiastically answered by the speakers. Following the Q&A session, the event concluded with the Dean of FMIPA UGM presenting souvenirs to the speakers as a token of appreciation. The discussion forum ended with a group photo session between the participants and speakers as a memento.

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The Opening of The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023: Integrating Mathematics with Artificial Intelligence to Broaden Its Applicability through Industrial Collaborations

Yogyakarta – On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications was officially opened. This event is a quadrennial event that was first held in 1989. The 9th SEAMS-UGM in 2023 aims to provide a forum for researchers, lecturers, educators, industry professionals, and students to exchange ideas and enhance collaboration among researchers from Southeast Asian countries and other international researchers.

The opening ceremony started at 08:00 AM and was held at the 7th-floor Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The opening ceremony was also enlivened by a cultural performance featuring the Gambyong Pangkur dance. The attendees appeared enthusiastic and eager to welcome this prestigious academic event in the field of mathematics.

The opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., the chairman of the organizing committee, who warmly greeted all attendees and expressed gratitude for their participation in the conference. He also hoped that the conference would provide a means to deepen understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications, fostering new ideas in the world of mathematics.

Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M., the Vice Rector for Research, Community Service, and University Cooperation of Universitas Gadjah Mada, gave the opening speech. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of integrating mathematics and artificial intelligence (AI) and collaborating with industry. “Hopefully, this conference will provide innovations not only in the field of mathematics but also for the industrial and multidisciplinary fields,” he stated.

After a series of speeches, the opening of The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 was officially marked by the striking of a gong by Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M., accompanied by Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UGM, and Prof. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, the President of IndoMS.

The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications will be held for four consecutive days from July 25 to 28, 2023. During these four days, the conference will feature presentations by keynote speakers Paolo Giordano, Ph.D. (University of Vienna) and Aditya Karnik, Ph.D. (VP Data Science at Gojek). Additionally, there will be plenary sessions where 18 invited speakers will deliver inspirational presentations addressing important issues in the world of mathematics and its applications in various industries. Parallel sessions will also take place, where participants will give presentations in the fields of statistics, analysis, algebra, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, and mathematics education.

The opening of The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference and Its Applications is expected to be a historic event for the advancement of mathematics in the Southeast Asian region and worldwide. This conference serves as a platform to strengthen regional and international collaborations in the collective pursuit of scientific progress for a sustainable future.

Author: Endang Sulastri

Editor: Silvina Rosita Yulianti

Posted in Department News, Dept. Math News, Event

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Initiating Collaboration with the Tanoto Foundation on Stunting Prevention in Partnership with the Ministry of Health’s DTO and Kamipagama

The Tanoto Foundation is one of the major foundations in Indonesia that places special emphasis on health issues, particularly stunting. This aligns with the research activities at FMIPA UGM, many of which are related to the field of health.

On July 20, 2023, a delegation from FMIPA UGM led by the Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, along with a delegation from the Ministry of Health’s DTO led by COO DTO Kemenkes Mr. Daniel Oscar Baskoro and representatives of the FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama) led by Mr. Stephanus Nuswan Wibowo, visited the Tanoto Foundation in Jakarta. They were received by Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo, the CEO of the Tanoto Foundation, and his team. During the visit, several potential collaborations and partnerships were discussed, especially between UGM through FMIPA, DTO Kemenkes, and the Tanoto Foundation, particularly regarding digitalization in addressing stunting in Indonesia.

After the meeting with the Tanoto Foundation, discussions continued among the leadership of FMIPA UGM, COO DTO Kemenkes and the team, along with representatives of FMIPA UGM Alumni Association (Kamipagama), regarding the technical details of cooperation that are ready to be implemented in the near future and other potential collaborations that can be pursued in the future. (FA’23)

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