





Agustus 14, 2023

Monev Internal PKM FMIPA UGM Team

On Sunday (August 13), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM conducted internal monitoring and evaluation (Monev) for all teams from FMIPA UGM that successfully secured funding for the 2023 Student Creativity Program (PKM). The event aimed to review the progress of each team and also prepare for the university-level PKM team Monev. The internal Monev of FMIPA took place in the Turing Meeting Room of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics on the 4th floor of FMIPA UGM. There were 37 teams from FMIPA that secured funding for PKM, with details as follows: 14 teams for PKM-RE (Exact Research), 11 teams for PKM-KC (Creative Ideas), 1 team for PKM-KI (Innovative Works), 7 teams for PKM-K (Entrepreneurship), and 4 teams for PKM-PM (Community Service).

The event started at 08:00 AM WIB with the MC’s opening, followed by a speech from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM. In his speech, he provided motivation and encouragement to the PKM teams. The event continued with guidance from Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., representing the PKM Center UGM. He mentioned that the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is at the forefront of UGM in the PKM competition, so all teams must be diligent in working on their projects.

After the opening ceremony, all teams were divided into three rooms based on the type of PKM they were working on. PKM-RE teams were monitored by Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., PKM-KC and PKM-KI teams were in one room monitored by Dr. Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, while PKM-K and PKM-PM teams were in one room monitored by Mr. Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Si. Each group was given 7-10 minutes to present the progress of their PKM project, and then the monitors evaluated and provided suggestions for the continuation of each group’s project.

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Monev Internal PKM FMIPA UGM Team

On Sunday (August 13), the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM conducted internal monitoring and evaluation (Monev) for all teams from FMIPA UGM that successfully secured funding for the 2023 Student Creativity Program (PKM). The event aimed to review the progress of each team and also prepare for the university-level PKM team Monev. The internal Monev of FMIPA took place in the Turing Meeting Room of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics on the 4th floor of FMIPA UGM. There were 37 teams from FMIPA that secured funding for PKM, with details as follows: 14 teams for PKM-RE (Exact Research), 11 teams for PKM-KC (Creative Ideas), 1 team for PKM-KI (Innovative Works), 7 teams for PKM-K (Entrepreneurship), and 4 teams for PKM-PM (Community Service).

The event started at 08:00 AM WIB with the MC’s opening, followed by a speech from Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si., the Dean of FMIPA UGM. In his speech, he provided motivation and encouragement to the PKM teams. The event continued with guidance from Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., representing the PKM Center UGM. He mentioned that the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is at the forefront of UGM in the PKM competition, so all teams must be diligent in working on their projects.

After the opening ceremony, all teams were divided into three rooms based on the type of PKM they were working on. PKM-RE teams were monitored by Mr. Suherman, Ph.D., PKM-KC and PKM-KI teams were in one room monitored by Dr. Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, while PKM-K and PKM-PM teams were in one room monitored by Mr. Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, M.Si. Each group was given 7-10 minutes to present the progress of their PKM project, and then the monitors evaluated and provided suggestions for the continuation of each group’s project.

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